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A romcom with some pizazz.
lnvicta31 December 2015
About Last Night is a very unique romantic comedy. And for a genre that's practically built around clichés, that's really saying something. It intertwines the romance and the comedy from different angles by showing two couples, both with polar opposite relationship dynamics. There are essentially four leads in this movie and they're all excellent, especially Hart and Hall. They're an absolute riot together. You can tell some of the stuff is improvised and they bounce off each other incredibly well, and you actually believe that these characters can fall in love.

The "normal" couple has the more romantic story, and sadly they're not nearly as fun as the crazy couple, but that's kind of the point. There are some heartfelt moments in there, and the witty writing helps a lot. Some plot lines in the movie are predictable, some are filler, but the movie as a whole is diverse and totally engaging. It's structured in a way that it jumps from season to season, showing the peaks and valleys of the two relationships and how the friendships between all four characters are affected by it. There is seldom a dull moment in About Last Night, and you can't say that about many romcoms.

What elevates this movie in particular, though, is Kevin Hart. He's absolutely hysterical. I would watch a full two hour movie of just his character, he's that good. This is more proof that Hart is a comedy genius (and this is coming from someone who doesn't care much for his standup); he just needs the right vehicle to showcase it completely. Here, he just isn't in it enough. I mean, he's in it a lot, but he's just so damn good you can't get enough. His chemistry with everyone is great, and it doesn't even feel like he's acting. Not to say the other actors aren't as good - they're great - but Hart (and his relationship with Hall) basically steals the movie.

About Last Night isn't the be all end all of romantic comedies, but it's different enough to separate it from the pack. It handles both the romance and the comedy with finesse (and plenty of vulgarity), and it features Kevin Hart unleashed. If you're a fan of his, this is a must-watch.
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Fully run by chemistry and four great leads, About Last Night is that rare remake that doesn't totally stink
diac22820 February 2014
About Last Night could have gone in two directions: Play it safe and make easy money like 2012's Think like a Man; or gamble the R rating, become more realistic, and resemble the likes of Best Man Holiday.

The gamble was taken, and the payoff is far better than expected. About Last Night finally allows Kevin Hart off the leash and the results are amazing. He also has a comedic rival in the female category with Regina Hall, who stands toe-to-toe with his insanity and doesn't back down. The end result is a romantic dramedy that despite lacking in laughs in favor of drama delivers an entertaining movie that will go down as one that took risks, just not enough of them.

The main risk was the well-earned yet respectably mature R rating. Your best movies about relationships usually tend to be those that do not shy away from the more mature subjects and aren't afraid of baring it all physically and emotionally. The Before Sunrise trilogy and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are the better modern examples. About Last Night never exaggerates to earn the rating, instead exposes one-night stands, relationships, sex, emotional growth, and all the complications amongst these subjects with no red tape to stop it—ultimately establishing itself as a more mature film in its usual cinematic genre.

It wasn't just the honesty that gives About Last Night its edge above its usual contemporaries. It boasts a great (besides Bruno Mars' latest album) soundtrack that incorporates a healthy dosage of jazz and blues, employs a script with good dialogue, and is directed and edited nice and tight for that it never really overstays its welcome. Most importantly, the chemistry amongst the leads is off the charts. Regina Hall and Kevin Hart are nearly flawless together, as their banter and angry love provide the most laughs and some of the best moments in the movie. Not to be undone, the more dramatic relationship between Joy Bryant and Michael Ealy was very much believable and carried the emotional weight of the entire film.

What ultimately bogs down About Last Night is that it doesn't quite dig deep enough into the psyche of modern-day relationships. The 1980 version of About Last Night and the play that it's based on were both brutally realistic as well as critical of the time period and the views of relationships amongst the culture. With this version, we see the who, the what, and the where, but don't enough of the why. It lacks the subtle commentary like what we saw in Her, it lacks the explanation as to why it's become more difficult nowadays for marriages and long-lasting relationships to survive.

One of the quietly scary trends nowadays is the deterioration of the American marriage, especially amongst minorities like Hispanics and Blacks. This movie could have broken even more ground if this had been explored and expanded upon the concept of Sexual Perversion in Chicago, the original stage play. The play is 40 years old, maybe its time for an update?

