Nothing Left to Fear (2013) Poster

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roth811 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wendy (Heche) and her family have just moved into a new town where her husband is set to be the new Pastor in the church. What starts off as a nice new life in a town with great people soon turns horrific when the true intentions of the outgoing Pastor are revealed.

It started off really slow with no real character development. It went from a slow Feel good movie to a romantic until there was something like a horror.

It's all agonizingly slow build-up to one of the girls getting possessed by an ancient evil). Constant crosscuts give the impression that nobody involved could make it through a full scene without nodding off.

Even Anne Heche (not a big role) could not drag this movie out of the boring trash (not her best performance, mildly said). The music is sometimes far fetched and not in accordance with the current evnet. Almost everything seems to go in slow motion, Such as a pickup truck gliding past houses at the residential speed limit. The movie is a waste of time.....
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Routine, CGI-augmented horror
Leofwine_draca29 November 2015
Another typical Hollywood horror B-movie. This one riffs on the likes of CHILDREN OF THE CORN and THE WICKER MAN in the tale of a small town hiding a dark secret. A new and boring family move into the community, where they're soon assailed by mysterious events and characters harbouring dark secrets.

It's a long-winded and slow-paced story and one that doesn't offer up a whole lot of interest, it has to be said. NOTHING LEFT TO FEAR actually does better when focusing on the non-horror elements like characterisation and character interaction and falls down when it comes to the cheesy horror scenes, augmented with CGI ghostly faces as they are. It also relies too much on jump scares and clichéd, derivative moments for effect when really it should be offering something new.

The cast aren't too bad, although they are given little enough to work with. Anne Heche is unrecognisable from her early Hollywood roles in the likes of SIX DAYS, SEVEN NIGHTS; she plays the suburban mother here. Rebekah Brandes isn't too bad either, although as with Alexandra Daddario in Texas CHAINSAW 3D, she's given little to do other than wander around in a skin-tight t-shirt. Clancy Brown is the best thing in it, but he doesn't have enough screen time.
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Slow build up, but eerie third act........
FlashCallahan17 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In the small town of Stull, Kansas, a young pastor and his devout family come face-to-face with possible evil.

Pastor Dan and his wife Wendy thought Stull was the perfect place to raise their teenage daughter, and her younger sister.

Shortly after arriving in town, however, the family realise Stull sits atop one of the Seven Gates of Hell, and that the townspeople are determined to herald in a new age of darkness.......

Although it may seem on first impression that this is trying to hark back to weird, Gothic horror from the eighties with religious overtones, it's not, it's blatantly ripping off some of the lower budget, lesser seen movies from that era.

Most notable references are Children Of The Corn, and Deadly Blessing, two films where the townsfolk are not what they would seem. Go a little deeper, and you could also defence Salem's Lot, and even Lair Of The White Worm.

With all these homages, it's pretty difficult to have an original idea, and thanks to a really bloated, slow second act, you really begin to lose interest. It's as if the makers have the set up, and the finale, but spend the middle on a red herring romance, and lots of Basil Expositon.

But, even though again it's not original, the last act is pretty shocking, and almost makes up for the second act. The last act is sort of an amalgamation of the ending of Halloween, and strangely, the monster from the Moomins, when everyone had to stay inside.

Its a pretty sadistic third act, and it pulls no punches. The final scene is clever, but by the time you get there, you are more relieved knowing that the film is ending.

So it's not bad, it's just unoriginal, and leaves too many plot holes.
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A film without a story-line.
michellegodfrey29 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Classic example of a film that had potential but which also had a producer who failed to see the importance of an actual story-line. (Which made any sense)

The story follows a family being lured to a village on the pretense of the father (a pastor) taking a job at the village church. The villagers have an ulterior motive. One of the family members is selected to be possessed by the devil, in a pagan type "wickerman" village ritual. The devil (occupying the body of possessed family member) is then left about its business to kill all but one of the family members. The remaining one is used in a further ritual to banish the devil back to wherever it came from.

The next family is lured to the village to continue the cycle.

All this is fine and dandy. But there is no explanation of crucial background details / any details to make sense of the plot?

