Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom (2023) Poster

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weak on jokes
imdb-40555 February 2023
Some funny moments but too many long sequences without jokes and, to be frank, not interesting. One kungfu fight would have been enough.

Totally useless cameo by soccer player Zlatan Something.

I liked the new Obelix, Gilles Lelouche gave to the character a lot that was missing in the lazy Depardieu acting. Canet was rather ineffective as Astérix. The character is supposed to be smart and funny, he played him as a bumbling idiot. A vegan Astérix ? What a stupid idea.

Cotillard was a very nice Cléopatre for the whole minute she is on screen. Cassel was, as usual, quite convincing as César. But his entourage was lackluster.
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rdvljunk19 February 2023
The first Asterix and Oblix movie was pretty much fun, but things went downhill from there with this as an absolute low. There are some funny moments but all in all it dragged on and on and on. None of the characters were really convincing, except for Oblix, Tatan and the empress. Asterix, who should be the leading hero, was exceptionally poor, really dull. The introduction of Ibrahimovic was useless with some predictable footbal jokes.

It may also have been the french humor, which isn't humor at all but just acting a bit silly and make it drag-on. Like Ceasar's writter who was a bit fun at first but become more and more anoying: "yes now we know, get on with it"
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The movie with a tons of jokes and a tons of a special guests
AvionPrince164 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I need to say that the movie were pretty classic but really annoyed me its the number of jokes who really bored me and let me pretty indifferent each time. This movie feel like a commercial thing: a lot of youtubers, stars and singers to promote the movie and make it more able to gain more people attentions and thats pretty sad to rely on popularities instead of a performance of a fresh actors. I was pretty disappointed overall and the jokes dont make it better. The story is pretty classic a woman to save and a lot of useless dialogues, mise en scene and love moments(that feel pretty useless because we already know that Asterix and Obelix will stay single anyway. But i really enjoyed the set design, the costumes, the lights, all that make us really feel that Gaulois Vibes and i really appreciate that. We saw a lot of stars and that s really all what i remembered to be honest. A story that i didnt really get into it and some superficial characters even if we learned a bit more about Asterix and Obelix Childhood but thats all.
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3 Beers were not enough
tommy-9776127 March 2023
I was skeptical of this movie and did not plan on seeing it in a cinema, but then when the opportunity to view it in a small local theatre arose, I went for it. The advantage of the local theater that is in walking distance is that you can drink alcohol during the viewing. I managed 3 lagers and sadly that was not enough.

To be completely honest, there are things to like about this movie. Some of the jokes worked. The costumes, locations, effects and overall production value is very good. Ceasar and Cleopatra were fun to watch and carry the movie IMO. Why the bad rating you ask? I am sorry, but I cannot give any more points to a movie called Asterix & Obelix which gets the main character so completely wrong. It is a fundamental flaw that I can't get past. Asterix is supposed to be a smart, funny and likeable character. What have we got in this movie? He doesn't want to eat meat (but does anyway) and doesn't want to rely on the magic potion (but does anyway). The Magic potion side of things could have been a setup to showcase his wit and have him outsmart his oponents, such plotlines were done before but no, he just takes the potion as a hypocrite and carries on. Oh and there is a pointless loveinterest subplot. Imagine seeing this movie as your first encounter with Asterix and Obelix, which it for many kids probably is. The character onscreen is a nonagreable pretentios whiny hypocrite. Why anyone would want to watch any movies with THIS charater is baffling.

So much money spent on this movie and they couldn't afford anyone to write a decent script? It becomes more frustrating when you compare it to the last Animated movie, the secret of the magic potion. If you go one step beyond that, you get the excellent Mansion of the Gods movie, which means that there still are people who can write an engaging Asterix story out there.

This movie actually does more harm than it would if it were not made at all. If it does well at the box office, more such trash will be made. If it does poorly at the box office, the producers will think that the IP is dead and it can hinder any further Asterix movies ever being made. If future movies are to be made in the same spirit I guess the lesser evil would be not to have any more movies.