Mediocre movies remain in shallow waters. Riskier movies swim deeper. And the best of the best fully dive in and risk all the consequences. About Last Night lands somewhere in the middle, but nonetheless is an entertaining movie with good performances and good chemistry. This movie will not embed itself in romantic drama history, but will leave a nice impression throughout the year—especially from rising star Kevin Hart and the underrated talent of Regina Hall, Joy Bryant, and Michael Ealy.
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Expect it to be average and you'll like it.
naregian14 February 2014
Kevin Hart's level of comedy is one you either get or you don't get. If you don't get it, then you'll still like this film because he isn't really the central character. This movie is written as a romantic comedy, but I saw much more romantic than comedy, but was funny enough nonetheless.

Let's talk about what I liked. I liked Michael Ealy's effortless charm and his chemistry with actress Joy Bryant. I liked Regina Hall and Kevin Hart in their ridiculously dysfunctional relationship. I liked the directing, because in some scenes, the seemingly "awkward" or "different" camera angles that my girlfriend was complaining about were actually very artistic and well done. I liked the soundtrack as well.

The only off-putting feature of this movie is that Kevin Hart's acting seems almost nonexistent. The guy is just playing himself in every film. I seriously think the guy doesn't even know he's an actor.

If you watch his stand up specials, and then a few of his very early film appearances, he seems to incorporate a level of acting. Up until his film breakout in Think Like A Man, not too many people knew of him. Now, a household name, he reaps in the benefits of being a funny man.

Throughout the film, it actually just felt like Kevin Hart was just talking to a bunch of actors. Not often did I feel like I was watching a movie. Over time, through multiple viewings of Kevin Hart's works, it seems to get repetitive and unfunny.

A good movie for the romantic yet predictable story between Michael Ealy's character and Joy Bryant's.
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A look into the lives of two couples as they make the leap from a one night stand to a relationship.
The-Plague12 June 2014
I generally do not enjoy remakes, especially if it is a remake of a movie that was done right the first time. In my opinion if something is done right, why do it a second time? Do you make dinner, take a bite, bask in its deliciousness, then make another dinner? I don't know about you, but I sure do not. Anyway, I digress. 'About Last Night' which is a remake of a 1986 movie of the same name is one of the handful of exceptions to my remake indifference, and a pretty entertaining movie.

Anyone who is a fan of Kevin Hart will appreciate his acting in this movie, one because he doesn't seem to be acting at all, and two, he won't shut up…but honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. The dialogue in the movie is definitely its strength. Aside from the four main characters I was pretty indifferent to the rest of the cast, excluding some minor moments with Joe Lo Truglio (Wet Hot American Summer) and Christopher McDonald (Shooter!). Each couple is unique in their own way, one cute and passionate, the other well…angry and sex obsessed, but they both work for different reasons.

The main focus of the movie is making that leap from a one night stand to a relationship. It's 2014, just because two people are having sex, it does not make them a couple. So how do you know when a one night stand reaches fu..uh fun buddy status, or if you are in a relationship? It is all mental. To be in a relationship you have to be mentally ready to commit to someone else, which is what the couples in the movie struggle with for an hour and forty minutes. Does it become predictable? Of course it does, there are no new themes in writing, but did I get bored? No. I think that a good romantic comedy keeps your attention even though it is evident what will happen in the movie. In 'Romeo and Juliet' Shakespeare tells us what is going to happen on the first page, but we keep reading, and I assure you that movies are no different than books.
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Save your money and rent/wait for it on TV
SuiteScience28 February 2014
It was okay, really kind of bland. To paraphrase the supporting actors' words ---"you two are BOOOOORING" when describing the leads. This is why you should pass on seeing this in the theater. They are some funny moments. But the tension in the main characters' relationship makes no sense, there isn't any. No story line or development to the rise and fall of their relationship. This is only worth seeing if you really love and/or are crushing on any of the four actors starring in the movie. That said Kevin Hart and Regina Hall are hilarious, but it's not enough to save this movie. Okay date movie if nothing else is playing. Skip it, you've been warned.
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Trying too hard to be like the original...
whitneyfwalker11 May 2014
Trying to capture the original doesn't let this movie go to where it could have gone. It has that same 80's young feel (Lowe and Moore were in their 20's) but because these characters are older, and it is a much different age, the movie just doesn't work as a true remake. The movie tries to capture the naiveté and awkwardness of a first serious love like the original, but these actors are MUCH older and have been around the block. The goofy "misunderstandings" and doubting of the relationship - they actually say that whomever says "I love you" first loves the person more (sigh) - wouldn't happen over 30. For more of us it's 25. So if they took more liberties with the acting it have been so much better. And that is so disappointing! Kevin Hart plays the same character he does in every movie - and if of course hysterical. It's so sad because these actors are all great but what they are portraying doesn't work. Besides that, it was a cute movie. I was hoping for another Act Like a Man, but alas no.
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Nothing new, but still entertaining
gumperman26 February 2014
The only reason I watched this film was, I'll admit, because of Kevin Hart. I really liked him in Ride Along, and wanted to see him on the screen again and was interested in seeing him in an ensemble type movie such as this was. Well, I just finished watching this film at the theater and this is what I'll say; it was a funny film for sure, Hart was funny as expected and he was coupled up with the extremely hilarious as well, Regina Hall. Together they were comedy gold and an extreme delight to watch. This film isn't just about humility though, it has a dramatic, serious side shown through the relationship of Michael Ealy & Joy Bryant, who I love on the NBC television show Parenthood. Both of these Actors were great to see as well, and from their story I found myself thinking about my own past relationships and how they all turned out. So defiantly a more relatable experience for sure. With all that said, I don't believe this film added anything new to this type of film genre, but that doesn't make it bad, just that it was entertaining and easily forgettable. I recommend renting this if you have to see it. Cheers!
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About Last Night
jackbanister1622 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Is it just me or did this movie seem like it went on forever? I was shocked when I saw the run time was under two hours...

