Playing God (2021) Poster


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When God closes a door, He opens a safe
nogodnomasters18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Micah (Luke Benward) and Rachel (Hannah Kasulka) are twins. They have been scam artists all their lives, mentored by Frank (Michael McKean). They find themselves owing $200K to Vaugh (Marc Menchaca) who will hurt them if they don't get it soon. They need a big mark. Ben (Alan Tudyk) is "unbanked" and has been looking for "God" to ask him about his daughter Katie who died. Our threesome of scammers decide to give him "God" while searching for Ben's treasure.

The film was not as fun as other scam films. "Brothers Bloom" was among my favorites. The ending was a downer on the comedy, almost as if they wrote themselves in a corner.

Guide: No sex or nudity. Don't recall swearing.
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FeastMode19 March 2022
Even though it has that direct-to-video stench, I still mildly enjoyed this movie. I was invested in the premise and story. Alan Tudyk gives a good performance. Overall it's not great quality, but it's a serviceable one-time viewing. (1 viewing, 3/19/2022)
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Not a comedy but it has heart
film1276 February 2022
I love Alan Tudyk and Michael McKean. They really bring a lot to this story. It's a family friendly film. It's not a $$$$ movie, but there are some nice moments. We enjoyed it.
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Godlike, no, but a heartful tale, even if a bit tall...
malice_o_conner14 August 2021
While in the Good standing not much is good about this. Alan's role in this was phenomenal, truly showing some of the depth of his skill, the rest fall a bit as they are not very well written. Much of the movie isn't well written but it's at least one with heart.

Finally a movie that isn't propaganda based, not even on a particular religious based. The movie had great shots, decent to okay dialogue but the story just wasn't there, it wasn't real and I didn't believe it, it was kind of hard to believe much of the "backstory" but whatever, it's a movie at a time when Hollywood pumps propaganda. - Check this one out.

Mind you it is more drama based than Alan's usual brands of comedy. Just keep that in mind and you'll enjoy this film. It's not the best out there but at least it's a step away from the garbage of modern Hollywood. Rent or Stream this one is worth a watch.
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A treat for Hannah Kasulka fans
nwsabir7 August 2021
This movie seems to showcase Hannah Kasulka, who has substantial screen time and is a definite eye candy.

The movie shows promise in the beginning but loses it quickly, a simple idea is dragged a bit too long and a bonkers twist.

Don't expect much and watch it just for the gorgeous Hannah Kasulka.
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Wasted opportunity
radhrh17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off with a light hearted oddball premise that a team of grifters will persuade a grieving father that he is meeting God. But it soon degenerated into a snore fest as the female protagonist realises being a grifter is a bit pants and grows a conscience. There isn't really a proper grift either. The team just want to get into the "mark's" house so they can empty his safe. So a robbery not a grift. Michael McKean does his best as the old timer playing the eponymous character but the rest of the never seen or heard of cast would do well to work in TV commercials for hemorrhoid ointment.
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Don't expect to laugh.
BrandoYambo7 August 2021
As usual, don't pay attention to the trailer or the fact that this is listed as comedy before drama. This movie was not what I expected at all... in a very good way. This isn't a film about two wise cracking con artists out to get the evil rich guy just because they can. This is a story of a man who lost his daughter and goes on a mission to find God, presumably to get him to explain why she was taken from him. At the same time, twin brother and sister career criminals owe a very bad man a lot of money, and are given the opportunity to con the grieving man and rob him of his fortune. This is all told to you in the first 10 minutes of the movie, which is why I am not marking this as containing spoilers. The unlikely result of this story is a well written, well acted, deep, and at times heart wrenching series of events. Alan Tudyk's performance in particular stands out above the rest for me. I could legitimately feel his pain in every scene. Please understand that I very rarely mark anything above an 8 out of 10, so do not take my rating of 7 to mean this to be mediocre by any means. Just go into this knowing that it's a lot more serious than what you may expect. I had no idea this was even being released; didn't even hear the title or read the description until yesterday, but I'm glad I watched it. Give it a chance, I think you will be too.
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Don't bother.
Mex515013 August 2021
Watched Playing God last night, for a con trick comedy, there was surprisingly little of either comedy or con tricks. Both Michael McKean and Alan Tudyk did their best, but the material just wasn't there. Things didn't happen in a natural logical way, they only happened because they needed to happen for the next bit to start. The writer clearly started at where he wanted the movie to end and worked backward so he could set the next part up. Shame, with two better leads and a writer/director who knew what he was doing, this could have worked really well.
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Well Crafted for the Ending.
ReaLMoisan8 August 2021
Like the storyline says: a group of con artists reunite to scam a grieving billionaire. The added twist, they're trying to con their mark into believing one of them is god, which is a lofty con to say the least.

