Step Sisters (2018) Poster


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Cringey first half, much better second half
helvin327 January 2018
Script wasn't the greatest in this film. The first half was full of narcissistic personalities and over the top stereotyping... Then the second half delved into some topics relevant to this day and age and made it a much more interesting watch - alongside some awesome dance talent! TL/DR: wish that the great, relevant, thought-provoking themes of this film were given to a better writer and director (imo). Great steps!
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Don't judge before you watch the second half!!!
jasciaroberts27 January 2018
So I started watching this because I was super bored and as all of the rest of the reviews state, the first half of this movie is super played out and so cheesy you can't help but roll your eyes. Then, literally halfway through the movie it changes and gives real dimensions and honestly addresses a lot of things that are super relevant and need to be addressed. I was PLEASANTLY surprised and I will absolutely recommend and watch this movie again.
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well, they tried
cwingard-7979023 January 2018
Its like every other dance/gymnastic/singing movie. You DON'T watch them for the plot... or script... or acting... or anything else except the action numbers. The step scenes are great and everything else.. well I loved hating every minute of it.
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Terrible Film, Unintentionally watchable
heavymetal-1005722 January 2018
The movie Step Sisters on Netflix is a masterpiece of terrible cinema.

The film tells the story of a black girl teaching a white sorority how to dance like black girls. It manages to mash together every bad trope from the 'Dance competition' movies from the early 2000's(think Bring It On) with cringingly terrible acting, a ridiculous plot, excellent dancing, and unintentionally hilarious quotability("YOU NEED TO MAKE THEIR ASS HAIR STAND UP!!!").

This is all served alongside a large helping of performative 'wokeness', uncomfortable, non-funny racial humor and unfocused social justice 'lessons'. ( For instance, a large part of the plot is about the impact of cultural appropriation of black traditions by white people, but then also features a dance number with a bunch of black women dressed as generic Asian women in silk robes and fans without blinking an eye.)

Please note I am making no comment on actual cultural appropriation, race, or social justice. The movie tries to make these issues a major plot point, and fails spectacularly. The only major lesson the movie ends up conveying is "Race, culture, and upbringing are unimportant as long as you are rich and pretty'

I HIGHLY recommend it, if only as a unintended parody of the current 'everything is offensive to the point where we cant tell what is actually offensive" climate, but also as a gem of cinematic garbage that at times approaches The Room in terms of terribleness and watchability
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Was it a great movie, nah but was it bad NO
daydreamer-0710020 January 2018
Honestly most netflix movies aren't that great to begin with. But notice a pattern with all the comments. TYhey didnt finish the movie, only watched 15 mins blah blah race.. But it was different in the 2nd half! The main character became likeable and grew. For once it was saying we've all been there. we need to both stop judging and how we are a like or had a moment a like. They show and prove that there are white people that love black people. So stop hating. There are white people who support black people in their struggle but there are also white people that have struggles. No i am not talking about starbucks instagram girls blah blah thats make up of the 1% that talk about white people problems etc. I had a dead beat dad, single mom that struggled and worked hard never dated cause she was scared to bring guys around us. I got mad fun of and bullied cause i didnt have money growing up. I had handy downs from my cousins etc. I believe it made me a stronger person. I never judged anyone. I was nice to everyone even the girls i knew who hated me, the guys & girls that got made fun of etc.

They finally point this out in the movie that we should be coming together vs who had it worse or what happened in the past. That not all black people or white people are the same. For once it focuses on both sides.

I just think its so funny how the ppl who judged the movie didnt even watch it though. Its as if they were the plot of the movie.. in the beginning both sides were judging each other BEFORE GETTING TO KNOW THEM.. How can you judge a movie from the 1st 15 mins! Thats like judging someone by their skin colour or if you think they are ugly or hot when you 1st meet. That person could be amazing but you never gave them a chance because you judged by what they looked like... Thats what this movie is all about, getting to know the people before making judgements.

P.s I am white, I have black family memebers. My neighbor and her kids are black and i think of her as a 2nd mom. And I smile big when i see her grand kids because i don't want them to think all white people hate them because we don't. We should be teaching our kids to love each other not believe eveyone hates them before they even meet.
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Concieted, self conscious and irreverant
eamonnoconnell19 January 2018
We didn't manage to sit through the whole thing, but of what we saw not much more than a bad MTV video. There was a time when the Netflix badge was a mark of quality. That day has long since past though, and suffering through movies like this makes you wonder if Netflix risks damaging its brand through association.
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Not as bad as it looks
bobiomccloure22 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is full of stereotypes and obnoxious caricatures. That is exactly the intention. The characters are introduced as one dimensional, petty, and racist from the very start. If you are turned-off by the beginning, please watch until the end. There are some very excellent moments, and if you feel like this film seems "race-baitiy" I will present some evidence that it's not bullshit.


The main character states that "White people said the same thing about Tiger Woods and the Williams sisters; we said the same thing about Eminem. Races can't own things."

