American Dresser (2018) Poster

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If you're a biker you'll get more out of it.
m-m-mcadam11 February 2021
There is a lot you could like in this movie if it had been made by a better director and had a stronger plot. The acting is fine, Berenger and David are good but are strung up by a movie that just doesn't know where it is going. It strives for drama but is not strong enough in its plotting to develop the drama or the plot strands and throws in events that just don't make sense. The direction is week and as the director is also one of the key leads, it comes across as too much of a vanity project. There are some positives: the two leads are strong and it's a pleasure to watch them. Also, the bikes are great and if you are a biker (as I am) then you'll probably enjoy the film cause you'll understand the thrill of a long bike tour. So if you are then this is not a bad way to while away 90 mins. However, if you're not, then this film will leave you frustrated because there is a lot here that could have been so much better.
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Strong six
mailmilanseo10 October 2023
Despite its low budget, this is a beautiful movie. I've read some of the comments, and I think they are unfair. This is not a "Sons of Anarchy" type of movie. If anyone is expecting something like gangsta b******, then they shouldn't even watch it. This is a drama about family, friendship, true love, life decisions, and of course love for motorcycles. Generally, a true refreshment compared to the sea of films made according to the same template. My rating is a strong 6, and that's only because of the low budget, but on the other hand, that gives it some charm and makes it simple and beautiful.
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Great Cinematography, Plot however questionable
patburns-415571 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Scenes were filmed fantastically great visuals, this popped up on my youtube feed so I gave it a look, would not say I completely wasted 1:37.20 of my life, but the Bar Scene was ridiculous, it was like the bar scene from Space Cowboys. And the police scenes were pandering to the Defund the police crowd still thinking it's 1956. I did appreciate that they took PTSD seriously, But there was zero reason for his daughter to shun him at the funeral, then as he is heading out telling him to "go find her father the family needs him" and then when he met his son, he was gruff the entire time, and all of the sudden he needs a "hug" and upon returning home without knowing anything that he went through all of the sudden his family loves him again.

Would have been better if Willy turned out to be his son.
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TheLeftStuff25 September 2018
I was looking forward to this film, and I was very disappointed. Not one interaction between the characters was realistic. Every woman was infatuated with any one of them. I don't know any guy who scores every time. His daughter was angry as he left, but thrilled when he returns with no explanation. Cops are super villains to the point of being absurd. Main character lost his wife weeks again and has the hots for some woman he meets on the road and accepts a date with her. Group of super hot chicks on bikes come upon the scene. Yeah, that happens everyday. Silly bar fight scene. Main character meets a son he never met and right after they are both in tears. Then they both cry and Tom (the lead character) says, "I need a hug!" Really? I almost laughed. The acting was actually good, but the script they had to work with was ridiculous.
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I ride an Indian and I still think this movie sucked.
mkratz-8481621 January 2019
I really looked forward to seeing this movie. I ride and I was hoping for a good biker movie as there aren't too many, but this was a horrendous film. Poor acting, awful writing, rediculous situations, the only good parts were the cut scenes when they were riding down the road. Nice scenery, beautiful bikes and no dialogue, if only the whole move was just bikes riding down the road, passing amazing scenery, this movie would have been a whole lot better.
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Loved it!
desireefitzgerald21 September 2018
The beginning of a career well deserved. Looking forward to more movies produced by Carmine Cangialosi.
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more of the same
psckam29 November 2018
Another cliche' ridden, bandwagon riding, loss of time. It started out with some potential but very soon fell into the same old same silly lack of imagination. I admit there were a few good cinematic shots and I did chuckle TWICE. I imagine writing this took all of a couple hours. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this. Don't waste your time.
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Wonderful journey of friendship, love and happiness
dudenerd6 August 2023
I did not expect this movie to be that good considering the fact about guys on bikes. But I've always enjoyed Tom Berenger's performance from the sniper series so I jumped right in for the ride. Let me tell you I was really amazed by how amazing the story was also the fact that the journey featured some of the most beautiful places. Meeting new people have a little chat makes it all the more memorable. Such a heartwarming performance by the cast and the character build up, growing bond between them and the various places they travel through was just fun and satisfying to watch. I highly recommend this film to anyone who wishes to enjoy the carefree life with no complicated plots but a mesmerizing story with a peaceful ending.
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Sad script for a good idea
pjsailor14 April 2023
I had high hopes for this movie. Unfortunately though, as it plodded along, it got dumber and dumber until it got to the point of being unwatchable. Everything is a secret, the third wheel, the primary reason for the movie. So you left to guess. That's fine as long as things develop as you go. But they don't. The improbable moments keep happening but on a larger scale as they become for ugly until you get to the point where you just don't care anymore. You don't care about the characters, the situations are so unbelievably dumb as to almost be comical, that if I was in the theater watching this, I'd start looking for an exit.
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A wonderful slice of successful Americans.
ru48619 May 2019
Didn't know what I was getting into, so the aerial views of our East coast was a beautiful surprise. The colors popped off our screen.

