I'm Not Ready for Christmas (TV Movie 2015) Poster

(2015 TV Movie)

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STOP the music!
gordonb-5958711 November 2020
For some reason, the people producing many of the Hallmark movies think there needs to background music going ALL the time. Not only can it get tiresome, but often is so loud it is hard to hear the dialog by the actors. The music itself is ok, but it just never stops. Totally unnecessary.
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Does honesty lead to happiness?
story_by_corey15 November 2015
Holly Nolan is an ad person dedicated to her job. She is so dedicated, she puts it before everything and everyone in her life.…..until she misses one too many of her niece's recitals. Mad that her aunt was a no-show, Holly's niece meets a magical Santa conveniently standing outside of the recital hall. She asks Santa for one wish. That wish is that Holly only be able to tell the truth. Santa grants it and that's when the storyline kicks in.

Holly soon discovers that not only can she not tell a lie, she has lost her ability to filter her thoughts. In a normal world, that would be a bad thing. But in the Hallmark world, it opens doors and takes Holly to emotional and interpersonal places she might have never experienced. She tells her co-workers what she really thinks and it opens lines of communication. She tells a guy she'd really like to go out with him and it leads to romance. She tells an important client what she really thinks of his product during a pitch session and it lands her the big account. But does living an honest life ultimately lead to happiness? You'll have to watch the movie to find out.

It's typical Hallmark fare, but Alicia Witt's performance and some thought provoking moments make this movie worth a couple hours of your time.
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Good Twist to a Fun Movie
bethanytntsa16 November 2015
This movie follows your typical Hallmark plot line, but has a nice twist. The main character, Holly, is a single, workaholic whose sister and niece often beg to spend time with her. Holly's main problem is that she has a knack for telling little white lies. This is accentuated when she promises her niece, who is in elementary school, that she will attend her Christmas program but doesn't. Later, when Holly arrives at the school after the program, she comes across the music teacher who she met earlier, who confronts Holly about a lie she told. Holly's niece asks Santa to prohibit Holly from telling lies, and as Holly walks out the school to the car, that wish comes true. Holly cannot lie. This throws a wrench in her otherwise normal life and she finds the true spirit of Christmas.
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A well crafted, cosy rip-off
thekarmicnomad20 December 2015
Around Christmas I go through bucket loads of these things. I find them harmless festive fun, easy on the eye and brain, totally disposable.

So I never bother reviewing them.

This one did jump out though. I am mainly writing this review so I can remember what the film is in a years time.

It is basically a TV rip off of "Liar Liar" but without Jim Carrey and about ten million dollars chipped from the budget.

The film follows the same worn path where a busy, self absorbed exec type needs to grasp the spirit of Christmas and reconnect to the loving family she has been neglecting. This is done through the medium of a Christmas wish that prevents her from lying. So no medals for originality here.

I actually think Alicia Witt did a better job than Carrey, she brings warmth and charisma to the role without over-cooking it. The forced truth-telling is handled subtly and professionally - it avoids the crass and obnoxious outbursts that similar films feel necessary.

I liked this, I put down my wrapping and actually watched it. Now I am not suggesting you go out and buy the Blu Ray extended edition or anything - this is still a Xmas made for TV movie. If Christmas TV movies aren't your thing this won't change alter you perspective but if you have a choice between a few titles I would go for this one.
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No spoilers
rebecca-gzym10 December 2020
I used to really enjoy Alicia Witt. She's done great work on really good films, but it seems she is overacting now. It's a little distracting. She's such a doll...but it's really hard to focus on the actual movie.
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Alicia Witt was annoying
pecanbrown30 December 2016
While the concept was cute,(main character not being able to lie) the writers went overboard with "Holly" explaining everything in detail. If the character is going to tell the truth, then tell the truth and move on. Alicia Witt constantly going into longs explanations made the movie, in my opinion, tiresome to watch. Also, the character of Drew (George Stults) was one dimensional with not much meat. It seemed all he did was react with a blank face at Holly's "truthful" comments. This also became boring and tiresome to watch. It seems the writers follow a particular writing pattern but maybe they should change it up a bit.I'm a huge fan of Hallmark and their Christmas movies but "I'm Not Ready for Christmas" was definitely at the bottom of the list. Not one of Hallmark's best Christmas movies.
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Liar, liar: Christmas Edition
LeoMarvin884 November 2018
Alicia Witt...one of my least favorite Hallmark ladies that I always seem to watch anyway. She's supposed to "sell the truth" in her advertising job but honestly Alicia doesn't sell that she's human. I think she's secretly an evil robot sent to gain our trust through wholesome Hallamrk. What a perfect cover!

