666 Park Avenue (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster


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Why is this canceled?
deloudelouvain15 February 2015
I wonder how the American TV companies calculate their ratings in order to cancel a show or not. Seriously, when I see the amount of crap series that are going on and on forever and then you cancel this good show after one season, that is a thing I can't understand. This series had everything to become a hit. Good actors, a solid storyline with many twists, an intriguing plot. And then out of the blue they decide to cancel this. At least have the decency to write it off with an ending. This made me so mad, making me losing my time for one season for a story without a proper ending. Well ABC that's how you get people to boycott watching all your other shows.
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John Locke in New York
johnboyblues24 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've always had a thing for horror movies; not slasher films but good old scary films that surprise you and make you jump occasionally. Nothing like a good scare to wake you up and let you know that this is not a soap opera.

You never know what is going to happen next in this series. It goes from current day mischief to gruesome acts in the past to people conjured up in the imagination of a newspaper journalist and have them come to life to create more havoc.

The cast seems to work well together. They interact well together on film and that's the important thing. I was surprised to see Vanessa Williams in the cast but surprises are good.

The creators have taken Terry O'Quinn from the jungles of Lost (John Locke) and dropped him in the concrete jungles of New York. And he is playing another mischievous, devilish character who you cannot quiet figure out. Not sure if he's Satan or just someone who possesses mystical powers but whoever or whatever he is, he has that charm that makes you want to like him even though he's somewhat sinister. Well, actually, he is downright sinister. Speaking of scary films...check out O'Quinn in an oldie but a goodie, The Stepfather. That's the film that made me an O'Quinn fan.

Anyway, it's worth watching. Just have to wait and see if some dufus pulls the plug on this series. Let's hope not.

Here we are 2 months after the previous review above and what happens... as I prophesied, the numbskulls at ABC have decided to cancel the show. Unless some miracle occurs and the show returns, you have seen the last of 666. Alas, perhaps my usefulness should be turned towards the occult as a seer (Nostradamus here I come).
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666 Park Avenue (A lot of Potential, Disappointing Pilot)
antmd20001 October 2012
666 Park Avenue is a new supernatural thriller series on ABC. The pilot episode was not as bad as people are saying, but it was not all that good either. There are certain things I liked about the first episode: The main couple seems extremely likable, the rest of the cast gives it there all, and there were a few genuinely creepy scenes. My favorite scene in the episode involves an elevator and it comes out of no where. It literally made me jump. I also enjoyed the scenes in the basement and the scenes involving Rachael Taylor's character, Jane Van Even, exploring her surroundings. The certain things I did not like about the pilot was the opening scene. The opening scene is supposed to grab a viewer's attention and all it did for me was make me want to change the channel. I also think they need to take advantage of the atmosphere more. The apartment building alone is chilling and they really need to take advantage of it. One thing I can say is that the episode definitely improved as it continued on. Overall, this new series has a lot of potential to be a sleeper hit and a creepy series, but, they definitely have a lot to work in. THIS IS NO American HORROR STORY, BUT IT IS ENTERTAINING AND SHOULD BE GIVEN A CHANCE.
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Mike13882 October 2012
Yes, this is a rip-off from Devil's Advocate, and yes it's less satanic, but that doesn't mean it ain't fun! Few months back, when I first watched the show's trailer, I was so sure it will turns out to be bad, but that's what I love with bad trailers! The pilot is above average - I certainly feel the creepy side of its story, very well casts too - from Terry O'Quinn and Vanessa Williams playing the delicious evil's duo, to the young and sexy Rachel Taylor and Dave Annable. Even the supporting actors like Robery Buckley and Helena Mattson from the pilot appeared to be fantastic. I always love it, when my prediction exceeds the reality! 666 Park Avenue is good TV, guys.
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Show stoppers have got it wrong!!
dancin_200513 March 2013
666 Park Avenue. Well well well. Again I find myself trawling the web for the final episodes of a series that I have actually enjoyed very very much. Apparently the series is on the trash heap and for some unknown reason the last episodes have been released at an infuriatingly slow pace. I seriously don't know why they have pulled this show. The actors are intriguing and the story line is new and mysterious.

I say give them a fair go and speed up production. Lets see a second season...

I am not happy the show has been canned and furious at the amount of time the network are taking to release the final episodes.
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It had potential
patrickfilbeck29 October 2021
This series definitely had some potential. Good devil stories are arguably among the scariest horror movies (and television) can offer if done right. There is a strong hint of The Devil's Advocate here, even if it is still a long way off in terms of quality. But all in all you can see through this first season and it is also justified to be a little sad that the plot was not spun on.
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Horror with elegance
boomerang_pip3 January 2013
With news of cancellation for 666 Park Avenue, i am curious of the reasons why it lacked viewers and much of the negative reviews.

