Weekend (2011) Poster

(II) (2011)

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The rare film about falling in love that gets to the heart of the matter
Boris_Day31 October 2011
There are countless films about people falling in love, but when you see Weekend you realise just how rare films are that make a sincere attempt to catch what it really is like to fall for someone, without sentimentality, forced cuteness or cheap emotional manipulation. This is the rare love story that has real emotional truth about it. The fact that it is about two men who fall for each other is almost secondary to the way the film catches the universality of what it is like to fall in love. Weekend is not about exceptional people, just about two average, if smart and likable men, tentatively getting close to each other and it catches lightning in a bottle.

This is not to play down the importance of Weekend as a gay film. Gay issues are touched upon and some good political points are made about gay men in todays society, but it's never in a didactic way. Nothing here feels forced, there is a naturalness about the acting and dialogue, real chemistry between the two leads and a sense of lightness about the filmmaking that yet never feels trivial. Weekend catches the little moments of life beautifully and it finds beauty in the everyday.

The acting here is simply amazing from both leads but Tom Cullen as the more quiet, introverted Russell has a touching vulnerability about him and gives what I would regard as the best performance of the year by a male actor. It's all there in tiny details, there is never a moment when you don't utterly believe what goes on in his heart, it's all there in his eyes and the most subtle shifts of expression. No doubt this performance will be overlooked in favour of more histrionic turns this year, but this is what truly great screen acting is about. I think I fell a little bit in love with him myself.
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Movie with a Human Agenda
evanston_dad22 December 2011
In "Weekend," a beautifully acted and written indie drama from writer/director (and editor) Andrew Haigh, two gay men fall heavily for each other over the course of a 2 or 3 day period, each getting at something in the other that no one before had managed to do. But this is not a "gay" movie, and people who stay away from it because they think it has a gay agenda, or that it has nothing to say to them, or who are simply uncomfortable with the sight of two men having sex, will deny themselves the pleasure of seeing a film with a universal message about what it's like to be lonely and the search for meaningful human connections that kind of loneliness motivates.

It's not that Haigh avoids addressing the complications of being gay in the present day. Part of what I admired about the film was that it put being gay, and the constant energy it takes on the part of gay men to either fight or ignore the ignorance and hostility they must constantly endure, in a context that anybody can understand. The film's central character, Russell (Tom Cullen), has been raised as a foster child in a "straight" environment. His foster brother knows he's gay and is accepting of it, but even at that, Russell's time with his brother and his brother's family only accentuates the desolate fact that the kind of "normal" happiness his brother enjoys (the solidarity of a strong marriage, children) is something that at best he will have to fight for or at worst will be denied altogether. The bitterness this harsh reality can create in gay men is illustrated in the character of Glen (Chris New), a crusader who believes happiness in marriage is a sham perpetrated by the straight community and that attempts at finding contentment and satisfaction in a life partner are akin to tilting at windmills.

Cullen and New deliver award-worthy performances, so it's a shame that this film's size and subject matter will deny it any kind of major awards attention. The film is actually breathtaking at moments, albeit in an unassuming way, in its frankness and its ability to capture perfectly in words ideas about the way our societies treat relationships, commitments and love that I had only half articulated to myself. It would be easy to believe that Haigh found two non-actors roaming the streets, asked them to star in a movie, gave them situations to play out without a script, and filmed the results. It's that authentic.

I hope people see this movie.

Grade: A
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Is it necessary to find another pencil?
StevePulaski21 June 2012
Russell (Tom Cullen) is a cleaned up, well-mannered man, working as a lifeguard, who, after one night at a house party, is searching the streets looking for someone to talk to and hook up with. He ventures into a gay nightclub, and picks up the aspiring artist, Glen (Chris New), a man more comfortable and open about his homosexuality. Russell and Glen become surprisingly close and what was destined to be a simple one night stand evolves into one of the most meaningful and tremendously potent on-screen romances from independent cinema in a long time.

Andrew Haigh's Weekend is a delightfully different picture, about two gay men who take on a fondness for each other in the least conventional sense. They wind up equally understanding each other, taking each other for who they are, and become more open in their conversations than I'm sure lifelong friends have. To say how and why it happens is so subjective it's not even wholly explainable. Sometimes, a person catches you by surprise and, despite only knowing them for a short time, you can feel heavily sympathetic towards their problems and issues, begin to talk openly with one another about personal subjects, and, after a while, begin to become transgressive in your discussions, just talking about whatever you feel like. Perhaps it is just that other person's presence that makes each of them feel so comfortable and open. What Russell and Glen discuss over this forty-eight hour relationship probably hasn't even been vaguely brought up when talking with family.

