Call Me Chihiro (2023) Poster

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Fine "feel-good" movie
apaksoy26 February 2023
This is a movie about how the former sex-worker Chihiro, now working at a bento shop as a sales person, helps those emotionally in need who come her way from all ages and also how she connects them with each other. Perhaps her approach has something to do with the Geisha culture which seems to be based on things more than sexual attraction. Good acting in general. Little physical action but some emotional ups and downs. The Japanese society is more hierarchical than those in other developed countries and family ties are stronger but they also suffer quite a bit from loneliness and this movie shows how some of them try to deal with it (or unable to) without being pessimistic.
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"You came from the same planet as I do"
soeprijo191 March 2023
First of all, this movie can only happens in Japan. Chihiro, an ex sex worker with no drug and alcohol addiction, no tattooes and no foul mouth, that retired from her"dark past" just like snapping your fingers and still maintained positive attitude.

Her ex boss was also retired from sex industry to open a tropical fish store, and still maintained a good relationship with her. Basil, her friend from her past job, occasionally came to Chihiro's house to have a few drinks and talked about the past. Chihiro also befriended a stray cat, an old bum, two beautiful high school girls, a nine year old boy and got flirted (politely) by a bunch of factory workers who passed by her workplace every afternoon. Tell me if that's not a perfect world, what would that called?!

Later in the story, we learnt that many characters were struggling with their own problems. Some were heavier than others, but nonetheless it's still problems. How Chihiro coped with her problems and how she affected people around her was the heart of the story, and it was a really heartwarming one.

Heartwarming 8/10.
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Everybody needs some Chihiro in their lives! [+75%]
arungeorge135 March 2023
Well, this is a really fine example of feel-good cinema that doesn't attempt to be anything else. The screenplay moves at a leisurely pace, letting the protagonist and the supporting characters leave a mark in our minds for just being WHO THEY ARE! There's an air of strangeness to Chihiro who has a way with words, is quick to get people to be on her side, and comes across as a floating cloud. The film showcases her interactions with various folks including a lovely stray cat, a homeless man, an elementary school kid and his mom, a high-school girl, her colleague/friend from an earlier profession, her ex-boss, the people at the bento shop she works at, a motherly figure she keeps visiting at a hospital, and more such.

Every interaction has something to add to Chihiro, who cherishes them with her whole heart even if that involves physical pain (like being stabbed with a compass) or the pain of loneliness (like not caring for the aspect of long-term companionship in love). Kasumi Arimura is a total delight in the role of Chihiro, and how she treats the people around her and the ways she finds happiness in little things, is something worth cheering for. She has come to terms with not finding romance, but has no qualms about offering love in all other forms they come. The changing weather of the town (from quiet to windy to rainy), the scumptious-looking bento plates, the laughs shared between Chihiro and her pals - this is one of those films that doesn't resort to anything superficial to paint a picture of goodness.
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A Free Spirit Changes Lives and Moves On
EUyeshima5 March 2023
American movies about free spirits were popular a half-century ago when they starred the likes of Goldie Hawn and Sissy Spacek as braless hippies. Based on a popular manga series, this episodic 2023 Japanese drama (called "Call Me Chihiro" in English) picks up the concept of a modern-day free spirit by centering on a former sex worker who decides to work at a seaside bento stand. She doesn't hide anything about her past and in fact, shares her unsolicited opinions to the people who become attached to her. Most of her focus is on a young alienated schoolgirl and an obstreperous little boy being raised by a selfish mother. Leisurely directed by Rikiya Imaizumi, the film starts on a comic note as Chihiro's previous occupation makes her popular with the guys who hang around the bento stand, but then the story turns more melancholic as we get to know the characters around Chihiro. Inspiring them to lead better lives, Kasumi Arimura is affecting as Chihiro, and despite an overlong running time, the movie manages to hit all the right emotional notes.
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A slow pace and meaningful movie.
lily-3056311 March 2023
Like you get into another society without life rules. Feel free to do what you want, just follow your heart. The heart will accompany you to find who you are. Enjoy it on my weekend.

