A Gifted Man (TV Series 2011–2012) Poster


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Cavalier200824 September 2011
Nice balance of analytical thinking and the mystical, as well as looking at the materialistic and service orientation, of one's life. It was fast-paced but thought provoking. I really liked it! I am in the health care field and am rather discerning about these types of shows. This one had the depth to hold my interest, as well as accurate medical information. It really depicted the thinking of the traditional left-brained physician, and evolved to demonstrate how "rational" that physicians are, traditionally. I liked that this opener challenged that thinking. I felt that the characters were well chosen for this series and that lent further credibility to the show. The mark of a good opener for any series is that it is interesting, has depth, and leaves one yearning for more. I felt that this show definitely did just that. It made me wonder, "What will be next?" I would definitely recommend this show to others.
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Best pilot I have seen this season
lrk224 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is really well done. The cast are all terrific. Composition of shots, directing and lighting are fresh. I honestly loved this show and hope to watch it further. I love that for the first time all season this is the only show I think is not predictable or populated with flat actors doing their best but best just isn't mesmerizing. It's hard to rock my world, but I was fascinated with the way every minute of this unfolded. Try it. I am fairly certain you will be ready for at least a good second look.

This is a pilot for bright people who have some experience with relationships that involve real people. The title character (this is not a spoiler) is complicated, and you will thank every god you know of that he does not explain himself, does not speak to the camera and does communicate through expression more than he communicates with dialogue.

Supporting cast have been seen but do not overwhelm the mix. The pilot does not try to develop everyones character beyond what you see. I am so grateful. This pilot is like an incredibly well cooked dish with intense flavors, served on a perfect white plate. Like in that gifted restaurant, when you are done eating you will find you feel energetic enough to go for a walk in the perfect evening air, satisfied that when you come back next week, another perfect offering will be offered.
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You thought you had a tough day
gocubs4179112 October 2011
This is a great show. If you like medical dramas with some supernatural and comic relief mixed in. The show moves at a pace with minimal drag on parts. If you liked the movie passengers with Ann Hathaway and Patrick Wilson who stars in this ironically too, then you will really enjoy this. Its a show where all you have to do is watch one episode and you are hooked, trust me. Its also a show where you wont want the episode to end and you will look forward to the next one all week. Its a combo ER and Grey's anatomy, ghost but roles flipped flopped. What makes it better then those two is the pace the show goes at, plus the show is funny too without forcing it and trying to be. Saying he is a gifted surgeon is an understatement, but he lacks people skills which makes the show funny to. Please give this show a shot for one show, you will love it.
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Excellent Show
snuzulooze2 January 2012
It is so refreshing to see a new show of this caliber. I have this show set to record on DVR because I never want to miss an episode. The cast is perfect and it is so refreshing to see someone in the medical profession willing to help others without the concern of money. There is so much greed in the world it is a sin the way many people can not afford proper medical treatment in this country. This is not only true of the poor but also the middle class. I would love to see this show continue on the line up for next season and future seasons to come. In my opinion this was the best Friday night new show of the season. I would hate to see this how canceled before it got off the ground.
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one of the best shows this season
leslinda686628 October 2011
totally Love this show.. just the right mixture of all emotions..like the the way the show can make me laugh and cry all in the same episode. one of my favorites this season.. A GIFTED MAN..really like the new women that's heading up the clinic but was really disappointed when you find out she is married.. honestly cant wait for next weeks episode.. its every mans night mare to be haunted by his x wife but i wouldn't mind it if she was always happy and cheery like the ghost wife on this show. its almost like the the good doctors conscience always leading him the right way to go even when he don't want to.. i was also impressed with the moral messages that were portrayed related to current issues in today's society..
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Solid, but could use some tweaking
TamPalm5 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I like this show and DVR it every week. I think Patrick Wilson is a fine actor (physically and talent-wise) and his supporting cast, save his ex-wife is a good fit as well. The show is decent, non-offensive, family friendly, etc. For that reason alone, it's a keeper, and it's a shame CBS put it on Friday night, something networks do with programming they don't really believe in. Perhaps, if it does get the ax, Hallmark or the Family Channel will pick it up. I think it would b a good fit for stations like that.