Cullen and New are exceptionally perfect in their chemistry together. One of the most poignant scenes in the film comes a little after the hour mark, when they are discussing gay rights with each other. To discuss the treatment of gays in society and in the media is obligatory when dealing with a film focusing on a same-sex relationship, but being that Weekend is a British film, it has a welcomed take on the subject, showing us that passionate relationships with two people of the same gender exist all over the world. We learn Glen must board a train on Monday and from there on out, is Oregon-bound to take a two year long art course. It is quite possible that this adds to the rush of discussing as many topics as possible before the inevitable morning comes.

The crisp photography of the picture is to be commended as well. There are some evocative, crisp location and involving scenery shots scattered throughout the entire picture. Haigh's directorial effort is truly an astonishing work of indie-art, as it shows photography in not a pompous light, but as a background delight to the foreground extravaganza we are enduring. It is too complimented by some delightful framing, where it seems everything inside of the frame has some sort of true, bountiful significance.

Another talk of true satisfaction is when the Glen tells Russell to act as if he was his father and come out of the closet to him. It is at that moment, after the deed is done on Russell's part, Glen utters the most satisfying and beautiful line in the entire picture. To repeat it here is an act of criminal spoiling.

Weekend is a naturalistic and touching film, whether you're gay, straight, bisexual, or whatever orientation. This is a film that can give you relationship advice and life guidance no matter what you're orientation may be. It isn't an indulgent film bringing only a unique gay relationship to light and nothing more, and it isn't an ode to "coming out" and stockpiled clichés of "being different." It shows how the slightest, most unassuming interaction with a person, regardless of two days in length or six years, can have a truly provocative impact on you as a person. This is one of the wisest and least condescending independent films I've seen this year.

Starring: Tom Cullen and Greg New. Directed by: Andrew Haigh.
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This is the best low budget indie gay movie in years, and the best gay movie since BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN
aupairkansas18 September 2011
I just watched WEEKEND at a screening at the Oslo LGBT film festival, and am still in shock. This is the most real cinematic version of guys falling in love in recent history. I'm a filmmaker myself, and was blown away by the caliber of the writing, directing, acting, cinematography, editing, and music of this fantastic film. There's not a false note in the movie--everything rings true, even the ending (no spoilers here.) It's the rare film, like WINTER'S BONE last year, that at every turning point takes what I call the elegant decision. WEEKEND is at a higher level than all other LGBT films playing the festival circuit this year (the only other film near this level is Tom Twyker's 3.) Actually, it's at a higher level than almost all films playing anywhere this year. Where did this film come from? Apparently the brilliant mind of Andrew Haigh (writer/director/editor), who, I noted on an IMDb search, started as an apprentice editor on GLADIATOR, and then assistant editor on BLACK HAWK DOWN (working with the master editor Pietro Scalia on both. Go UCLA!) I look forward to seeing more of Haigh's work. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT miss this movie.
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This is a love story. It is not cheesy. It is not fake. It is love, plain and simple. Let go of your prejudices and bias and watch the film.
c-chesley7 November 2011
The IMDb summary of the film does it no justice whatsoever. This piece of art depicted the most genuine and sincere definition of love in any motion picture that I have seen. Besides the fact that the script was well-written, the actors carried the story to fruition in their slightest of gestures, glances, and articulations. You really fall in love with Glen and Russell and want them to be with each other. There are parts where you'll laugh, parts where you might tear up, and parts where you might wonder if you've ever felt what these characters feel for each other. There are some wonderful scenes cinematically as well. The ending is satisfying and resonant of real life, which is a nice change of pace when compared to other love stories. This is the movie that you should see, and I hope you will.
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Perfect chemistry
Benedict_Cumberbatch1 January 2012
I watched this film after a friend highly recommended it. The gay film festivals and critics' awards and nominations it's been getting are much deserved.

Russell (Tom Cullen), a young gay man in Nottingham, UK, picks up Glen (Chris New) at a nightclub. They have a one-night stand but realize they share much more than animal attraction. They spend a weekend together trying to figure out whether or not they can turn this into something "concrete".