The film's setup can be a bit confusing but it's simple enough. The whole film is more a slide show of America and our people, than a mystery.

Personally I don't subscribe to Harley mania but I am very familiar with this vein of our country of peoples.

The movie is not sad but more beautiful than anything. What a great accomplishment for the actor, writer, and director who are all the same guy. Gina is perfect, and Tom gives it his best (though I don't think he actually rides, lol).

The California/Santa Monica bit was as accurate as my life. The beauty that comes from success at being Americans with careers and healthcare.

It's a nice, easy and visually appealing film for a Saturday night. The American Dream realized and reaffirmed on film.
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mmthos7 August 2021
Upon his wife's (a beautifully preserved Gina Gershon) untimely death, a widower (a craggy Tom Berenger) sets out on his hog to look for America, from California to the New York island in reverse, and his 25 year old son by a former mistress, accompanied by his best chum and former comrade in arms in 'Nam, (David Keith). En route they speak and find every cliche' such a premise could possibly offer. Poorly written, directed, and self-starring, as the lone wolf tagalong biker stud, natch, novice Carmine Cangialosi. Veterans Berenger and Keith do manage to pull off some decent interaction as life-long intimates, but Keith's classical diction while spouting his hot-headed character's strained outrage sounds ridiculous coming from the ex army petty officer and inveterate down-n-dirty hog rider he's supposed to be, and Berenger also does some phony bits I can't believe he'd have done if he'd not been (mis)directed to. Somewhere in the middle Bruce Dern makes a brief appearance as a down-and-out former cycling badass.

Yes, of course, they do ride through Monument Valley. And, from what I gather as a layman, only from the song over the credits, a "dresser" is apparently cyclist lingo for motorcycle.
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Good movie - Carmine Cangialosi is going places
mike-hicks-3657924 September 2018
This was a good film - a feel good film that lightly addresses issues related to family, friendship, aging, and social issues. For a $3 million film, it is a winner. I expect we're going to see much more of Cangialosi as his films continue to improve and he gets the resources to put some more money in his projects. His directing is very good in this film, and his ability to engage Tom Berenger, Keith David and Bruce Dern shows that some experienced actors have faith in his ability to produce and direct a good flick.
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From a Chopper Rider POV
rodarena28 December 2018
A light movie that captures the pleasure of being a free rider. The main plot could avoided some cliches but at the end still a good entertainment. Recommend for riders
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Really Meaningful
TaxDayBaby5813 August 2023
I found this movie east to watch since cinematography was beautiful. It has a very good storyline with excellent acting. Ignore the low ratings as those individuals are most like used to seeing action movies etc. This beautiful movie does move a bit slow at times, but I'm doing so - let's you to get to know the characters.

If you've got a best friend, then you can relate to this movie. The two nail characters are together through thick n thin. There is a high level of caring displayed in the storyline and the actors seem to fit their roles perfectly.