I saw the trailer at January and I was really interested to watch it, but I didn't add into my must see list. Today the advertisement pop out, catching my eyes, I thought it was a series not a movie because I want to know deeper what the meaning massage the director likes to transfer. It leaves some rooms for imaginations. About our life, career, family, relationships and self-esteem...etc. You will understand something after watched it.
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Simple, yet very beautiful
Rishort16 June 2023
The movie is about Chihiro, who lives a simple life, and doesn't care what other people think. She spreads a lot of love to other 'outcasts', while feeling lonely herself. She is a natural talent at making friends, yet she feels like she doesn't know anyone who she has a really deep connection with.

The story purely on itself wasn't really that special because the movie rather focusses on the relationships between the characters.

I love how Chihiro was portrayed: living life free, enjoying the moment, and just taking it easy. During the movie you see her make friendships with multiple people. Personally I'd say that some of these interactions where a little bit extreme, like practically taking a bath with a random homeless guy she just met.

These friendships are for me the main focus of the movie: I think in the western world a lot can be learnt from the way Chihiro helps total strangers in need.

The analogy with everyone coming from another planet was spot on in my opinion. This really hit close to home, as I've felt my entire life like I have never met anyone 'from the same planet'.

I would have liked a stronger focus on the loneliness that Chihiro felt herself. Personally it took me a while to notice that she did in fact suffer from loneliness, as she looked pretty content most of the time.

Also I would have loved to get a little bit more backstory about Chihiro. I think it could have fit well in the movie to know more about the person that Chihiro was in her previous life, and thereby adding some extra development to her character. There were some short references to her past, some flash backs even, but they were really kept to a minimum and were all very short. This left me longing for more!

Overall I would definitely recommend this movie if you are willing to invest the time, and don't mind the slow paced story.

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You're wonderful just the way you are
fbleonchia25 February 2023
Beautifully complex, open-hearted examination of the human condition- particularly of loneliness and the urge to connect with a world full of strangers who are much more likely to misunderstand you than not. The initial hook describing the main character Chihiro as a former sex worker turns out to be almost completely "irrelevant" to the story. It's not what you (may have) thought this film would be about. It's about learning to appreciate every fibre of every human being you meet - a feat most people aren't actually capable of.

This is film of quiet contemplation, quiet conversation and quiet thoughts - the fact that most of the film has no music soundtrack allows you to truly absorb and appreciate every character's words and underlying motivations, particularly of course, of Chihiro's, as she gracefully glides from person to person, reflecting their inner goodness in her own.

I rated this 9 until I reached the end. It deserves a 10.
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An incomplete story that hides behind its visual and metaphorical beauty
sharansrinivas-g25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let me be clear: as much as I wanted to like this film, I just couldn't. There were quite a few issues that many people seem to overlook.

I'll admit, I'm a sucker for slow-paced arthouse dramas. Call Me Chihiro should have left me with a wide smile but it doesn't. There are many arcs that are opened and left incomplete. There are many questions that aren't answered. For instance, why is the schoolgirl taking photos of Chihiro in the early scenes? What drove her to do that? We never get to know why she did it. Some might say, that's inconsequential, but it is. If the directors finds it fit to introduce his characters in an odd manner (the schoolgirl certainly is stalking), the reasons matter.

Parenting is at the core of Call Me Chihiro. We see various examples of bad parenting. And, in later scenes, we see the children of these parents rebel but these arcs are incomplete. We don't get a scene where the parents react to this rebelling. Do they accept their flaws, do they openly talk about it with their kids, we don't see it. There are a couple of scenes where one of the parents confronts Chihiro but the same parent doesn't address this with her own child. The film is full of visual metaphors that convey the feelings of the characters which help us read the room but while these add to the story arcs, it feels like you've been robbed of a good ending to these arcs.

I'm also not sure why the protagonist takes it upon herself to bury an old homeless man on her own. Why can't she call the authorities and report the passing of an old homeless man? And, how is it that even when a blind patient is missing from a hospital, no one seems to call the authorities.

The film attempts to find the same vibe as Amelie or Happy-Go-Lucky but it doesn't reach that because while there are some quotable lines, it just doesn't work the same way it did in Amelie or even Ladybird.