"Weekend" is part of the 'brief encounter' subgenre I am a big fan of. It's a 'talkie' for excellence; if you love films like "Lost In Translation", "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset", you'll probably be smitten by this as well. A naturalistic approach to filmmaking - especially to such a dialogue-driven narrative like this - is very hard to pull off; but writer/director/editor Andrew Haigh knows how to create sparks. Special kudos go to the excellent protagonists, Tom Cullen and Chris New, whose on-screen chemistry is palpable, moving, and simply a pleasure to watch. This is a weekend you shouldn't sleep through.
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Simply wonderful
jemoliver4 November 2011
Just back from seeing Weekend at a mainstream cinema in London and simply wanted to say that the other reviewers here have hit the nail on the head perfectly. This film is literally flawless - so real, so well acted, naturalistic dialogue spoken utterly naturally. It captured my 20s in a bottle. Thank you to all involved. I'd forgotten cinema could be this fantastic. I liked the fact that the film's location was kept anonymous - most appropriate, given that the film was so accurately observed and depicted that it could have been about many of my friends, all over the UK. Some excellent cinematography too - lingering shots of a normal British city, captured at sunset/mid-afternoon/anytime, worked well at keeping the pace reflective. Finally, the moments of passion were handled sensitively, but, again, so realistically. One particularly stunning moment was the cut away and sudden fast forward to the morning - somehow capturing instantly the bleak moment that follows ecstasy, but doing it in a non-showy way. I will be watching for more of Andrew Haigh's work.
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Touching, Natural, Simply Splendid
davidm92330 October 2011
What a "lovely" (a phrase used, to much effect, by one of our characters) surprise! Agree with other postings that this film is one of the best gay films ... ever. And I have been wading through many clinkers, alas, in the past 35 years of watching gay themed movies. The two men, and their situation, becomes increasingly engrossing. They are real and the dialog rings so true. Some with long memories, or a love of classic films, might think this instant classic is reminiscent of a long-ago movie. But without spoiling or leading you on, you'll have to consider that after you see Weekend. Two thoughts - Why hasn't this film been attracting larger audiences? And I wish we had another 30 minutes to spend with Glen and Russell. Enjoy first rate filmmaking. Congratulations to the writer-director and the two leading men.
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Honest character-driven film
grnhair200110 February 2013
I'm not English, male, or gay, so I probably missed some subtle points in this film, but I liked it a good deal. (Seven is a good rating for me, and this almost qualifies for an eight.)

The story of two new lovers getting to know each other after a drunken one-night stand is touching and revealing of the workings of the human heart. Not-quite-closeted shy Russell and in-your-face Glen are complex characters who change in the weekend they get together. Talking about points of disagreement helps each understand more about what they really feel about various issues. I felt the filmmaker captured what it is to be a real person having real discovery-type conversations. (I had a quick flash of Before Sunrise, when that film worked for me.)

The lovemaking scenes are indeed lovemaking. I was bothered by Brokeback Mountain's because the sex in it seemed so brutal (and I thought more than once "and that doesn't equal love; I'm unconvinced these two are in love at all"); but here, I felt I was witnessing two sane (or as sane as most of us are), healthy men interacting sensually and falling for each other, the sex being part of the increased tenderness and vulnerability between them. I mused on who would find it comfortable/uncomfortable to watch, and I wish I could tell people via this review if they could bear watching the two more explicit scenes or not. Probably if you're willing to watch this film at all, knowing the subject matter in advance, you'll be okay with the level of detail in the sex scenes. There are many moments not sexual which are more intimate and moving. Smart writing in those post-sex intimacies that comprise the bulk of the film.

I also liked the framing of many shots, particularly of Russell in his solitary moments, as the framing told the story of his alienation so clearly. (At one point I flashed on Jim Jarmusch--if someone gave him some color stock, it could have been a Jarmusch moment.) I particularly liked the insert of a scanning surveillance camera, as it heightened the sense that Russell is always aware of and reacting to the panopticon of homophobia all the time. Again, I thought, there is real intelligence in this filmmaking.