I highly recommend watching this movie...
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Great biker movie!
jefftink20 May 2020
I know of Tom Berenger Not so much the other actors. Thhey pulled it off. Good movie for bikers!
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shipper508 May 2022
I went on a national parks tour 3 year's ago and saw a lot of what was in the movie in person. It was a scenic movie. Tom and Keith looked like real life buddies.
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Excellent buddy movie ! I totally loved it, now I want to ride my Indian chief Springfield across the beautiful USA. I have watched it a few times now.
markabillingsley13 March 2023
Fantastic, just love this movie, the friendship and motorbike cruising across the states. It is a slow burn, just hang in there, you'll be hooked.the character all developed and contributed to emotional journey this film draws you into. I have recommended this movie to my of my friends and family, all have very much enjoyed and we're thankful that they had seen it. I also was very surprised to find out that one of the characters was actually the director. The way the characters all had issues and by staying together, they were able to enhance their lives. I must come back to my second home ( I'm an Australian who loves coming to America & very much enjoy the magnificent countryside and the wonderful hospitality that so many Americans have afforded myself and the many other Australians I have brought along with us on our many adventures across this beautiful country)
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kirbylee70-599-5261794 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to expect with the movie AMERICAN DRESSER. I mean I've pretty much enjoyed every movie I've ever seen that featured Tom Berenger. But this is an actor who has lost favor in Hollywood, one of the many who have aged (well enough) but are no longer in what that business considers their prime. That's Hollywood's loss because there are still some great stories to be told using actors in that age bracket. This is one of those.

Berenger plays John Moore, a Vietnam vet whose wife Sandra (Gina Gershon), the love of his life, has passed away. He's taking it hard and taken up drinking to solve fill his loss. Needless to say this does not endear him to his two daughters. Reading a letter he comes across in his wife's things he sets out on a journey to discover not only himself but something he never realized existed. He dusts off the old motorcycle, tunes it up and gets ready to head out.

But he won't be alone. Fellow vet and best friend Charlie (Keith David) tells him he's coming along in spite of the fact that he's just recovering from an accident and about to lose a leg from that. He also announces he's marrying his longtime girlfriend. But John relents and the pair set out for their last "ride of a lifetime".

The pair travel for a while and end up outside a rough and tumble biker bar. There they meet Willie (Carmine Cangialosi who also wrote and directed the film) in the parking lot, another bike rider on the road who offers to help John with an issue with his bike. Turning him down they enter the bar only to find a biker itching for a fight. Charlie thinks he has things under control but when push comes to shove a fight breaks out and Willie jumps in to save the pair, hitting the road with them and away from the bar.

While Charlie isn't fond of Willie, John takes a liking to him and allows him to join their trip as far as he'd like. Their adventures on the road take them down several paths. One is the home of Vera (Penelope Ann Miller), Charlie's soon to be wife's cousin's house. Another is a vet named King (Bruce Dern) who lives out of his van which includes his own classic bike. And how could a movie be about bike riders without including scenes at Sturgis?

On the way John has to deal with his drinking problem, the issues that come up on the road (including an arrest and beating of Charlie by police who suspect him of murder) and the letter that he found. What was in that letter anyway? Until he reaches the coast none of us know.

What makes the movie work is that it talks about an issue all of us will face one day, aging and dealing with that. This makes the actors perfect for the roles they take on here. But compounding that issue is one of loss. John has not only lost the love of his life but is lost without her. The pair were supposed to be making a bike trip together which was shot down when she became ill. Now he must fulfill their dream on his own and find himself along the road.

Some have called the movie cliché in parts but aren't all movies a bit cliché when it comes to themes? There are only so many core stories to tell and it is the wrapping around those stories which make them good, bad or indifferent. I for one enjoyed this tale as well as the performances of all involved. Then again I'm getting older too so maybe that's part of it. My guess is that the movie might not hold a lot of meaning for those under 30 but for everyone else you'll dream of riding on the road with the wind in your face like John and Charlie. If you can't then this movie will give you that chance.
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Unnecessarily Low Rating
tkocyiyit11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
An exceptionally good example of road movies... Definitely enjoyed it... Over age 40 will love this... Millennials stay away...
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