This movie...

Was not very funny. The only time I really laughed was when Bernie was explaining to Debbie that his girlfriend was a bad cook. That's probably it.

Pacing is dreadfully slow...The movie moves at a glacial pace and will have you glancing over at the clock. Don't be fooled by the run time, this movie is slow as molasses.

The cast was charming and had chemistry, but it seemed like they had more fun making the movie than we did watching it.

The comedy bits in the movie were corny and the romantic bits in this movie were also corny and poorly written. It ended up being more dramatic than one would think a movie with Kevin Hart would be.

It's a pretty forgettable movie. There was nothing in it that made me want to watch it again or recommend it to anyone else.

Falling in line with a lot of "dramedy" type movies that Hollywood seems to be enamored with, this title is just a waste of time. Hollywood only seems to be reliable for action anymore...Even that is slipping with the over use of CGI. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
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A movie where two couples are trying to figure out when friends with benefits, become a full-fledged relationship.
Amari-Sali25 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In Kevin Hart's 2nd feature of the year, he reunited with Michael Ealy and Regina Hall to bring us a remake to a film that I honestly never saw. But, with Kevin Hart being somewhat consistent since he came out, I figured this would be a good film. However, despite my love for his work in Ride Along, I am beginning to think Kevin Hart fatigue is oncoming.

Characters & Story

Bernie (Kevin Hart) & Danny (Michael Ealy) are co-workers and best friends who end up dating Joan (Regina Hall) and her roommate/ friend Debbie (Joy Bryant) respectively. Bernie is Kevin Hart as he is in most of his movies, but vulgar, and Joan is similar to Hall's character Brenda Meeks, but a little more off balance. Together, they make for a dysfunctional couple who bring the majority of the laughs to the film.

On the other end, you have Danny and Debbie, who both present almost an entirely different movie. Their story is much more traditional romance and has the usual rise, screw up/ break up, and then an odd method of getting back together. As for the characters themselves, complete opposites of Bernie and Joan. Danny is pretty much a smooth type of brother, and Debbie is pretty much fits what a college sweetheart would be.

Altogether, the film feels like it presents two different type of love stories and tries to string them both together the best it can.


In all honesty, most of the praise for this film, to me, goes to Ealy and Bryant. Mind you, Hart and Hall are funny, and got me laughing about 22 or so times, about half of what Ride Along got, but their bickering is pretty much where most of that 22 count came from. Hart gets as nasty as possible when it comes to his comedy, and Hall throws it right back in his face. And, as the story summary said, they're highly dysfunctional, yet they seem almost more realistic than their counterparts in Ealy and Bryant at times.

Going back to Ealy and Bryant, though their romance is very storybook, their chemistry and the way they play with one another in the film, really made me want to take notes, outside of what went on in the movie. Also, I think, even if you cut Hart and Hall, their relationship alone was compelling enough to stand on its own two legs. I mean, it has all the appeal of a, for the lack of a better term, urban romance novel, a la something out the Kimani Romance collection (I personally recommend Kim Shaw).


