The Devil Below (2021) Poster

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Waste of time
Draysan-Jennings6 March 2021
The trailer wasn't bad but the movie sucked. If Will Patton wasn't in it I never would of watched it. All this movie consists of is people running around in the darkness. There was also no clear explanation on what the monsters were. And they never show you a clear shot of what they look like. All you get from whatever these creatures are is a bunch of annoying moaning & groaning. Movie was a waste of time. 4 stars.
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Who casts these things?
skinzilla15 June 2021
As soon as I saw that the main character is a supermodel European giving tours of redneck America I knew it was gonna be bad. Not to mention they try to make her seem tough as nails, but she looks like she's never gone a day without a spa treatment. The movie isn't much better, but the main character tips the hand as to how bad this is.
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The Cliches and Tropes Below
tmccull526 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps Michael Gross's "Tremors" character Bert Gummer said it best: "Underground goddamn monsters."

I looked forward to this movie, and I wanted to like it. There are decent things about it. The cast is decent, but it's downhill from there. Take a bit of "Tremors", throw in a dash of "The Descent", thrown in a soupcon of the isolation and claustrophobic feeling of "Underwater", and you have "The Devil Below".

This movie is chocked full of horror movie tropes:

1.) All of the men are greedy, dishonest, arrogant, condescending, sarcastic, or all of the above.

2.) The heroic figures are the women. We get it already. The new John McClain has breasts. Women are smart. Women are courageous. Women are virtuous. They''re all Elektra or Wonder Woman. Sigourney Weaver's Ellen Ripley from the "Alien" movies was bad-ass. I loved her. The concept of the heroic female lead is so over-used and so over done that it reduces the concept to a check-the-box-go-to-cliche for almost every horror movie made.

I thought Jamie Lee Curtis was fantastic in the original "Halloween", and the recent reboot of the franchise. I loved Kristen Stewart in "Underwater". I am not averse to the heroic female lead. It has been done well in some movies. Now, it is so overused that it trivializes the impact that Weaver's Ellen Ripley made in "Alien".

3.) All subterranean creatures in these movies hunt by sound. Again, "Tremors", "The Descent", we get it already.

4.) Hey! Guess what? The black guy dies! How original! Even more original, hs is a Christian man of faith who prays fervently just before he perishes to no avail. We get it already. God is dead. God is helpless before evil. This, too, has been done to death and back again... you know, like Jesus.

My biggest problem with this movie is this. We have a population of subterranean monsters who abduct people, and in a Lovecraftian twist, feed them to their amorphous, enormous god/monster. The people of the small mining town, Shookum Hills, know this. They have formed a secret conspiratorial cabal to keep these monsters in check and contained, and of course, the members of this secret league are hostile to outsiders.

These monsters MUST be contained to the mines below Shookum Hills. This is imperative. They must not be allowed to spread past the gates and electric fences set up by this cabal of locals to confine these creatures. But, the locals are fighting a war of attrition, and they are beginning to lose. When this fact comes to light to one of the outsiders, the bad-ass female lead in the movie, she asks why the locals don't go to the authorities for help. She is told that the locals won't go to the authorities or the military for help because no one will believe them.


People, locals or otherwise, are disappearing on an alarming, regular basis. The locals can prove this. Anyone who goes near the mines is attacked. An electric fence has been set up to contain these creatures... and the authorities won't believe any of this?

More stupid still, the female lead is given the choice to go outside of Shookum Hills for help, or to stay and join the dwindling forces of the locals. One guess. What does she do?

She stays and joins the locals, even though they're losing ground, even though their resources are dwindling, even though the existence of the creatures and the threat that they represent is eminently provable, even though the military would be much better equipped to deal with a threat that MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO SPREAD UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. She chooses to stay. And what is her contribution to the battle? A length of rope, and climbing gear. How utterly heroic... and stupid. The ending absolutely ruined a movie that was already disappointing.

If you have time to kill, are jonesing for a creature feature, and aren't too picky, you might... and I stress MIGHT like this movie.
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Might have been
birkby-704235 March 2021
It might have been a good film but I will never know, it was filmed in stygian darkness, who was doing what to who and why will remain a mystery, as I could not make out what was going on, and why did they not call in the US Army to deal with whatever it was? filming great parts of films in darkness seems to be a trend lately, does it save money on sets? or Lighting? I don't know but it is tiresome.
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They weren't wrong
takato052414 June 2021
This was awful. I fell asleep twice! Too dark, unlikable characters, incoherent plot. My biggest question: why did they decide to give the male lead, who is Mexican American, a British accent? It was terrible and unconvincing.
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Don't bother
seanroger-8296314 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, how this movie got over 2 stars in any review is beyond me. It is not entertaining and you aren't really given information. That and the complete lack of fight or flight (i.e. Common sense) in any of the characters. It was horrible. The plot was, well I don't know exactly what the point was. The creatures go from having super speed to walking in slow motion.

