Pregnant and Deadly (TV Movie 2019) Poster

(2019 TV Movie)

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Exciting in parts but trite w HUGE plot/believability flaws
tshane-2516916 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A woman (Jessica) loses her baby due to a car accident, goes crazy, becomes a stalker with an injunction against her to protect her former husband, then befriends Amber (who's beautiful and skinny while 8-1/2 months pregnant--yeah, RIGHT!), the driver who inadvertently killed Jessica's baby 2 years ago.

Jessica (if names mean anything for foreshadowing, "Just sicko" is close enough to Jessica, eh?) goes off the deep end with psychotic jealousy when Amber gets pregnant. She then drugs and forces a doctor at gunpoint (more on this issue later) to induce labor prematurely in Amber, who she also assaulted and drugged, and steals the baby!

Issue 1: She shows up on her ex's doorstep, baby on tow, saying she "fixed the family" with a bright cheery psycho smile, but NO GUN in her waistband as she bends over the baby--which she had stashed there as all TV criminals do-- minutes ago. Then she pulls the (HELLO, ABSENT!) gun out of her waistband and forces the ex into the house. (wow director-- didn't know you invented a magical science fiction teleporting gun for this movie! and forces him inside the house.

WHOA THERE, directors. It would be a good idea to make sure you involve realism in the actions of the psychotic wannabe mother. Like making her a staff member of the hospital instead of a volunteer.

Issue 2: Obviously volunteers have NO access to PRIVATE files of patients--like the new mother's medical file, which psycho-mommy "adjusts" (fakes) to make it look like she's not an expecting mother, but a schizophrenic (issue 3: no psych meds EVER prescribed) who falsely believes she had a baby!

Issue 4: Seriously?? NO hospital staff at the hospital she's visited several times for checkups don't remember her baby?? DUMB.

Issue 5: After Amber is induced (delivered off-camera of course, because the cheap as hell budget wouldn't allow a realistic delivery scene), there is NO blood or fluid or ANY "just gave birth" indications on her bed or the same clothing she WORE before and after labor!

I'm still watching this but you get the idea. Is it worth watching til the end? With my rating of 4/10, it's a toss-up. To slam a mediocre movie and gain the satisfaction of destroying a poor plot by revealing every one of its numerous clichés, continuity errors (most prominently: Gun. Wait, no gun. Wait--she just pulled a gun she DIDN'T have seconds ago) and other flaws...

Let's say this: I've had several beers and there's nothing else that I want to do so... I will watch it.

Maybe I'll even finish this review. Or... maybe it's not worth further effort.

*pop* *pour.... *fizzzzz...

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Was good up until a point. Warning: Spoilers
The lead actress who played Jessica was really good and I enjoyed watching her. I was all involved in the film until midway through when the best friend overheard Jessica's sordid plot in a bar where she hired a guy to play her husband.

The best friend would have immediately texted or called her friend to share what she just heard from the psycho, but the movie absurdly has her confronting Jessica in an empty ally outside the bar all alone. What idiot would do that?! No one is that dumb. And even if she was a stupid moron, she still would've alerted her friend immediately to warn her of the plot she just heard.

After that point, the film fell apart for me, but the lead who played Jessica was very good so I kept watching to the end. I just wish these Lifetime movies would write characters more realistically and not have them turn into idiots half way through the film.
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This film, although not the worst I've seen, most certainly isn't worth a watch
r96sk6 May 2020
Extremely bad. I couldn't tell you one positive thing about 'Dying For A Baby'.

The acting here is dire. It's obvious Sarah Minnich (Jessica) is the best of the talent, though even her performance isn't anything close to good. The premise is incredibly far-fetched, as the film fails to make any of it seem believable or even to makes us care for the characters involved.

I do appreciate the darker nature of what occurs, but a lot of it is so ludicrous that it's hard to take serious at all. It follows the points that most of these productions do, it's similar in that regard to 'Killer In-Law' - which I like - but that has strong acting; namely from Nana Visitor.

