Review of Phantoms

Phantoms (1998)
A fun, enjoyable, spooky movie
16 August 1999
My Age: 13

Lisa and Jennifer Pailey, played by Rose McGowan and Joanna Going, visit their family in a small town called Snowfield. The whole town is quiet and appears abandoned until they find some dead bodies. They run into the town sheriff, played by Ben Affleck, and his deputies, who must save themselves from the mysterious things around that are out to get them. Soon the authorities show up, as does journalist Timothy Flyte, played by Peter O'Toole, who may know what is going on.

Phantoms is a mysterious, spooky film that is also fun and enjoyable. Good performances from Ben Affleck and Peter O'Toole as well as most of the others. There are some suspenseful scenes in the film and it is exciting. It is interesting and I find the plot to be quite a good one. Overall, it is a fun, spooky film with good performances and I recommend it.

Australian Classification: MA 15+: Medium Level Violence, Horror Theme

Rating: 70 out of 100
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