A smart, authentic, artistically done film, a terrific addition to the list of thoughtful, small/focused relationship films.
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To feel.
Capellaro77 August 2014
What a lovely work of film. A very beautiful, very real and very bittersweet story - telling of the pains and passions of love that comes to us so unexpectedly and then, ultimately, leaves us. An all too familiar feeling for a yearning heart. From stunning cinematography to a painfully relate-able story - this film will always allow for it's viewers to access the nature of it's being and it's beauty. For every human understand what it is to yearn for something so much, that when it's gone, we feel empty. That, is film. Weekend is a great testament to the vision and the work of a talented cast and crew. I give this film my highest recommendation and feel that it's simplicity is it's genius. Thank you, Mr. Haigh.
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Too static and "chatty"
BeneCumb5 February 2015
Well, a single hairy gay goes to a gay bar and finds another hairy one... Then they go home, have sex, start conversing and find out that they have common understanding in multiple issues... Not too original start, but things may be going to develop. But they did not. Still the same: lots of reasoning, talks about gay stuff and fears, some sex... Yes, there are some new activities ahead, but Weekend is still a documentary-like narration about two gays among themselves, with some brief communication with "straight" friends. Well accomplished and performed, but without real dynamism and intrigues I would like to detect in a film on related topic, or if strangers get to know each other. "Artistic" ought not to be equal with "commonplace", there are many examples showing otherwise.

For me, not enough as for a feature film. I tend to think that many viewers would like e.g. Freier Fall (Germany) more. At least I did.
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Riveting! With the potential to go mainstream...
francois-lubbe17 November 2011
I was reluctant to see this film. Wasn't in the mood for yet 'another gay movie'... Now, I have to bury my head in the sand as I think: WOW!

Weekend gives an honest, heart-warming and eye-opening birds 'eye view of what it's like for many gay guys that try to make a connection with someone they really fancy.

Unlike most romances, this isn't a divided story where we follow each character in their own corner as they're unavoidably maneuverer into each other's arms. Adding to the rawness of the storyline, the film is set in a decidedly unromantic borough of Nottingham, in the UK, with no cute cafés or cosy breakfast spots to be seen... (Excuse the comparison, but thankfully, this is not your typical rose garden-type Jennifer Aniston rom-com. Phew!!!)

For those who have never seen the inside of a high-rise council flat, in England, this would be a chance to get an intimate glimpse of what it's like inside and out. The setting complements the characters and the actors' nontheatrical (yet intense and hyper-realistic) performances, perfectly. Both Tom Cullen (Russell) and Chris New (Glen) are utterly convincing in this 'sad, but true' love story.

In an industry where audiences are saturated with American English, it was most refreshing to see two artists maintaining their characters authenticity — even to the point of being spot on with those unique northern accents... Not many American thespians can boast with that! Whilst, some may think the use of language is one of the only pitfalls of this film, truth is, a skillful ear will enjoy the subtleties and colloquialisms that enrich the dialogue... sadly others will miss these.

Weekend is one of the best examples of how riveting British Film really can be. Director Andrew Haigh applied his camera, storytelling and art direction with the eloquent orchestration of a true master. It's filled with nuance, sensitivity and each frame is clean and airy with a timeless sensation, capturing the misty, small-city normality of Nottingham like a series of well-executed still photographs.

Clearly, I'm impressed and I sincerely hope that this 'gay film' crosses over to the mainstream. It touches on almost all elements of the modern dating scene... Not just for gay guys — however, the themes will probably ring more true for them (us). A story well told and it left a lasting impression on me.
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Pretty good
j-nouwens-461-3314829 August 2012
While not spectacular, Weekend is realistic, with plenty of food for thought, occasionally funny, and emotionally engaging. I think it slowed down too much near the end and there it lost some power. Ending was solid, though.

I'd recommend it. Not a classic, but you might learn a thing or two from this film.

The acting and chemistry between the actors wasn't lacking. It's not graphic or shocking in any way, I think, and neither does it need to be, but I need to point out it feels a bit tame.

But do make up your own mind, so go see it. It won't be a waste of time.
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Dull and dreary, looks and sounds like a docu–soap
samuelhodder30 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers...

After all the praise that has been given to this film, I was surprised by finding myself becoming so bored by it I struggled to make it to the end.

The film consists of two broadly uninteresting people having mostly downbeat and unoriginal conversations. One, Glenn, is a 24 year old aspiring artist, though what we learn about the quality of his mind and the limited range of his consistently solipsistic thinking suggests he will be without success. He complains that straight people aren't interested enough in hearing about gay sex, that if he did a show about him talking about gay sex then straight people wouldn't come, that there aren't enough gay story lines on TV, that heterosexuality is shoved in his face, that marriage is too conformist, that gays are too pigeon– holed etc ad nauseum. And many other things the average gay man will have heard expressed 100 times before, with as little depth. Glen's friends hold him back, he thinks, seeing him only as he used to be, whereas he feels he is constantly changing. He hates Nottingham. He doesn't want a boyfriend.