While it's a solid show I will continue to support, the show could use some tweaking. Most notably, the character of the ex-wife really ads nothing positive to the show. It's an annoying character and the storyline of the doc engaging the ex-wife for some supposed significant reason is not fleshed through well. It's really difficult to figure out how that part adds anything to the show, as the show could stand on its own, without that component.

But check it out. I would hate for this show to be canceled as it is one of only a few positive family-friendly shows out there right now.
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Definitely Worth Watching
nowego24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Being a bit of a romantic and a lover of anything mystical, this really sat well with me even though technically this could not be classed as a romance type show.

Being a HUGE fan of Jennifer Ehle since her portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice I always look forward to seeing anything featuring her. The added bonus of having Julie Benz and Margo Martindale in the cast makes this a must see for me.

I have seen some of Patrick Wilson's work but he has not been prominent in my recall, he does a good job on this in my opinion. He plays a high flying surgeon with a very prestigious practice, obviously highly regarded and seems to see everything as a competition where the only aim is to be the best.

His estranged wife played by Ehle dies unbeknownst to him and when he sees her after 10 years and has dinner with her you can tell he still loves her. He tells his sister, played by Benz about it the next day.

It is only some time after that he finds out she had died two weeks before and that is where the fun starts.

Excellent show, I gave the pilot an 8 and I look forward to the next episode.
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OK, but no better
ciansmum11 September 2012
This is a decent series, but not brilliant. It's billed as a medical drama with a supernatural twist, but to be honest, the supernatural twist is barely noticeable. The "ghost" only appears about once in each episode and generally for no more than a "chat" with the doctor.

All the episode follow a pretty predictable route from start to finish and the characters are very loosely built. I really struggle to "like" any of them if I'm honest because you don't get to know any of them. Add to that, that in todays money orientated world, the story lines of bringing street urchins to the multi million dollar surgery and performing multi trillion dollar operations on them for the price of a smile, are just a little too sickly and unbelievable.

I had high hopes for this series, but even though it's very watchable, it is a serious disappointment..
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aminjacoub25 September 2011
I was nicely surprised when I finished watching the first episode of Gifted Man. Even it is placed in medical context it is not like any of medical drama shows on TV. Many of them are so popular, and some of them are very good made, but they are all almost the same and are oriented only in character relations and melodramatics in everyday life.

So I don't watch them. If I would be medical professional I would probably watch them all. On the other hand everything that is different from conventional, and have a bit of mystery in it always attracts me. And that medical part here, looks serious and professional.

With that in mind I was happy to see what Gifted Man will tell me. I was not disappointed at all, at least with pilot. Not some masterpiece but overall, it is very good and even in medical context not like any well known medical show we know.

First we have very good actors in it, like it is Patrick Wilson and Julie Benz, and second, the spiritual world. I am interesting to see how they will develop this, maybe the hardest and questionable aspect. So it is not an easy task. It must be presented somehow believable. If they fail in in it the whole show will fall. For now the segment in dealing with what me missed through life was very good and it fits right.

I don't know much about Shaman's ritual, but I hope they present it in correct way.

So with first very good impression, I am happy to see where it will go, and I hope I will not be disappointed.
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Patrick Wilson in intriguing premise
SnoopyStyle19 August 2013
Michael Holt (Patrick Wilson) is a cold highly successful surgeon at a high price clinic. His ex-wife Anna Paul (Jennifer Ehle) runs a poor clinic and thinks that he's lost his way. The estranged couple run into each other but later, he discovers that she's been dead all along. Her ghost continues to haunt him to be a better man. Rita (Margo Martindale) is his assistant. Dr. Kate Sykora (Rachelle Lefevre) took over Anna's clinic after her death.