Why the devil is given a sacrifice from a family to possess for just long enough to kill part of that family, before being unhappily banished again?

What happens if the cycle doesn't take place?

What is the criteria of the ritual which needs to be fulfilled? One dead, two dead? Once a year?

Maybe Just don't bother and see what happens??

Also things happen throughout the film which seem irrelevant or unexplained;

At one point the father within the doomed family is rendered unconscious with chloroform over his face and locked in a church. Why did that happen? Did they intend to save him from the devil?

At one point the other pastor of the village coughs up black blood when the possessed member (devil) is injured - I hoped this would lead to a twist in the plot which explained that he was manufacturing the whole need for this ritual due to an evil pseudo identity- but nothing more came of it.

At one point there is red crosses painted on the doors and at others scenes of sheep having their blood drained into buckets- can we assume one is connected to ther other. Can we assume the red Sheep blood crosses keeps the devil out? (Why?)

Assuming things is the theme of this movie.

all in all it's always enjoyable watching scenes of possessed people killing their family members. Even if completely random with no explanation for why it is necessary is ever given.

On a side note Can't help but notice striking resemblance between "the devil" and the grumpy girl from the well in "the ring"

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Whatever happened to Anne Heche?
vincentlynch-moonoi1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Heche, the once promising actress whom I enjoyed very much in several films, was sent to the gates of hell -- this film (and that's what this film is about). This may be the worst film I ever watched all the way through. Kinda makes you yearn for the good old days when nitrate films slowly disintegrated and became lost to history.

Anne Heche is pretty much irrelevant to the film, other than that there has to be a mother (karma exists...she and several other family members die before the film is over). James Tupper is satisfactory as the father/minister, but perhaps he is better suited for soap operas than the big screen. Ethan Peck is a handsome young actor, but -- at least in this film -- seems pretty bland. Rebekah Brandes, as one of the daughters, may have some potential. Matty B...oh please. Jennifer Stone gets another "okay" as the daughter/victim. Clancy Brown is quite good as the departing pastor.

The story is another of the never-ending horror stories about a young woman being sacrificed to hell. But this one is different -- it's really lousy. The first half of the film is totally boring, which the director apparently mistook for building suspense; there was no suspense in the first half of the film. In terms of being a director, Anthony Leonardi III is not ready to leave the art department, where he has spent most of his career. In the "Los Angeles Times" review of this film it was written that "director Anthony Leonardi III and writer Jonathan Mills have let not one scary moment on screen" and that actors Heche and Tupper should write apology notes to their fans." Truer words were never spoke.

I like horror films, but I'm so glad I didn't waste money to see this one at the theater. And my suggestion to you is that you not spend your time watching this on cable.

I'll tell you what I thought while watching this -- didn't anyone notice how badly things were going???
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Oh dear, oh dear ...
xmaskal1 February 2015
This is probably a film would make a passable 'first horror' film for a teenager ... however as a thirty something I found it dull, facile and utterly boring. If you like a film with some sort of pace - this is certainly not the film for you. It's a shame as the cast seems promising and the premise is actually quite interesting. The main issue this film has is it is sloooooow to the point of being a cure for insomnia. I'm assuming the idea was to give the viewer plenty of 'getting to know you' room with the characters so we really really care about them, get invested in them. Yeah -that doesn't happen here. All that happens is you find yourself watching the clock waiting to see how long it is before it ends. Adding to that is lacklustre cinematography, dull scripts and painful to watch teen led drama and all in all this film is a fail.
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I had nightmares???? Come on!!!!!!!!!
vmalast27 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had more holes you could drive a truck through! I'm not one to give a movie a bad review, this one was bad and not in a good way. The acting was fine but the script was horrible! Horror movies are, by nature, supposed to be far fetched, not realistic but, come on. Youngest daughter very ill but no one thinks about Dr or hospital before it's to late. Oldest daughter leaves little brother to fend for himself. Heck, there is more concern in slasher flicks. Skip this flick.
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Nothing left to fear. Had nothing to start with...
Patient44410 October 2013
I'll give this one a solid 5, the effects were nice, the acting, overall, with a few exceptions, good, but it never reaches up to the promise of a horror, cause that's what it's trying to be.

