Best of the books made in great movie
5 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
*update* I originally wrote the review in 2002, but I have had a chance to watch it again. Mostly the movie was faithful to the book, but I think there are still some elements that weren't done well.

1. The prison scenes, I think the flashbacks were done exactly how it should but the rest wasn't. For example: In several years that they spend together, we should have had a clearer idea of how the abbot was teaching Edmond to be and behave like Count. 2. The part where he was rescued by the captain after escaping and until the scenes of 10 years later, the missing parts were important. For one, the book describes how they had a falling out and in a knife duel he spares his life, thus gaining a loyal friend for life. 3. The ending was not too clear as some parts were a bit confusing.

Anyway, I think it's about 7/10 out and with few chances/additions, it could be 9/10. I just don't think anyone can make a 10/10 movie, that's as good as the book.

*update* Since this movie was done in Russian not many people who aren't native to Russia may not have have seen it

I seen most euro/USA remakes of this wonderful book, however none of them even come close to the excellence of this version.

While its a big long (almost 4 hrs) i think its fair length, since the book is about 1600 pages

the 4 hrs you spend watching the movie are 4 hrs that you are unable to move from your seat until the movie has ended. It relays the intrigue of the book almost as well as the book itself

I have to applause ussr filmaking of the past time for not caring for size but caring about the quality
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