The Recall (2017) Poster


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Legit review
freqeteq16 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Time for a review from someone who has been a member of IMDb for longer than a week and has reviewed more than one movie, unlike all of the reviewers so far that have given this movie great reviews on here....

You know, a skeptic might think that some of those reviews could be bogus.....

Anyway, this movie isn't overly terrible and it isn't great, but after watching it I couldn't recommend it to anyone else to watch. It's just forgettable and bland with nothing to make it stand out from every other similar movie in the genre. It's one of those movies that you watch today, it's forgotten by tomorrow and you never think about it ever again.

There IS NO TWIST like some of the reviewers claim there is, and for the ones screaming "Wesley Snipes is back!" yes he is, for a grand total of around 15 minutes in this 90 minute movie. The cgi effects are adequate but don't expect movie quality, they're more in line with something you'd find on a lower tier TV show.

I was disappointed, I watched this for Wesley because I wanted to see Snipes kicking some alien butt, instead all he did for most of his quarter of an hour screen time was either stare creepily at the kids in the cabin or sit down and deliver exposition to them.

Apart from the lack of Snipes 2 things really ruined this movie for me, firstly, the acting was pretty bad by the 5 college aged kids that were the main focus of the film, in fact it was terrible in places, especially from the blonde guy who was the lead. Secondly, none of the kids characters were developed, at all. To put that into context, the female lead character, if you asked me what kind of person she was all I could answer would be that she's normal and has asthma, apart from that she has no personality, and the sad thing is that I know more about her character than I do 3 out of the other 4 because at least I know she has asthma. Just zero character development, I don't know if they're good, bad, brave, shy, dumb, smart, catty, bullies or what, they're just all blank slates who aren't very good at acting, which made it really hard to care about whether they lived or died.

Even though it's not totally terrible I still wouldn't recommend this, even if it's on free TV there are better ways to spend your time, like cleaning the oven or doing your taxes or digging a hole just so you can fill it in again. 4/10
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poppsy6916 June 2017
Don't bother watching. so many errors in continuity and editing. Not to mention terrible acting. Sad to see Wesley in such a C grade film. Will never get that time back...

many fake reviewers pushing up the score here. It is no more than a 3 at best. DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM IF YOU VALUE YOUR TIME!
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Not much happens.
bastiaan074020 June 2017
I like Snipes, couldn't care less about the rest of the cast, I like Sci-fi, the plot is more of a footnote than a script, it makes little sense and provides a theater for people acting the way they do with no real result. It mixes some suspense, sci-fi, slasher elements, but so little, and it's so bland...people and events come and go, then the movie ends. Entire movie feels like padding. Not boring, but definitely unfulfilling.
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Awful movie, terrible cast. Do not watch this if you like Wesley Snipes.
avengerthedead16 June 2017
Where can I start?

Firstly let's start off by pointing out the number of fake reviews praising this movie, most likely from the d-grade actors involved in this movie or their publicists. You should be ashamed...not because of the number of fake reviews you so vainly posted, but by how embarrassingly obvious they are as fakes (check RottenTomatoes, you will see more fake reviews there).

So...the movie itself is very c-grade. Usual generic story of teens going into the woods, everything is laughably predictable, normally i'd say this isn't such a bad thing if you enjoy that type of movie but unfortunately the acting and writing is beyond rubbish.

The emotions are all wrong and swing from one to the next without any care or thought as to the scene itself. Amateur actors at best. I was really excited to see Wesley Snipes on the big screen again but dude, you made a huge mistake doing this movie.

You will recognise the annoying kid from Breaking Bad is in this movie, I don't really wish bad things for him IRL but I could have punched that stupid character he played in this movie over and over in the face.

Make no mistake, this movie blows, anyone telling you otherwise is a shill being paid by cronies related to this movie. Frankly the only pleasure you will derive from this movie, is telling your friends how bad it was.

Do not watch.
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Pure junk
sean-94316 June 2017
Total waste of space, if you look at the reviews on here you can see that they all look the same and giving high marks but most of them have only been members for the las week. Someone is writing this crap on here and trying to nudge this cow pat of a film higher in the ratings. No chance of that if you watch this turd like i did then you are as daft as me.
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Nice Idea Poorly Executed
dcarsonhagy17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Recall" is a sci-fi movie that takes a "been there; done that" premise and puts a different and new spin on things.

Five friends embark on a weekend trip to a cabin in the middle of nowhere for some fun. Unbeknownst to them, the world is under an alien attack and the aliens are looking for certain specimens, i.e. in the form of humans. It seems they want to create the next lineage of people who will inhabit this planet. This premise worked. What didn't work is what you had to go through from point A to point B. Saddled with people who constantly whine and pine about love lost and a Wesley Snipes character that seems thrown in for no reason, those involved simply managed to destroy what could have been a nice little film.