Generally, it's a medical procedural as Michael learns to be kind. Patrick works well in movies as a complicated leading man, but as a TV lead, he needs a lot more likability. Its premise has some edge but it needs to figure out the tone. The series lasted one year.
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Decent idea isn't spelled with an S
pabox200312 February 2012
I happened to love the pilot, and was excited about the follow-ups.

Instead of exploring the great initial idea for the show, they've strayed into a regular run-of-the-mill medic show, which is fine, had it not been that so many other shows already do that much better than this.

I think it's very sad, and a lost opportunity, that they've squandered a good premise in this way.

All that's left now of the "spirit" / "ghost" theme, is that she's acting as a voice-over, albeit appearing visually. And a pretty dull one, at that.
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It's not a bad show
daysnetaustralia12 February 2012
I have spent the entire weekend watching the first 12 episodes and at first I thought it was a little like House but then I got over it. I like Michael Holt and I like that he reveals a little of himself every week. The menagerie that accompanies him every week fits in with each episode and the writing is quite good.

I know it's probably headed for the scrapheap because most of the good ones are but I hope it reveals a lot more of Michael and Anna's relationship that we don't know already.

I love Rita and while I didn't like her at first she is the type to grow on you and certainly would pull the group at the Clinic into line and probably get them the money they need to continue to support the community.

Good one! Well done and let's hope that if the show is canceled that Patrick Wilson finds another home on TV very soon. He would be sorely missed otherwise.
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NYC 400 - #334 - "A Gifted Man"
DeanNYC30 April 2024
A possible reason why so many films and TV shows are set in New York is the feeling that just about anything can happen here. And when you have that element working for you, it becomes a wide open canvas on which the characters in the story can play. This is an example of a program trying to be both realistic and fantastic all at the same time.

Patrick Wilson played Dr. Michael Holt, a quintessentially arrogant but renowned Manhattan neurosurgeon, whose practice was making money hand over fist because all of his patients had Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage.

One night, he bumped into his ex-wife, Anna Paul, portrayed by Jennifer Ehle, who also happened to be a doctor, but a lot more down to earth: she ran a free clinic in Alphabet City. Michael and Anna instantly hit it off, just like old times, back in Alaska where they struggled when they were first married. So just when Holt thinks he might be rekindling things, he learns a horrible and bizarre truth: Anna died two weeks before he saw her that night.

The initial reaction was that Michael maybe should have a visit to the doctors on 379's "3 Lbs." and gotten a brain scan (if they could have done a crossover episode). In fact, he was seeing and connecting with the spirit of his former spouse and she had a bunch of stuff to share with him and some unfinished business of her own.

This changes everything for Dr. Holt who starts "taking meetings" with Dr. Paul, finding some empty room so he could talk to her about various elements of his job and about her former practice - it seems she left the Alphabet City patients in disarray and the staff needed access to her computer to make sense of some things. Some of the time, this is amusing as Holt is talking to himself as if he is speaking to another person. Other times it seems like the doctor is having a breakdown to the people around him.

Meanwhile, Julie Benz played Michael's sister Christina, who believes in the supernatural and is encouraging Michael to explore the factors involved in what he can see and how this is something that is both meant for him to be a part of and is proof of her philosophy. And it wouldn't hurt if Michael became less of a total jerk, with Anna's spiritual influence.

New York played a part in that classic "haves and have nots" way, with the wealthiest people who need medical help waltzing into Michael's gleaming hospital wing with every new medical device to help enhance or save their lives, and the people of the Lower East Side, barely able to cover their costs, struggling to get some doctoring for their health concerns at Anna's overcrowded clinic.

The always capable Margo Martindale played Michael's assistant and added some much needed gravitas and humor to the mix and Pablo Schreiber was a shaman Michael met, who worked part time at the Lower East Side clinic, and who helped Michael understand the elements of the spiritual, and was an ex of his sister.