The movie is well made, with solid writing and convincing acting too. The pacing is a little slow, and the actual con could have been a little more elaborate to keep things more interesting. Also, the subplot involving the pregnant couple had a purpose, but it's the least interesting parts of the film. It's not a boring film, and the plot is more complex than the brief storyline would lead you to believe.

There is one massive contrived coincidence that I am not sure actually exists. The fact one character mysteriously went into debt suggests the selection of the mark wasn't a coincidence. The character went into debt finding the mark, and the scene where they're given their implied random target was part of the con. Unfortunately, the writing and directing is too vague on this plot point, so even adding a throw away line to confirm these suspicions would have benefited the film greatly. But to avoid spoilers, no more details will be discussed.

Near the end of the film I had concluded this was a 5 or a generous 6/10. It's a slightly above average con artist movie, but nothing spectacular or memorable. Then the final scene concluded, and this movie became a 7/10. I rate movies by what they are. I'll rate a horror/comedy, monster movie by how competent it is as a horror/comedy, monster movie.

It's not as well crafted as Ocean's Eleven (2001), and it's not as flashy as Now You See Me (2013), but it's competently made. The ending reminds me of Hellowoo Goseuteu (Hello Ghost), a Korean film made in 2010. Both have final scenes that alter the tone, themes, and intent of their entire films. Turns out, this wasn't just a movie about playing god.

Many movies don't know how to end, this movie was written for it's ending. Between the two, the latter is always appreciated. The irony that this movie conned me into believing it was a completely different movie isn't lost on me either.
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penofinspiratin11 September 2021
I slept twice and had to rewind all the time, then when you wish for that finale you get a loop kinda finale

WHY becomes the storyline and the critic line.

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I Love Con Movies....
Rdz91610 August 2021
I love con movies and this one didn't disappoint. The only negative I would say is the middle of the movie kind of loses you when the beginning grabs you. As another reviewer said, the con should have been elaborated on. However, what a phenomenal ending. We constantly are so focused on looking at one thing in life that we miss other things that are right in front of our face. If anyone that didn't have a parent or parents in their life, I bet you'll tear up.
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some pacing issues, but not bad
jimimhendrix-311037 August 2021
I would say solid camera work, decent direction, pleasant performances overall. Some confusing moments, some pacing issues, but it also had some good moments.

If you have nothing else to watch and don't mind some religious undertones here and there, give it a try...
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Unbelievable trash
Deadsoonx11 September 2021
Come on an unbanked billionaire? And even if you could believe that how would they know they know that? IThe movie is a joke and makes up whatever it wants to try to manipulate your emotions.
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Mildly evangelic, mildly entertaining con movie
carlos-pires20 August 2021
This is a mildly entertaining movie about a brother and a sister who try to pull off the con of their lives, but it also turns out to be a mildly evangelic movie with a mushy ethos.

The con part of the plot is reasonably well written, but in the end, as another review rightly says "anyone who didn't have a parent or parents in their life, I bet you'll tear up". And that's the problem here: the movie is itself a con. And to clear up any doubts, you get a bible quote before the end credits... geezuz...
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no comedy
slnieckovsrdiecku25 May 2022
I was expected fun and lots of laugh. It felt more as drama, than comedy for me. Touching family moments. There is always question: who to trust?

A good film anyway, worthy to watch.
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Not exactly George Burns, but entertaining enough nonetheless
pacocharte8 August 2021
Watched this film because my wife reads Texas Monthly and they did a write-up comparing it to other movies filmed in Houston.

Obviously the plot is very contrived and suspension of disbelief will be required beyond what I'd call normal for this genre, if it really falls into any one genre that is. It's clearly a Grifters type film shooting for a Wes Anderson vibe, which is on one level somewhat annoying given that Anderson is from and has shot several of his films in Texas, including Houston. I would have liked to see a more original vision from this first time director, but in terms of production value, cinematography (sigh, has there been a movie in the past 5 years without *extensive* drone footage?), soundtrack and acting it was well done.