The white 'woke' boyfriend turns out to be unsupportive and toxic, despite the fact that he has all the 'right' things to say and the 'correct' opinion on cultural differences. He's a caricature of people that try too hard to be 'woke' and end up sounding like dicks.

The MC of the black-dominated step competitions mock the white people who perform, and while the dancers agonize and worry, the protagonist says:

"Are you feeling out of place? Like maybe they're judging you before you've had a chance to express yourselves?" "Yes" "Tell me something.. How do you think they feel, when they're the only black person in the class, or the office"


The end result is a mediocre movie, but a movie that had some decent points to make along the way. It wasn't pushing an agenda, it wasn't holier-than-thou', it was merely a movie about rich college kids learning that race isn't as important as friendship and being a good person.
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This movie should of never been made.
purpleice-3348319 January 2018
I know it's still early to say but I'd bet money this is the worst movie of 2018 since it's one of the worst I've ever seen in my life. It's not funny. It's not endearing. It's feels played out as soon as it begins. And I can't quite articulate how off putting the whole tone of the movie was. Who was the target audience? I can't tell if the actors are awful or it was just the roles they were written to play but I cringed and cringed and finally I turned it off.
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Pleasantly surprised
blackgold10128 January 2018
Seeing a lot of negativity in these reviews. That being said, I pretty much got what I expected (Stomp the Yard meets Bring it On with a dash of Drumline and Pitch Perfect on the side chick-flick).

And Netflix, at least it's better than Iron Fist (LOL!!!)
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Painful Movie with a Feel Good Ending
mizsuz3 February 2018
The story was painfully fraught with cliche, and most of the acting was wooden and contrived particularly through the first half of the movie.

It did bring it home for a feel good, if predictable, ending. I'm not sure I agree that the second half was "good," as other reviewers have suggested, but I wouldn't argue with it being "better" than the first half.
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If you're going to watch it, watch it until the end.
CharlieHere25 January 2018
I read some bad reviews where people quit watching or didn't seem to get the point? I mean, if it's not your cup of tea, then fair enough. I like a bit of light-hearted drivel now and again, and I did get Pitch Perfect and Bring It On vibes, but I absolutely love any film or TV series that explores social issues in new and interesting ways. I love the characters in this, especially the protagonist, everyone is shown to have their flaws and it's always great to see actual character arcs. The characters and even the ideas presented by the movie are somewhat stereotypical at first, but this does change the more you watch, and the more you get to know the characters- which I thought was really clever! There are some hilarious scenes, amazing dancing and I wasn't disappointed by the end. While it has its flaws (e.g wee bits of awkward acting) and while it isn't the most amazing film I've ever seen, I really enjoyed it and recommend it!
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Snootz19 January 2018
I'm not going to "rate" this, but couldn't resist saying: I was yawning halfway through the TRAILER. Something tells me they should have stopped with #2.
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Not all bad
tegolin-markham11 February 2019
One of those feel good chick flick type things... not ground breaking, but entertaining. I will however say, if you're going to put the South African flag on the wardrobe of the closing dance scene, the very least you can do is some research on which way is up... I'll be sure to put the American flag upside down next time I style a scene with one in...
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Man, I wish this had worked
mariellealien4 February 2018
The actors are good at the premise they're given - I really want to see more from the leading lady, she has nuance. Like bring it on 2 this is cringy, but unlike bring it on 2, it doesn't seem to make fun of the stereotypes, the stereotypes are just ...there.

I was entertained for the most part, - and I give it 2 extra stars for the pure skill of the dancers - but if you have another movie you can watch - do it. This movie just isn't that good, some of the things in it range from an attempt of lol, to a catastrophic "they left that in there on purpose??".
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Cringey and archaic
baykingpizza20 January 2018
I couldn't do more than 15 mintues of this movie. The main character wasn't at all likeable. They focused and tried so hard to play on the whole race thing with white vs black sorority mentality (because it couldn't just be two sororitys who despised each other irregardless of race), the annoying and uncool white friend, the white boyfriend trying to fit in with the family, and all black girls being 'sistas', it's just straight up cringey. Why is it even something that needs addressing to that extent in this day and age? I felt like they had to mention race in every scene because obviously a storyline just wasn't enough. It was pretty obvious where it was heading. Dancing wasn't terrible. Just disappointed
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Gave it at 10! Totally surprised me.
mockerfab3 February 2018
First, disregard many of the the 1 star reviews, especially when they have only watched a trailer or say off the bat, they lasted 5 minutes. Pure haters. I watched this with very low expectations because I expected it to follow every single stereotypical black, white sorority girl storyline. In many ways it did. But in a lot of new ways it didn't. It was a refreshing take on race that many movies and shows like "Dear, White People" are taking. That being black or white has so many different shades. Being young, whether you are black or white face alot of the same challenges and adversaties. It also had alot of heart, which is what I loved best about this movie. The acting was good. The casting was great. The funny lines and quips were spot on. And while the movie took us through totally expected turns, it did it in a refreshing and new way. I rated it high, because it's one of those rare movies for me that I totally can watch over and over and Never be bored.
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Pitch perfect with comedy racism
trollingimdb2 February 2018
Not bad, basically a stomp version of pitch perfect. For the women a emotional rollercoaster of a film with feminism and womenhood at the core of the subject, having to yet again defeat the opreopres of man and (racism). For the man, u can deal with it few funny moments and attractive women in tight fitting active wear basically stomping and bouncing for the film. SPOILER ALERT (Something about the blond at the end definitely ticks a box) All in all a good film could prob knock one off to it be you male or female.

