Doctor Syn (1937)
An Okay End of a Career
25 April 2004
The final film of the actor George Arliss was this version of the story of Dr Syn, who was a pastor by day and a smuggler by night. Later versions would star Peter Cushing for Hammer and Patrick McGoohan for Disney, this is the weakest version of the story.

The movie is okay melodrama, but isn't anything to write home about. Certainly had it not been an a multi-feature DVD I would never have picked it up, but now that I've seen it I can't say it was a complete waste of time.

Part of the problem is that Arliss was well past his prime when he played the lead. While the fact that he was pushing 70 should not be held against him; the fact that he looked very close to dead, or at least embalmed and was playing a man of action should. The role should have been played by Tod Slaughter and you would have had a classic film.In his day Arliss was hailed as a great actor of the stage, unfortunately sound came too late to allow him to be anything but okay.

If you want an okay time killer or to see a once great actors last gasp then see this version of Doctor Syn, otherwise stay away.
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