The show is written beautifully, story lines pop individually and connects surprisingly, the suspense and mystery leaves you thirsty for more. The Actors also interact well with each other. Terry O'Quinn is no doubt great(makes you want to know what is in his mind in every episode), while Rachael Taylor and Dave Annable shocks with strong performances, especially Dave, who grows every episode and exudes a good/bad guy aura (i was sensing a Christian Bale vibe). Plus,The Ansonia Building standing in as the Drake Hotel was a great choice.The exterior structures and the interior exudes dramatic flair on its own.

Sum all up and you get a truly elegant horror story.
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Devil's Advocate Rip Off
lmmortalization1 October 2012
Well - they tried to capture the magic from devil's advocate at least, but Rachel is no Charlize Teron, Dave Anabele is no Keanu Reaves and definitely - Terry Q'Quinn is no Pacino. They are trying though and if the script resemblance would not be so close it would not strike you as somehow cheesy and cheap at the end of the day. Anyhow - lots of twists that can go different directions, obviously is not an exact copy and this may go in the right way and become something decent. I applaud the aim towards a good angle here (devil's advocate was a masterpiece) that's why a 7 out of 10 but this show must find its own identity soon.

Best of luck guys. 7/10
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Desire..Greed...Pay Back! Highly underrated.
teomou23 November 2012
The reasons writing this review are the recent rumors that this series might be canceled and honestly i don't want this to happen. Concerning the negative comments so far, they are made by people who simply can't understand the meaning of this new series.They just focus on things they would like to be different loosing all the magic this series offers. It is a story stressing that our DESIRES MAKE US GREED.And if there is someone to fulfill them, an unknown 'force' he always asks to pay back. Desire...Greed...fulfillment....consequences! A brilliant thought all set in a mysterious background concerning a building's history. Great acting, great suspense and finally a Drama/Horror/Mystery mix and nothing else of this kind to compare with. Highly underrated after so little episodes. Let this series shine...through the mystery.
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Lack luster and as empty as the hotel hallways
winzentween3 October 2012
Well as a big fan of Devils Advocate (Which this basically is) I was excited to see that Terry (of Lost) was the star though after watching the pilot, though he was as always very good, the show is currently not.

At best described as mediocre with potential but at worse it is cliché, wooden, borderline boring with weak special effects and uninteresting characters and mundane direction.

Where Devils Advocate excelled, this show so far, fails to deliver or even emulate and seems to be far too middle of the road and lack luster with few chills or enough sex appeal to warrant its existence in an over saturated market.

I will give it a chance but they seriously need to amp up either the sex and violence or improve on the writing and direction or do both and be the next DEXTER.

This show currently offers nothing new to TV / film veterans and pales in the bright light of similar shows such as American Horror Story.

A small show like this in a limited setting which we are all too familiar with really succeeds or fails on its writing and style or possibly effects but if the weak pre-credit sequence or the far from captivating conclusion to the episode is the best they have to offer than the show shelf life is limited and will be rotten within the first season.

Conclusion 6/10 CAN DO BETTER
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Review of 666 Park Avenue
carol-sparks15 December 2012
This show started out with great potential. Good story line. However, as weeks went by, it just fell short of expectations. Terry O'Quinn was excellent in his role. However, the other actors including the 2 female leads, Vanessa Williams and Rachael Taylor just fell flat. The show was fairly boring with Rachael Taylor forever running around the hotel bumping into silly pseudo scary events that never ever seemed to develop well. Spoon feeding the interesting parts with a tiny baby spoon stretched out over 4 episodes. Rachael's goody two-shoes relationship with her husband was not believable. Vanessa Williams was boring; her role contributed nothing to the show other than Terry O'Quinn's wife - their relationship was not believable either. If they had made the characters more interesting with a little more depth and added some authentic action, might have been a great watch. Back to the drawing board with that one. Really needs a overhaul.
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Please no......
pattirutlandjazz6 December 2012
My heart is broken. I just the show was canceled. I don't understand how one determines the market on a show but 666 Park Avenue was always the talk on Monday mornings after dropping the kids to school. Not since Desperate Housewives have we had so much to talk about on the tennis courts and at lunch. The characters were amazing and I found myself dreading getting close to the end. It has been many years since I have looked forward to a great night of television entertainment and this show was the highlight of my Sunday evenings. PLEASE somebody else pick this show up or please ABC, reconsider. With all the crap on TV that should be canceled (like every reality TV show out there) ......please not this. I wish I could figure out how to make a difference.

