Little Ladies of the Night (1977 TV Movie)
Graphic (for its time)
29 June 2004
This was a pretty disturbing TV movie about a young girl who runs away from home and is forced into a life of prostitution.

I saw this when I was in high school and I was really surprised at how graphic it was. It wouldn't be made today. Some might view this film as horribly exploitive--in fact it almost never played on TV! When ABC showed the film to its affiliates in 1977, quite a number said they would not show it. They felt it was TOO depressing and graphic. It was heavily edited (you can tell) and then released. The two sequences that have never left me are Purl being attacked by the other prostitutes and when a fat, ugly, slobbering man starts to undress her and has sex with her (off screen thankfully). Her reactions afterwards were just harrowing.

I do like it but it seems to go out of its way to shock you and has an ending that I didn't buy for one second. Still, it's one of the better 1970s TV teen movies.
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