SAF3 (TV Series 2013–2014) Poster


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Production values in many areas need lots of polish
oconnortf23 September 2013
On my first draft of the review I felt like I was ripping the whole episode to shreds on soundtrack, camera-work, overacting and poor acting and even continuity and makeup issues. I know professionals put huge amounts of effort to get a show on air and viewer support and reviews are their lifeblood.

I often prefer television dramas and I hope that most of these issues smooth out so we can accept the world they are attempting to bring the viewer into. A premier episode should try to be a best foot forward and this feels more like an unaired pilot episode for those that have seen them and know what I'm referring to - These Pilots are often unpolished and are often trying different aspects of production to see what does and does not work. Up to this point I believed most went through trial viewings with audience reaction reviews which I have participated in a fair number of times over the years. The goal being to get the responses needed to take the show from a concept to a more polished work. To make the best possible product or in many cases, whether to go forward with production at all. I have previewed many that seemed stronger than this yet never were produced.
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Baywatch Fail
kyle-9309218 May 2017
This Baywatch spin off falls short in almost every aspect of good TV. The acting is painful at times. I would not recommend this show. David Hasselhoff would even cringe. Cape Town looks beautiful. I wish i had more positive things to say about the show but i cant think of any off hand. Filling up five lines for a review has never been so hard. Thanks for reading
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Wow! Worst acting I've ever seen!!!
jmtreker23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't believe it. I only lasted 20 minutes. I couldn't take it anymore. I mean there was a 2 1/2 minute slow motion dressing montage. Seriously!? I mean Dolph Lundgren is a mediocre actor at best, and that's with other superstars supporting him like in Rocky and Expendables. But compared to these people he's an Oscar winning powerhouse. It has the feel of one of those really junky made for TV movies on the Scifi channel, the ones that usually star some reality star or someone who played a bit part on one of the shows scifi puts out. It would have been better as a spoof show if it were just funny. I thought maybe it was when the sixty year old guy demanded some hip hop music and everyone fired up a lame dance party in the kitchen. At the point where the ridiculously good looking guy manning the computer post was looking at a radar screen of the ENTIRE UNITED STATES I gave up and couldn't watch anymore.
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rdewsbery24 September 2013
I made it to minute 18. I wasn't surprised to read that it was taking its inspiration from Baywatch - but presumably that meant the rather poor later seasons rather than the earlier and better ones.

The acting is so wooden I was genuinely worried that they would all spontaneously combust when getting to close to the fires that they are supposed to fight. Lundgren and Lyster are clearly too old to be in the rescue services on the front line, and the rest of the cast all look far too young. Everything about these first 18 minutes tells me that I'm only going to regret it if I carry on watching. Like a car crash, I might not be able to resist it though.
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Woeful, dreadful, painful to watch!
paul-799-13138623 September 2013
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I'm 17 minutes into watching the pilot and I can't figure out what exactly makes this show so so bad. The acting is dreadful. Where did they find the actors for this show? America's Next Models? They might look great and sexy, but can't act for their lives. It's like watching Joey in 'Friends' auditing for a part and reading straight from a script. Then there's the script writing. The writing is so poor but then again if the script was better, the actors would really struggle. The cinematography is amateurish at best. I think I could do a better job with the camera on my iphone. The music adds nothing to the cinematography so there is no tension created for the viewer. I'm embarrassed just watching this episode so can't imagine how Dolph Lundgren must feel. Avoid this show at all costs but I'm sure it will be canceled ASAP anyway.
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So Fake
samhammad24 September 2013
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Everything about this show is very fake .. Acting, Location, Logic, Fire, ... and the mom that was fake swimming standing up just moving her arms and walking !! It's very Slow show from the 5 mins dressing up in the beginning of the show, to the long shots of the crashing waves. the only positive thing about this show in my opinion is the opening credits song :). Patrick Lyster and Dolph Lundgren are just too old and too slow to be firefighters .. anyway, i could only hold for 25 minutes before i stopped torturing myself by watching this show. I guess this will be one of the shows that will be canceled this season .. and i'll be very surprised if they pass the three weeks mark.
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Baywatch with firefighters, only really, really bad
jayce227925 September 2013
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I've been a Dolph Lundgren fan ever since I watched him in Masters of the Universe, the Punisher and Red Scorpion as a kid so I really wanted to like this show but other than perhaps the soundtrack I can't for the life of me find one positive thing to say about it. It's set in Malibu but was shot in South Africa, which didn't bode well, but I was willing to let that slide for budget's sake. However, whereas Swede Dolph Lundgren at least sounds American and can get away with playing a US firefighter, the South African actors' accents are so thick it's impossible to believe the events are supposed to take place in California. Lundgren may not be an Alexander Skarsgard but as far as action stars go, he's definitely not the worst actor to ever appear in front of a camera. The supporting cast does such a bad job, however, that I felt embarrassed whenever he appeared in the same shot as them. Thank God he was left out of that ridiculous dancing scene! They may look good parading the beach but if you have to turn to "Ivan Drago" to lead the rest of the "talent" in acting skills that's saying something. Unfortunately, the photography is right on par. The scene where a would-be lifeguard saves a little girl is so amateurish I felt like it was done by a hobbyist using an iPhone. At that point I actually thought I must have been watching a children's show because of all the moralizing that was going on, but there were just too many shots of half-naked firefighters in it for that. Halfway through the first episode there's a scene of the main characters gearing up to the tunes of a rock song which led me to conclude the creators must have been trying to remake their "Baywatch" with firefighters on no budget. I'd recommend this series to die hard Dolph Lundgren fans only, but please remember it's really painful to watch. The Expendables movies have revived him enough for filmmakers to get him out of Bulgaria, though so let's hope SAF3 was just a stumbling block on the road back to Hollywood.
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Worst Thing on TV
nathangauthier29 September 2013
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Worst writing I have ever seen in any show ever. Old man walks into a room while people are nursing coffee and making breakfast, randomly says "don't leave me hanging", everybody jumps up and starts dancing to a Robin Thicke sounding song like it is Beach Blanket Bingo or something, old man walks out. Seriously can't imagine worse writing from public high school students. Every single exchange is forced and fake sounding. A woman who was helping fight a fire is lying down on the ground, so hurt she's about to get burned up by the quickly approaching fire. Luckily the rescuers arrive and ask her what's wrong. "I think I sprained my ankle" she says. The heroic rescuer wraps it three times around with an ace bandage and the woman is saved. What? I created this IMDb account just to submit this report because when I was looking up the series I saw the last person, who obviously works for the show, gave it a 10. I would give it a zero if possible. Couldn't make it through the entire first episode.
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Its Bad when Dolf Ludgren is the most Talented
alternative-ink24 September 2013
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I love series, but every now and again there comes one that really amazes me. Some in a good way some in a bad.