Call Me Chihiro at best is a middling letdown. Despite breathtaking visuals and interesting characters, the film's screenplay forgets much of the drama it creates and it exists in a strange and uneven realm.
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Too slow and boring
tama_7 November 2023
I like the way how main character try to connect everyone but people say it's slow story, well it is. It's too slow make me want to sleep and lost interest to watch in the first hour. I think they should eliminate character that not necessary to make it more fast story, and some of the scene are not make sense (not realistic, nobody wouldn't do type of conversation in real life), that's the first hour now I'm talking about the half movie until the end, it's great I'm starting to enjoy, the story is getting exciting especially the hug scene, weirdly i feel that togetherness moment, so that's it boring first, good ending.
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My most honest opinion.
souljornal26 February 2023
A very calm and introspective movie. Definitely not a movie for a more dramatic audience but rather realistic. For those who can enjoy and understand the complexity of human interactions, beliefs and many times social circumstances.

Exceptionally educative, transporting the viewer to the onion layer that represents Chihiro's life and the ones that end up interacting with her.

Although we never get to fully grasp about her real past and what took her to prostitution, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters it's her way of being and how she faces life and takes other's on a love and compassion path.

Just that simpler has that, even if she had grown differently she wouldn't be more special than what she already was. To me it says it all and is something that I will most certainly take close to my heart.
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Pre-peeled chestnuts
daisukereds7 May 2024
(Seeing something like "Past Lives" (same year of 2023) get an Oscar nomination over something like this puts a sour taste in my mouth).

This is the kind of movie that does impressively well what it sets out to tell.

Messages between the lines, charming performances and an air of loneliness and camaraderie. It all makes you ponder at how painful life can be, and how it can all easily go away with the right company. Or how you don't really get to know how hard someone's life is at a given moment, and how there's people that are kind just when you need them to being some of the most rare and special. The sort of people you'd hope you'd meet throughout your life.

I enjoyed more than I expected! And would easily recommend it, as it isn't too deep or meandering. But the pie of life it offers is quite sweet and sour.

... now feel like eating Ramen.
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Power of Kindness and Connections!
spasek27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We've seen many times how one life touches so many, and how one act of kindness can be like a pebble dropped into a pond. Its ripples stretching all the way across. People should never underestimate what one act of kindness can do for someone. We never know if a smile, a kind word, or an act might will have an effect that we can't possibly predict or fathom.

Life is about connections. Connecting with ourselves as well as connecting with others. Chihiro is a former sex worker who now works at a small bento shop in a seaside town. Initially, a person may scoff at her former life as a sex worker and judge her as someone of little/no value. Ah! How often do we judge a book by its cover? The film invites us to understand how a connection and a small act of kindness can help someone in need, while also learning how to dispel our own judgments about people.

The film opens with Chihiro paying attention to and playing with a cat. Initially, one might wonder why this is such a compelling scene. Because more often than not, how a person treats animals is often an insight into how a person treats people. Chihiro greets the customers warmly, and we can see her warmth is genuine. It isn't fake or an attempt to win anyone over. It's simply how she interacts with others.

Throughout the course of the film, we find Chihiro helping a variety of people. An old, homeless man down by the waterfront. She brings him a meal, gives him some company as they eat, and even invites him into her home so that he can have a bath. And sadly, when she's looking for him in order to bring him another meal, she finds that he has died behind a small fence, and she takes the time to give him a proper burial in the middle of the night.

Chihiro also befriends a couple of high school girls who see themselves as outcasts within their own families. Chihiro treats them with kindness, accepting them fully as they are. Kuniko is one of these girls who's basically told what to do in a family home with little warmth. When she's given a meal by a single mother--as a means of gratitude for helping her son--Kuniko breaks down in tears, overwhelmed that she's found more warmth from this stranger than she's possibly received in her own home.

Chihiro also has to deal with the same, single mother who is outraged that Chihiro has been feeding and spending time with her son, Makoto, a lonely boy who has to spend much of his time fending for himself because his mother works. When the boy gets an idea from a TV commercial to buy flowers for his mother, the mother wrongly accuses of Chihiro of being behind it. After having the flowers thrown in her face, Chihiro calmly hands the flowers back, telling the mother that she will be making a huge mistake if she doesn't accept the flowers and to see her son for what he is: a kind but lonely little boy who simply wants to show his mother how much he loves her.

Lastly, Chihiro also interacts with a woman in a hospital who has recently lost her eyesight. Little does the woman know that Chihiro is the woman she'd briefly had an encounter with, it becomes apparent that the woman is more of a mother to Chihiro than Chihiro's own.