Now, for those of you who gave the film one star because a "homer" reviewed it and gave it 10 stars...SHAME ON YOU. Do you think this is the first time that's been done? It's called promotion. I never go to a movie because it got great reviews. Face it, it is ultimately OUR decision--after we see the movie--to decide what is great and what sucks. Was this particular movie great? Oh, heck no. The plot had some holes you could put your fist through! But to savage it simply because you are offended by tactics used to promote it...well, I think IMDb should have qualifications for people to meet before they can comment on a movie.

Rated "R" for language, brief nudity, and violence. This one is a tossup for me.
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Cliché Ridden Snoozefest--Avoid! Possible Spoilers... Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the worst sci-fi/horror film I've ever seen. Every cliché from the alien abduction genre is trotted out to dull effect. The acting, if you can call it that, is below the level of a third rate high school production. This was like a lower tier SyFy Channel production with a curse word and tiny bit of skin thrown in with a few splattery gore (mild) f/x to get that R rating. The projection gimmick was an afterthought and added absolutely nothing to the viewing experience. I can honestly say I didn't find one positive thing to say about this very mediocre effort. It's a shame someone with vision, talent, and an original idea didn't have the resources these filmmakers did to turn out something really incredible. An embarrassment for Wesley Snipes. Avoid!
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As bad as it gets.
valdeeg16 June 2017
Five kids in the cabin in the woods, Wesley Snipes - ex military, survivalist and alien invasion. It is as bad as it gets. It is funny how the first IMDb reviews, all scoring 8-10 points, all raving about the scenario and acting :) clearly fake. Do not waist your time on this. It a very badly acted, ridiculously written story, that maybe, but only maybe, if you're 7 years old you might find it amusing.
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Passable low budget B sci-fi movie
abisio25 June 2017
The Recall has a couple of good ideas in it and the movie is able to hold attention for its 90 minutes. Sadly the low budget does not allow to a better development of some part of the story. Wesley Snipes as mysterious Hunter is able to inspire some frightening moments. The other characters has very little development but the rest of the cast does what they can. The alien sequences are not particularly original nor very well staged but create some (lite) horrifying / terrifying moments.

In brief; it is not the worst way to expend 90 minutes of your life if you have nothing more important to do.
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Oops They Did It Again - Aliens Strike No. 1.000.507
Tweetienator17 June 2017
Well, lots of fake reviews (all those super reviews I checked got only one review... one account rated The Godfather 5 but The Recall a 10...) The Recall got Wesley Snipes in it and that's mostly about it - sadly he has just too little of screen time. The plot is about an alien invasion and some "twist" in the end - a melting pot of recycled ideas. The production quality of the movie is of good TV-scale. I rated The Recall 1 because of all those fake reviews and ratings, my real rate is sth like a 3, in good mood and with a Snipes' bonus a 4, but tbh, I cannot think of anything why I would recommend this movie to someone.

Only recommended for the absolute ultra-die-hard sci-fi nerd and/or Snipes fan who has to watch everything.
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Wesley Snipes goes straight from prison into NASA. A huge step for wesleykind, a very tiny step for cinemakind.
fedor82 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Utterly cretinous B-movie with appalling actors, stupid characterization, dumb plot-devices and just all-round ineptitude.

Snipes behaves like a redneck woodsman... except he isn't a redneck. He's a former astronaut, abducted by aliens. Well, at least that's original: most aliens anal-probe cows and farmers, rarely do they pick off NASA's finest. (Or the prison system's finest... coz Wesley...)

The same can't be said for Russia's finest astronuts, i.e. cosmonuts i.e. he isn't so fine: Snipes's Russian buddy for some baffling reason ended up in an American prison. Care to explain that, movie? No, I guess not.

As soon as loverboy sees an alien, he does what? Believe it or not, he starts a fight with blond guy, first a verbal fight than an actual scuffle. Because SOMEHOW seeing aliens turns loverboy into a violent psycho-killer who accidentally shoots his girlfriend - in what is an utterly dumb scene yet somehow very predictable. He then threatens to kill his friends. Fortunately, the aliens realize that he is the bad guy and beam him up just as he is about to once again threaten the others. Because that's what you do when aliens invade: you start hating your friends.

Say what? There's an alien invasion and the "teens" turn on each other? Wut? Who the hell wrote this crap and why were they paid? Were they paid? I hope only in Monopoly money.

In the meantime, for much of the first half, Snipes is shown but almost never heard, never stepping in to help or to offer advice at least. Yet, later on, once the teens are all dead/abducted/crippled he decides to be the hero. Why? Oh right, they were used as "bait". As if Snipes could possibly "lure" these aliens into a trap, or make them do what he wants. The writer must have confused NASA's astronauts with Marvel's superheroes.