If you are a fan, then avoid this movie. If you are not, I can't see how this movie would turn you into one. Just forget it.
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Not bad, but there are better movies with these heroes
PeetaFr0d05 April 2023
This is an enjoyable, popcorn-friendly comedy, that will help you relax and forget some of your problems. Marion Cotillard becomes more prominent in the second half of the movie. Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a secondary character, to my surprise, but he elicits a few laughs. The new casting is likeable, but it doesn't quite live up to the old actors' talent and charm, meaning Gerard Depardieu and Christian Clavier were far better as Obelix and Asterix, respectively (too bad they' re too old), and the script is what you'd expect from a standard "Asterix and Obelix" movie. It's not super original, but it can hold your interest, and younger kids' as well. Overall, it's not a masterpiece, but it's not a waste of money and time, and it's a generally family-friendly movie, that it's funny enough.
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They managed to make it worst than Asterix At The Olympic Games
hamsterination3 May 2023
This film is an insult to Goscinny's work, which has already been well damaged.

Some people think that the film is offensive or incorrect and that this is the reason for the negative reviews, but let me reassure you, it is not. It is a pretext. The movie sucks, plain and simple. The story consists of a series of scenes that aim to place as many people as possible who are known (only in France for the most part) and who have no acting skills. Even the well-known and usually professional actors pale in comparison.

I didn't retain a single positive point. Oh yes, among the jokes, each one more desolate than the other, the lengths that are not funny at all (personally I would be ashamed if I had made such a lousy movie, I would have hidden and would never have assumed) and the script that would have been better if it had been written by a 9 year old.

Finally, this film is everything that is wrong with French cinema, plus the budget. You put your buddies, celebrities, you ask for a maximum of subsidies for a null result, and you take advantage of your knowledge in the media to inflate the box office and talk about this film every day as if the French cinema depended on it.

And personally, what I found most lamentable is that Guillaume Canet (the director) has arrogated to himself the role of the main character when he is not at the level.

It doesn't make you laugh, it makes you cry.
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Not bad not great
kwnnaw_rockfever12 February 2023
Not sure why there is so much hate in other reviews to be honest.

It wasn't perfect or the funniest thing ever and it did go on a bit longer than needed with a lot of sequences that could be removed. I think some moments needed a bit extra time than what it was given. It cut back and forth in a bit weird way and didn't have a good flow

They did play around with the names as jokes which worked good mostly, Zlatan's cameo was funny for those who understood basic soccer. A bit of adult humor too and some parallels with modern technology.

Overall it was a pretty good and relaxing movie to watch.
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What a sadness!
simeonchristophe7 February 2023
Sad scenario where there is nothing to laugh about. A succession of poor sketches by 95% of non actors. The director must have already had ideas elsewhere with the 75 million euros for this bad show.

I was with my little niece who even wanted to leave the theater. To make her forget this sad spectacle, we went directly after to see Puss in Boots.

I am very disappointed by this bad experience, but that doesn't surprise me, because for more than 15 years the French cinema is made by the bourgeois for the bourgeois and paid by the little people.

Today, French cinema and its actors live thanks to the subsidies of the French people. Why make efforts, the public is not important for them.
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Not a perfect Asterix & Obelix film but has its moments.
Hey_Harry4 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For a movie that's not based on any of the Asterix & Obelix comics, The Middle Kingdom still retains much of the humor and tone of the original comics. However, it's still not without its flaws.

As par for Asterix & Obelix, the movie contains a fair amount of brawls and slapstick humor with elements of kung fu and Hong Kong action cinema thrown in. In fact, The Middle Kingdom is probably the most impressive Asterix & Obelix film action-wise to date. However, despite sporting some great action sequences and impressive action set pieces, the movie still drags on in some places and it's mainly thanks to some really solid casting choices and performances which prevent the movie from turning into a total dullfest.

