Three Bores In A Boat
2 November 2003
It`s difficult to review DESPERATE JOURNEY because I watched it immediatly after watching THREADS , the BBC nuclear holocaust docu-drama from 1984 where the whole of humanity go up in smoke through no fault of their own so I`ve got a bit of a problem empathising with 3 jerks who decide to go on a yachting trip in the middle of a hurricane . My feelings of contempt weren`t helped by the fact that were so ill prepared for sailing into a hurricane . Mind you obviously the gods were against them since the fresh water supply got contaminated by salt water , let`s see , they keep their emergency fresh water in plastic jerry cans with screw on caps and it gets contaminated by the sea , so it`s obviously an act of god , or more likely plain old fashioned artistic licence , and if dramatic licence is involved couldn`t the scriptwriter have made the characters vaugely likable ? Just by having one of the characters a pregnant woman and another a Chuck Norris lookalike doesn`t guarantee an audience will want them to survive , especially if they`re as boorish , whining and let`s not forget they like to go sailing on the high seas in the middle of a hurricane so they`re not exactly in line for the Albert Einstein award for intellect are they ?
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