This one was bad. Dolf is the most talented cast member in the show, which should scare you already. But adding a glee type dance number in to a show, which I imagine was supposed to be serious show, just lost it all credibility. They try to give some scenes are trying to be creative, but end up just looking like amateur camera men working on it.

Now for the script, i know a three year old looking for a job. If SAF3 is hiring. I know they can do a better job of it. The whole first episode felt forced like they had never rehearsed. Did they come in on the morning of the first shoot and get given a script, "open your script to page 1 and Action."

But judging form the series that get canceled every year, this one will get a second season. Bring back Firefly!
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Great portrayal of heroes!
ghcline20 February 2014
As a member of the US Army and a Malibu resident, I am thrilled at the American patriotism portrayed in this series. There are not many shows on television now a days for family and people who don't want to watch dark shows about murder. This is a rescues and saving lives. I am happy I can sit down with my children and grandchildren and watch this. Firefighters are real heroes and SAF3 depicts this. I love the action mixed with getting to see the characters private lives. Their strengths and their flaws. Thank you for this show. It is a breath of fresh air. And it doesn't hurt that the people are easy on the eye as is the background scenery. And the music is great. I really love the theme song!
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Better than most of the reviews say
hosannah826 October 2013
Without the hype, of many similar shows, it holds promise. I think it is continually getting better. The plot is developing at a good pace.

Love JR Martinez!

I was an EMT in Alaska and ER Tech in California, while there are some discrepancies, (aren't there always with TV scripts?) it is better than most. The interaction between the team members is good and they are building true relationships working together as in real life.

If you are tired of all the trite poorly written sensational junk out there, give it a try.

My only real complaint is the theme song. It is pretty bad. Give us some bagpipes and Amazing Grace or something.
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Oh god
intelligentkevin21 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Like, oh god. I seriously was in pain yelling "it burns!" as I watched some of this show. The acting is horrendous (ie. I saw multiple background people who interacted with the main cast look directly in the camera (one guy stared at the camera, looked away, then glanced back at it once more...)). The camera effects or flames in the show are terrible. I'm having the show play right now (which I'm bound to turn off!), and as I'm watching I continue to get shocked and angry at how bad the acting and scripts are. I can hardly stand it. I honestly feel like I'm slowly loosing brain cells as the show keeps going. It seriously hurts to watch.

