It's My Party (1996)
A misleading portrayal, with melodramatic delivery
2 November 1999
As someone who is in remission from PML, I found this film off the mark. Granted, the message is about death and dignity, but it miseducates the viewers in the process. Not everyone dies of PML (I've had it since late 1996), and the people who do certainly aren't capable of having parties if they're within 2 weeks of losing it. This film was a huge obstacle for me when I told people of my illness. Some had seen it, and immediately applied the "knowledge" they'd gained as the context for the disease. This simply was not accurate information, for the most part.

Aside from the portrayals of "fact", I found the acting to be forced, the dialogue melodramatic (at times just plain silly), and the flow of the story to be caught up with too many details and superficial characters who didn't really belong. The only notable performance was Bronson Pinchot, who stole every scene he was in, to the point where he sometimes carried the film on his own.

This film was annoying, overly long, poorly cast and badly acted. No character seemed real, and I couldn't identify with any of them except Pinchot's. The whole affair seemed more reminiscent of the cheesy soap opera Ryan's Hope than a party of friends. If you want a tear-jerking ensemble movie, watch Longtime Companion or Relax It's Just Sex instead.
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