The protagonist, Russell, is more endearing and essentially likable, but most of the time words need to be dragged from him, sometimes in a mumble. His relationship with his best friend Jamie is much dwelt upon, but when together he barely holds a conversation with him. He maintains a habit of writing down his depressing sexual encounters with closeted or cheating or just unhappy men. Several of these are later read out, Glen and Russell taking in turns.

Most of the film takes place inside Russell's small and dreary flat. The director's choice of a washed out colour palette of grey and blue compounds the dreariness. Outside, people shuffle up concrete paths. Russell lives there in a vacuum. Glen has some friends, but from what little we see of them, they are neither interesting or pleasant and he doesn't like them much. Really there is little of anything in their lives. What others found deeply romantic, I experienced more as claustrophobic and was unconvinced by the depth of foundations of the connection. Both characters are lonely and slightly unhappy and fancy each other. But it was easy to imagine the relationship being broken off, whether or not Glen does ultimately go to Portland (the film's only plot point). The most exciting thing they do together is have a backie on a bike.

The sex is believable and unerotic, to my mind at least, and even the drugs are no fun. In this film taking large amounts of cocaine only makes people crave gloomy and irritable conversations with each other; I would suggest another dealer. These men in their mid 20s talk a great deal about whether and when they feel embarrassed or ashamed to be gay, and about coming out and the extent to which they are out. Which hasn't been my own experience of what English gay men in their mid 20s talk about with each other (yes, I've been one).

As well as a lack of plot, there is no cinematography to speak of that could be described as filmic. It could easily be made for TV, except there's deliberate camera shakiness and blurring. There's little in the way of a soundtrack.

The film is very well acted; the leads play their parts convincingly, it's the characters that lack interest. There is most of the time a strong sense of verisimilitude. And that has been the biggest source of praise for the film. But filming people talking on a bus would also have a sense of verisimilitude. The question is what would be the point? Where is the creativity? Are the leads being gay sufficient justification for the film? I certainly don't feel it told me anything about life, or made me see life in a slightly new way. The sense it brought to mind was of being stuck in a corner at a disappointing and dingy house party, being spoken to at length by someone dull, but being in two minds whether to leave yet as it's a long journey home and I'm not yet drunk, so I hang around.
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At last, a movie about falling in love, is not cute romantic comedy
gregorybnyc30 December 2011
In reading several reviews posted about this outstanding film, I note several things:

*I'm sick to death of people complaining they cannot understand English people speaking English. Pay attention, they are completely understandable!

*This isn't a romantic comedy!

*If straight audiences are squeamish about a movie anyone can relate to--well tough!

A superior film about a sexual and then romantic period in two young men's lives, WEEKEND is a riveting and adult piece of filmmaking. Andrew Haigh's writing and direction is so well observed and detailed the viewer is left astounded at the simplicity of his vision and the skill of his masterly direction.

Tom Cullen and Chris New play Russell and Glen with utter conviction, all the more impressive in their love scenes, and in their moments of intimate touching because one of them is straight. This must have been nerve-wracking for both of them and yet they handle these scenes with restraint and with believable ardor.

I loved the scene where Russell is visiting his straight best friend and finally admits he is deeply shaken by Glen. His friend is perfectly happy and insistent to drive him to the railroad station.

The only scene that didn't completely work for me was their night of boozing and drugging. I just didn't see Russell indulging in cocaine and while I know some people think it makes the mind clear, but there are no real revelations during this long night. Reminded me of another long filmed sequence--that endless wedding reception in Rachel Getting Married. A real misstep.

