Hijacked (2012) Poster


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Bad acting, OK action
movieman_kev7 August 2012
All special agent Paul Ross (Randy Coulture) wants to do is to win back his ex-fiancé, but his plans are sadly thrawrted when his love is on a mammoth plane that's been hijacked (hence the genius name of this film) by terrorists, which makes his day that much worse as he had been suspended earlier that day.

While not nearly as bad as some of the reviews that I've read, it's not a particularly good film either. The action scenes are all right, it's just that it's plot is devoid of any originality and is hopelessly derivative which draws comparisons to similar terrorists on a plane films that this movie can't help but not fair well to. The acting is also not one of its stronger.points. All said, the movie while watchable is a bit forgettable.

Eye Candy: Marla Malcolm gets topless

My Grade; C
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A long, boring and drawn out movie where the idea is better then the execution. Couture is not a good actor at all. I say C-
cosmo_tiger13 July 2012
"I'm not in a position to delay your departure, but if you choose to fly I strongly recommend you double all your security efforts." Paul Ross (Couture) is a special agent who is great at his job but not his personal life. He has just broken up with his fiancé and his best friend just got killed. To make matters worse he has just boarded a plane that his ex is on and it has just been hijacked by people working for the crime lord he is looking for. I have to admit that I had really low expectations for this one. Most wrestler movies are not that impressive and after watching this one I guess same goes for MMA. This is a movie where the writers said he can put a UFC guy in this and have him beat people up, that will make people watch. The sad fact is that that it true. The fighting was good, but the movie overall was totally flat. No emotion, no intrigue and I actually found myself wanting to shut it off or fast forward it. My inner struggle actually helped because my talking to myself not only was more entertaining but made the time go by quicker. I was hoping for "Air Force One" meets "Passanger 57". I couldn't have been more wrong. On the plus side there is a scene of nudity halfway through...so there is that. Overall, a movie for really hardcore wrestling/mma movie fans. I had to struggle to get through it. I give it a C-.
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Hopeless attempt at thriller action movie
swedish_chef_dave14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was intrigued to see Vinnie Jones in this movie as he is slipping down the ratings and only popping up in low level rubbish these days. As soon as the movie started i realised this was also low level rubbish, there is something charming and addictive to seeing low budget movies, I usually end up laughing at the plots that fall apart and silly fight scenes. This did the same for me, Vinnie even invited his own death from a beautiful assassin, such a silly plot, continuous drivel dialogue, over and under acted plots, it has everything that low budget movies throw out. I tried laughing but it wasn't quite bad enough to become a comedy. I ended up playing some online game with my 10 year old daughter while the movie was playing. There was no such thing as a hidden plot as the link between some mysterious terrorist group the the Lieb organisation was given to us in the first 1 minute, that is usually a bad sign when they explain the plot in the introduction. Quite appalling but not complete tosh. but not worth the time wasted on watching it.
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Predictable & not very entertaining
Thrill_KillZ10 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it could be interesting when I saw Vinnie Jones, whom I'm a big fan of & Dominic Purcell(Prison Break)listed as the lead cast but Vinnie Jones doesn't even make it past the first five minutes & Purcell couldn't have said more than twenty words in the entire film. It's just another straight to video release with little action, no suspense and characters I could care less for. The acting was mediocre & the script was bad. No thrilling action sequences, it's obvious to the viewer that this was just another low-budget cookie cutter type action flick with a plot so thin I had to fight the urge to turn it off . If there is anything to be said, it is don't get suckered into paying to see this. It didn't seem like anyone really tried to make an effort, especially the writer/director Brandon Nutt whose last picture sits at a 2.7 rating. I think that says it all. For this a 2.5/10
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Bad... in the worst sense of the word!
CharlieHound12 July 2012
Without doubt, one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune of subjecting myself to! The movie starts bad, with Vinnie Jones playing a part that's completely out of character, and from there, it just gets worse... much worse!