Thank you, Patti
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NYC 400 - #366 - "666 Park Avenue"
DeanNYC27 April 2024
The trends and the tropes of Television are usually pretty obvious. If a show has some success, networks want to duplicate that while the trend is happening, even using the actors involved in that previous hit show, if possible. This is an example of that TV trope.

The Television program "Lost" was unique for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was it set up a core question: Science vs. Faith. Maybe it was a core struggle, because the debate was played out by two leaders who survived the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 - a surgeon who wanted the proof of everything, and a paraplegic who was suddenly ambulatory on this island and never questioned it.

Of course, it took awhile for viewers to get to that point, but the fact is, all of the intrigue of the location, all of the backstories of the characters, all of the connections and Easter Eggs and mysteries that were dropped into that series had fans obsessed. They even created an "unofficial" official website for the show: "Lostpedia," which covered everything surrounding the series, including the online promos and extras that weren't even a part of the events on the program!

There were a bunch of shows in the wake of "Lost" that featured supernatural elements and/or mysteries as a motif, and several of them included actors from that series.

Here, Terry O'Quinn, the "Man of Faith" from "Lost,"' is on a different magical island: Manhattan. He plays a Billionaire named Gavin Doran, who, along with his wife Olivia, played by Vanessa Williams, own a strange building, located at 999 Park Avenue. It's a luxury residence hotel called "The Drake," but it seems... that it seems like... it's more than it seems.

As the series begins, the Dorans had just hired another couple, Jane (Rachael Taylor) and Henry (Dave Annable), to be the new co-managers of the hotel. The previous managers, we were told, moved "someplace warmer."

Jane and Henry are pinching themselves that they are assigned to run one of the prime properties in one of the most affluent parts of town, with a spectacular apartment of their own to live in. Olivia takes Jane shopping for a new wardrobe, and then Jane finds some unique items, several with a figure of a dragon, in the storage space below, that she starts to research.

People's wishes appear to be coming true, but it also seems like people are disappearing and are never heard from, again. The clear implication from both the events of the program and its title is that the Dorans are a couple of demons and the whole thing is a front to capture the weak.

The saving grace seems to be a teen resident, Nona, played by Samantha Logan. She tries to keep a low profile, but apparently Nona is both aware of the elements going on around The Drake and has some supernatural abilities of her own that may help track and rescue some of these poor devils. But what is she all about?

New York plays a part in that there's always mysterious things going on, and many people believe you must have sold your soul to live on the Upper East Side.

Most importantly, the edifice at the center of the show is crucial. The Ansonia is a well-known landmark, famous for having been the home of Babe Ruth when he was playing for the New York Yankees. The ornate, intricate and unmistakable architecture of the building lends itself to being ominous and odd, as it also played a similar part in the movie thriller, "SWF." However, it's nowhere near Park Avenue; it's at Broadway and 73rd. Still the look and the cinematography of the setting is sufficiently creepy to get you in a properly disturbed frame of mind.

The question is why would the Dorans hire a couple that wasn't in on the plot from the start, and who might be finding out a lot more of the things the Dorans may not want them to know? Were they attempting to "ease" them into the idea, grooming them to eventually take over for themselves? Were they hoping they would happily follow their rules and do whatever is asked of them? Or might they simply be the next pair sent "someplace warmer?"

That always seems to be the problem when it comes to these shows with unexplained phenomena; maybe the writers didn't actually come up with the answers that would have made sense of the story, and then poof! The program, and all its unsolved mysteries, suddenly disappears.
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This has been done 666 times before ...
emreguner31 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a quite fan of horror movies or series but I can say this show made me far far away from being a fan.It's not bad. Very bad actually.

Story; A new couple looking for new career opportunities and they found this mysterious and fancy building as managers. By the way have you seen Devil's Advocate? Same setup. But Keanu was an attorney there, OK.

Devilish owners of the building can do anything to them. Because it seems they're also the member and owner of some devilish community just like at "Rosemary's baby". Ohh come on...

And yes they got the job! at the first very minute! I can say it wasn't easy.