But, while it had its laughs, and a decent romance, I must admit I felt like neither Hall and Regina's characters, nor Ealy and Bryant's, got that developed. Not to say they were shallow, but between Danny's character speaking of a dream he had, without specifics, talking about a dad who screwed someone over, but we are never told how, and then him and Debbie getting back together, after she pretty much shut him out, it made it seem like their story was secondary to making sure Hart had enough screen time to make his audience happy. And the sad thing is, despite Hart being funny in the film, I do feel he needs a new shtick. Like Will Ferrell, and many other comedians out there, he is starting to seem like he is only capable of playing one type of persona, which has minor adjustments to the characters personality. And, to me, his "Big Little Man" routine is starting to get old. Plus, considering he has one more film this year, and TV shows in the works, outside of Real Husbands of Hollywood, I think he definitely needs something to show he is more than a one note actor trying to get all he can why the fire is hot.

Overall: TV Viewing

All in all, I felt a bit disappointed when I walked out the theater. Not because it wasn't as funny as I hoped, or as romantic as I thought it could have been, but just because it just didn't seem like it was made to do anything but give you something to do for an hour and a half. Which there isn't anything wrong with, but considering this is a remake, much less the fact we will be drowning in Kevin Hart material, it just makes me wonder why there wasn't an effort to really make it so it had some real emotional depth, and not so easily capable of writing off. Which is which I say it is worth waiting until it comes out on TV. It isn't that hilarious, or makes you swoon to the point it is worth spending money on immediately. Especially because it is quite forgettable.
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A step down for this popular property
Buddy-518 June 2014
So what do we have here? Nothing but another unnecessary remake of an '80s film. This time it's "About Last Night," the romantic drama starring Demi Moore and Rob Lowe, which was itself based on the highly acclaimed play by David Mamet, provocatively entitled "Sexual Perversity in Chicago." In this version, it's Joy Brand and Michael Ealy who play the young urban couple who meet, fall in love, move in together, then begin to have doubts about the efficacy and durability of their relationship.

Brand and Ealy are appealing and attractive performers, and both have done fine work on TV, Brand in "Parenthood" and Ealy in "Almost Human." But here they have been let down by screenwriter Leslye Headland, who proves herself incapable of getting past all the timeworn tropes and clichés that have become so much a part of the romantic comedy genre. The movie becomes just another men-are-from-Mars/women-are-from-Venus- type scenario, filled with girl-talk and guy-talk and all the predictable sturm und drang soul-baring and commitment issues (mainly on the part of the man, of course) that such narratives are prone to. Too often the things pulling the couple apart feel scripted and manufactured rather than organic and real. Under the slick but lackluster direction of Steve Pink, everyone just seems to be going through the motions, without any real passion or conviction.

The movie also comes replete with the requisite smart-aleck, comic- relief couple (well-played by Kevin Hart and Regina Hall) to serve as a foil for the one on center-stage. Yet, even the humor tends to aim low when it should be aiming high.

I like the way the story hits the re-set button in the final scene, but by then it's a case of too little too late and we've already moved onto the next movie.
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Warning: This movie will make you laugh out loud.
superwomanproductions14 February 2014
I attended a screening of the film a week prior to it opening in theaters. Will Packer, Kevin Hart and Regina Hall came to the theater to get viewers reactions that evening. "About Last Night" is the funniest, most realistic romantic comedy I've seen. However, be mindful of having a mouth full of beverage or food because Kevin Hart is hilarious in this movie and Regina Hall compliments him very well with her comedic acting. Both actors coming off of the heels of other recent successful movies ("Best Man Holiday" for Hall and "Ride Along" for Hart) may make you assume that they gave their best performances already. But in my opinion, this was some of the best work I've seen from both actors. Michael Ealy is incredibly good to look at and a good actor as well, with a current TV show receiving good reviews and it's nice to see Joy Bryant on the big screen once again. Whether you're a couple or a single person, you will relate to these characters personally or know of someone in your life they remind you of. It doesn't matter what race you are either. Relationships and the emotions and issues that come with them are universal. I encourage you to see this movie and not just for Valentine's Day, but on any day.
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About Last Night
quisha-0119522 April 2022
7/10 I enjoyed the movie the chemistry between Kevin Hart and Regina Hall is spectacular , I laughed every time they had a scene together. All the main characters did a great job a funny rom com with a all star cast.
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is less offensive when you only spend a dollar or two on it.
MacTheMovieguy23 July 2014
Honestly, I'm disappointed. Steve Pink has directed some much funnier comedies in the past (Accepted, Hot Tub Time Machine). I think the problem is that he's just not cut out to direct the serious stuff. The first 20-30 minutes of the movie are the funniest, and the strongest. After that, the film drags and drags. Clearly there are two couples, and Ealy and Bryant's relationship takes the dramatic turn, while Hart and Hall are funny.