I marginally like how this is produced visually, it has some cool stock footage, but even that's nothing notable. This film, although not the worst I've seen, most certainly isn't worth a watch.
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Far fetched even by Lifetime standards
phd_travel4 September 2019
For the premise a vaguely Hand that rocks the cradle scenario is in play. Differently the wacko isn't hiding her identity. The woman lost her baby and wants the other woman from the accident's baby. The actresses are quite good. The wacko looks wacko and the naive one is played by Cristina B Allen of Revenge. The victim is too naive but when she finally gets suspicious you get irritated with her. The wacko's scheme is far fetched.
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Cringeworthy chic flic
neilandlinda12 February 2021
I tried to watch the movie, believing it would surely get better. I was wrong, the storyline was so amateurish and far fetched, and the actors totally overdid their portrayal of the characters. I felt like I was watching a high school play. I had to read a review below to work out how the story ended as I couldn't bring myself to watching past the first 30min
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Extremely Dire
fhpnqsmrr10 April 2021
I cannot stress how far fetched this absolute dross is. Series of highly unlikely scenarios. Acting is dreadful too. Do something more productive with your time like watching paint dry at least ithat is believable.
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Just ok. The lead actress deserves better
studioAT10 May 2020
A nice chance to see Christa B Allen's post 'Revenge' work. She can do better than this though.
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People, This Is What's Called a M-E-L-O-D-R-A-M-A, Look That Up BEFORE You Watch & Criticize
vnssyndrome8913 September 2023


A melodrama is a work with exaggerated, sensational events and characters. It is highly emotional, focusing on exciting, but over-the-top situations that are designed to encourage emotional responses in the audience. Strong characterization is NOT a feature of melodrama; rather, characters are assigned STEREOTYPICAL or simple roles, often in "good versus evil" situations. -literaryterms. N e t. In other words, this is a PERFECT MELODRAMA, written more than adequately by Lindsay Hartley and Jason-Shane Scott. The characters are not so well defined, but their motives are. If you watch this movie with that in mind, you'll like it a whole lot more. You're not supposed to take the over-the-top motives too seriously, it's pure silly entertainment. STOP LOOKING FOR EMMYS FROM LIFETIME MOVIES!

BASIC PLOT: A serious car accident brings Amber Smith (Christa B. Allen) and Jessica Moore's (Sarah Minnich) lives crashing together. Both do not fare the same after the wreck however, and the impact to Jessica's life is much more severe. She was eight months pregnant when the tragedy occurred, and her injuries cost her the life of her unborn child. It also prevented her from ever getting pregnant again, and her marriage deteriorated soon after. Jessica isn't taking these setbacks well. She refuses to acknowledge she caused the accident, by texting while driving. She's tried to adopt, but her mental instability has blocked that option. With every disappointment, Jessica blames Amber more and more. Amber is happy, healthy and expecting her first child with her husband, Kyle (Grayson Berry). Why should Amber be allowed to be happy, while she suffers? Jessica has decided Amber's happiness has lasted long enough. It's not just about fixing her own life, it's also about destroying Amber's. Jessica has a plan, will Amber recognize her machinations, before it's too late?

WHAT WORKS: *JESSICA IS THE PERFECT VILLAINESS Sarah Minnich's portrayal of Jessica is damn near perfect. It's melodramatic gold! Her rigid body language, doesn't fit her bubbly demeanor, instantly alerting the viewer there's something wrong here. Conveying underlying thoughts and feelings, without using language, takes real talent, and Sarah Minnich's got it. (Check out the photo scroll, I added the many evil faces of Jessica.)

*MEN RUN WHEN FACED WITH TRAUMA It is an unfortunate psychological fact, many men run when faced with great trauma. This is mainly in regards to their family, not strangers. An example would be, a couple is given the sad news their child is critically ill. Typically, the father will leave the family. This is an unfortunate fact of American culture, and one we should try to fix. In this instance, the couple, Jessica (Sarah Minnich) and Dave Moore (Tom Sandoval) are fine in happier times. Then, Jessica is in an accident, losses the baby, and her mind. Does Dave get her help? Does he have her committed? No! Instead he leaves her, and gets a restraining order. This is a very believable trope written by Lindsay Hartley and Jason-Shane Scott. It's so common an occurrence, it's become a truism, almost cliched, which is perfect for melodrama.

*THE BABY WAS ACTUALLY A NEWBORN So often in made-for-tv movies, the "newborn" baby is actually six to eight months old, or older. But in this movie, the babies are all the age being portrayed.

*THE COVER ART IS ABOVE AVERAGE The cover art is above average for this type of made-for-tv movie. It needed a few more hours of work, but the basics are there.

WHAT DOESN'T WORK: *THE TRAILER GIVES AWAY THE WHOLE MOVIE! I don't know who thought it'd be a good idea to put the complete movie in the trailer, but they should be fired!

*AMBER DOESN'T SEEM VERY UPSET HER BEST FRIEND'S BEEN MURDERED Amber (Christa B. Allen) barely notices her best friend Nicole (Amber Lynn Ashley), has just been murdered. She doesn't cancel her doctor's appointment, or her double date, both for later in the week. This makes the character much less likable. Making light hearted banter, over burgers and beer, a few days after your best friend's murder, seems like an insensitive thing to do. Amber later calls Jessica her "closest friend". Wow! I know this is a melodrama, but without normal human emotions, like grief, Amber comes off looking like a selfish b*tch. She should mention Nicole occasionally, and at the very least, be interested in the murder investigation. A few added sentences of dialog could have taken care of this problem.