The chemistry between Russell and Glen's characters goes a long way towards the film's excellence. There is nothing cute, or silly, or humiliating or just plain dumb between these two very likable men. The camera allows you to discover them and the movie is a real gem for it.
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jboothmillard11 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I assumed this was a DVD I had seen in the shops a few, but I must have gotten confused with the comedy Weekender with the yellow and pink cover art, oh well, I heard this critically acclaimed and I was very interested to see why. Basically in Nottingham on Friday night Russell (Downton Abbey's Tom Cullen), who works as a lifeguard, heads from a straight house to a gay night club to go on the pull alone, and just before closing time he meets student artist Glen (Chris New), and they end up having sex back at his apartment. The next morning they wake up, Glen has Russell speak on his voice recorder talking about their experience, he says it is for an art project, and after he leaves Russell does what he always does after each man that is with him, writes about him on his laptop, it is obvious that he feels lonely most of the time. Russell and Glen do meet up the next day to ride Russell's bike, and returning to his apartment they spend the day sharing stories about past experiences and encounters as gay men, Russell tells how he grew up in foster care where he made a friend with Jamie (Jonathan Race) who is like a brother to him now. Before leaving again Glen tells him that he will be leaving the next day for a two year art course in Oregon, but he invites Russell to a party he is holding in a bar, Russell is upset a developing relationship can't last much longer, but he goes to the party and meets some of his friends, including a female friend who is normally aloud to hear all Glen's tapes, but not Russell's. The female friend tells how she is not sure Glen will actually go ahead with the trip to America, being in a relationship with a man called John who cheated on him but renounced beliefs for him, and how he was beaten up in the park by homophobic thugs. The pair of men leave the bar and go to an amusement park where Glen admits to feeling down amongst friends but happy with Russell, when they get back to the apartment they smoke marijuana and snort cocaine, and Russell reads to Glen his similar project about men he has been with, and it is a surprise when Glen recognises his ex John as one of them, they argue about it. Glen feels that things will improve for him when he is in America, but Russell wants him to stay so perhaps they can have a real relationship, but this only causes another argument between them about trust issues from past relationships and how happiness can be really achieved, but they do reconcile, passionately kiss and sleep together. In the morning they plan a game where Glen acts as Russell's father, he never got the chance to come out as gay to his real father, Glen leaves the apartment, Russell feeling devastated explains his feelings to Jami who suggests he should drop him and see him off at the train station, there they say their goodbyes and share one last kiss, before leaving Glen gave Russell a present, it is the voice recorder about their first encounter. Also starring Laura Freeman as Jill, Jonathan Wright as Johnny, Loretto Murray as Cathy, Sarah Churm as Helen, Vauxhall Jermaine as Damien, Joe Doherty as Justin and Kieran Hardcastle as Sam. You could describe this as perhaps a modern day homosexual version of Brief Encounter, with a dash of Before Sunrise, Cullen gives a touching performance as the quiet lonely gay man who thinks he's found solace but is to again be devastated, New is equally good as the young man he is falling for but cannot stay, I admit the love scenes were a little awkward, you see sperm on one of their chests LOL, but it is necessary, the dialogue scenes of the two men talking almost generally are the most interesting, it works really well as a talkative story and a small emotional love story, a fantastic romantic drama. Very good!
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a different addition to LGBT cinema
lee_eisenberg17 June 2018
When we think of LGBT cinema, we usually think of men in drag, or stories of the community collectively overcoming hardship. Andrew Haigh's "Weekend" is a different one. While it does focus on the characters' sexual orientation, it's more about the subtlety in the characters' lives and how they seek fulfillment. The movie makes sure to create complex, relatable characters, so that we can always feel for them. It's not the greatest movie ever made, but one that prompts the viewer to think deeply about the characters, empathizing with them.

I recommend it.
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meaninglessbark20 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Weekend is one of those rare films that combine incredible film making with excellent acting and a storyline and dialog which are as good as a well crafted novel. An unusually frank and funny story about two people who think they've got themselves and life mostly sorted out beginning to discover that their views of love and the world and their behavior* are just coping mechanisms to get through life.

As the story evolves and the main characters reveal more of themselves you begin looking back on what you've already seen in the film and realize the reasons the main characters did something or live a certain way.

That may sound dry and clinical but Weekend has some of the best dialog I've seen in a film in years. And more importantly that dialog is delivered with incredible acting skills by the two main leads, it feels improvisational or like two people actually talking.

Truly fantastic and worth viewing by anyone who likes excellent independent film.

*Other reviewers have cited the drinking and drug use in Weekend as an issue. While the drink and drugs are used without typical made-for-TV consequences the film doesn't glorify their use, the drink and drugs are obviously part of the the way the main characters deal with a deep desire for love which they haven't been able to find.
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Accents make this hard to follow but still worth catching
preppy-322 June 2011
Saw this is at Provincetown film Festival. This takes place in Britain. After a night with straight friends closeted Russell (Tom Cullen) goes to a gay bar and meets Glen (Chris New). They go home and have sex. Despite the sex being nothing special they start talking and become attracted to each other. Unfortunately Glen is relocating to the US that Monday. This leads to more sex and discussions on life, love and relationships.