Ealy and Bryant are too melodramatic to make the dull material work, and Hart and Hall are oddly slapstick next to them. Do men really talk to women the way Kevin Hart's character does? Or is he an exaggerated version to be funny? He borders on obnoxious.

If you make it to the end, which I suppose most of you will, do you even care if the couples stay together or break up? In many ways, the film makes a stronger case for these couples not being together. I suppose, the one thing the movie does well is define itself as not being a black movie. I know what you're thinking… the four leads are all black, it must be a black movie. It's not. I don't recall a moment in the film where they ever discuss being black, or the struggle of being black, or anything related to the color of their skin.

The film is a romantic comedy, where the leads happen to be black. Most films like this end up being "black movies", because of jokes that resonate more with a black audience, or jokes about the culture, etc. About Last Night avoids all of that, amazingly.

You won't get past the fact that the film drags, the acting isn't great, and you'll end up not caring about the end result. I'm behind on reviewing this, it's already on DVD, and that's a good thing. This would have been a definite skip for theatres, but is less offensive when you only spend a dollar or two on it.
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Hart and Hall hilarious together
SnoopyStyle10 January 2015
Bernie (Kevin Hart) tells his best friend Danny (Michael Ealy) about last night with Joan (Regina Hall). She's also telling her roommate Debbie (Joy Bryant). They go out on a double date. Bernie and Joan are the wild ones. Danny and Debbie are jaded from all the bad relationships. They hook up anyways and despite reservations, they fall into a relationship.

Kevin Hart and Regina Hall are hilarious together. Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant are a bit bland together. Their romance is rather boring. So the movie is half good. It's lot of fun to have Hart and Hall have their all out fights. I just wish that Ealy has some more energy to pump up his relationship. The sidekicks are better than the leads.
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way to ruin a classic...
myopnionis14 February 2014
I cannot get over this remake of a great classic! The original was so well acted. Remakes are rarely as good but this is just plain awful! Aside from Kevin Hart not being funny (ever in anything)...even if you are someone who thinks he is funny, the acting is still atrocious! Everyone except Ealy needs to take acting lessons. They overact (and poorly) to everything they say and do. It is to the absurd level. If it were that kind of movie, I'd understand - but they took a great movie and made a mockery of it. There are so many wonderful and talented black actors out there - why they chose this cast is baffling (sans Ealy who is great in everything). I'm just so frustrated by the idea that the younger generation will know this movie by this version - tragic for people who appreciate good classics.
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A rom-com that is actually more contemporary and less cliché
Romance comedies are all over the place now a days. Good or bad, they are one the most popular types of comedy films always being produced. So how does one production define itself from another? First, the source material from which it's taken has to be somewhat relevant to today and uncover various issues that go on in everyone's social lives during their youth. Then there has to be a cast of actors that can blend in with this age demographic. And from what it looks like, these specific parts to the film were taken care of nicely. It's still not perfect but it measures up in the end.

Before the massive following of Kevin Hart turned this movie into one of his vehicles, this title had earlier beginnings going back to 1986 of the same name starring Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, James Belushi and Elizabeth Perkins. Of course that was a different time then too. The characters' names remain the same, but the actors are different. The story revolves around two homeboys and their girlfriends and how they try to live with each other's decisions and how they act with their significant other. All of this occurs when one day Bernie (Kevin Hart) introduces his girlfriend Joan (Regina Hall) and Debbie (Joy Bryant) to his introverted buddy Danny (Michael Ealy). The fireworks just never end between these two couples. Surprisingly, the screenplay doesn't rely on the usual romance-comedy clichés that everyone is familiar with.

Writing for this production is Leslye Headland, who only had one other theatrical release credit prior to this, being Bachelorette (2012), which wasn't considered movie magic. Perhaps it's the source material of which she had to work with. I don't know but it's definitely is more polished here. The leads to this story do wonders too. Kevin Hart, although still loud and rambles his mouth off at least doesn't make the movie feel like it was all about him. This time he shared the camera with his co-star counterparts, especially with Regina Hall. Both exchange some funny lines together, of which provide most of the energy. And if Regina Hall and Kevin Hart are the energy, then Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant are the foil to them, displaying the romantic side of being with a significant other.

