A Must See! Great Fantasy Film!!!
23 August 2002
I think most people that have seen this will agree that this is one of the best fantasy films ever made! I think I may have to agree with them!

This film has a special place in my heart, cause I grew up with this film. I've probably seen this film more times than any other movie (although, it may be too close to call with "Labyrinth", "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Dark Crystal" in the running)! Isn't it funny how when you were young you could watch the same movie over and over and over and over and never get sick of it...not that a whole lot has changed since then, but it cracks me up how well I remember this film ever time I see it. I remember just about ever line, every scene, every nuance, every single little miniscule detail about this movie! Ok...I'm sounding a bit obsessed aren't I.

Well, what I'm trying to say here is that this is a great film and with an excellent story. The acting, directing, special effects, and everything else is just excellent in this film! Wolfgang Petersen really out-did himself with this film! I would definitely recommend this film to anyone that likes fantasy films...what am I saying, I would (and do) recommend this film to EVERYONE! What are you reading this review for? Go see this movie!!! Thanks for reading,

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