I did love this film but it has problems. The British accents were so thick I had trouble understanding some of the dialogue (Cullen's isn't bad but News' was virtually incomprehensible). Still I was able to follow it more or less and found it interesting. The dialogue (what I could figure out of it) was sharp and insightful and the acting was excellent. Also the sex scenes were fairly explicit (there's a fair amount of nudity) and hot but nothing hardcore. Well-done gay drama. Worth catching.
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realistic gay storyline
IanRusk11 January 2015
Boy meets boy: boys have 2-day fling that turns into something deeper than either character anticipated. Russell picks up Glen (both early 30 somethings) in a gay bar and takes him home. After a night of passionate sex, the two characters connect on many levels and have the beginnings of a deep relationship, but an unexpected obstacle — at least for Russell — arises. Will there be a happy ending for both characters? More loneliness for Russell? Weekend offers up a realistic gay love story with meaningful dialogue, realistic scenarios. Anyone who has spent much time in the gay life-style will likely find much to relate to in this simple yet powerful story that perfectly illustrates the trials and tribulations of many gay men. One of the best gay movies I have seen. Some nude scenes by both male leads and some fairly graphic simulated sex scenes, but nothing too overboard.
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The best movie ever !
gorunburak30 March 2012
For a long time, I've been looking for this movie because when I saw rate of the movie on IMDb, I just simply became interested. Then again, my hopes were limited.

Yesterday I bought the film and watched it at midnight. When the movie was over, I just couldn't move... It was moving, compelling, sad and hopeful all at the same time. It's saying a lot of things on which you need to contemplate.

Tom Cullen was just AMAZING because he portrayed Russell just perfect and nothing less. And I'm also surprised to find out that Russell is not similar but just exactly like me or he is me. Andrew Haigh created a character which is me.

Ignoring this detail, the movie is the best of the year and one of the very few gay movies that can touch to the bottom of your heart.