*THE BLOCKING AND SHOOTING CHOICES ARE BAD IN THE LAST FEW SCENES In the last few scenes, Jessica is basically giving the gun to Dr. Welsh (David Mackey. He could easily disarm her. Also, the blocking (where the actors are positioned), and the camera angle choices are bizarre and distracting. It's a jumble, you can't see what you need to see, the lighting is inadequate (often the case in made-for-tv movies), and there are objects in the way of the shot. It's only the last twenty minutes or so, but those are the most important.

TO RECOMMEND, OR NOT TO RECOMMEND, THAT IS THE QUESTION: *Melodrama is an ancient art form, perfected by Shakespeare. If you can understand and appreciate this type of art, you'll like this. If you like your characters with more depth, and your storylines more complex, try something else. However, this is a good melodrama, and a worthwhile effort from Lindsay Hartley and Jason-Shane Scott.

CLOSING NOTES: *This is a made-for-tv movie, please keep that in mind before you watch\rate it. TV movies have a much lower budget, and so your expectations should be adjusted.

*I have no connection to the film, or production in ANY way. This review was NOT written in ANY way by a bot. I am just an honest viewer, who wishes for more straight forward reviews, and better entertainment. Hope I helped you out.
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10 Reasons Why This Thing is a Comedy...
talentest26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1. The two "WHERE'S MY BABY!!!?" scenes. In the opening she drops her head onto her husband's stomach to cry; then a replay of this scene near the end has her resting her head onto his crotch as she nestles in for a nap. Obviously two entirely different takes were used, but this isn't FIGHT CLUB, there was no reason to.

2. THE CAR ACCIDENT: Except for a single shot of the collision where small businesses are in the background, every other shot show that both vehicles are clearly driving in a residential neighborhood where the speed limit is like 20 mph, so homegirl shouldn't have been driving so fast in the first place...

...Also the pregnant lady's car is seen approaching a clear as day STOP SIGN with a sign attached that says "ALL WAY" on it. As in it's a 4-WAY STOP... Both cars were supposed to stop at that intersection.

...That means the movie's heroine sped through a stop sign in a residential neighborhood causing the accident that caused the antagonist to lose her baby that she even blames her for ("I'm so sorry your car skidded through that intersection.") and is actually the one at fault for everything.

3. CARTOONY ACTS OF VIOLENCE: -- One lady slips on her own spilled smoothie and cracks her head on a kitchen counter... -- Another woman gets hit on the head by a comically-sized rolling pin and then finished off with a jumbo sack of flour dropped on her head like it were an anvil... -- A pint-sized crazy woman knocks a man twice her size out of commission with a (literal) pimp slap and a shove... -- And this next one is the funniest...

4. ...HOW THE BFF IS KILLED: This woman stops a crazy lady from driving off just to tell her that she overheard everything nefarious this lady was talking about doing in the movie and she intends to go tell the main characters on her. Then she walks away, feeling proud, and is immediately run over by the crazy lady's SUV.

5. HOW THE CRAZY LADY pops up from off-camera to intercept a hug meant for someone else.

6. THE ESCORT: Her old granny-age mom suspects the crazy lady's fake husband to be a hired escort because she recognizes him... from... a friend... of hers... who uses those type of... ahem, services.

7. BUT SUDDENLY THERE'S A NEW BFF: Having already gotten over her BFF's recent murder she reacts to her mom's assertion with this WTF line, "I think I would know if my CLOSEST FRIEND'S husband was lying about who he really was, let's not (to) mention an escort."

8. AFTER GIVING BIRTH IN HER SLEEP: She wakes up and hops outta bed with the prowess of a well-rested athlete and goes in search of someone, anyone, but only finds a whiff of 'nothing to worry about' gas in the air and her unconscious husband that she helps lumber outside before either crying on his stomach or napping on his crotch (depending on where you are in the movie).

9. FAKING CRAZY: What was the point of switching her medical file to try and make her seem crazy? That entire scenario accomplished nothing and lasted for all of 2 minutes in 1 scene, and then she leaves the hospital with no trouble to go do something her character could have done the night before.

10. THE OVER THE TOP EVIL VILLAIN CLIMAX: "Why do you get to be a mommy? I want to be a mommy!"

Although in her defense the main character DID cause all of this by speeding through that stop sign and hitting her car which caused her miscarriage. Even if the movie would rather you didn't notice.
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Wild Shirley's Male Escort
lavatch17 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My favorite character in "Pregnant and Deadly" (a.k.a., "Dying for a Baby") is Don, the male escort hired by the film's villainess to impersonate her husband. Don only has a few brief scenes trying to hold up his end of the bargain. His biggest gaffe comes when he explains that he is on a business trip to Shanghai, which he believes is located in Japan!