Always appreciate seeing Chuck ("Better Call Saul") and he doesn't disappoint despite the limitations imposed on him by the script. The two leads are fine enough in their roles, and Alan Tudyk (also a Texas product, hmm), an entertaining and charismatic screen presence in pretty much any TV/film, doesn't really bring much dimension to his character here - again, not really his fault as the script didn't allow for a very deep character study to unfurl despite its pretentions in that regard. But the brother sister dynamic didn't quite gel for me or seem realistic enough for the plot.

The writer/director attempts to portray the city of Houston as a character and in some ways, re-envision it as a viable, flexible canvas for future projects much like NYC, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, etc. Have been employed in too many other films to count. But that also rings a little hollow once you see the basically empty light rail cars and platforms both at night and during the day. That's because Houston's light rail system is nothing at all like the subway in NYC which is a real-life nerve center and backbone that links every major neighborhood/borough and cuts across virtually all demographics and lifestyles.

The (mostly drone) shots of the skyline from various angles were too many in number at the expense of any busy city street scenes and the presence of extras like you see in films based in NYC or LA was lacking by comparison. Of course, it was filmed during a pandemic, so that aspect of the production was probably quite a challenge and I didn't dwell to much on it but that was one of the major aspects of Texas Monthly's article plugging "Playing God" so I can't exactly ignore it. Good thing they didn't film in February of this past year when the whole state was crippled and definitely not "Open for Business" due to regulatory failure and incompetent government, but I digress...

"Playing God" didn't seem to know what it wanted to be, but I suppose that isn't a fatal flaw. It was a little too non-committal, trying to hit too many different buttons throughout and not really nailing any one attempt, despite being tightly filmed for the most part and possessing a largely seamless (but still limiting and contrived) script. The overall package just came off a little too 'lightweight' to merit serious awards consideration (not that I usually agree with Academy decisions) but on a positive note, it was entertaining enough to keep me in my seat, at home.

It's certainly worth a watch, and it's not like any other movies I've seen recently, so I give it 5-Stars with an added Star for Michael McKean and some very obscure Texas-themed references (look at the phone number on the card the duo hands to Ben for example) that struck a note with me personally. 6-Stars.
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Not a comedy!
daisukereds31 August 2021
After hearing some things about the story and, particularly, the ending.. and then watching a trailer and really understanding the premise they created, I was quite intrigued!

How are they going to accomplish THAT!?

Certainly, the focus of the movie was wrong from the beginning.. or my expectations of it were. After watching it, I don't feel like I found a diamond in the rough, but I don't think I wasted my time.

This movie is a simple, yet "cute" story well executed. That it's to say it's not stupid or annoying. It is well constructed with very few wrinkles, and it keeps the tone and quality throughout, which isn't as easy as you'd expect. And more importantly, it is a story mostly driven by the cast and their portrayal of the written characters. The lead Hannah Kasulka is very charming and likeable, Michael McKean leaves a great impression, and Alan Tudyk probably sells you the most important part of it. And you may as well be "warned" that it has a very religious coating to it (in dialogue, music, etc).

I didn't get what I wanted (not even close), but I can't honestly say that this is a bad product. Once your image of the photoplay aligns with what you are watching, it will be easier to accept it.

More than a theater release, this does feel like a "straight to streaming" release.
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Interesting plot and top level cast
lucyjearnshaw7 August 2021
Wow! What a refreshing plot line. Loved seeing Michael McKean and this does not disappoint. I only know Alan T from dodgeball and really got to see his full range in this. That said, the main 2 characters were amazing, especially the sister.

Thought provoking and I recommend to anyone who's interested in something different from the same old same old story lines.