Please watch that movie and like it because it's likable and I assure you, you cannot forget it easily and want to watch it over and over again...
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Mixed feelings...
iza886819 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why people praise this movie so much. OK, it's a decent low-budget indie movie, that has it's moments, but overall it's not as good as we're told ( or I was told ). "Weekend" is a very slow movie, which isn't the problem, because I love this kind of movies. The problem is that besides the engaging dialog, not much happens here. Slow movies are supposed to build up a lot of tension, so the last half hour is packed with events and/or plot twists. In this case, the story isn't going anywhere. We can only see the two protagonists going out, doing drugs, having sex, and talking a lot. As I said before, the drug-sodden discussions were interesting, though a bit boring at some point; the sex scenes were raw and passionate, and there were also interesting camera angles. But despite all this, the whole story falls somehow flat, leaving you unsatisfied-at the end we don't get pretty much anything. Also, the characters could have been better developed-I was left with the impression that I didn't get to know them at all, despite the vast dialog. I'm not saying that this was a bad movie, just that I didn't exactly got what I was promised-a complex story, with well-developed characters involved in an interesting plot, that will definitely move you. I wasn't moved that much, the ending was pretty much predictable, and it kind of killed it for me-call me a hopeless romantic, but I love a - at least partially - happy ending.
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Best Gay, but also best Romantic&Realistic Film in Years!
Icons761 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Weekend is like a Stunning Simple Masterpiece Created by the Strength of Incredible perceptions and Insightful Images by the new British Director,also by a Script that,without creating anything too Extreme or Groundbreaking, is still able to let you with your Jaw Dropped, for its Simple yet highly Structured Narrative Progress, and Witty, Real,Painfully True,Well Written Dialogue! I have not seen a Movie this Honest,this Decent in many Years. Gay or Straight it ain't matter to me. A movie is a Movie, and this is Just Excellent, because it captures perfectly the loneliness of many(too many) lives in Cities,not huge Cities, but What is Europe and also America's core. It is Romantic, but never too sweet or too sour. The Characters description tells a long way How Difficult it is to Connect today, and How Troubling, and How this World,with all these Changes(the Web,Traveling to Foreign Countries much more often than usual,a simple loss of a Sense of Family and Warmth,replaced by a Sense of continuous denial,judgment and Anger). It's Simply gifted by the Great&yet Light Touch of Amazing,Outstanding Filmmaking,Extraordinary and Persuasive Actors, Acting in Depth, very layered emotions, yet never letting you know they're acting, but Just "Opening" themselves to the Screen, like Opening their souls and Hearts, and never Afraid(what an Achievement!) of being Exploited. Brave when making love with the camera almost in the Middle of them, yet still making love with a series of Emotional range, changing Gradually in their Faces,Telling the Progression of the Story,even during a Sex Scene with No Words, but so Intense, to Widely Communicate to All Audiences what is Happening in their Minds and where they are Going to,How they are Growing, How Much They had suffered,How much They needed to Tell, even if some Will be Forever and Tragically Untold. A Brief Encounter of Amazing Proportions, that touches not only Relationships, but Depicts Society Changes,Feelings growing into a Story that is always so unusually Simple, to be Almost Stunning to most of us, for its Realistic Approach,so rarely Seen today! Like Nouvelle Vague,or Cassavetes, or Free Cinema were, in a way. We go Beyond Genres,Rules, Styles,Archetypes,Sexual Preferences, We are "entering" in this movie as we are entering life,Why? Because it is so Importantly Communicative,Persuasive,Genuine,That should be seen and Studied Immediately,as an Example of Cinematic Purism, especially by Hollywood Film makers who, too often try to 'brutalize',to emphasize a Story, just to Hide its obvious Lack of Real Contents and Dynamics and 'Moments',of "True", without script's doctoring! "Weekend" is just about 'Characters Development', and not the overly Formulaic 'Tricks'(Overly Sweet Reaction,useless Sub plots,Fake,sit-com like Dialogue,and I could go on..) we use normally,by Hoping to make a more Marketable, Entertaining Film! This is Pure Cinema at its very Best. Heartfelt& without Lies, And yes It can and Probably will Break your heart, and it will keep haunting you, who knows,maybe even for the rest of you life, but just for its Plain Honesty,its lack of Judgments,its full depiction of what really Happens in a World that is the World Most People(..Not our Hollywood/NYC's fast way of living some jaded,deceitful Drama's,Created often to let us fall into Oblivion, or into Illusions in order to Avoid Pain)again here we stand where That Other huge Portion of the World,most People Are and Live in, with such an authentic,fearless representation that will become for many,like myself,the Realization of That Lost,Basic Sense of an Absolute masterpiece Just made of Realism,So strong and Happening,I'm sure many will be able to take only in small doses, since we have lost 'That Language",that Sight and Memory of It all, for a way too long Frame of Time! We have been fed with all these Ways,Helping us to Denying Truth, by Living a life that's got nothing to Do with what really is True! In "Weekend",whether we like it or not, We are Getting to Watch-with no Deceit- the Lives of those who are still Accepting their Emotions and Trying to work them out! Realism. Thank you. Thank you, for making a Movie, i Hope It will make a Difference for many,It will teach others to start looking for What is 'There',and Leave what is never Going to be 'There',and not only in Cinema,I believe, but also in Life,Relationships,Sex,and Other human Conditions of rather Vital Importance! Thank you,again!
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Boring and done
dakkini12 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to this movie, lots of good reviews and of course, it's gay and I'm part of the LGBT community. The camera shots are good and it does manage to impart a certain "atmosphere" but I found it slow to develop and quite predictable when it did. I was overall a bit bored, so much so that it made me want to write my first review.

Saving graces: Interestingly shot. Rough and raw.

Downfalls: Don't expect anything new. Slow pace.

Would I recommend it? If you are gay and just love and support gay cinema. If you are looking for a down-tempo flick to kill the afternoon.

Very much looking forward to the time when LGBT cinema moves from the tired clichés and into something extraordinary.
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Stereotypical unrealistic nonsense
hotdefinition3 November 2016
I watched this film probably around a year ago and haven't had the desire to watch it again despite it being set in Nottingham (where I work).

The problem I have with so many gay films or portrayal of gay characters is the colour-by-numbers approach. The guys are always pretty good looking, fairly well off, drug taking, club hopping and sexually over- active.

This may be the reality for some gay men but it isn't for everyone. The amount of drinking, drugs, sex and clubbing in films like this is completely unrealistic - especially to those who don't live in big cities, frequent gay bars or sleep about.

Maybe a writer/director could attempt to create something with a sense of grounding, hard-faced reality and where the characters aren't one-dimensional, vapid and shallow or where the "plot" goes beyond their own wet dreams.

Last night I watched '4th Man Out' and whilst it still is a by-the-numbers sort of film, at least the main character felt real and relatable. He wasn't a druggie, he wasn't a gay clubber, he wasn't camp or a tart - he was a mechanic with straight male friends who enjoyed sports and just wanted to meet someone.

This film has a long way to go to come even 1% close to the likes of Shelter or Beautiful Thing.
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