When Snipes finally proves himself useful, he catches an alien, TAUNTS it like a child, overacts his hinder off, then kills it.

That's the kind of movie this is. And it's got 25 year-old teens. That too.

The film leaves the best for last: all the abductees are returned to Earth, and the army - once again - are the bad guys, shooting them off. But even that seems unclear: did they get the order to kill them, or did that sergeant (or whatever) make that decision on a whim? It's all so dumb. So pointless. So silly. Unless you consider abducted humans being given Jedi powers a good thing.

An Ancient Aliens plot may sound OK on paper (notice I said OK, not good, because it's so dumb and cliche), but it fails just as badly as every History Channel episode of the said show.

It's just a very dumb and fairly uninteresting film, and nothing I'd suggest even to UFO invasion aficionados.
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It Is What It Is
petermullins26 June 2017
The ridiculously negative reviews of this movie from some people are simply not justified. If, like me, you are a sci-fi fan who also likes the occasional dose of horror and you watch movies to be entertained (rather then sitting there trying to pick holes all the time) then you will enjoy this movie.

What I mean by "be entertained": Was the story engaging and did it move along at a good pace? Check! Were the actors believable (remembering this is a sci-fi film)? Check! Were the special effects good? Check! Would I watch a sequel? Check!

Unfortunately the wave of negative reviews from haters of possibly fake positive reviews has probably killed the chances for a sequel. That's a shame because, while the movie is self-contained, there are enough plot threads that I would love to see developed further.
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No idea why got so low rating.
bil_swimming23 June 2018
Interesting idea and some good scenes. Come on. i think it wasn't bad at all. never watched sci fi movie like this one. I really enjoyed it.
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Horrible movie
ayaz-s16 June 2017
Please avoid seeing this movie. Nothing but a sub standard production with acting that could not sell turnips in a market. I have no idea how anyone could regard this as anything more than a complete waste of time and bandwidth. The story line is nonsensical and the whole set up looks unconvincing. Its more like a combination of dead man walking and zombies combined.
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Im an active IMDb member/This Film unfairly reviewed BOTH Ways (Good and Bad)
tdwillis-2627318 June 2017
This wont be my typical review....There was just a few things I wanted to bring up about reviewers who join IMDb and review one movie, then you never hear from them again. They don't take any polls, they don't rate any movies (or very few)and seemingly it DOES appear that they are biased for one reason or another. This is why I also check the reviewers and watch for those things I just mentioned.

I do have to say tho, that this movie isn't the terrible piece of crap some reviewers are saying, and it isn't the glorious work of art that others are saying either. I just wonder if when some reviewers see that it is rated so high that they try to make up for it by rating very low. Which seems to me, just makes it even more of a big F'ed up mess.

My advice....just be careful when you read the reviews. Use common sense. Anyone that rates it a 10 and glorifies it, check their credentials (how long have they been an IMDb member, how many reviews have they done, have they rated more then 5-10 movies, have they been active (do they take polls> make lists, etc....) Reacting to these "fake" reviews by responding with not fair reviews to try and make up for it is NOT helping. Review honestly and fairly. THAT is the best way to respond.

Now, I have just started this movie, and so haven't had time to form a real strong opinion yet, but I can say, that the acting in this film is NOT bad. I have seen hundreds of B movies, independent movies with some really terrible acting and This is NOT even close to that level of Bad.

So far all I can tell you is that it is not a rated 10 movie some have reported. And it is not a 1,2, or 3 rated that others gave it.

Im a half hour in, and's not too bad. Good enough Im sticking with it the rest of the way....(score good, editing appears work/lighting/cinematography all seem whats left, a weak screenplay? OK....maybe..but so far so good in my book) Give it a look see and make up your own mind, and if you honest. Guess that's really the main point I wanted to get across. And that this movie doesn't deserve the very high or the very low reviews.
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(mind-blowingly) Stupid teenagers are more dangerous than aliens...
Umm well the special effects and plot were ok... But good Lord these kids are DUMB and not in a running away at the wrong time kind of dumb but suicidally stupid. Can somebody please make a movie like this with people who aren't trying to function with an IQ of 75... I'm pretty sure the kids in this movie were way more of a danger to themselves than the aliens were. Wesley Snipes was pretty entertaining though, he's really the only intelligent person in it. Honestly by the end of the movie you're wanting them all to die just so there's no chance of them reproducing.
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lukem-5276013 April 2021
Wesley Snipes was an action icon during his glory days in the 90's & made some excellent films including "Passenger 57" & "Demolition Man" & "Murder at 1600" & "Drop Zone" & og course his "Blade 1&2" but now he's deep in the low-budget trenches like many of his type of fallen action stars (Seagal, Willis, Lundgren, Van Damme among others) but some of these low-budget flicks can be really good but this poor sci-fi horror is just crap & Snipes is wasted!!!

