Missions (2017– )
What on Earth??? (Pun intended)
19 August 2021
I caught this in BBCi player and it immediately grabbed my attention as if sci fi is done well (rarely the case sadly) I'm a glutton (Black Mirror/Love Death and Robots!). As i'm working in my recording studio most nights lately I watch most of the first season between downloads, which worked well for me as they are short. The opening sequence had me hooked straight way. Beautifully filmed and a great start....for a few mins, then began the struggle. The intros and 'recaps' seem to take up half of every short episode. The characters are trivial and meaningless and if they were a crew for a trip to Mars then jeeeeze...maybe I should go too. The dialog is the worst with lots of those pointing out the bleeding obvious lines and unbelievable characters that are a sad example of the first people to land on Mars.. Even being on Mars seems to underwhelm them all. Its like they've landed on a fake mars in a TV show...oh of course...they have! Hardly anyone seems in awe of this achievement and as the plot meanders on it just becomes almost intolerable. Being in French is not the problem. (Although all the British, American and Russian characters seem to be very fluent...so hooray for "French" but not realistic in my opinion.). I didn't care whether some characters lived or died. And that when you know...deep down...you're on a road to nowhere and losing minutes and hours of your life you'll never get back. I noticed some people love this show in the reviews but this one is obviously not my kinda space! If I can say anything positive some of the fx are very well done (hence my 4 stars). But you have to have a good plot, believable characters and some dialogue that isn't infuriating to make it something great. OK...my next download has just completed. Over and Out...or 'Terminé' as I think the French say.
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