Let's note the pedigree of the behind the scenes players on this series: Susannah Grant, who created the program, wrote the screenplay to Julia Roberts' Academy Award winning performance of "Erin Brockovich" and Jonathan Demme was one of the program's producers and directors.

I think it's difficult to have such an unsympathetic character at the center of a series. Yes, Dr. Holt is brilliant, but his bedside manner sucks and he treats his co-workers like meaningless underlings for the most part, even as he was learning to find his humanity again through his pro bono medical work. Maybe if he were a quicker study in human nature, more people would have been attracted to him, and to this show, which was, if you could stomach Dr. Holt, pretty good.
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Going in Circles
pbayle326 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The centerpiece of this show is Patrick Wilson. Besides being one of the most handsome men ever to step in front of a camera, he has shown real acting ability in films like Hard Candy, Lakeview Terrace, and Little Children. He has done some fine acting in this show as well, and his supporting cast does a good job as well. But that can't make up for repetitiveness and predictability. For several weeks, every episode has featured Dr. Holt saving a poor patient at the clinic and a rich patient at Holt Neuro. (I also can't help but notice the curious epidemiology of neurological conditions in this show's New York; they seem to afflict predominantly teenage daughters of overcontrolling parents.) There are two operation scenes in each episode, and they are almost interchangeable with each other and with every operation scene in every other episode. The show has failed to develop some promising themes from the pilot and the first two episodes. Its focus seems to narrow each week. Among the themes AGM could follow but hasn't yet: At the core of Dr. Holt's being is positivism. He is a deep believer in "the scientific materialist rationalism that is the unofficial religion of America's elite" (as Paul Campos put it). It might be interesting for Anna or Dr. Sykora, or a recurring patent to challenge that belief. This would take more learning and wit than the writers have displayed so far. Another tack would be to follow up on the theme hinted at by AGM's poster art and explore Dr. Holt's as illustrative of the professional white male who feels he has to bear the burden of less gifted and less dedicated folks. Clearly a very risky option. If this is not done with surgical precision, the whole cast could be consigned to the entertainment equivalent of Point Barrow, Alaska, for political reeducation. Less ambitious options include having Dr. Holt lose a patient now and then, in more ambiguous circumstances than infection by rabies or another invariably terminal illness. How about a patient who simply fails to respond, which happens all the time with skilled doctors who treat serious illnesses. Or he loses a patient at Holt Medical because he's treating a patient at the clinic. Or because another surgeon is performing the operation under his supervision. Or he's on vacation with a living girlfriend. Or he makes a mistake and gets sued. His activity at the clinic cuts into Neuro's income, so he has to choose between buying state of the art equipment and cutting staff. He gets a living girlfriend or indeed an interesting non work related friend of any kind. He does something actually or arguably irresponsible and faces down Anna's disappointment. (Like Bernard Show's Donna Anna, he could have been so much wickeder, and the show might be better for it.) Now since I am a big fan of Mr. Wilson's, I will continue to watch the show, at least until it becomes no more fun than a glioma, but I could not blame CBS for nonrenewing AGM. With all his admirable qualities and talents, Wilson has never shown the ability to put a production on "Cruise control." He will either have to do that and yank this show in a more productive direction, find someone who will, or run a big risk of losing his best opportunity to date.
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Gifted Man
connieyoung346010 January 2012
Greetings, I think this show is the best show that has hit the screen in a long time. PLEASE keep the show going. We need shows like this it is serious and informative as well. I think the cast as a whole is an 11-More than excellent. LOVE IT. I would like to say that the Patrick is one of the best actors I have ever seen, he is witty and very serious. He plays the part of Dr. Holt. I know that this is just a show, however I think the real Doctors in real life should take a look at this show. Attitude is what I am talking about. Professional people need to take note of peoples feelings and act on this. Wear a smile on your face. Not all things are bad.
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Great cast and show!!!
slspa20 February 2012
The drama and cast are excellent. I am looking forward to CBC renewing this show. It surpasses the other medical dramas and shows like Bachelor, etc.