Poor Snipes, this was a crappy flick with a bunch of crappy "pretty" actors who can't act & are just annoying. Just a very poor film.
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How did they ever convince anyone to invest in this bomb??
johnzappulla16 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film had all the ingredients to be a decent flick. Professional cinematography, pretty good acting, a big name actor with Snipes, but the execution was just terrible. The editing was horrific, the script was poor at best. It was confusing and annoying. How many times can characters fall down and hit their heads??? The special effects were amateurish, and the ending was so bad. You are wasting your time if you watch it.
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pbryden516 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was encouraged by the many positive reviews on IMDb and the fact Wesley Snipes was starring in it.

Sadly the reviews must be fake because the film is terrible.

The acting is wooden, the characters are plastic and story is awful.

The alien ship was like something out of Hellraiser.
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Fair review: The Recall
RandyFinch24 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Based on some other IMDb reviews, I had very low expectations for this. Right off the bat, the vfx made it pretty obvious the budget for this was on the lower end, but I still found myself enjoying it. Wesley Snipes was great as this crazy hunter/hermit character who does taxidermy, and actually gets to stuff one of the aliens (it's a lot funnier than it sounds). The young cast was also pretty good. The cinematography and creature makeup/design were better than you'd normally expect for this kind of film.

But there are definitely a few glaring flaws. The vfx could have been MUCH better and some of the editing was just plain confusing. The movie also clearly borrows elements from Cabin in the Woods and Fire In The Sky, but it does takes a very unsuspected turn near the end.

So I do recommend the movie, but also to checking your expectations before watching it. If you're looking for the next Independence Day or Star Wars, this probably isn't for you. But if you enjoy smaller films with interesting ideas, quirky characters and a little humor, you'll most likely have a good time.
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It couldn't be worse
tlarraya17 June 2017
This movie couldn't be worse. The acting is bad. The script and story are bad. The special effects are terrible (even 20 years ago they had better effects). It's amazing that this could even make it to the cinemas. Avoid this at all costs. You've been warned. I hope I would have known before I started watching this.
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Skip the film and instead tead the 8 to 10 star reviews, they are better fiction than the film!
VoyagerMN198614 March 2018
LOL, one of them is, I kid you not, is that this film is: "A 'Master Class' in filmmaking."

Oh, ok.

There is some good monitoring of upshilling reviews that use tech like that applied to amazon with 'fakespot." Mainstream films like last years "Mrs Sloan" show lots of fake up rating reviewing, but these low budget ones can be gold mines of absurdly laughable ones!
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Not That Bad
ronvoss168219 June 2017
This is my first review and a short one at that. I never go by any other reviews because I believe in actually seeing the movie first by determining what it is in my opinion, not others. I didn't think that this movie was all that bad. During the first 15 or 20 minutes into it I couldn't figure out what Wesley Snipes was doing but later on in the movie he figured into it pretty good. I thought the special effects were good and the acting wasn't really that bad. A lot of people figured it was the run of the mill ho hum scifi flick but it did hold my interest. I am a devout scifi guy. Watch it and you decide if it meets the caliber of what you think a movie should be. That is pretty much it.
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It's your turn...
princess-of-zeal22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to sum this up with

Alien 1 (Fred) "Soooo, it's your turn to bathe the humans."

Alien 2 (Paul) "My turn AGAIN? I did it last time."

Fred "Well, it's technically it's Charles turn but-"

Paul "Ooooohhhh... actually, what did become of him?"

Fred "Well, you remember that human...uh...thing... sword or whatever it's name was?"

Paul. " Oh Bla-oh ...uh, THAT Charles guy?"

Fred "Yeah."

Paul. "The Charles that got really prickly, spoiled that human too much and was never seen again?"

Fred "Yep. That Charles. I heard he's still hanging out with the human."

Ok, ok. So, it's not a great movie but I was really amused by how ridiculous it was. There are aliens, the Scooby Doo crowd, an ex military astronaut and fancy baths. Would I watch it again? If I was having a friend watch it and I wanted to watch their reaction more than the movie? Hell yeah, I would watch it again!
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I saw this for free and still want a refund
martene-8965228 September 2017
The premise seemed okay to me at first. Red Dawn or Tomorrow, When the War Began; but with Aliens. It was nowhere near either of those films. The alien (singular) was nothing special. The special effects were amateur looking. The acting was abysmal. Wesley Snipes who used to be a king of the screen, was trying too hard to be a troubled bad***, while the rest of the cast weren't believable as real people. The story line and acting were flat.

I saw this for free and still want a refund. I was hoping something would happen to pay off for the time watching, but it did not. 90 minutes lost :(
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