I've always loved this movie
4 October 2002
Yes, I know, it perpetuates loathsome stereotypes. But it's also a period piece, and the final legacy of a number of talented actors lost to the AIDS epidemic -- yes, I know they made other movies, but the gay community isn't going to remember Leonard Frey primarily as Motel Kamzoil. They're going to remember him as the "pockmarked Jew fairy" with the pot garnished salads served to dear Ma-Ma. LOL

I was only three years old in 1968 when the original play came out, and I didn't see this movie for myself until the late 1980s. But it still records for me an era and a mood that should not be forgotten, if only because it reminds us of how very far we've come. People should not be shielded from the realities of the past in order to sugarcoat history.

RIP Robert LaTourneaux; Leonard Frey; Kenneth Nelson; Keith Prentice; and Frederick Combs.
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