Her trying to imitate Jim Carrey's wonderful comedic outbursts from Liar, Liar is SO HARD TO WATCH! It actually made me cringe, but somehow I kept watching. Her "truth spills" feel super robotic and where is her eyeline? Someone needs to update her programming.

As for the movie, I appreciate that the main character has flaws. Sometimes Hallmark characters can be too polished. The story is cute and moves along well. It has a decent sense of humor, so I suppose I'll be back again next year to watch, dammit.

PS The title/reoccurring song "I'm not ready for Christmas" is sung by the one and only Alicia Witt! So rare to get an Actor/Singer/Robot trifecta. But I'm not going to lie, the song goes from annoying to infectious.
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The Lie Before Christmas
xetaprime-6425717 November 2015
Okay many lies. First I have to say what's with the title? 'I'm not ready for Christmas'? At no time during the film was not being ready for Christmas a thing. Second, I love Alicia Witt and have seen all of her Hallmark movies as well as some TV roles. She seems a bit off here but maybe it's not her fault. I'm not opposed to another low and behold I can only tell the truth movie if it's done well, written well and directed, well. But I think this is one of Witt's worst Christmas fares. Mia Bagley who plays Anna does a great job with her performance. So does most of the cast but I think it falls/fails to the directing and more importantly writing. That said I did watch it all and for a split second there might have been a single obligatory Christmas-tear-a-welling. But when it was over I did verbally say out loud "That was an awful movie".
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Truth hurts
Jackbv12324 July 2017
Alicia Witt does really good faces. That makes her perfect for the strange predicaments she gets into as a result of having to tell the truth, and sometimes the truth is embarrassing.

It was kind of ironic to see Alicia Witt singing absolutely horribly when doing Christmas carols, since she is a professional recording artist and concert singer. And I'm pretty sure she sings the title track also - it sounds like her and she has a recording of this song.

The overall plot is cute and leads to some fun situations, even if the idea is not at all original.

Kids in a Christmas movie are always good and this is no exception. Anna is a cutie. The sit down between Holly and her sister was very sweet. And it's Hallmark, so there has to be a romance and hugely unrealistic developments before the ending.
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Alicia Witt in another Christmas film
Christmas-Reviewer17 September 2016
I'm Not Ready for Christmas is a 2015 romance film directed by Sam Irvin and starring Alicia Witt, George Stults, Brigid Brannagh, and Dan Lauria. Written by Hanz Wasserburger, the film is about driven businesswoman whose life is turned upside down when she discovers she can no longer lie—the result of her niece Anna's wish to Santa Claus. Her career and love life become complicated when her lies begin to catch up with her, forcing her to judge between truth and what is right.

Alicia Witt seems to be the go to actress for the Hallmark Channel when they produce a film that rips off other films. I think they do this because she does make these film enjoyable.

This film is family safe however children & men will be bored. If you like romantic comedies then watch this.
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I'm Not Ready for Reality
lynnwengland3 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Previous reviewers have pointed out the many, many flaws in this movie including the magic, color-changing skates, but there is one glaring flaw that has not been addressed: how Higher Education works. We are led to believe that a general music teacher in a elementary school would SUDDENLY be offered the Director of Bands position at a major university. First of all, he could not have near the credentials required for this position. Public school teachers most often have a BS in Music Education; rarely will you find someone with a higher degree. Trust me, I'm a retired elementary school counselor and music teacher. An MFA in conducting, PhD preferred would be the norm. Next there's that pesky "Equal Opportunity" thing. That government agency (EEO) demands equal access under the law and frowns upon the "good ol' boy/girl network. Lastly is that troubling ethics thing which in higher education requires a national search using advertising in profession journals and publications. After a review by the search committee, a few applicants would be invited to audition resulting in an offer made to the selectee. This process takes at least at least a year, not a few days.
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Kudos for Alicia
rebekahrox2 November 2020
My rating for this one when I saw it 5 years ago was a 7. I'm bumping it up because I have come to appreciate Alicia Witt's talent when compared to the current crop of Hallmark favorite actresses. Most are not bad, but very few have Alicia's acting skills or comic talents. I found her very funny in this role, and the plot steps out of the current cookie cutter lines that Hallmark has fallen into in recent years. Special kudos to Mia Bagley who played the young niece. She was absolutely adorable. And it was great to see Brigid Brannagh again as Alicia's sister. One quibble: I hate it when either the hero or the heroine gives up the career opportunity of a life time to stay with the love interest. So instead of the guy going to be the musical director at NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY at twice the salary, he is going to stay with the high school? That is not going to end well.
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Getting ready for Christmas
TheLittleSongbird26 July 2022
Despite being a lover of Christmas, that is not to say that every Hallmark Christmas film is great. A fair share of them are watchable enough but there are average and less ones about, still watch them out of curiosity and also because of them being part of a completest quest. Alicia Witt is a bit hit and miss for me, she's a regular in these films and while there are times where you can see why there are quite a number of other times where she really could have toned it down.