I won't talk about the glass bowls and decanters, etc, placed on the tables of a plane that's about to take off, instead, I'll talk about the worst plot, worst acting, and worst movie I've probably ever had the misfortune of watching! Actually, I'm lost for words... I'm trying to think of a few fitting, critical remarks about the movie, but it was so bad, that I'm struggling to comment, without adding spoilers and resorting to profanities! All I can say is, if you feel the need to watch this movie, but have a couple of spare needles in the house, I'd strongly suggest holding the needles over a flame, then inserting them into your eyes, because with hindsight, I would rather stick red hot needles in my eyes than watch this movie!

One of, if not the worst movie I have ever watched, and giving it a score of 1 out of 10, doesn't even start to describe how bad it is! Do yourself a favour and buy some needles... or you'll wish you had!
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Its a low budget action movie
Sub_Captain16 July 2012
This is a low budget movie with a typical hijack airliner plot. There is nothing outstanding about the storyline. The set is also poorly and unrealisticly made and it looks like all the action is taking place in a cheap downtown hotel rather than a private aircraft. The acting is also a bit one dimension, where good guys a tough, girls are pretty and bad guys are dumb and unlucky.

One bright thing about this movie is the hand-to-hand combat scenes. It is generally exciting although it can be a bit predictable.

Overall it's 3.5/10. I give them credit because it's a low budget movie. Watch it only if you can't find anything else to watch and keep your expectation down.
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Awful 2/10 is being nice!!
erickzz13 July 2012
A hour and and 30mins I will never get back. I was planning on giving it 1/10 but the little twist at the end notched it up to 2/10. The movie lacked suspense, thrill or action. It was pretty clear from the onset who the bad guys were and the good guys were. The acting was forgettable. The Aussie with the mustache was comical (hey mate! Howz it going mate? Everything OK mate?) Lol him and agent Ballard both got their butt kicked a couple times in the movie. Any CIA agent who accidentally watches this movie would be disgraced the were they were hilariously portrayed. There was a couple times Vinnie Jones AKA agent Ballard was caught napping, not knowing which wire to cut on the bomb or letting one of the suspects get out of sight to have his Ex fiancé conveniently placed to shoot the suspect. A true CIA agent would immediately disarm a suspect and at least shoot him in the kneecap so he/she doesn't attack them again, not agent Ballard though.

There was more action and suspense in the movie Devil Wears Prada compared to this flick. I yawned my way to the end of the movie with 13 yawns.

PS The director Brandon Nutt is truly nuts and Vinnie Jones' head should audition for the next planet of the apes movie.
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unconvincing & not worth it throughout
sungreentree25 September 2012
I expected a B movie with some cheesy action to redeem it. Indeed the DVD jacket suggested the bare bones of a plot that the film did fulfill. But nothing could have warned me that fulfillment could be so boring, so stupid, and so unconvincing.

One starts to get an idea by the flatness of the dialog and emotion at the start. Does it ever improve? No. The actors have looks but they never seem invested. The style is low budget TV or straight to video.

Then the first action scene is there delivering nothing worth watching as well yet nonetheless impressing me: must the characters--good guys and bad--really be that dumb in a firefight? Must they fight so badly? Incredible! Next we get to the airplane and by then there's no doubt what will be delivered: a film neither convincing enough to be worthwhile nor cheesy enough to overcome its stupidities. The set says it by looking nothing like an airplane. The special effects say it by looking unrealistic. The characters say it by reacting to danger, injury, and threat with true stupidity. The plot says it by lacking so much common sense in its particulars that there's no buying into any part of it.

I can't recommend this movie on any level. But if you're a glutton for self-flagellation, a fan of boring, or looking for a movie that you can walk away from without missing anything, then maybe you'll want to check this out. In such an ill-considered event, I recommend that you attempt to keep your brain half alive by attempting to note some fraction of the ways stupid will out. For example, as a teaser, how would you handle events like these: - Protecting self from gunfire.

  • Moving and fighting while shot, stabbed, or something.

  • Wound care for your friends.

  • Someone there to kill you.

  • On plane expecting bad things will happen.

  • Airplane safety procedures and equipment.

  • Keeping somebody captured from posing further threat.

  • Hide from people who would kill you.

I like lots of B action movies. But this one is not worth watching.

Really! Find some another movie.
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I sat through some of this thinking it would become funnier...
bentalk29 November 2012
Cool - here comes Vinnie Jones, whom I'm a big fan of & Dominic Purcell.