OK, let's say story is not that bad, I'm a bad person. What about mediocre acting? Terry O'Quinn as you know from Lost, same here. Mysterious and cold character. Same acting same performance... His wife or should i say partner? And the couple? they're charming. But only in Vogue magazine. Rachael's beauty is the only good thing.(my three points)

And horror scenes? I'm glad there's no shower scene(!). But beyond that you can torn this piece apart and found materials which has adapted from any horror movie which had been done 666 times before. Grab any Hitchcock movie and watch that. Don't waste your time.
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Love this show
crruptedyuth4 December 2012
I feel I should review this one after seeing some negatives from the pilot. Give it a chance people, don't give it horrible reviews from just the pilot. I can't wait each week to see a new one. Watching her discover what is happening feels like I am part of the mystery and I am trying to piece everything together. She is so involved in this apartment place that it gives me the chills when she discovers something. The cast works very well together and I am not disappointed in the least with that. I recommend this show to anyone who loves a good creepy mystery. Just give it a go and watch it each week. I promise you that you will not be disappointed, each week builds more and more to the plot and keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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Excellent, despite what religious extremists think!
ramair3501 October 2012
Based on the pilot, I was very pleasantly surprised at the quality of this show. I would rank it very slightly behind the FX network's American Horror Story (which is quite "gritty"), but for a prime-time ABC network show, this exceeded expectations. The writing is good, suspense is built, the characters are interesting, and the acting is quite believable.

I am VERY disappointed to see reviewers complaining about this show based purely on extremist religious values. I thought that we were better than that. Free speech is wonderful, but I hate to see a show's ratings suffer because of a vocal few. I would encourage you to form your own opinion - if you are up for some scary / dramatic / and yes sometimes "seductive" content, give it a shot.
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Silly...but not satanic
yngpsych1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Well it seems like this show is getting much more controversy then it deserves. ABC daring to air a series with 666 in the title on a Sunday? After watching the first episode, I see it as much more a haunted apartment building story with a powerful man who may or may not be the devil running things. The sets are nice, but the storyline is really quite tame...Nothing for the conservative religious people to get riled up about. And its on late so the kiddies are in bed. Although there was one startling scene with an elevator malfunctioning, there was nothing to give nightmares either. Now if you want to really be scared and shocked, try out American Horror Story on FX...otherwise this is pg rated stuff that will probably get canceled...Unless the Christian conservatives keep screaming about it. Nothing makes a show popular like controversy.
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Too bad canceled
qck124 March 2013
This show started out on the slow side but improved, and you can see that from the ratings. Then the writers started to writing a lot more twists to the story, and the ratings improved. The network never adverted the show, and put it at a bad time. Unfortunately seems like it is very difficult for a scripted show to survive. This show had a lot of possibilities, and would have probably gotten even better with time. Hate those reality shows. They are like watching WWF, equally fake, and ultimately boring. Would be nice if a cable network took it over, and they could make it racier. Doubt it could ever beat out American Horror Story, but maybe get close to Lost. Grimm certainly got better the 2nd season, and think it was because the show got more money, and think more money could make this show much better.
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What could go wrong?
SnoopyStyle19 August 2013
Jane Van Veen (Rachael Taylor) and Henry Martin (Dave Annable) are overjoyed to be the new resident managers for the Drake at 999 Park Avenue in Manhattan. Mysterious Gavin Doran (Terry O'Quinn) and his wife Olivia (Vanessa Williams) are the owners. There is something in the basement and the building's residents seem to get their dark wishes corrupted.

A good looking couple, a demonic Manhattan building, plenty of pretty people with power and money. It's the wet dream of some TV writing group. It's hard to see what could go wrong. First, the young couple lacks likability or chemistry. They may be pretty but they don't ever seem to be happy. They have no joy. They are not appealing. Second, the secrets pile up too much. There are too many of them and they keep coming. It's a cheap and easy way for these writers to add drama. If the story start dragging, add another mystery. Third, none of the characters are worthwhile to root for. It's an easy fix if a major character stands up to fight the evil. Instead, we've left with either selfish protagonists or evil baddies. I don't like anybody in the show and I don't actually like the show either.
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Terry O'Quinn's perfect character
findingdevotion2 October 2012
I'm writing this review after seeing just the first episode but as far as episodes go, this was more than just a pilot.

The series seems to benefit from solid writing, the pacing is perfect to keep you wondering.

Maybe the "666" in the name comes off slightly cheesy and tries too much to push the viewers towards the Faust tale but the setup is still great. The pilot steadily leads to a number of questions and possibilities all while creating a dense atmosphere that manages to clearly convey the feeling of being trapped in a game led by one man (or the devil).

Sure, the script may resemble the setup from "Devil's Advocate". Being a series however, it can afford letting some things under question. While in Devil's Advocate we had a character clearly setup as The Devil, plain and simple, here we are left wondering what's going on: is there a cult gone rogue? Is it the devil? It is a messenger or some kind of demon?

As far as the pilot goes, I was surprised to see that even if one were to summarize it, one couldn't very well simply give away spoilers because there aren't any to give. Who's who? Who wants what? Who does what? These are questions left to be answered.