Its good to have this contrast because it shows the fun you can have when it comes to being outside or inside the house. Along with this come the struggles of the outer forces that always seem to interfere with our desires and goals. Work, Ex-girlfriends, pets and babies. These particular topics are all addressed in a way that feels more relevant today than it ever has before. Even more remarkable is that certain topics like Ex's, is handled in a way that would seem cliché but ends up concluding in a different direction which is good. Also because this is an R rated comedy, the loves scenes will be more explicit than your regular tween PG-13 movie.

In fact, some of the scenes are just downright goofy. This is fine though because for two reasons. First, this is a comedy, so if goofy is what it takes to be funny, so be it. Second is that sex can be funny. No one ever said it ever had to be serious or always passionate either. Aside from this though, the heavier emotional scenes are also handled with care. At some point, each character will see the error of their ways, which leads them to rethink their decision. All proper and required development to have likable and memorable characters. If there's anything pick on for this production its the audio and visual style to the movie. The music composed by Marcus Miller does fit the scenes they are played in, but do not stick out. Also the cinematography is rather repetitive. The sets do not seem to deviant from more than three places so the settings become too familiar too quickly. However, that's not much to be concerned with. Overall it's a good time.

A romance-comedy that doesn't stick to the usual formula, viewers should get a kick out of this contemporary take on the struggles of people who catch strong feelings for each other. Plus, the story is supported by a humorous cast and likable characters.
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Kevin Hart and Regina Hall save the film
thomas-w1522 November 2014
Starring: Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall, Joy Bryant, Paula Patton, and Christopher McDonald

About Last Night 6.5/10- Funniest movie this year so far. Without a doubt, Kevin Hart and Regina Hall are the main reason for it too. Those two have such great chemistry as comedians together, its amazing. Regina Hall is honestly like the female Kevin Hart in this movie. The plot is very generic to be honest considering it is a romantic comedy but more on the extreme side on the comedy which is the perfect fit for Kevin Hart. There are a few things that could have been fixed about this film, but overall it is an above average comedy.

I would like to get the bad stuff out of the way first. There is always a few times in each romantic comedy where one of the people in the relationship gets mad at each other and it forces them to break up. This usually happens before they have changed and developed in the film and bettered themselves to fix the relationship and better themselves in the process. But, the only thing in About Last Night that I would change is make the relationship break up and getting back together different because the way that this process occurs in this movie is completely out of character and goes off the order in which they were suppose to better themselves. Basically for a good part of the movie, the director could not decide how he wanted his characters to act because a few of the actions that Michael Ealy and Kevin Hart made were not at all consistent with how they were portrayed in the beginning. This is just something in the movie that I noticed, but it did not in anyway stop me from enjoying the tons of laughs that About Last Night has to offer.

Back to the good part, Kevin Hart and Regina Hall. They literally made it seem like they were dating in real life, it is rare that I see chemistry this good from two actors and my opinion has greatly increased on the acting ability of both of them. Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant did a solid job too, but they did not have any real hard challenges to face in the film and even though they were more of the main characters, Kevin Hart and Regina Hall definitely carried About Last Night the whole way. The only thing I wished they could have done differently with Kevin Hart was use him more because he definitely could have added even more to this film. The jokes that he does in this film you could definitely tell he made up himself because he is just that good.

Best comedy in theaters right now, if you want an enjoyable movie experience with a ton of laughs, About Last Night is the only thing to watch.

For more of my reviews, go to my website at reviewsbywest.com
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A mixed bag on this one
DarkVulcan2926 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Was a remake of About Last Night(1986) which Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Elizabeth Perkins, and James Belushi needed? Well the answer is yes and no. The story is basically the same with some changes. The film spends more time showing the romantic side of it, then the sexual side, unlike the first one, the way Danny and Debbie meet is handled better.

Michael Ealy plays Danny, a little more strong than the way Rob Lowe played him, I wish I could say the same for Joy Bryant as Debbie, It was kind of weak performance, I think Demi Moore played Debbie with more strength and personality. Kevin Hart who plays Bernie, is funny but he pretty much turns it in to The Kevin Hart Show every time he's on screen, I mean Jim Belushi played Bernie has a goof ball in the original but never to the point where he became the focus. And Regina Hall as Joan, was not a character just a crazy cliché just waiting each time, I think Elizabeth Perkins played it a little better. Her and Harts scenes together felt like a totally different movie all together. And I wonder why Debbie or Dan would be friends with Bernie or Joan, neither one come across very supportive as a friend. Some moments where funny, and I believed Ealy and Bryant romance in the film, I think they had chemistry. Christopher McDonald is also good in his supporting role, he rarely plays a good guy.

all in all not a great remake, but bad not either, way more watchable than That Awkward Moment.
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About Staying Awake
witherspoon2822 May 2014
This movie re-make was extremely disappointing. I'd been waiting to see this DVD for the last three months and I was really looking forward to it. I saw the '80s version with Demi Moore and Rob Lowe and I really enjoyed it. It is not a classic or even a cult film by any means, but it was entertaining and the acting was believable.