The aircraft scenes look like they're shot in a hotel - very confusing. Do they really have glass fruit bowls sitting on polished wooden tables? Or cargo bays with cars inside, fully pressurised and air-conditioned with extensive lighting and stairs leading up to the passenger compartment?

The action... they do a clever job of avoiding any real action on screen - and there is no excitement or suspense.

The budget for this movie obviously wouldn't even cover the price of admission. The story was so bad, and the plot so sad, that I had to resist the urge to turn it off for a while. Initially thinking it was going to be a pythonesque slow starting rip roaring comedy...

The joke's on me for wasting 40 minutes on this trash!
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Worst movie I've ever seen...
maustshadle16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...or so I thought, at least before the very end. No spoiler alert here, but I gotta say, the end kinda salvaged this one from being a whirlwind fail of epic proportions.

After watching Hijacked, one thing is entirely and abundantly clear, Randy Couture is no actor, and probably never will be. I didn't watch this in the first place because I thought so, no, I picked this one because Randy Couture is a former MMA fighter, and that's what I wanna see him do in movies: fight. There are a few of those sequences in Hijacked alright, but those are way too scarce and way too short. Instead of writing a role for him where he had to manhandle his opponents the right way, the producers and writers of Hijacked obviously want the other way, hoping they would outsmart us all, by giving Mr Couture a dialog driven part. Well, that didn't work out so well, so they actually outsmarted themselves.

Yes, there are a few glimpses of real surprise, like two very premature deaths for instance, but that's right about it. Often enough you should stick with what you know, because 99% of the time it will work, but that's not what they were gunning for here. The dialogs seem to have been written by some five year old, the acting is at times worse than at my local summer amateur theater, and the story line seems like a potpourri of movies seen a thousand times before. Why in the world Dominic Purcell agreed on participating is way beyond me. And Vinnie Jones probably just did it for a laugh, or maybe he lost a drinking bet, I don't know.

To be fair, the story would have been sufficient, if there would have been less dialog and more fighting. Just a good ole Steven Segal-esque movie, that would have done just fine. But no, they wanted to make a "real film" out of it, and in the end missed almost all points by a mile. So yeah, this movie has no point at all, and I'll be damned if ever watch this one again.

As for Randy Couture, well, I think his stuff might even work as a lead, but he would need a real script for that, less dialog and sure as hell more fighting scenes. Because that's what he does best, and if he doesn't see that, well, than his acting "career" is already done. I would watch real action movies starring Randy Couture as the lead persona, I really would, because the fights on Hijacked, as short as they were, reminded us of what he can do with his fists, elbows and knees, so just let him do that. All that of course doesn't mean write an awful movie and Couture will fight his way through. No, write something good, something that actually makes sense, and then you let him fight the bad guys. Sounds rather easy, but as Hijacked has showed, it's far from it.
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The biggest flop I've ever seen in my life!
ag771930 July 2012
I wish I could place a 0,1 out of 10.The plot was awful and the movie as a whole likewise. Acting, scenery and every aspect of the film, were nothing short of amateur! I was counting down the time to switch of my DVD player but to no avail. One and a half hour seemed to me endless. What a pity for Vinnie! Do not waist your time watching this crap!!! You should go for a coffee, or eat a burger or something. My disappointment was also increased by Dominic Purcell. I am a great fun of PRISON BREAK and this also applies to Dominic. Why Dominic? Why? The movie has taken place in a hotel the decoration of which could never be a part of a plane. PLEASE DO NOT SEE THIS MOVIE. Don't Don't Don't Don't Don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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OK if you are not expecting james bond
rjeffrey-smith3331 July 2012
clearly a low budget film and the staging and stock shots evidence this. but for what it is, it works. tough guys, good looking girls, and lots of action. i liked the flight attendant, the journalist and the pilot.... that's the guy i want in the cockpit on my next flight. I am up for a sequel and this movie sets the stage nicely for one. Only difference I would like to see is on the budget. spend five times what was spent on the first movie (whatever that amount was ) and you will have a good picture. I am not saying you need to be on location but get staging the has the rounded appearance and proportions of an airplane not a hotel lobby and cast situation actors conforming to the purported location.
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A "B"movie not even that good!!!
judgejon9920 August 2012
What went wrong?...I use IMDb to give me an idea of just what other fellow movie watcher's think...normally I get it about right, the numbers as long as they are over 6 maybe lowest or 7 or 8 out of 10....we can get a good average of the film...So what went wrong...well I saw Vinnie Jones in the "Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels"...great film, funny in parts and in my estimation worth the 8.2 out of 10...So what went wrong...yes you guessed it...I didn't use my eyes to see the dismal 3. something out of 10 before I went to the trouble of downloading this film...Yes Vinnie Jones does make an appearance which made me think...yes it could just make the grade...Wooden acting, lack of coherent story line...too many gaps...where maybe the "ACTION" man with the board should have a bit more on the ball...the cutting room floor was probably full of things that did not make it to the screen...For that alone I am thankful that this film only lasted for the time it did..note to self "LOOK AT THE RATINGS IN IMDb FOR ANY FILM...THIS WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND STOP YOU SEEING RUBBISH"....so to sum up...If you are board and have the chance to have an operation have it...don't waste you life on this film..I gave it 3 out of 10...maybe less would be appropriate...it does have some action somewhere...A waste of time,effort,life....
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Judge for yourselves!
derteufel-481-21492519 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
From the very beginning,it was apparent that this film was in the B category. It took too long building up to the purpose of the film to start with. The acting was a bit wooden too. I bought it in part because I saw that Vinnie Jones was in it, however I would've thought he'd have been in the movie for a lot longer than he actually was.