To me she actually came off pretty well, but the rest of the film is very mediocre and one of her worst Hallmark efforts. Interesting premise, but not enough is done with it and has too many superfluous things distracting quite badly from it. 'I'm Not Ready for Christmas' wasn't terrible to me and it takes a lot for me to call anything that, but too many things don't work and unfortunately most are the ones that are the most crucial components to get right for the film etc to work.

'I'm Not Ready for Christmas' has a few good things. Witt's performance has left people divided, and it is going to depend on how one feels about her as an actress, for me she brought a lot of personality to her role and gives the film the life that is sorely lacking in pretty much everybody else in the cast. Her character isn't exaggerated in flaws or too perfect.

Furthermore, 'I'm Not Ready for Christmas' looks good, the photography not doing anything to cheapen the lovely scenery.

A lot doesn't work however. George Stults is incredibly bland and even blander is his practically non existent chemistry with Witt. In fact, the romance felt shoehorned in and absolutely nothing is done with it. The supporting cast don't work either, with a few of them being unintentionally creepy. Maxwell Caulfield being one of the worst offenders. Didn't care for any of the characters, even Witt's, almost all being a mix of personality deprived and unintentionally creepy.

Moreover, the script is often cheesy and awkward and the story has very little charm or heart, is over the top and is padded out by a couple too many irrelevant subplots, the romance and the Caulfield subplots particularly. The less said about the security guard character the better agreed, got serial killer vibes from him in all honesty. The music is over-bearing and overused and the title song, despite being sung well, sounded very afterthought like or written when the film had another title that was subsequently changed. The direction is little more than workmanlike.

Summing up, mediocre. 4/10.
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utgard1422 November 2015
I'm a big fan of Hallmark movies, particularly Christmas ones. I'm also a fan of Alicia Witt in these types of movies. But, unfortunately, this one wasn't that good. It starts with an unoriginal premise (shocking for Hallmark, I know). Alicia plays a character who lies a lot and breaks promises to her young niece. The niece makes a wish to Santa that forces her aunt to tell the truth. Similar stories have been done before, most notably in movies starring Bob Hope and Jim Carrey. Perhaps it's the change in gender for the liar character, or perhaps it's just because the niece is so sweet and innocent, but something felt wrong with this one. There's something about an aunt admitting the truth that she didn't want to spend time with her niece that just soured me on this character and the movie did very little to turn that around. To make matters worse, there's a romance with bland George Stults that should have just been left out of this altogether. I know it's Hallmark so a romance has to be a part of it, but the couple here have no chemistry and their romance just seems forced. Honestly there was just something 'off' about Stults. I don't want to speculate further and attack the actor on a personal level but I will be happy if I never see him in anything again. There's also a really creepy guy playing a security guard with a John Waters mustache. The less said about this individual the better. Don't even get me started on the gross subplot involving the smarmy client (played by Maxwell Caulfield). Yet another part of the movie that does Alicia's character no favors.

These things usually rely on the charms of the leading lady to overcome their flaws. Alicia Witt has certainly made some of these movies work before. But here, between her badly-written character and some creepy dudes thrown in, there's really not much she can do to save this. She does try and seems to be enjoying herself most of the time. I just wish I had enjoyed watching it more. Alicia also sings the title song, which plays several times during the movie. The song predates the movie, which explains why the title has nothing in common with the plot. She has a nice voice and the song is catchy and fun. If you don't like the movie, maybe you'll at least like the song.
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Good Christmas Movie- Worth Watching
gehewe13 December 2016
This movie passed our doze test (no one fell asleep while watching). Alicia Witt was delightful to watch. It has a fantasy type plot but so does It's a Wonderful Life. These fantasy plots make Christmas movies more exciting for me. The movie was Well done. It is a movie I would enjoy watching again.