I put this one on my Friday night agenda so I don't forget to catch it the following week! I actually sit in front of the TV before the show starts so as not to miss a minute. I am not related to the actors or crew. The first episode captured me and has never let me go.

A Gifted Man is an intelligent, original, well-acted, meaningful series with twists and turns, excitement and emotion. DO NOT let this one pass. CBS should most definitely give it a couple of seasons to grow even better.
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A Gifted Man Delivers, So Far.
tonya-jarrett9 October 2011
After viewing the third episode, these are my thoughts: I really quite like this show. It has a major Broadway star (Raul Esparza) in a supporting role and he's excellent (that's just a side note - thank you show runners). The premise is so much better than Ghost Whisperer, whose spirituality I found, at best, pretty saccharine. I did however, like the relationship between Melissa and Jim. You can't do much better than Jennifer Ehle as Dr. Holt's dead wife. Patrick Wilson is such a beautiful man and talented actor that I'm totally buying into his narcissistic Neurosurgeon character, who has enough restraint to not go after every woman he sees, and a good amount of decency left as a man and a doctor to still care about every patient, not just the rich. That inner struggle is what will keep the show interesting (and that people keep catching him talking to thin air is very amusing. He has a lot to learn about how to keep that on the down-low). So it's walking a fine line right now. He needs to always be somewhat torn, struggling with his sense of privilege, or it will turn into Dr. Michael Holt, Social Worker.

I sort of feel that his situation is like the Rolling Stones cover of You Can't Always Get What You Want (But if you try sometime, you just might find You get what you need). There seems to be a spiritual force involved that is trying to make him more balanced, to feel on a deeper level than exulting in his art as a surgeon (what we saw in the premiere episode was pretty cold and contained, but he has thawed a bit in each episode).

I like this show enough to stick with it and gave it a solid 7 out of 10 because it has room to grow.
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Makes Friday nights worth staying home!
momandem35 March 2012
I love this show! It has grown on me more and more each week. I love all the characters especially Michael Holt played by Patrick Wilson who is yummy! I find myself mesmerized by Patrick Wilson every time and hour goes by and I feel like it's only been 15 minutes! I truly hope CBS will give this another season. I will be heart broken if they cancel it, it gives me something to look forward to each week. The acting, and actors are Fantastic and story lines are wonderful each and every week. I can't remember the last time I fell in love with a show like this, Oh yes Moonlight also on Fridays on CBS. So I guess I should start bracing myself for they are sure to cancel another great show.
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A Gifted Man abandons its supernatural premise!
zeetoddy3 December 2011
The premise of The Gifted Man is that this physicians x wife visits the doctor and influences his decisions and actions from the great beyond. However, as the series has progressed, the supernatural is diminishing to the point of it hardly playing a role at all in the story line. So what was a very good "mix" of science and the supernatural has simply become an "okay" medical show. I began watching this show because of the supernatural premise. I am not really interested in a medical drama with no edge. I hope the producers and writers understand their oversight and reintroduce more supernatural subjects such as speaking to the dead. The idea that made the series successful has now lost its luster. Me and my circle of friends have begun to lose interest and it will not be long that we stop watching. I have a feeling this show will not be around for too much longer as it is simply "okay" and nothing super special.
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absolutely love it
ellep7210 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love the show. It's refreshing, it's interesting and it has edge to it, not just another medical drama.

It would be brilliant if the writers could develop the metaphysical aspect of it a little more and if he becomes a little more humble in taking a more giving role in the clinic as opposed to just when he "happens" by, and then he resents himself for it afterward. He seems like he's got a bit of a God complex so the Clinic is a great way of keeping him grounded.

I thought the shaman was a bit too stereotyped though . . I think he could be reworked a little.

Would be interesting if Michael and his ex-wife explore their emotional issues a little deeper and to see what other work needs to be done on her side before she can go into the light.