One major problem with the film lies in its really questionable changes to Asterix's character where Asterix (played by Guillaume Canet) is portrayed as a love-stricken stumblebum throughout the majority of the film. It's a shame because Canet seems excellently cast as Asterix where I can see Canet successfully portraying Asterix as a more serious, witty and straight arrow type of character much like in the comics but unfortunately his performance is hurt by the movie's goofball rewriting of Asterix's character. On a different note, Gilles Lellouche does a pretty fine job of filling in Gérard Depardieu's's shoes as Obelix and I'd love to see him star in future sequels. The film's cast overall was excellent and really funny, including Zlatan Ibrahimovic's bizarre cameo in the film.

All in all, Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom still delivers some good, silly entertainment if you're a fan of the comics and/or liked any of the previous Asterix & Obelix movies.
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Astérix & Obélix: Generic 2016+ garbage
backup-503627 November 2023
Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cleopatra is one of the greatest comedies ever made. Priceless, holds up even today.

This is trying to be a "modern" version of that, and it shows, because it has the most generic, overdone, "girl power" / "girl-focused" garbage you could imagine.

It's this generic modern cliche of the main characters not being the main characters in their own movies, in favor of "strong, diverse female characters". Interesting to see this goes beyond Disney and Netflix, but France too.

It sucks seeing this soulless generic modern cashcard trying to imitate one of the funniest, most original, most lighthearted comedies ever - Astérix & Obélix: Mission Cleopatra. Just watch that movie again, instead of this insufferable, generic, overdone trash.
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Most reviewers here have no idea what they are talking a about
jonathanvanpeteghem28 May 2023
Normaly I never write reviews, but this time i must make an exception after reading all those bad reviews. Asterix and Obelix are my childhood heroes, and I doubted to watch the movie after reading the reviews here. If the movie was bad, I would honnestly tell so. But it wasnt, ofcourse its a french movie, and a the gumor is ofthen not obvious but more in the details. If you notice the references to other movies, to customs, names, and way of living, then its super funny. If you are blind to all that, then its not for you. There are a lot of word jokes in it that wont make sence if you dont speak french. Altough the translator team did a good job (yes i watched it in french with english subtitles).

So its a very enjoyable movie, with a simple storry (but that is also the case in all the asterix commics) they stay true to the soul of "asterix & obelix".
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good silly fun
LetsReviewThat2622 May 2023
I never grew up with asterix and obelix and im not too familier with them, but I really thought this was a pretty entertaining movie. The only daughrer of the queen of china has to be escorted back. And the only people that can help her are the two brave heries asterix and obelix. They make a great team and watching their antics was fun. But of course like with most films like this there are villians not to far behind. This time ceaser and cleopatra are their along with another man who is trying to steel the princesses affection, that asterix would like a bit of. The cast of this film played their roles well and the directing was good. Their was enough action and some laughs and overall pretty good.
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Knocked from the bottom or The Amazing adventures of famous Gauls: part five
lyubitelfilmov31 December 2023
Comedy. Well, here we are finishing with this series of paintings about the adventures of the famous Gauls Asterix and Obelix, and today we are waiting for the last (I really hope that it will be so), the fifth part of the series. And again I remember the old Russian proverb "We started for health - we finished for peace." Of course, I expected a failure, but what the creators have done with the series this time is beyond the limit. I was overcome by a real "Spanish shame". And here's my brief opinion - There was a knock from the bottom. There were pros and cons (of which there are much more) in this film collection. And with that, I will finish this introduction and move on to the analysis as soon as possible (in order to score this nightmare as quickly as possible).

So, the pros: 1. Graphically - what is most amazing, the effects themselves, and the picture itself remained at the level of 2012, and even the addition of animation did not improve the situation. There's not much to praise here, the creators just met the necessary minimum.

2. Decorations - and if there are full seams with the costumes, then the creators have tried their best in terms of decorations. Ancient China here inspires with its nature, and Armorica pleased (although there have been no qualitative changes since the fourth part).