Chihiro is like a breath of fresh air, a gentle rain, a beam of sunshine as we quickly discover how she interacts and touches the lives of the various souls around her. Nothing about her is superficial or fake. She's asked by her friend and former co-worker in the sex trade why she's never fallen in love. It becomes apparent that Chihiro does not find romantic relationships appealing, largely due to their selfishness and propensity to strip a person of their freedom to be who they are.

Kasumi Arimura is a true delight in this film, and she shines brightly on the screen as she invites the viewer to look past her past. A person isn't necessarily their job. How they treat others and interact with them counts the most. And like a passing rain-seeing that her job is done-she moves on to the next town, the next job, spreading her joy for life to everyone she meets. She takes pride in small moments of sitting on the dock in the sun or standing barefoot in the water.

I also found it interesting when I looked it up that Chihiro means, "A thousand questions." This name is appropriate as one might have a thousand questions about her, but find that much like the wind, she can't be pinned down to one thing or perhaps even grasped. Everyone could use a "Chihiro" in their life, and hopefully, everyone can try just a bit harder to be a Chihiro for others.
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I like slow...just not THIS slow.
divemabini7 March 2023
Wonderfully acted. The lead is a scene stealer. And the premise is unique in some ways, yet familiar in others. New girl in town, balancing secrets with opening up. She finds she's better at helping people than coming to terms with her past. It's all been done before, just not this beautifully. Or this SLOW!

And that's the problem. Don't get me wrong, I love slow comforting paced shows. Not a lot of this frenetic crap that Hollywood churns out. But this one is just TOO SLOW.

Or more precisely, too...incomplete. The only story that really gets wrapped up to any satisfaction is the wife of the bento shop owner. She has some adorable scenes with the lead. But the rest of the characters..../shrug. We barely get to know them or understand their motivations, hopes, dreams, etc.

I get it, we're supposed to fill in the details. But when every character in the story (except one) is left unfinished, and the pacing is so slow, the movie just seems to go...nowhere.

Could have been so so SO much better. Maybe as a mini-series. Or if they had cut the supporting cast down by half.
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Theraputic and absolutely lovely!
Eiriksterminator10 March 2023
Don't get the wrong idea about this movie based on the synopsis! This is a fantastic feel-good movie! Super nice and relaxing. Watching it is like therapy. It's full of beautiful sounds and scenery, Chihiro being nice and helping all kinds of people deal with their troubles (and being helped in return), and it is comfy and sometimes funny, without unnecessary drama. I think it's really sad some people can't enjoy relaxing healing movies like this, and call them "boring" and "the worst movie they've ever seen", giving the movie a rating of 1...Clearly it's not meant to be an action movie...Someone also said it has no emotion, which I really can't understand, since this movie is FULL of emotion! Anyway, if you're looking for a nice feel-good movie, definitely watch this one! I absolutely loved it!
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A Slow-Paced Yet Moving Story
ichiniikunsan12 April 2023
Personally, I had no expectations for this film when first switching it on; I was just excited to see the narrative of an ex sex worker become the focus of the story. However, it was much better than expected. With the simple yet deceptive dialogue; how the story glimpses into the lives of various characters who are suffering and the way she lifts them up; to it's very calming pace- this move is really nice to watch.

As someone who also feels like an outsider looking in, it's great to see the people Chihiro helps; but also very sad to see that Chihiro herself is also someone who is going through immense sadness and pain. It's like she's being the kidness in the world that is hard to find. Like a silent hero.

This movie may not be for everyone but it gives an uplifting voice to anyone going through tough times, as well as those who want to visually relax by the seaside.
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Feel-Good Fantasy
keikoyoshikawa20 April 2023
I'm not sure what's the point of the movie "Call Me Chihiro" or "Chihiro-san" in Japanese. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad movie - it's not - but it does make it a strange movie - which it definite is. And much of that strangeness is due to the titular main character, Chihiro.

I've known only a handful of care-free or free-spirited people like Chihiro. And of those very few choose to live in Japanese if they can help it. The society and culture simply do not encourage or tolerate such people. So it is not at all unbelievable that someone like Chihiro can exist.