As usual when the scene is on an aircraft, the effect is spoilt because you can hardly hear the sound of the engines, making it hard to believe you're airborne. I'm a huge aircraft fan and familiar with cockpit procedures and was disappointed to note that, apart from having a flight crew sat there, they did little of what pilots would've done in reality. when the action gets going, there's far too much indiscriminate shooting going on which, again, in reality would've caused a catastrophic decompression.

On a plus side, the filming was very good and you do get a sense of money having been spent on costumes and set decor.

Overall, there is no feeling of being terrified of the events taking place and the movie had a flat feeling about it. I guess I've been spoilt by excellent films,such as Skyjacked, with Charlton Heston, or Wesley Snipes Passenger 57, not to mention Red Eye with Cillian Murphy.

The DVD was only a fiver though so didn't cause me to worry about the expense!
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Don't bother, seriously..
evz197414 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been done a 100 times before, sadly I can't think of a worse version of the old plane hijack story than this, massive plot holes, a story that lacks any real drama and acting that is straight out of the wood shop.

Being an MMA fan and having met Randy, I was interested to see how he did in a full feature as a main cast member and although he isn't the worst MMA crossover actor I have seen, sadly he brings nothing to the role than a million other actors couldn't have done also.

Purcell - brilliant in Prison Break, picking up a cheque here, he goes through the motions and as another review said, he barely says anything throughout.

The script leaves a lot to be desired so much as one moment they are at the front of the plane, next moment at the back - yet never bumping into the bad guys who are looking for them and I am pretty sure they don't have a Hogwarts invisibility cloak....

They find the hijackers parachutes and....leave them there, dudes at least cut a cord or three!!! All in all, left me thinking who on earth wrote this and why didn't anyone pick up on all the glaring errors, but then the cheesy way the film is shot - the director it seems has tried to emulate many moody scenes, panning shots etc but all come off as cheap and crass.

