Engrossing Enough
17 June 2001
This film was helmed by a man who two weeks ago I had never heard of. William Witney directed many films yet most are totally unaware of who he is. Thanks to Quentin Tarantino, many of us in Seattle have been somewhat enlightened. This film is a JD picture from the late 50's. Although extremely tame by todays standards, it is certainly good enough to hold the attention of all but the most impatient of my generation. As far as Witney's work is concerned, his direction is in my opinion quite good. The sets look well thought out and the pace is never slow. The story is good enough but nothing too memorable. I didn't like this movie as much as another Witney picture Tarantino presented (Santa Fe Passage)but enjoyed it purely to watch a director who was a master of his craft. In todays directorial excesses of stylish shots and flash, its good to take some time and examine a film that is more story driven than style driven. I don't think I liked this as much as Quentin, but still enjoyed it nonetheless. 6/10.
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