I only recommend watching this show just to hate it and learn to not watch it again.
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I Should Have Listened
phillybug_2329 September 2013
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I'm not the leave a review person; I do read them always but this time it couldn't be avoided. I try not to dog any artwork but this is not art! There were only about 10 reviews when I embarked on this journey of nothingness; I read them all and I humbly admit that I should have listened! I got 35mins into the show and I literally threw up in my mouth. I can't find the words to describe this train wreck other than; I got, got! I'm literally embarrassed for watching. I understand the infatuation of watching train wrecks but please be advised, this one is not worth it!! They're supposed to be in Malibu, California; however, I'm no California or Malibu aficionado but the scenery was not even close....I mean truly nothing resembling anything on the Left Coast at all.
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everingham21 February 2014
Chill out everyone. It's a television show, not the opening negotiations for disarming nuclear armed North Korea. Good looking guys (who cares), hot women in bikinis (I care), in beautiful surroundings. Dolph Lundgren is a known going in. He brings what he always brings. J.R. Martinez grows as an actor with every outing. Fresh new faces fill out the show and present the creators with chances for growth and creativity. I anticipate that season two will benefit from the growth in season one and that new story lines will break this show open. Face it, in a world where Brooklyn Nine-Nine can win a Golden Globe as Best Sitcom, SAF3 is a sure bet to be around for a long time.
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You've got to be kidding me
greytail-822-94922120 October 2013
Why does the industry spend money on crap like this? I've seen better films created by college students with NO budget. I don't know how I made it through the first ep. Started the 2nd ep and can't get any farther. Take it back to the drawing board guys and hire a much better cast and better writers. Oh, and change the name. The backwards hacker names went out in the 80's. The acting was pathetic. Dolph Lundgren is almost as bad as hiring a pro wrestler as an actor. At least the wrestler has SOME acting experience. It is entertainment, somewhat. How is it that shows like this can make it past the first airing of the first ep? I'm amazed at how a good show can get canceled and crap like this can continue.
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The Californians
cmatsumoto7021 December 2013
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K, now I finally get SNL's "The Californians" sketch. They're making fun of this show, right? This show is an hour long version of the sketch, replete with the worst possible acting that could possibly exist. It's so bad, it makes Baywatch look like 'Citizen Kane'. The writing is beyond amateurish. I feel like I have heard every line before, it's so basic, like a play written by 6th graders. The bad acting comes consistently enough where I feel it's not the actors, it's the director insisting that they act badly. Filler? Try montage after montage. Someone clearly does not enjoy writing on this show. Half the show is the camera panning to the actors staring into space, complete with cheesy music. Made it 25 mins in and..could not....go......further....dramatic gasp.
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The rating is earned
mjorgensen62-40-11425713 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK I gave it a watch. Previous reviews were bad, but sometimes I've liked things others haven't. Not in this case. It's not a question of bad writing OR bad acting. It's case of bad writing AND bad acting. And why? Well, if you cast Dolph Lundgren as the star, you won't get anyone of quality to sign on. This may save money on production costs, but it dooms a series from the start. So, you end up with a bunch of kids who can't act, adults who can't act, and probably girlfriends of the producers, cast for their "jiggle". Remember, this is from the folks who brought you "Bay Watch". I will never say anything bad about JR Martinez. He deserves our thanks and praise as a war hero. But he shouldn't act. It's embarrassing to see him used this way -- just like the way they used Audie Murphy after WWII. The best job of the first episode was turned in by Donnigan. He managed to die, so he doesn't have to make any more episodes.
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Starts off slow but the show has potential
oralroberts7711 November 2013
I watched the show specifically for Dolph and Texas Battle, I'm a fan of both. J.R. Martinez is pretty good in this, despite the weak material given to him and his fellow actors. The latino lady comes off as stereotypical spicy, but I can work with this. Most of the cast looks like they're reading directly from their script in hand, but I hope that's because they are first time actors, maybe? Texas has a great sense of humor in this and it shows, and Dolph and JR. have a slow burner storyline, but the rest of the girls and the other two guys aren't too memorable, they need some characterization and to show us their background and story, but this show is still more diverse than most shows on TV. Hopefully the acting will improve but I've been watching every episode, something won't let me stop.
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Evolving and improving
firstlastgreatest3 March 2014
First, I very much like the concept of emergency service personnel (our day-to-day heroes) although injured in the line of duty, able to return to work, albeit obviously changed human beings. JR Martinez brings his personal horror story of injury & facial derangement to his role & I sympathized greatly with not only his pain, but his social discomfort & sadness. Dolph. ...great in the typical quasi-militaristic plot but a tad sketchy in those little personal drama scenes. Texas Battle is good & believable, as is Karl Thaning. The plots have evolved nicely. (Among others, I enjoyed the container that submerged containing trafficked humans, and their rescue.). I would like to see improvement in the female role though. Why are their shoulders/arms so pitiful? Come on Lydia, Jocelyn & Katie, pick up some weights. Carry a hose pack. Work out for gods' sakes. This is not 1990 you know. I also liked Danielle Caley Anderson's playing of Kacie. She brought some fresh drama to the role of a non- emergency person/fairly abandoned kid's confused life. Inter-agency cooperation is tricky in real life with egos on the line & in the end, real life at stake. The season's second half showed much improvement in all ways and I'm looking forward to more rescue stories next year!
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A Boring Soap Opera
diggler_inc18 December 2013
I have been a big fan of Dolph Lundgren since 1985 but SAF3 is making me re-think continuing on as a fan. Dolph has made plenty of garbage before, but this takes the cake.