This remake was horrible - the acting was flat with the exception of Regina Hall and even so, she was a little over the top as Joan. Kevin Hart was screechy (like Chris Tucker) and seemed to be doing a comedy stand-up routine throughout the movie rather than really getting into his character. Joy Bryant seemed to have phoned in her part and was by far the dullest character in the movie. The dog, Pacino, was more exciting than this Debbie. I've been a fan of Michael Ealy's for years, and I was taken by surprise that he didn't do more with his role. His relationship with Debbie was one-dimensional and there didn't seem to be any chemistry between Danny and Debbie at all. I didn't really care whether or not they got back together because it never seemed as if they had a relationship to begin with.
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About Last Night Review Warning: Spoilers
My Thoughts: I didn't know what to expect going into this movie. I had not seen the 1986 Demi Moore and Rob Lowe movie that this one is based off of or "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" by David Mamet. All I had to go on was the trailers that, lately, seem to be on every channel and radio station.

What do we get out of this movie? We get to follow two couples. The first couple, Kevin Hart and Regina Hall, are two people that are attracted to each other but can't seem to stand each other for more than 5 minutes unless they are not in public. The second couple is Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant who are your more traditional couple, living through the struggles of being a new couple and stumbling along the way.

There are some great comedic moments in this movie (how can there not be with the proclaimed "funniest man alive"), but sadly, that does not help this movie. With a run time of around 90 minutes, this movie's pacing is slow. Which, of course, had me looking at my watch, wondering when it was going to be over.

I was also kind of surprised that people had brought their kids to this movie. There are plenty of sex scenes in the first quarter of the movie. Nothing too detailed, but the kid next to me seemed to have her head in the arm of her mother for most of the show. And then there is the language. Again, it is rated R, meaning they were very descriptive in talking about sexual acts. So, think twice about bringing your kids to this movie; it is not family-friendly.

My Recommendation: This movie just didn't do it for me. Yes, there was some funny moments, but the pace of this movie was just too slow. Wait for it to come out on Blu-ray/DVD.
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Low in romance, high in raunchiness.
planktonrules2 May 2014
About Last Night is a remake of a movie by the same name from 1986—a movie which I never saw in the first place. So, I really cannot comment about how this remake differs or is similar to the original. The obvious difference is that the remake features almost exclusively black actors.

What you think of this film will strongly depend on your personal values and morals. For me, call me old fashioned, and I certainly would freely admit it, but the movie doesn't work for me because of the types of characters you see in the movie. These are the sort of folks who have sex repeatedly with practical strangers and then, possibly, fall in love with that person. Again, call me old fashioned, but sex on the first date doesn't seem like a great basis for a relationship. And, it hardly can be called romance—which is a problem if you're making a romantic comedy—and it's a problem if you're looking for a wider audience. Many folks just won't go to this sort of film nor would they find this romantic. Additionally, while some of the comments and situations Kevin Hart and Regina Hall engage in are pretty funny, mostly I felt offended at their very, very callous way they talked about intimacy. A little cursing doesn't bother me, but for them, all they seemed to talk about was sex—and in the most graphic and unromantic ways possible. It made me dislike their characters and I really didn't care what happened to them. I felt similarly towards the couple played by Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant. While they were not crude and sexually obsessed in their day to day language like the other couple, they were not exactly the models of virtue. Sex the first night they met? You betcha. And, for a while, they had sex repeatedly before even deciding whether or not they should date! Again, call me old fashioned, but I am the type guy who would bring a woman flowers and treat her with respect with a woman I first met instead of wondering the next day whether I had contracted some STD.