I really enjoyed figuring out who the actor playing Santa Claus was- that voice was so familiar. This movie just might establish Alicia Witt as the Christmas movie queen- good for her and us. The movie left me with a good feeling that Truth always triumphs. There was delightful humor in blurting out the truth without a common sense filter. The family will not be disappointed. Enjoy

My criticism of the movie is its title. "I'm not ready for Christmas" is one of the worst titles. "Wishing the Truth this Christmas" would better describe it. I've noticed many reviews had a problem with the story line similar to Liar Liar which I have not seen. Good Grief. How many Scrooge themes do we see. They did a good job and we Christmas movie watchers are thankful.
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Director has no sense of time
kjjd-6021415 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Be warned this is a spoiler.

About one hour into the movie, Holly has a dinner date with Drew the next day. Holly gets a phone call from Greydon DuPois,and she has to flies out to Aspen at 6AM. That's a good 6 to 7 hour flight each way. Not to mentioned that this is an international flight so Holly has to be at the airport 2 to 3 hours before take off, and travel time between the airport and hotel. Then skiing time as well. I would guess a good 20 hours total (if not more). How the heck does Holly keeps her dinner date with Drew? Also by the time Holly arrives in Aspen, it would be sometime in the evening (Aspen time), why is there daylight?!? Tough movie to watch when the movie makes no sense.
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Wonderful Hallmark Christmas Movie
cammietime7 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good Hallmark Christmas movie. Period. Watch it.

Yes, the "I can't lie" plot device may not be original, but it is unique to Hallmark Christmas movies and Alicia Witt really pulls it off here. She comes across as extremely believable and relatable, as if you could know someone like this in your real life (confirmation of a good character, dialog, and acting). I think the way that they had her not lie was why the movie was so interesting - it had good dialog and she blurted out what she was thinking, not just being truly honest.

This being a Hallmark Christmas movie there is a can of cheese here and there, but this one refreshingly has a more realistic romance and believable characters, especially the reluctant romantic interest. The "too cozy with the client" subplot was a little much, and the ending climax was done all wrong, but the strong characters, focus on plot, and dialog saved the movie.

This is the second Hallmark Christmas movie I've seen this year. These movies are 2 for 2 with having a convenient massive snowstorm shut down the main airport at the most critical time in the plot (how convenient) and having the real Santa appear in the movie for no good reason and pretend to be a fake Santa while granting Christmas wishes with magic. Just a note - I live in Minnesota and it takes one big whopper of a blizzard to shut down MSP. Flights usually get delayed and only cancel when the storm lasts more than a day, and this is rare. The writers need to think up a more realistic way to keep key characters in the action. I'd also like to see the Santa's more integrated into the plot, and not just standing around ringing a bell or walking around aimlessly.
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kz917-116 January 2018
Cute enough. Alicia Witt as tolerable as an ad exec who lies all to often to her sister and niece. So much so that the niece makes a wish to Santa for her Aunt to only be able to tell the truth.

Calamities ensue and Christmas lessons are learned all around with a twig or two of romance.

Skip it.
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Don't bother watching this one
janeck-3085124 November 2015
Love watching Hallmark Christmas movies but this one was horrible. It was taken right from the script of Liar Liar. I'm not a big fan of Alicia Witt anyway(I think she tends to overact but not in a good way) so it was extremely painful watching her trying to channel Jim Carrey. The delivery of the lines was way off and forced. I guess she was trying to copy the way he would run through the lies real quick but it was not working. With the exception of the sister the rest of the cast just fell flat. But then again I just couldn't get past how horrible Alicia Witt was. I guess hallmark is running out of ideas but don't try to duplicate Jim Carrey cause you just can't. Can't say enough bad things about this one so I'll just stop there. Won't be watching this one again. Pretty disappointed in all the new movies so far this year. Ice Sculpture has been the only good one.
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I love alicia witt
wblum524-881-26205213 December 2020
Intelligent beautiful hair and figure. Good actress. Talented. Cute movie.
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