So, the cons: 1. The script - and it doesn't seem to exist. Well, it's there. A Chinese princess arrives in a Gallic village (don't ask how she got there alive and well) with a request to help return her mother to the throne and end the civil war. Upon learning about this, Julius Caesar (whom his wife Cleopatra humiliates in front of everyone) decides to help the evil Chinese and conquer the rebellious kingdoms in order to become emperor of China himself (because then Cleopatra will understand how wrong she was about him). If such a scenario seems logical and funny to you, then congratulations to you - you are a typical consumer of this film slag. I'm not even talking about the fact that the move with Cleopatra was already in the second part (but it was performed logically there), but here there is no hint of such a thing. The characters are boring (yes, my stool is a more expressive personality), the dialogues are empty and serve only to stretch the timing. China itself was added only so that the picture could be released in Chinese (but it was not allowed there - ha ha!).

2. Logic - she didn't spend the night here. The characters behaved illogically (like Asterix, who no longer wants to use a magic drink here), and even until the very end there will be no hint of logic in their heads. Why does Caesar need China? How will he manage it? How many legions did he bring with him? And how the Empress gathered a million soldiers in the final in a short time (this is not a joke, she really gathered a million soldiers). And so on and so on. Endless questions that won't be answered.

3. Self-replays - the joke with the loser pirates got tired in the second part, but the creators repeated this joke as many as three times. I've already talked about the Cleopatra moment. And a lot more. If I describe this moment in detail, then the review will be very long.

4. Caesar - I thought that after Fabrice Luchini's Caesar there was nowhere to fall lower, but I was mistaken. It is possible (and even necessary) to fall. After all, Vincent Cassel plays Caesar here, and he does not play him in any way. This is not Caesar, this is a rag that Cleopatra wipes her feet on, and who is not respected by subordinates and allies.

5. Feminism - did you think that this would not happen? Oh, you shouldn't understand anything about today's tolerastic agenda. And although the Negro centurions or legionnaires were not brought, but they did not forget about the "strong and independent". And most importantly, where this is happening is in Rome and China - very conservative patriarchal societies.

6. Asterix and Obelix - leave the grandfathers alone at last! They've already fought! Send them into retirement and appoint a pension (oh, they will be invented only in the twentieth century, we ask for forgiveness). Both the actors and their characters do not want to play in this movie so much that they do not even try to hide it.

7. Humor - there is not a single joke, not a single funny situation. There's NOTHING here. There are only pathetic attempts at humor. Have you run out of screenwriters in France? Like in Hollywood? Is there really not a single talent? It's sad when there are no jokes in comedy.

Of course, this film production failed miserably at the box office. It will be better for everyone. I really hope that the producers will take into account the money spent and will no longer make films about Gauls. It originally didn't need any sequels. The first part was simple and concise. The second one was funny and funny. The third is a cheerful madhouse, but the fourth and fifth are a piece of a well-known brown substance.

Despite such pessimism, I wish you, fellow readers and cinema viewers, a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas! I wish you health, happiness and success in your endeavors!

My rating is 1 out of 10, and I do not recommend this movie for viewing!
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Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom is a continuation of the once very good French comedy series
eva3si0n12 August 2023
Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom is a continuation of the once very good French comedy series. But unfortunately, after part 2, each subsequent one was worse. And more than 10 years later, a new part was released. A good cast of French stars, not a bad idea. It may even seem that this is the same Asterix & Obelix that we all liked in the early 2000s. But no, it's only the first 20 minutes, then you realize that this movie is even worse than the previous one. It is not a whole work as such, but a gluing of either scenes that copy themselves from previous films or new ones that do not surprise at all. Guillaume Canet did a good job both as an actor and as a director, he assembled a good cast and tried to reass the same atmosphere, but it is better to leave this franchise alone.
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Not bad
thiercelinbenoit30 August 2023
I am French, although my current place of residence is not within France's borders. Just recently, I had the opportunity to watch the film that had eluded me until now. Interestingly, I was blissfully ignorant of the critiques that had swirled around its release in France. As it turns out, the film proved to be a delightful comedy upon viewing-a fact that left me puzzled by the seemingly relentless criticism it had garnered.

While I won't go as far as to dub it the cinematic masterpiece of the year, it unquestionably provides an enjoyable and pleasant viewing experience. The film, while not soaring to the heights of cinematic greatness, manages to carve out a space for itself as an evening's entertainment. In light of this, I remain perplexed by the intensity of the backlash it faced upon release.

