Day for Night (1973)
Amusing in parts
12 July 2004
Because i like films with small casts, this one is not my kind of film. I find it a bit confusing with so many characters (with so many different problems) coming and going at breakneck speed. If ever I wished to become a movie director, I think this film has certainly cured me of that desire unless of course it was my intention to commit suicide following a nervous breakdown.

The production of a film within a film was interesting for me never having experienced a large movie set. I thought the kitten scene was hilarious. As an actor I've been on stage with a dog and i know the unexpected problems one encounters. Also, it's nerve wracking when some players cannot remember their lines. I've used the same ploy myself by pinning sections of the script to walls and curtains and furniture. In fact at one time i thought this was an original idea of mine. I was highly amused to see the idea used by players in the film about Pamela.

It is said that being on a movie set can be very boring because of the repeat takes. If you are not in that particular scene you may have to sit around for hours. I have to admit that this film develops the right atmosphere with lots of pressure on the director as he attempts to finish the film within the prescribed time limit and so many of the players happen to be absent at the moment when required to do their part.

I was delighted to pick up quite a few bits of technical information e.g. a burning candle is fitted with an electric globe half way down the length of the candle (out of sight of the camera of course) which gives a nice glow on the face of the character. We are told that a revolver should be held at arms length for best dramatic effect and the size of the firearm is important too. The snow making equipment was intriguing and the effect quite convincing. Lots of aspects of movie making are included such as priming oneself with alcohol before going on the set and the dangers of overdoing it. Obvious Truffaut has faced all the eccentricities of movie making and combines them with good effect in this film.
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