What's a bit difficult to believe, however, is that a person like Chihiro could maintain her attitude towards life and others for so long without being crushed by the pressure to conform or the very real stigmatization that happens all too often. In Japan, people get ostracized for much less.

The other major characters are also very familiar - a shy high schooler, a homeless man, a very young kid whose parents are mostly absent. Then there are the minor characters like a group of working-class guys who are Chihiro's groupies. None of them come off as being mean, broken, or hopeless.

So I suppose "Call Me Chihiro" is more like a fantasy. It is what a better society can look it, if we really want it. In that sense, this is a feel-good movie - Japanese style, of course - and as such I think it works.
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The slow pace and screeplay...
nillbass23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
... makes this unbeareable.

The screenplayers need to pay more attention about it. There is no point of endless scenes with nothing interesting happening. If at least there was some beautiful landscape plus good soundtrack that fits on it, well, that is passable, however, long scenes, nothing happening, and then a short dialogue among some characters do not save the movie.

I think screenplayers, directors are still trapped in modern cinema, when they used to call it "art",how much of that garbage we saw in cinema? Losting and wasting the most precious thing we have in life which is TIME.

This movie is long, too long to be watched, and too long to be considered "art". I tried, tried hard, wasted 40 minutes, and, well, I gelt I lost more than that, when I take a look in streaming line and I saw it was 40 minutes, I thought: Dear god, 40 minutes and no plot twist, no character development, we barely know who the hell is Chihiro, why she got so interested in that old man? Why a bento shop to work? Why she brougjt that oldman into her house, gave him a bath and tried to drink beer with him?

Well, and than, the oldman dies, for all sudden, and well, you know? I just stopped right there because I was not interested anymore. There a too loose stories, none of them made me care about it. The kid with a fake snake, the school student and her photographs, her weird family, that transgender character. All of those was just thrown in the screen, and it is like screenwriters is telling us: "well, just watch it, there is no screenplay, there is no beautiful lines, there is no emotions, there is nothing to care about, nothing, just sit down in front of this led screen, and feel miserable watching this piece of terrible slice of damned life."

When I got it nowadays, that screenplayers are such pretentious, such selfcentered maniacs, I just pull of the stop button and move on. And, maybe someday they will learn what is cinema about: ABOUT ENTERTAINMENT, about say something meaningful, something at least beautiful, or, maybe, terrible, so terrible that even if you have a terrible time in your life, you can scape from that watching something. Not only seeing nothing happening.

This is far one of the worst movies I have ever watched.
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A movie about emptiness and relationships
julyette-630254 March 2023
If you like movies about real human connections, simple in a good way, with no over dramatic plots and twists, this is for you. Don't expect fast pacing and a lot of crazy action. Expect beautiful shots where you can appreciate the interactions and nature.

It follows the stories of characters with different backgrounds and ages that are interconnected through Chihiro, an ex-sex worker who now tends at a bento shop, has a beautiful smile, and can befriend people (and animals) easily. You see part of their lives, problems and how they're impacted by one another. Deals with themes of nihilism, solitude, broken relationships, death, love and kindness.

If you're a "movie sleeper" don't watch. I on the other hand, liked that it took it's time, felt the joy and sadness of the stories and ended up with a feel good lightness even though the ending was bittersweet for me.
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Everyone around us are aliens from different planets in human shell
wildasif-0260126 March 2023
It's a fantastic film. Portraying an enigmatic figure in such great detail. How relentlessly loneliness may overtake a person. How quickly one may fake a smile and come out as someone completely different. The Okaji character was my favorite because she was so pure and innocent as she gently looked up and faced the harsh world. This movie has several excellent lines. One of them was Chihiro's belief that since we are all aliens from other worlds, we are unable to converse with one another.

Occasionally I find myself in a similar predicament to Chihiro, and as Sae mentioned in the conclusion, "Loneliness will follow no matter how fast you flee, no matter how far you travel."
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Subtle description of loneliness
irisyangtai8 March 2023
This is a story about a young, beautiful, kind female with a sense of humor working in a bento shop. It is a manga/anime adaptation. Pacing is slow, as most Japanese films. But the strong acting of the lead and the quirkiness of other characters draw you focus on the screen. It needs a bit of understanding of Japanese culture to appreciate the description of the social relationships. Maybe we can say that the protagonist's kindness to other people in distress is a way of her own salvation. Brief encounter may linger on without heavy burden, without interference of her solitude.