The ensemble cast brings a mix of talents to the screen, with some actors shining brighter than others. I must admit that my familiarity with all the actors is not exhaustive, but I can certainly vouch for the varying degrees of performance quality among them. It's a reminder that movies are, at their core, a collaborative art form, and the final product can be greatly influenced by the chemistry and synergy among the cast members.

In contrast to the latest offerings from the Marvel universe, I find myself leaning towards recommending this film. Not because it boasts the grandeur of a superhero epic, but because it delivers on the promise of a well-crafted and enjoyable comedic experience. So, if you're in the mood for a light-hearted cinematic journey that doesn't demand the investment of an expansive interconnected universe, this film might just be the perfect choice.
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Waiting for the next one to enjoy ...
gabrielstonge25 June 2023
It's an insult to the franchise. Such a big budget for mediocre costumes and special effects to forget. None of the Asterix movies live up to the first and Mission Cleopatra. Obelix's costume, for example, doesn't even look so big. The 2 men who always start the fights in the village. The fish seller and the blacksmith are very small while they are supposed to be the strongest in the village. Even the hair looks fake while the actors can easily make a real cut and even bother to buy a beautiful wig. I hope that after a few bad movies the next one will be excellent. Yet the cartoon versions are very good, maybe he should change the teams.
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Quite enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen23 May 2023
Of course I am well-familiar with the Asterix and Obelix characters, as I loved reading the comic books when I was a kid. I just never got around to watching the live action movies, for some reason, though I did watch the cartoons when I was a kid as well.

And thus, as I had the opportunity here in 2023 to sit down and watch "Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu" (aka "Asterix and Obelix The Middle Kingdom"), I did so. And I have to say that I was genuinely and positively entertained by director Guillaume Canet's movie. It looked and felt very much like what you had and have in the comics, so that was quite good.

Writers Julien Hervé and Philippe Mechelen put together a rather enjoyable and funny script and storyline for the movie. Again, it felt and looked like what you get in the comics, so it was a hit right on the head. Lots of good entertainment throughout the course of the 112 minutes that the movie ran for.

The acting performances in the movie were good, and leading actors Philippe Mechelen (playing Astérix) and Gilles Lellouche (playing Obélix) carried the movie quite well. It was also good to see the likes of Vincent Cassel (playing César), Julie Chen (playing Tat Han) and Julie Chen (playing Princesse Fu Yi) on the screen. Even soccer player Zlatan Ibrahimovic (playing Antivirus) shows up in the movie in a funny role.

Visually then "Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu" was good. Good special effects without going over into the deep end, thus letting children enjoy the movie as well.

Something that could have been better in the movie was the fact that everyone spoke French. It made zero sense why the Romans and the Chinese also spoke French.

I thoroughly and genuinely enjoyed "Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu", and it is a movie that I will warmly recommend. My rating of "Astérix & Obélix: L'Empire du Milieu" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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nogodnomasters30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is 50 BC and a small kingdom inside of Gaul is feared by the Roman empire as it is protected by famed fighters Asterix (Guillaume Canet) and. Obilex (Gilles Lellouche) who have a strength potion. Princesse Fu Yi (Julie Chen) is in Gaul with her bodyguard Ka Ra Tay (Leanna Chea) to try to get help to keep her kingdom. Our two heroes volunteer to help, getting ship passage from Titanix (Orelsan). Julius Caesar (Vincent Cassel ) is marching there with his army in hopes of winning back Cleopatra (Marion Cotillard ).

The plot is immaterial. The film is designed to be a conduit for name puns and satire of other film scenes. The worlds spoken are not as good or funny as the written subtitles.
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n4ch37015 February 2023
I really, really love Asterix & Obelix films, so I can try to explain my review with all the details:

When I saw the first trailer of the movie (4 months ago) I jumped out of my couch with excitement, because it's been like 10 years since the last live-action movie. Then, when I finished watching it I feel a little disappointed 'cause the role of Obelix isn't played by the same actor (Gerard Depardieu); but on the other I really like the cast, I knew it from other series, movies or YouTube videos.

