It seemed a good idea,at the time!
21 February 2004
This was one of those early 30s attempts to look into the future but with more imagination than practicality little realizing how the technology and fascination of cross-channel air travel would swiftly develop. There was also the idea mooted in "TransAtlantic Tunnel"(1935)which featured Richard Dix & George Arliss that virtually sunk without trace but then actually sort of became reality with the excavation & opening of the(English) Channel Tunnel now a popular and functional reality to change access to Europe forever. But H G Wells got it right in a somewhat ironic way in "Things To Come".

I would like to correct a blind error of confusion & hindsight by some critics who should know better. The film had a long forgotten theme song "Lighthouse Across The Bay" which was later released on record. Conrad Veidt did not sing to this recording, he only recited the words pretty much as Rex Harrison preferred to do in "Dr Doolittle" much later.
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