SAF3 is very cheap and melodramatic but the biggest problem is that the show is boring. I wouldn't mind good cheesy fun but this show is no fun.

The show seems like it was shot to be a 30 minute show, but they had to stretch it to an hour. Every scene is stretched out and completely pointless.

I am sure Dolph is hoping no one watches this show, but he doesn't have much to worry about, the most anyone will watch of SAF3 is 5-10 minutes.
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My Favorite Episodes
screenplaygirl22 February 2014
My favorite episodes of the series so far are Faces and Adrift. What I liked about the storyline in Faces is what the Alfonso character was going through as he realized how much of his body was burned, and how his life would never be the same. Having to accept this, and know that nothing would ever be "normal" again was quite powerful. When Lily tries to help in and he pushes her away because he's in so much pain, that felt so real. I can only imagine what it must have been like for him to have to go through this in real life. What I liked about Adrift was all the stuff with Graciela and Jared's memories of childhood. When Graciela remembers her grandmother singing to her, that was incredibly touching, and then when she dreams of her dead brother and he reaches out to take her hand, as if to take her with him to heaven, I got goosebumps. I'll keep watching to see what other hurdles they will all have to overcome.
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Action with heart
bscollon27 February 2014
I watched a few episodes in the first season and enjoyed them, then returned to tune in to the second season. I have to say, I expected a lot of mindless rescue-action sequences but the show has more layering and heart than that. TJ Martinez is great, and Dolph manages to pull off the sensitive tough guy role really well. Lots of relationship plot lines that overlap and keep it interesting. The camera-work does a great job of showing off the locations and the cast in their best light. Direction is decent, but I do think the pacing could be a little faster in places. The writing has steadily improved over the shows run and has the potential to elevate the show even more. I've definitely been drawn in to some of the character story lines. Overall this is an entertaining and thoughtful show with heart. I'll keep watching.
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What Did I Just See?
gerrygoldshine-822-79546320 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
At the nine minute mark of this week's episode and wishing I could unsee what I have just watched. If this is a drama, then it's as bad as the odor coming off the recently fertilized alfalfa fields here in Sonoma County. If it's supposed to be a comedy, then I suspect even the flies will avoid it. Holy cow! I kept waiting for the voyeur grilling the ribs to set his hands on the grill, breaking all sorts of laws while he surreptitiously filmed the three swimsuit clad models doing yoga on the beach. At least that would have been funny.

Being a retired police officer, who drove a Ford Crown Vic, I know JR Martinez's story and the unbandaging/unveiling of him was gratuitous. The whole plot line involving him was exploitative, stereotypical and derivative.

The soap opera like music needs an organ to be more realistic.

A repeat of this season's SNL, with an emaciated Tina Fey, has got to be better.
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I am so sorry you had to do this show Dolph
aaronjrobson12 October 2013
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I am so sorry you had to do this show Dolph. so so sorry. I watched 2 minutes and almost turned it off, but I tried my best to give it a little longer, it was unwatched. What a was of money. From the script to the acting, camera work, cast, music the list goes on it was all terrible. I feel so guilty putting up this review but I had to, I will try my best to watch the second episode for more than 2 minutes, but I doubt my opinion will change. I am so sorry you had to do this Dolph so so sorry. you could be in any show why, why, why did it have to be this one? With all there's good new show how is it possible to vomit something like saf3 out? I don't get it.
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Well, the crew is good
bousozoku5 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to say some really good things about this show. I really would. I really, really would.

Okay, the photography is clear and the audio is clear. There are no wardrobe malfunctions. The decals have a good design.

If Garnier used their advertising agency to do a television series, this might be it--real life broken down into superficial clips concentrating on style and beauty without substance.

I can't imagine why the 40+ (are there more than that?) executive producers put their money into this. Did they need a tax write-off? The cast is athletic. They speak words. On occasion, they make you care. Okay, okay, I'm making up the last one. The cast is athletic. They speak words. Oh, right, I did those already.

The crew does a wonderful job but the writers and actors have a long way to go.
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