Don't waste your time watching.
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So dark, it's unwatchable!
Go_For_The_Jugular6 March 2021
Impossible to watch, as the picture is dark af!

WTH, man?! I can understand that the night time/inside caves scenes would be dark, but this film somehow manages to make an outside daytime scene, (with the sun fully blazing), look dark! I had to switch to YouTube to make sure that my TV wasn't broken.

It's like watching with 3 pairs of sunglasses on.

And turning up the brightness on your TV set won't help! All that does is put a horrible white mist over something that's already unwatchable.

20 minutes of squinting and guessing what I was looking at is all I could take.

Apologies to the filmmakers, but I say what I see...or in this case 'don't see' *pause for laughter*
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Avoid at all cost
omarcantbestopped16 June 2021
Everything about this movie is awful. Writing, direction, cinematography, acting. It was just bad and a waste of time.
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For a low budget effort it's Watchable, ignore the one stars that's just plain wrong.
davidjskeen-5344512 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I quite like the idea behind this. There are mines on fire underground in Pennsylvania, so I can see the stretch of giving this some traction to a horror flick. Yes it could of been better, a lot better but the potential was there. Of course some money needed for special effects, the Queen kind of idea that turns humans into the horrors could have gone into an Alienesque type scenario. I'd like to see someone splash the cash in a sequel because the potential is there. I normally only comment on bad films but after seeing the ridiculous ratings I thought I'd try to give this a fair shake and a boost.
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I created my account to warn others not to watch this
cfinny-0582620 June 2021
Absolute mess of a story that has non consistency or direction.
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The Devil Below
Tweekums17 September 2021
The town of Shookum Hills in the Appalachian Mountains was wiped off the map following a mining disaster in the 1970s... at least that is the official story. Now a group of explorers are determined to discover the truth. As they arrive in the area locals claim not to have heard of Shookum Hills much less know where it is. The group manages to find it anyway; hidden behind an electric fence. It is clear that somebody wants the mine sealed... but is that to keep people out or keep something in? The group are about to find out and when they do they will be in real danger.

I thought this was a decent enough low budget horror film. Sure the creatures are of the 'men in rubber suits' variety familiar to anybody who watched 'Doctor Who' in the '70s but that doesn't matter to much as for most of the time they are hidden in darkness. The dark and confined setting creates a good atmosphere much like that in 'The Decent', an admittedly superior film. The characters are the usual mixed bag; most of whom we know won't survive till the end. The acting is decent enough for a film of this type. One does have to suspend ones disbelief more than a little; given the danger it is unlikely more wouldn't have been done to eradicate it or at least ensure it couldn't be released by curious explorers! Overall though it didn't bother me, after all the true test of any horror film is whether or not it is scary and for me it was; more so than many horror films I've seen. Give it a go... even if you think it is terrible you'll only waste ninety minutes.
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Some of these "reviews"...
haskel-729519 July 2021
This is not a perfect movie. It is also nowhere near the worst of all time. It is a low budget horror movie, and not a bad one. Hollywood dumps worse than this in theaters every January and late August.
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Is it not over yet
theblackforest15 June 2021
Wow someone got paid actual money to make this film. Ok so you cant afford special effects but at least have a script that wasnt wrtten by a 12 year old. What a terrible film, bad acting, bad dialogue, bad story bad everything, bad, bad, bad.
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There Are Better Films
payasoingenioso16 June 2021
The movie was almost decent until the creatures appeared.

The creatures and plot are nonsense. There are plenty of movies that do this better.
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Just. Plain. Horrible.
reellycynical6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In all seriousness, I think I could have filmed a better movie with my phone in the back yard, given enough time.

Where to start........ I mean, there's really nothing redeemable about this movie. The plot is dumb. Why not just drop a bomb into the mine shaft and nuke all the monsters in it? Dumb.

As for the monsters that are in the mine. - you never learn anything about them except for some scribbles on a piece of paper shown on the screen for about 5 seconds. Seriously. That's it. You only actually SEE the monsters in the movie for about 10 seconds in the entire movie. Seriously. That's it.

Save yourself the frustration of finishing the movie and saying to yourself, "Why did I waste my time with that?"