Shortcomings? Sure, we could name a few. Aside from a few main characters, the cast is questionable. Perhaps they just need time to grow but I can still think of many debutants in series that have done way better jobs.

The camera was chaotic at times without any real reason.

Final word? The story is catchy, dense and full of suspense. It has the prospects of giving a fair amount of chills if properly developed and I am definitely going to follow it.

It's not entirely a 10/10, maybe more like 8/10, but I'm stepping it up as the recent releases have been incredibly low, such as the cheap teen flick Revolution which can make anything else look amazing.
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Not happy this has been canceled
roxyfu17 May 2013
Could not believe when I heard this had been canceled. I loved this show it had everything mystery, seduction. Etc I was always on the edge of my seat waiting for what was going to come next. Put it back on bring series 2. Damn u American TV companies what us wrong with you, you seem to always cancel the good shows. They need to find a way of how to calculate TV ratings by being recorded as well as being watched as some people have stupid working hours so are unable to watch it when it's on so they set record. With all the technology in the world today you would think they would be able to figure that out. Very disappointed customer who has been left hanging with unanswered questions.
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Interesting, Twisting, Thrilling... Until the end (I would recommend reading this spoiler)
ross_david_mc8 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if the reviews written previously concluded all the way up till episode 13 - actually I doubt they did. I've came on to write a review to save you a good few wasted hours of your life. I really can't understand the previous positive reviews.

After watching the first few episodes I thought this is going to be a great TV series. So interesting and different. Revolves around a hotel run and owned by a devil like character who gives people what they desire in exchange for something greater to them (their life for example). Then Jane comes along (the lead female) and throughout the series you feel she is slowly beginning to find out the owner's secret. Every episode you're hoping she unravels what is really going on; uncovering Gavin (the owner's secret) and the secret of the hotel. Then out of nowhere in the last episode she joins with him in the biggest/quickest twist I think I've ever witnessed in a TV show and it was so disappointing because it leaves you thinking where can the series possibly go from there - no more heroine. If it wasn't based on a novel I would have guessed the writes decided to change things right before filming the 13th episode. What you have anticipated the whole way through it turns to ashes in about 30 seconds. Was such a good idea too but I really wish I didn't begin watching it.
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A bit of Rosemary"s Baby
madrianofreire6 October 2012
I cannot say much about it because i just saw one episode, but i have to say this: "A new series among an amount of new series...A good series! I felt almost the same atmosphere that i felt when i saw Rosemary"s baby from Polanski. A very good start, nice plot...I expect a continuing pleaseant watching...The cast seems to be good enough for the proposal, especially Terry O'Queen( i really think that he should be doing more movies, not just TV series)...So far so good...My score is 9 for now. Direction, editing, and photography are worthy of recognition. Thumbs up...I really liked it! It's clear that the series has a major Polanski's influence, and that is really great. It's rare to see something valuable nowadays(but that is just my thoughts)...Thumbs up again!
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um... unfortunately standard issue
tickin4 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen the pilot, so in fairness to the show it may take on a more creepy vibe as it develops. But so far it seems pretty much like boilerplate stuff. They laid out the game board quickly so you know who the evil folks are and who the victim folks are/will be. There's not alotta guess work necessary to figure out what going. It could be that they wanted to shoot out of the gate quickly but that approach kinda killed any ghostly horror aspect of the show (it seemed predictable and familiar).

The main actors are pros though, and they do a good job with what they've got but I have to say Vanessa Williams gets a few extra points for playing a sinister character very nicely... just the right edge. So if the writers beef things up a bit they've got a cast that can easily run with it.

All that to say: the show was pretty to look at (nice direction); the building (setting) is big enough to handle a whole bunch of new stories; the main actors are very capable; the writing (dialog) was standard issue; the story (plot) was mediocre to weak.

I have a creepy feeling that 666 may decay into a melodrama about the devil... which I didn't think possible until now.
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Eerie, Entertaining Horror Show
samishoward27 July 2013
666 Park Avenue is an excellent show. It's a shame it was canceled, because I could have seen the show going on to be developed for many more years. However, as the show only lasted for 13 episodes, they did a wonderful job of wrapping up the story in the premature series finale. The thirteen episodes manage to tell an engaging, smart supernatural story.

The plot lines are great and the actors deliver stellar performances in 666 Park Avenue. Rachel Taylor as Jane and Terry O'Quinn as Gavin Doran were especially wonderful in their roles. This show was genuinely scary and kept me guessing. I would definitely recommend it for fans of Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, and supernatural tales in general.
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