Overall a brilliant show and I can't wait for the next episode.
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The Gift Is Likely the Cancellation
dmc10119 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tired story line, dead ex-wife who he couldn't care less about(never sheds a tear for her when he discovers she's dead) is using him to patch up her shoddy life, liberally disguised as a pretty message of socialism at its finest, wealth successful white man = bad (conservatism) , dippy headed ex wife giving away her medical expertise (liberalism) = good.

So let me save you wasted viewing time and sum up the entire series: Rich guy, cool car, brags about his skills but he's right and he saves everyone he touches. Oh this is a simple case of (insert Latin word here)... so take two aspirins and call your doctor tomorrow, just DON'T CALL ME.. what? She fainted in the lobby? That's the 8th person just this week who I thought I fixed only to learn they had a deeper seeded problem that was actually neurological in nature. Fortunately I've watched House MD for years and I know how to fix these things. Just talk up my game, remove the jigzaw pieces of her skull effortlessly and dig around with a water hose and a vacuum cleaner while my dead ex wife and a pretty blonde doctor (that can happen) oooh and aaah over my work. See, my tailored shirt didn't even get wrinkled, now bring my CTS around so I can drive around until I get a phone call emergency to save a dying immigrant because that's how I roll.

Repeat x however many episodes.
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sagei25 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Deceptively good as in looked good without really being it.

The cast especially the women steal the show and distract from the fact that there is nothing really new or enduring here.

The usual tendency to prettily wrap every episode and slap a bow on it was very much in evidence here. So even though the lead starts out being a jerk by the end the good guy is very much in attendance.

Why can't TV characters struggle long and hard like the rest of us. Isn't it enough that they are "Network TV Good Looking" (thanks abed). Does everything else have to be effortless as well ?

Am curious to see what happens next but my interest is academic. Only one do gooder ghost with unfinished business. They already know and love each other. He takes about 2 minutes to accept her existence and about a second more to start following her instructions. Tries to get rid of her but chickens out. Where do they possibly go from here that translates into a series worth of episodes that one can actually look forward to with any sense of suspense.

If this turns into another medical drama with a token ghost then doubt it will last long.

Hope they prove me wrong and wish them luck in doing so.

Thank you.

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Excellent show
hhoward0117 May 2012
This is an excellent show that keeps a person intrigued as to what is going to happen next. Dr. Holt has had his life turned upside down and is learning people skills which he has avoided all his life. The way the characters develop and every week you get a little insight into one of their lives is great; you get to know each of the characters a little better as the show goes on. You get to see that Dr. Holt truly loves his ex-wife and see that he has regrets that he didn't take the time or make the time for her. After going to her funeral and seeing what an amazing woman his wife truly was he seems to also regret that he never knew her the way he should have.I hear it has been cancelled and that truly is a shame.
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This show is SO worth keeping!
sweetspriz2 March 2012
I LOVE this show! The characters are so diverse but they mesh together so well. The story line is great--I loved the first episode and every one since, and am very concerned about the rumors I've heard that it may be canceled. I've read through many of the comments from other viewers, and although there have been a few that have not found it to their liking, there have been many, many more who DO like it! It's a wholesome show suitable for the entire family, which is maybe why some people don't like it, not enough sex, promiscuity, etc. CBS really needs to think twice about taking this out of their show lineup...it's what I look forward to on Friday night TV.
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ambrosine-483-54838130 November 2012
i am so sad that they are canceling this show, spoke to many people on twitter, about it and we all enjoyed it. The character Michael Holt, is just so unusual. Loved it all. At fist the pilot and the first few shows were strange, because it felt like a c rated show on something like our "sky Atlantic", but every character had a great dimension, real clarity. You could easily just relax to this, unlike "house" where the plot and scenes chopped and changed so quickly. Shame that all the good shows get canceled. I caught up with it on American Netflix, and missed it on our SKY cable. Not sure where the show here was first shown. I desperately wanted the main character to end up with his colleague. Now with it ending, I will not know what happens.
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