Save your time, go watch some adverts instead! Sorry Randy, loved ya as an MMA legend, but...this is worse than coming back from retirement!
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Bad writing and/or directing.
albrechtcm2 August 2012
I enjoy a good movie without action, but this was touted as an action flick. We used to get more action from Ozzie and Harriet. Unfortunately, with this unbelievably contrived and obvious script, even a tough guy like Randy Couture didn't have a chance. First, Mr. Couture was much more soft-spoken, easy going and mild- mannered than he should have been, and he along with all the CIA agents were laughably inept. If an amateur manages to knock a person down and he stays down, I suppose that person might possibly lay down his weapon and go over to comfort a frightened woman, but a trained and experienced CIA agent? Give me a break. These guys did this sort of lame trick throughout the picture just to give their opponents another chance to jump them, thus prolonging the movie to its obligatory ninety minutes, and of course we knew who the Real Bad Guy was before the credits stopped rolling. Sorry guys. I like Randy Couture and Vinnie Jones too. Mr. Jones really got the short end of the stick here, but I guess a job's a job. Boy was that a dollar wasted at Red Box. I should have bought a lottery ticket at the machine next to it.
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Doesn't get off the ground
Wizard-815 July 2013
When this movie was released on DVD, I was tempted to pay the new rental price to see it, but I ultimately decided not to. The other day I found it available to rent for just a dollar, so I decided to see it. Boy, am I glad I didn't pay full price to see this. I'd be even happier if I had rented another movie for that dollar. For starters, the movie has inconsistent production values, with some scenes looking slick and expensive but other scenes looking downright cheap. Next, Randy Couture is pretty underwhelming in the lead role, lacking charisma as well as emotion when his character speaks. The movie is poorly paced; after the (lame) opening action sequence, it takes more than a half hour before we start getting action again. And none of the action in the movie gets above the routine. There is one bright spot in the movie, and that is Dominic Purcell as the bodyguard. He manages to take his role and make his character pretty interesting. If he had been cast in the lead role, chances are the movie would be significantly better.
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I like dumb action flicks but this movie is just being stupid!
Boba_Fett113818 July 2012
The whole approach to this movie took me back to the '80's, an era when the genre was at an all time height and the story didn't seemed to matter all that much. The era of big, dumb, overblown action movies, in which a lot of classics got made but even more absolutely horrible movies. I'm sad to say that this is also an absolutely horrible movie, that does some absolutely stupid things.

First of all, for most of the time I had absolutely no idea what was going. About halfway in it, I still had no idea who all these people on the plane were and why they were on it and what the hijackers wanted exactly. And it's not done in a mysterious thriller type of way but all done in a clearly incapable and lazy way. The storytelling is just absolutely horrible at times and the way the entire movie flows and develops certain story elements are done in an atrocious way!

Every time I thought that the movie would start to become potential good and interesting it would cut off and go to something completely different. You could say that the movie is being way too short and should had taken its time with some of its story- and character development. Yes, it sounds strange but I wanted this awful movie to be longer, so some things could had developed into something potentially good and more interesting maybe.

The editing makes the movie all the more worse at times. I don't know but it at times feels as if entire sequences were missing and it at times makes some sudden jumps. It will confuse you and lets some sudden developments and scenes come across as incredibly stupid.

And I also can't really say that this is an action filled movie. There are a couple of good old fashioned fist fights and some weapons get fired but overall its just nothing tense or spectacular to watch. There is of course only so much you can do with its premise and settings but simple fact is that there are plenty of other genre movies around that do a great job with its concept of a plane being hijacked in midair, so it really shouldn't be an excuse for this movie.

And how are the likes of Randy Couture, Dominic Purcell and Vinnie Jones in this? Absolutely awful, though I feel you can't blame any of them really. When given the right material, all of them still could be some decent action hero stars.

It's just as bad as any other dumb, low budget, action flick but this movie does some very stupid and incompetent stuff as well, making this movie worse to watch than just the average genre attempt.


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Worst. Movie. Ever
walery-kostak21 July 2012
From time to time I like to watch some B class movie. I know what to expect of it so I don't expect a lot (most of the time). But this film is the bottom of the bottoms. I don't know how can somebody could make movie so weak that was even painful to watch. That is not even B class movie that is Z class movie and I'm using the Z letter because there is no more letters in the alphabet. All in this movie suck. The actors are playing poorly which is interesting because I've seen some of them in other movies and they were doing alright. There is one guy who is producer, director and the screenplay writer, Brandon Nutt. Sorry mate but you should be doing something else, maybe slaughterhouse is a better place for you. I don't know how good you are with chopping meat but - for sure - cannot be any worst than your skills with movies making.

My recommendation: DO NOT WATCH!
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s_pekelharing19 July 2012
I watched this movie, without reading any of the reviews here. I saw the actors, read the plot and so I thought I would be watching something spectacular.

Sadly.... this movie, that misses the most vital ingredients to make it a good movie, is just a badly copied and slightly changed version of so many good hijack movies that already exist. Even movies from the 90's have better acting, more suspense and way-more special effects.

