25 September 2000
HM 2000 is a fun, action-loaded adult-animated movie that makes no apologies for being what it is: a guilty pleasure. I loved the mixture of 2-D and 3-D animation, and the voice performances by Julie, Mike and Billy are wickedly impressive. Plus, the mad-thumping soundtrack by bands like Days of the New, MDFMK, System of a Down is a sweet icing on the cake.

Based on "The Melting Pot", a comic book by Simon Bisley, Eric Talbot and Kevin Eastman (Julie's husband and head of the adult illustrated magazine "Heavy Metal"), HM 2000 is wickedly twisted, telling the tale of a power-mad space pirate who wants to live forever and the female warrior who wishes to stop him since she murdered her people and destroyed her homeworld.

I wished this movie came out in US theaters, but movie-house owners are too chicken, fearing parents and politicos. What the heck is "The Simpsons" and "South Park"? Instead of a honest adult-animated film, there's a con job named "Titan A.E" which bombed at the box office. This sequel's more respectful of the 1981 classic, and I hope there's plans for a third "Heavy Metal" film.

Keep the metal heavy!
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