Enemy Shadow (1995)
Action movie that keeps your attention
7 July 2000
The beginning moments appear rather straightforward, but soon there are plenty of guns, explosions, bullets-in-the-head, and... artsy styling and voice-over poetry. Very interesting.

The camera loves Jade Leung, and with the affectionate lovey-dovey scenes it appeared that her co-star liked her very much as well. Jade Leung certainly is a looker.

The photography is top-notch. Blazing orange sunsets, splashes of color and plenty of intense close-ups.

I actually liked the shadow poetry, and I liked the use of shadows towards the the end of the movie. There is plenty of blood too. People are machine-gunned and are still ready to duke it out in a fast and furious fist fight. It is easy to lose count of how many times a character (still on his feet) has been shot.

Although the direction was all candy for the eye, what did not work was the story telling. The plot does not always come through so smooth.

Another weakness was that sometimes the action scenes were a bit overly predictable. Surely, the person holding a gun on the guy with only a knife is going to walk up close and... SLASH!

I say check this movie out for yourself.
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