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your fooled to believe...
ops-525355 March 2021
Something is down there in the ground, and with dishonest causes for being there where the ground smokes and the mud is warm, really rams this group of five.

but as in every 3rd monster movie the monster is barely visible, a blurry outline and a flysnappersflowers mouth piece is the only you can see.and apart from loads of groans and growels, and dissapearing mighty men that should have a CO detector instead of a CO2 detector. the guiding ''lola'' caracter seems like and sound like a toomb raider caracter, and the continous darkness keeps the secrets very well hidden till you cant figure out whats what. so productionwise it has many glitches, and a very troublesome daylight logistic nightmare. the darkfilming is so bad, so what is in the dark stays secretly there in the dark forever.

so go out and find yourself an abandoned coal mine pit and make a copycat outta just have to be cruel and sinister and dumbfoundly curious in the acts, its really nothing more.

it started of with a 6, ended up with a weak 4 thinks the grumpy old man. its a shallow story, poor caracter development and the filming is a nightmare
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It really is as bad as they say...
Luv2Spooge6 March 2021
1) No real plot 2) No real character development 3) Really dark and blurry 4) Makes no sense.

So why didn't they just contact the government?

And if they went all out to protect this place, why no CCTV at the gate area to see intruders?

They put electricity on the hole covers, but didn't simply put up a warning sign telling people not to remove the covers?

These guys were some sort of miners? Don't they have a lot of explosives to blow up the whole cavern network and collapse it?

And what are these things anyways? Ant people? And if they couldn't get out, what do they eat? While we're at it, what do these miners eat? I don't see them growing any vegetables or raising livestock.

But perhaps most asinine is that the scientists knew there were something down there and after they climbed back up, they didn't bother to cover up the hole again and put the electricity back on? Even if they didn't, I mean it is pretty common sense to cover the hole and leave everything back to the way they found it.
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I tried so hard...
zeelu-895507 March 2021
I wanted to like this movie, but it was just ok. The acting is solid and some great atmospheric moments. The story is not all too original but still intriguing. Where the movie fails for me is in two spots. First, yes I know it is mostly at night, but parts are just too dark for the human eye. Second, the whole film is based around the monsters that we hardly get to see enough of. Worth a watch but keep your expectations low.
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Better Than All The Reviews
eghnwg13 July 2021
This is way better than half the movies on Netflix. I cannot believe all the "too dark" comments. Turn the lights off like you should for any real home viewing. Good sci-fi and at least an overall B+ movie.
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Crappy Movie Below
shaunephillips2814 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I knew I was in for a bad time when all the characters were some weird stereotype. While driving to the site, one of the characters starts going on about how they shouldn't be going. Yet he's going. I cannot stand bad writing like this. The whole point of we shouldn't be here characters is to set some ominous tone, but the writers never think how a character like this makes absolutely no sense. Then 5 minutes later the character is excited. So, does he or doesn't he want to be here?

They stop at a store to get directions and of course the guy at the counter looks like he hates outoftowners. Y'all go back to the city where y'all's belong. It's just bad writing. Things only get worse from here. Bad writing, bad characters, bad pacing and a bad story.
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I liked it!
brooke-14018 March 2021
I definitely think this team has seen the descent, aliens, my bloody valentine, deep rising, as above so below, Chernobyl diaries and some other fun monster horror films. I dug it. I think the dialogue could be better in some parts also and some parts were kind of weird but I think they did a great job with what they showed and how they showed it. Totally right up my alley and much better than a lot of things I've rented on iTunes. Totally worth a watch!!
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not has bad has people say
kaefab6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok its not ground braking or anything but its not has bad has most people here say it is.

We do see the creatures... and they are scary. Its your normal creature feature.

No there is no explanation of why they do this, where they come from etc....

The cast is good they are not annoying all beautiful airheads, but nerdy like science guys.

All in all an OK horror movie to past time that is not going to win any Oscars.
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Too Dark
katyalley15 June 2021
Too dark and not in a good way, even in daytime setting I couldn't see a thing, I've no idea what was going on as the screen just seemed to be in total darkness. I can understand most of these things happen at night but even the daytime stuff seemed to be dark, I thought at first there was a Shaddow on my screen.

Didn't keep me interested enough to watch it all the way through, boring story, boring cast and I couldn't see what was going on.
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vinniereillybr6 March 2021
There is nothing redeeming about this film. Cast is unlikeable, silly plot and most of it's shot in darkness. A real stinker.
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Goes from eerie and interesting to what the hell!
paulclaassen15 March 2021
'The Devil Below' is also known as 'Shookum Hills'. Like many other horror films, this one starts off interesting and mysterious, and then plummets to all too familiar, cliched ground.

The sub-standard visual effects makes it hard to believe 'The Devil Below' was made in 2021. Even some 80's films incorporating demons or devils have better monster effects. The film's first half was eerie and ominous, but I must admit I never really cared about any of the stereotypical characters. Alicia Sanz tried so hard to act all macho as the film's heroin Arianne, but I didn't really buy it. And as for Schuttmann (Will Patton) who saves the day, this character was only there when he was needed. He didn't really contribute much to the film, despite him harboring a grudge against the creatures.

The film gave me a sense of 'Silent Hill' vs 'The Descent', only not nearly as good as any of these. The last few minutes are also too weird, and badly photographed.

Would I watch it again? No.
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