Besides the predictability of this movie is huge!

In short: this movie is not worth your time and money to watch. If a high-suspense hijack movie is what you're looking for, please do rent or buy another movie.

I think Dominic Purcell(Prison Break) is a great actor, but in this movie he's definitely at his best. This goes for other good actors in this movie as well.
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Awful, awful, awful
moscowboy7 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I begin? Vinnie Jones (not known for his breadth of acting skills) must have sighed with relief as he got killed off early in the film, avoiding the cringing embarrassment that was to follow. The script, acting and plot were totally leaden. Even the pilots were unconvincing as they went about their checks. Also, what about the bullets that were being sprayed around at 37,000 feet? Has anyone heard of pressurised cabins? Fortunately the set was so unconvincing that at no time did I think they were airborne (loved the plastic plane flying through the air a la "Thunderbirds").

I have to admit that I gave up half way through - life is too short to waste on this film when there is wet paint to watch dry or encyclopedias to read....
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tavsaito-425-33707417 July 2012
I wasn't expecting much but this was okay. its a straight to DVD action movie so don't go looking for Oscar winning acting or million dollar sets. but the action is good the story is pretty much expected but there are a few twists that keep it interesting. Vinnie is good, randy kicks some ass and i liked this movie. hope you do too. but just keep in mind its a straight to DVD movie featuring a retired UFC fighter :o) if your looking for an amazing action packed block buster involving the hijacking of a plane watch die hard 2 or con air. but if you've seen those and feel like throwing something on and eating some popcorn give this one a try.
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Hijacking adventure for Randy Couture
Leofwine_draca4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
HIJACKED is a bizarrely low-rated straight-to-video action vehicle for Randy Couture, the former wrestler who kicked up a storm as one of the team in the EXPENDABLES trilogy. Here he goes it alone as a special agent who finds himself up against a plane full of hijackers and must exact some two-fisted justice to take them down. This is a very low rent production which nonetheless offers a series of hard-knuckle fights to keep your mind off the endless problems, not least of which is the film's failure to convince the viewer that the action really is taking place inside an extensive aircraft. There are cameos from two British hardmen, Craig Fairbrass and Vinnie Jones, neither of whom play the bad guy for once. Dominic Purcell also has fun as a moustache-sporting ally who gets to beat up on a few goons. This is far from a masterpiece, but it's an easy enough watch for undemanding action fans.
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It was OK to sit through if you have nothing else to sit through.
subxerogravity7 April 2015
I guess I can give the movie the benefit of the doubt. It was a low budget action movie and it felt like it. It most likely did not have the money to really make Die Hard on a plane (or for that matter Snakes on a Plane).

They did make up for the shoe string budget with some cool styled scenes of Randy Culture going after the bad guys, but it really was not enough to make the movie. Plus Vinnie Jones is favorable to watch as well.

I would have to vote on skipping it unless you got nothing better to do. It's not even that good of a low budget Randy Culture film.
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Hijacked doesn't get off the ground.
chriskoczka-644736 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie "Hijacked" is one of the worst movies ever made. It really is in competition with watching paint on stucco dry on a cloudy day. Bad script, mediocre acting, and HORRIBLE directing. Forget about any set design, I doubt the person that approved the airplane internal set, has ever even been to an airport much less ridden on an airplane. Having a gun fight in the belly of a plane at an altitude over 20,000 feet, was so absurd; that action was almost more absurd than the warehouse sized cargo area. So many bullets fired, and none hit the fuselage? If the film makers were to hire children to be advisors from a local primary school, the film might have been more believable.

Seeing that airplane interior hallway so wide with rooms on both sides, and pictures on the wall hung by wire, and a glass vase on a table at the end of the hall, all make it clear the set designer and director didn't have a clue about an airplane's dimensions, or that an airplane involves motion. Maybe it was supposed to be a T. A. R. D. I. S., bigger on the inside than the outside?

If you are not high on drugs, don't bother with this garbage. I hope the producers went bankrupt on this disaster of a film, pretending to be staged on a real airplane.

Don't waste your time on this, unless you and your friends are stoned and want to view/call-out, this excuse for a film, like a MST3000 parody.
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