Also loved the shots of Houston and use of what seems to be a drone for the videography.
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It's a dramedy
sanjitc5 December 2021
If you're looking for a light hearted comedy, watch something else. If a movie can make you forget everything else and take you on a roller coaster ride, I'd say job well done. I enjoyed watching this movie.
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Really a 6,but gets an extra star
jjwhitt7815 March 2022
I gave this movie an extra star for the casting of Alan Tudyk & Michael McKean, because the talent of these 2 stars really elevates the movie beyond what it would have been otherwise. The gravitas & emotion that they both bring to this film make it better than what the writing & directing would have been able to accomplish on their own. It kills me to say that because I'm a big fan of Tudyk, & McKean is a legend, but the writing is a little contrived, & emotionally they carried the movie over the finish line, whereas the writing couldn't have gotten the job done. I'm not saying this is a bad movie per se', but it's not a great movie either. It's worth a watch if you have nothing else better to see, maybe on family movie night or if you're looking for something a little lightly emotional, or especially if you're looking for that Sunday night religious feel. Otherwise, catch up on other better things that you've missed before putting this one on. The ending will probably leave you feeling unfulfilled, & overall it's one of those "well ok, I've seen it now" type of movies.
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Not bad
calicut1104 November 2021
I am putting a generous 6 to help boost viewership. The lead actress is magnetic and made the movie. The rest was interesting and there were some big twists and turns. It's a forgettable movie but I've seen much worse.
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theweb-854883 September 2021
Not a bad film and can imagine this scam happening a lot in some parts of the world .
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Nicely balanced drama/comedy
gregflakus25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First-- a disclaimer-- I live in the Houston Metro area and I love how the city was depicted in this film. The opening montage really shows off the beauty of the downtown area. But the movie wasn't made to attract commerce or tourism to Houston, it was made here because Houston is an underused film location with a lot to offer.

Now-- getting to the film: It is not perfect and it does have some of the features of many other lower-budget, independent films, like music that sounds generic and detracts from a scene. But it succeeds in being funny at times and at creating a story with characters you care about. The brother and sister twins who carry out multiple cons, sometimes taking advantage of vulnerable, charitable people should be beneath our contempt, yet we can't help but identify with them. We even sympathize with Rachel, the female half of the team. Her brother, although charming and clever, shows a certain creepiness from the start. He has cold eyes.

Michael McKean is superb as their mentor, a recently-released-from-prison manager of a rundown roller skate rink who can't resist getting in on a good sting. Their target is a wealthy fellow who is full of despair after losing his daughter in an accident for which he feels responsible. McKean plays the role of God and meets with the guy on the roof of a downtown hotel. It is fun to see McKean getting into "the role of a lifetime." The filmmakers could have explored this aspect a little more and had fun with it, but perhaps that would have been too much of a good thing.

The movie is light and funny overall, but it does delve into some dark places. Rachel in particular shows empathy and guilt over her role in swindling and defrauding people she has come to love. But the plot thickens when a gangster threatens the twins with torture and death if they don't pay him the money they owe him. So, whether conflicted or not by her grifter crimes, Rachel has a lot of motivation to carry through with the scheme.

WARNING-- Spoliers ahead---

A few problems I had with the plot: The twins in one scene appear to be in a Mexican market where they meet a woman who offers them info on the wealthy man and his search for God for $10,000. First of all, why is a woman who operates out of a market stall able to obtain all this information? And is her little file worth that kind of money? It seems to me a Houston billionaire who is going around the world seeking redemption would be the talk of the town. They could have saved money and read about him in a local paper or in a feature in Texas Monthly. But what really shocked me is that when they say they only have $5,000. She caves in immediately and gives them the file. What kind of criminal informant would do that? That whole scene should have been dropped. It would have been more believable if their source had been some former business associate of the billionaire they come across who tells them the story.

Another problem is towards the end when suddenly thugs with guns appear. If you are doing a caper film the audience is expecting tension and uncertainty as the criminal protagonists try to pull it off. That's part of the fun. The gun play ruined it.

Then there is the disclosure about the billionaire and his connection with the twins that the brother gives to Rachel in order to keep her in the . This stretches the limits of what an audience is willing to accept in such a story. The coincidence is a little too much especially after we see them go to some third party in a Mexican market to get their basic info on the guy. If the info was so valuable it should have provided a lot of basic information that would have revealed the connection from the start. But I am being a bit picky. This is not "The Asphalt Jungle" or "Topkapi" or "The Sting"-- it is a film that entertains if you don't think too much about the details and sometimes that's just what you need.
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Liked it, didn't see the ending coming at all.
karavaala23 October 2022
I watched this because I am an Alan Tudyk fan, and Resident Alien is currently between seasons 2 and 3, so I had to get my Tudyk fix and I found this film. I really enjoyed Alan and Michael McKean in this film, the female lead was excellent, too. Maybe they should have called this movie Looking for God. You think you know what's going on and why, but then the storyline takes an interesting twist. There were several good supporting players, too. I found it impossible to see anything good in the lead's twin brother though I kept searching for some part of his character I could like. Good flick..
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Not a comedy
george-gayl8 April 2022
Decent flick but I feel like it would have a better rating if it wasn't categorized as comedy. A few chuckles here and there but not enough to be categorized in the comedy category.
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