So whether you like the film will probably depend on if you want a raunchy rom-com or not. If you do, there are aspects of the film that are enjoyable—such as some of the acting and situations. But, if you want a great date night movie, you probably could do better if you're looking for true romance. I think it's important I interject morality into my review, as too often this aspect of a film is ignored in reviews and potential viewers should know this in order to make an informed choice. Plus, my attitude about sex might explain why I have been very happily married for 28 years and counting—I can't see this as being nearly as likely with couples like I saw in About Last Night.
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Relationships Are Challenging But Aren't Impossible To Maintain
briand646524 February 2014
Saw About Last Night starring Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall, and Joy Bryant tonight at Regal Cinemas! This movie was "Rated R" and had a mix of everything from comedy with profanity, partying, extreme alcohol consumption leading to sex with a hangover, mild nudity, romantic love scenes, cute moments, break-up moments which were part of the emotional twist, and finally, make-up sessions which sealed the emotional twist deal of the film.

There were two couples, "Bernie" played by Kevin Hart and "Joan" by Regina Hall and "Danny" played by Michael Ealy and "Debbie" by Joy Bryant. The extreme differences in relationship goals between the couples were very evident. "Bernie's" relationship was all about "scoring" with the ladies and the sex for most of the movie and "Danny's" was more focused on building something to last for more than a one-night stand. I can definitely respect that because it's something I've tried to do with very little success thus far in my life.

The movie portrays relationship scenarios where challenges such as "Going Steady" with someone and moving in together, combined with trying to get a career started can present stress within "couple's life." Making meaningful moves and taking chances is necessary in-order to make things happen while attempting to move things forward; and as I learned from this movie, and in real life, sometimes things don't work out quite the way you would expect OR want, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for forgiveness and second chances for success. A little effort from both people can lead to great things and happy endings!

I took away three main things from the film. First was that alcohol isn't necessary to have a good time with someone. Second, sex isn't the only factor a relationship should be based on, and finally; communication, trust, and loyalty are paramount in any relationship, including friendships. This was definitely a "Chick Flick," but ladies, take your man with you because I would recommend this movie for couples, even though I saw it alone; especially if you like double-dating. I give it a cinema score of 8/10. http://www.aboutlastnightmovie.com/ #maverickradio™
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This being the only version of About Last Night I've seen so far, it was pretty good
tavm21 February 2014
Before I review the movie proper, I know this was originally a play called "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" by David Mamet, then it was first filmed in 1986 with the above title but I've yet to watch either version. So my reaction to this one was mostly fresh. My verdict: I liked much of the raunchy sexual antics, and later arguments, between Kevin Hart and Regina Hall. The more romantic, but no less sexual, relationship between Michael Ealy and Joy Bryant were also compelling to watch. Neither one is perfect but they both have some pros and cons concerning the way things turn out or developed though since this version was meant for commercial purposes, one shouldn't be surprised at the way things end. So on that note, I did enjoy this version of About Last Night.
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btreese19 February 2014
Bad acting....bad dialog....just bad. The first thing I did when I got home was put in my DVD of the original.

The original wasn't filled with great actors....but the actors were casted for their parts perfectly. Jim Belushi was awesome...Elizabeth Perkins played the jilted BFF perfectly...and Demi Moore was...well, Demi Moore. Rob Lowe...not known for great acting...probably gave one of his best performances.

This remake is just a lazy attempt to make a quick buck...and it shows. I guess the movie industry has run out of ideas...since every movie now seems like it's already been done and there are more and more remakes every year.
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Kevin Hart at His Best
stevendbeard14 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "About Last Night", starring Kevin Hart-Ride Along, Think Like a Man; Regina Hall-Think Like a Man, Law Abiding Citizen; Michael Ealy- Last Vegas, Think Like a Man and Joy Bryant-Parenthood-t.v., Spider-Man 2.

This is a romantic comedy, and it's also a remake of a 1986 movie, by the same name. The major difference being, the original cast were white- Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Jim Belushi & Elizabeth Perkins-and this one is black-Joy, Michael, Kevin & Regina, and I've listed them in their corresponding order of their roles, with Demi is Joy, etc. Oh yeah, and this one is a lot funnier. If you are a Kevin Hart fan, Kevin is at his best, here. You really have to pay attention to his rapid fire delivery, or you will miss a lot of his funny dialog. The story follows the lives of two couples; the first, Kevin and Regina, seems like they should not work and the second, Michael and Joy, seems they were made for each other. Kevin and Michael are best buds and Regina and Joy are roommates, so there are no secrets from anyone. There are lots of simulated sex scenes but no actual nudity is shown-partial, yes, but no naughty bits. There is also a lot of adult language used from both the males and the females. It's rated "R" for sexual content-no nudity-language and drug use and has a running time of 1 hour & 40 minutes. I laughed a lot and I really enjoyed it and would buy it on Blu-Ray.
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