When the second and the release trailer came out (a few months ago), I wrapped myself into the adventure of this two characters in the Middle Kingdom, and also I feel very surprised about how the Gallic Village had changed into through all of this years.

And finally, approximately 1 week ago I saw the film for the first time; and I really loved it too much. Too bad it didn't gross enough to be a blockbuster movie, but at least it's worth going to see.

PD: This review hasn't any spoilers, so feel free to read it and imagine how does the movie feel like.
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What a garbage ! DO NOT WATCH
ctupramod22 June 2023
I am outraged by this movie. They completely ruined the story, the characters and everything in between. This is supposed to be a movie about Asterix and Obelix, the iconic French heroes who resist the Roman invasion with their wit and strength. Instead, they turn them into secondary characters of a ridiculous story that takes them to China and show some stupid love scenes.

And what's worse, they make them go to war without the magic potion that gives them their power. What the duck! That's like making Superman fight without his cape. A 9-year-old kid could write a much better story than this.

I only gave 3 stars because I have to give some credit to the CGI and the crew that somehow managed to make this garbage look decent. But that's not enough to save this movie from being a total disaster. It's an insult to the fans and the legacy of the comic books.
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Does not deserve a bad rating!
sypalisaugis19 March 2023
When i saw all of these bad reviews I wanted to cancel the tickets, but I couldn't so I went to watch it.

And to my surprise it was good, enjoyed every second. Decent story, funny scenes, beautiful cinematography.

I really did not understand why people rated it a 4.8, with that rating a movie has to be terrible, it certainly wasnt. There were lots of funny scenes, now some people might not like that it was offensive at times, but it makes sense because of the time frame that the films set in!

A great comedy to see not only yourself, but also with your family. Although there are a few hidden adult jokes :D.
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A good French movie
charliemouse-0673321 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really people are comparing this one with asterix and cleopatra?? Really? This story line is really faithful to the original comics!

The actors take their place because it is actually a real place for actors to be at the foreground and not a decoration for CGI!!!

My god do people only like to applause to computer performances?! Do they know that computers don't care about what they are thinking?!! The best movie could be avatar this year? So please make the room for a computer on stage.

This one is only for people who likes to see real people! Jose Garcia is a beautiful surprise!! Hail to thee breathe spirit!
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skunksurffer8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is ok, the biggest problem for me was the characters accept Cesar and cleopatra that they carried the whole thing. Asterix from the other hand was annoying. Asterix is a smart, heroic and he sticks with his ideas. But as we she in this movie is the totally opposite he doesn't want to eat meat he does it anyway, he doesn't want to take the magic portion he does it anyway then there is romance without reason and everything goes downhill.

That is not Asterix my friend. 2nd come on men ibrahimovic was literally playing for 10 minutes (?) His character doesn't even make sense, he could be more but for some reason he wasn't.

3rd so many back and forth scenes ruined the whole thing literally.
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Very amusing
biancaserb4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We weren't sure if we wanted to go and see it because of all the bad reviews we read but we went and it was great! I laughed a lot, many funny jokes, Jules Caesar and Epimaix were my favorite characters, i would have loved to see more screen time for Cleopatra. All in all, we consider the awful reviews we saw online are not deserved. It was a funny movie and everyone in the movie theater was laughing, kids included. Luckily Asterix and Obelix reconciled at the end and Asterix realized he does like the sanglier 😁. And Obelix rejecting Falbala: priceless! We're happy we didn't listen to all the negative comments and went to see with our eyes! We totally recommend it.
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Proper old style European humour wrapped in a big beautiful adventure
nicoleahmed1 June 2023
This really surprised me. Old style silly humour which brits will be very familiar with (like the old black adder,, mobty python stuff). Great production and the time flew by for me. Great actors, funny script and a big adventure story. This was lots of fun and scratched a itch I didn't realise I had - the nostalgic craving for silly humour that isn't disgusting /all about sex.

I loved the friendships between asterix and obelix. The other characters aren't side lines though - proper development and stories of their own. Everything looks beautiful too - in France, in China and in between.

I really this adventure movie with great characters - recommend it.
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