Review of Who Done It?

Who Done It? (1949)
The world is now a safer place, thanks to the Three Stooges
12 July 2000
I was jumping like crazy when the video store called me to let me know that this movie "Who Done It" was in. I'm happy I didn't get a speeding ticket as I was racing there to pick it up.

I have just about all the dialogue and scenes memorized and I laugh constantly from the nuttiness of this movie plus all its characters.

One thing that really gets me is the beautiful women that work in these shorts. In this case I'm talking about Christine McIntyre. I think she has been in maybe twenty plus movies with the Three Stooges and has played a myriad of different characters. A very accomplished actress.

The next thing that gets me is the character "The Goon". I always wonder where do they pick these guys up from. You know full well that our heroes, the Three Stooges will always find some way to defeat these monsters. Until they do, it's funny just watching the Stooges just trying to avoid him.

As far as I am concerned, this is one of the better, if not one of the best Three Stooges shorts!
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