Contamination (1980)
i WILL eat these green eggs and ham
14 August 2004
In an abandoned ship in Ney York harbor, coffee boxes are found containing green eggs that have the same effect as 'chestbursters" did in those Alien movies. So you know there are gonna be lots of exploiding bodies (both humans and rats) in this ultra-cheesy Italian rip-off of "Alien". It Is fun though (the begining and end, not so much the middle) if you're into Italian horror, which I am. It has a cool Goblins score as well. But why the hell would you have a shower scene and NO nudity??!!? what a waist. I'll tell you this though, the part in that "Nightmare on Elm Street" movie where freddy swallows one of his victims whole doesn't seem to be all that original now.

Blue Underground DVD Extras: 'Alien Arrives on Earth' (an 18 minute documentary); a 23 minutes interview with Luigi Cozzi; theatrical trailer; poster & stills gallery; and conceptual drawings

DVD-ROM: Graphic novel

My Grade: B-
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