Don is only one of the colorful characters in this frenetic drama about Jessica Moore's obsession with having a baby. It is clear that she will stop at nothing in order to have Amber Goodwin's delivery moved up, so that she can kidnap the child.

Amber and her husband Kyle are looking forward with great anticipation to the birth of their baby boy. As a film buff, Kyle is recording every moment of the pregnancy period, and some of the footage will be crucial in unmasking the dangerous game played by Jessica, who once had a fateful encounter when her car slid across an intersection crashing into the vehicle driven by Amber. In the process, Jessica lost her baby and may no longer carry a child. In her twisted mind, she can never forgive Amber for the accident.

Another interesting character is Amber's savvy mom, Morgan. The mother recalls an incident when her friend named "Wild Shirley" had paid for an escort date. Morgan recognizes Don as the man who dated Wild Shirley.

There is a good amount of collateral damage in the film. Jessica first murders the prospective renter of a guest house, so that she can in close proximity to Amber as her neighbor. It was also unfortunate that Amber's bestie Nicole and Blanche, her nice boss at the Savory Fare bakery, died at the hands of the psychotic Jessica. Another secondary character is Taylor, who is also carrying a baby and is duped by Jessica into believing that Jessica will adopt the child. Fortunately for Taylor and her baby, Jessica will be thwarted in her scheme.

An ambiguous character in the film was Dr. Welch, who flirted with Jessica and subsequently was forced at gunpoint by her to induce labor on Amber, so that Jessica may steal the child. In the film's denouement, Dr. Welch was not present at the birthday celebration of little Jonathan. Dr. Welch may no longer be in practice as an obstetrician, but instead may be trading in his white doctor's gown for an orange jumpsuit.
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Worth a watch
tt20226 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like I know that these movies are meant to be a little cheesy (I think). But the cheesiness in this movie is a bit much. I don't like how certain things played out. If someone was after someone's baby in real life, I'm sure that they would be a little less obvious. I also hate how the token black bestfriend always dies. In real life we're just a tad smarter. But with that being said it's a watchable movie. Kind of unpredictable because of the angle. I wasn't quite sure how the baby napper was going to pull it off.
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Gestation "Terminator"
daslpenn9 May 2020
Typical LMN movie, deranged female who will do anything to have her baby
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I actually liked this one...
lymullen16 November 2023
I actually liked this one. As one reviewer said this is a melodrama--and it's made for TV. So you know the drill. The film was called Pregnant and Deadly on my cable station.

What I look for with these Lifetime suspense/thrillers is how the stories/motivations differ. I was entertained by Jessica's elaborate plan to get Amber's baby. Jessica, portrayed by Sarah Minnich, played crazy really, really well, especially at the end. And her ultimate plan to get her hands on the baby was different than what I imagined it would be.

One thing tho is I don't think the doctor would have cooperated--even at gunpoint as he took a vow to "Do no harm."
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All bad
wvhpgfn21 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off did they really have to pair this way younger pretty woman with a old crisp creepy weird guy I feel bad for the actors that have no choice but to deal with the bad casting they do on these movies he's almost 20 years older then her and he looks it there are plenty of young Lee guys that would have fit in this movie we have seen a lot of them but whoever writes these movies is apparently a older creep because there always some older guy preying on young girls on them a horrible pattern these movies are never a reality why w oh is you befriend someone you know has animosity towards you over losing their baby now they have a change of heart ? Why do every best friend end up dead there are plenty of other people to kill and the fake fighting makes me just turn it off yes let's let someone beat the crap out of me without trying to fight back at all.
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haroot_azarian1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most ridiculously far-fetched unrealistic Lifetime movies! The plot starts off stupid on get go! What happened to employers running background checks on applicants, especially hospitals? Psycho who has a criminal record is accepted as a volunteer at the maternity ward of a hospital without a glitch!!!!!

Aside from the psycho being fugly and having a totally irritating and cringeworthy voice, she manages to go about with her plot like it's nothing. The body count is absurd. It is at least five.

It takes the dimwit protagonist Amber (Christa B. Allen) a long time to finally realise psycho is up to no good. I mean all the coincidences: psycho moving to the neighbourhood. Psycho having a surrogate whose due date is the same as Amber's. And even when Amber discovers who psycho is she still continues her interaction with her.

I could go on forever point by point on how bad this movie was, but it is a waste of time and pointless. I mean I am sure none of the Lifetime executives ever read the reviews on IMDb, because they continue making stupid movies and moreover, movies with identical storylines but with different casts.

Watch this at your own peril.
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