Makes you wish you could re live your days and we'll . . . . Have friends . :'(
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A Cheap Mirror
copperdreamspennythoughts25 January 2018
I thought the movie had its highs and lows. Each character played a modern archetype, and wasn't really well rounded. It also espoused beliefs that I do not share. The issue with cultural appropriation isn't that "races can't own things," the issue is the social ramifications of the perpetual white-washing of other cultures to make it more palatable to an American audience (i.e. James Brown). It has a low-budget Bring It On vibe. I think a lot of reviewers felt as though it was racist because the movie was like a mirror--a cheap mirror, but still, a mirror.
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An alright movie
18Buddha9 May 2023
I was bored so i just gave this a chance on netflix and it was better then expected but dont have high expectations lol. I probably would have rated it a 6 but I liked the overall theme & lesson of the movie.

At first I thought it was gonna be an all black movie where they made racist n stereotypical jokes about white people lol and how they are morally superior & will put on blast that their the victims of racism n slavery n blah blah but it surprised me by showing that the majority black characters were the racist n stereotyping ones against white ppl & even light skin black ppl or black ppl that dont act like they from the hood.

This movie presents some very great points that are overlooked in real life often such as when they pointed out that "Races should't be able to take ownership of something and then claim cultural Appropriation" Because lets be real everybody white,black, brown, yellow, red, orange has appropriated something from someone in the past & created something of their own.

Like when black people see someone not black with tight knit braids or cornrows or something along those lines n they cry wolf of cultural appropriation without realizing lots of different braids styles exists in all cultures & some of them resemble black hairstyles or like in this movie when they tried to say "Stepping" isnt just a black thing because thats exactly like how Hiphop tried to deny White ppl like Eminem saying its for black ppl only.

So ya this film had such a great underlying theme n message n i hope more movies go this route because its 2023 n now n days ppl always think black ppl cant be racist but racism happens in every culture no matter the skin colour.
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This movie upsets the ancestors
Peachesnkream1130 December 2021
There could have been a good movie in there somewhere but the message was a jumbled hot mess. The black girl who was apart of the white sorority vs. The black girl who was apart of the black sorority who are more alike than they imagined would've been a better movie. I definitely understand why members of the divine nine wouldn't sign off on the use of their greek letters.
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Perfect movie when stoned
lsalsa2912 September 2021
It had some absolute weird but 🔥 jokes in it.

Review too short.
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Pitch Perfect Wish Edition
alex-harris-love22 November 2022
I could have ranked the film lower giving it three stars but it was somehow entertaining enough though I would not recommend it to anyone else and definitely won't remember the movie next week. I don't even know who or how this movie landed on my film recommendation list but I didn't even care to watch Stomp the Yard (the male version of this film) so why did I care to watch this one? I suppose I needed background noise while doing some work on my computer. However, the movie is a comedy with very few laughs, poor, cliche writing and dialogue and the plot is very predictable. There are no well-known actors behind any of the characters and essentially the movies equates to a third or fourth sequel to a successful comedy that doesn't have any of the original cast (such as Mean Girls 2, etc.). The film does not focus on stepping whatsoever and instead focuses on the main protagonist's necessity to do whatever is necessary to get into Harvard Law School in the most ridiculous way possible. Please skip the film unless you have nothing better to do, the racial connotations are downright ignorant throughout but the film may squeeze one or two laughs out of you.
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Better than Expected
zygor2 February 2018
I started watching this as a cheesy dance type film, which is exactly what it is. However, it also addresses important themes and great messages, There was a good story-line and I felt like I could relate to the main characters as well as their progression. I've read a lot of reviews but I think this film should be taken at face value, and watched the whole way through before being judged.
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ThisGirlLovesMovies1912 January 2019
This movie was a nice watch! I feel other reviewers are being a little harsh. If your looking for a fun movie with a positive message, I say go for it and watch it! In my opinion, this movie will appeal more to woman/girls.
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cultural theft
rhodes1013 February 2018
So the movie consisted of cultural theft from the Irish, Chineese, Maori and Australian . With everybody in this movie being oooh we created it not apropriated it from the Irish. I feel like I missed a few culture thefts but just can't watch the movie again. So if you see one please put in a review as I would hate for African American's to think one of their costumes is the Kimino or qipao cheongsam dress or worse they have a traditional haka before hunting the koala
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