Storyline is similar to another recent Japanese film " Riverside Mukolitta." Both are about outcasts. Chihiro is less emotional and more lonely. Subtlety stays.
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Beautifully Acted but Slow-Paced: An Incomplete Tale of a New Girl in Town
daredevilx903 May 2023
This movie is a mixed bag. The lead actress delivers a wonderful performance and steals the scene. The plot is both unique and familiar at the same time, with a new girl in town juggling secrets while trying to open up. However, this theme has been explored before, but not with such beauty. Nevertheless, the film's pacing is excruciatingly slow, making it feel incomplete. Although slow-paced shows can be comforting, this one is just too much. The wife of the bento shop owner is the only character with a satisfying story arc, while the rest of the cast is left underdeveloped and uninteresting. The film's pacing and lack of character development make it feel like it's going nowhere. It could have been a much better experience, perhaps as a mini-series or by trimming the supporting cast down by half.
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slow pace
raihneong1 March 2023
The films pretty lights the lonely vibe and an unsettling environment of scenery. It gave another point of view for me of how the sex workers live after watched this. All the characters act looks quite a bit stiff but still state the context of what the messages try to display. It brought me another understanding about how a relationship is built and why do relationship are an essential part to a living being

It's not something that you may find intrigued by the action of the characters or the plot has something surprisal in it, all the flow of the film is just a mere fraction of how some human is lived and was lived

I'm quite fond of this just the way it is.
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Yes it is slow paced but...
ledorky12 March 2023
This movie tells the story though the daily lives of the characters. Most of them are outcasts, like Chihiro. Starting with the adorable fluff ball in the beginning. Chihiro is a literal blessing to everyone she meets. Even if they treat her poorly, she has nothing but good intentions for them. As another reviewer said, we need more Chihiro types in our lives. The interaction with the old homeless man will stay with me for a very long time. People we look down on are the ones Chihiro looks after. She is basically a Christ-like selfless figure who does what she feels like. I think this could have been a 10 with a tighter edit. Still, it's a movie worth watching.
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A much needed film, beautiful
ricardoalarcon10 March 2023
Of course this film is slow. ¡Just like a rose blooming!. It really is a beautiful and special movie. It has a well sritten, superb history; exhibits great acting for all and each characters, even the kids made it like masters; and shows an excellent, beautiful photography. Is a film about love and charity. About coming back to life. About giving even when you are empty and thus, healing your heart and bringing your spirit back to life. ...And about great japanese food and enjoying it. Do not hesitate, yes it is different but if you can enjoy it, it might be a sign of your own good taste and mental health.
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Slow paced and lacking an interesting storyline...
paul_haakonsen28 May 2023
I was actually looking forward to sitting down and getting to watch the 2023 Japanese drama "Call Me Chihiro". I liked the movie's synopsis, and I had been told nice things about it.

However, writers Rikiya Imaizumi, Kaori Sawai and Hiroyuki Yasuda delivered an insanely slow paced narrative in their script. Running at 131 minutes, and with very little actually happening, sitting through "Call Me Chihiro" was quite an ordeal. I have to admit that I was not particularly entertained by what transpired in the slow and monotonous narrative as the story unfolded on the screen, and I gave up half way through the movie. I just couldn't take any more of the nonsense that was the narrative in the movie. I kid you not, nothing interesting happens in the first half of the movie.

The acting performances in "Call Me Chihiro" were good, and leading actress Kasumi Arimura really does perform quite well. Just a real shame that she and the rest of the cast literally had nothing to work with in terms of a proper narrative, interesting characters or much of anything else.

While the synopsis for director Rikiya Imaizumi's 2023 movie sounded interesting, the actual movie itself was a slow paced dumpster fire.

I have zero intention of returning to attempt finish watching the rest of the movie. With half of the movie to go, I just simply have no interest in watching any more of the monotonous storyline. And this is definitely not a movie that I will recommend to fans of the Japanese cinema to waste their time, money or effort on.

My rating of Rikiya Imaizumi's 2023 movie "Call Me Chihiro" lands on a three out of ten stars, and that is based on the production value and the acting performances, and by no means on the storyline whatsoever.
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