So, a few words about Nothing left to fear: the story, again, not the most original, used quite often, but won't disappoint tho. They managed to show it somehow different, good, more natural if you may. Problems begin when "clichée" makes its appearance. The always and eternal, "why does he do that?" , "how come he doesn't know better?" and many other sarcastic questions, cause in the end, you're watching a horror, and sadly this is what horror has come down to lately.

Would I recommend it? Not really, actually no, you won't get spooked, you won't be too drawn into the story, nor into the characters, it's just a movie that they wanted to make, with nothing to prove.

So, where would I point you then: Sinister, The reaping, The ruins; one is with a family that moves in a new town, the other with religious things and the last with odd habits.

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Everything but fear
adam-18945 October 2013
Pastor Dan and his family relocate to the a small town in the Midwest for his new job. His daughter Becky, upon arrival, begins having horrific nightmares. These night terrors provide the audience with a bit of horror until the main plot actually begins to unravel. By the time the mystery is revealed, you'll be scratching your head and wondering what just happened.

Pros: The acting was decent and the budget was right. We also have the nightmares, which are creative and foreshadow the story, without giving it away too much.

Cons: The creature in the movie was CGI and looked cheap. Also the plot did failed to explain why the town was accursed to begin with.

I give it 6.5 out of ten. For a similar movie that was made right, I recommend The Shrine.
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A waste of time...
The_Nightmarian4 April 2014
It's quite rare I can't find anything at least partly entertaining from a horror movie, this one is one of the rare exceptions that confirms the rule. I've seen tons of "indie" horror movies that were made with only bits of the budget of that movie, that could at least make me feel entertained. Very disappointing.

The acting is painfully bad, the story doesn't tie together with it's holes filled plot, the image is grainy and poor and as if it wasn't enough, the CGIs are so lame it makes it that much more painful to watch. Even the few attempts at cheap scares don't even work! There are so many goofs that made it through the editing, I believe the poor soul that had to do it probably fell asleep.

I had a hard time staying awake as the whole movie was so boring.

Love yourselves and don't waste time watching this poor movie.
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A Refreshing Break From Torture Porn & Haunted Houses
richwhite0830 January 2014
I first heard about this film when Slash was doing interviews about how the company was going to make films more reminiscent to older horror films, where they played on the psychological aspect rather than relying on gore or overt special effects. I was immediately looking forward to it for this reason alone - the horror genre seems stuck in a deep rut, and only knows how to remake Japanese films, make yet another uninspired haunted house film, or go down the Saw/Hostel route and make it as bloody and nauseating as possible.

This film doesn't deserve the lowly rating it has received here on IMDb. I suspect much of that is simply the people rating aren't used to this type of horror - not all the answers are given to you, it's a slow-burning story too. It is wonderful at what it does, but if you're rating it as a comparison to Nightmare on Elm Street then you'll be disappointed.

One of the main things I liked about this film was the development of the characters. In horror today much of the time you never get to know who the people are - and often, if you do get to know them, you don't like them. Probably to make it easier when they inevitably get bumped off. Nothing Left to Fear took the time to build the characters up though - we get a voyeuristic glimpse into their lives; the close family, the realistic bond between the sisters, the doubt and hope in the parents after moving to a new town.

The character of Noah was excellent too - from watching other films the audience would have certain expectations or suspicions about him, and it was great how his character didn't play out to any clichés, which was a welcome twist.

I felt the film had a good pace too - again, it utilised time to build up the characters and the plot, and there were some very good subtleties and references to the situation that can be picked up on second viewing.

One of the best things about the film was how it didn't rely on effects or overt scare tactics, it managed to be creepy without it. The score was artfully done, especially during the 'Passover' scene, building up the tension beautifully. Of course, *some* effects were used, but it was tasteful and to accurately portray the story, rather than as a tool to scare the audience to save the writers the job of actually writing something scary.

Contrary to some other reviews, I found the acting well done. Especially for a horror flick, which as a genre is absolutely plagued with sub-par actors. Again I suspect this is just because this is a type of horror a lot of modern viewers aren't used to, but anyone with even a passing interest in older horrors will enjoy this one - think Rosemary's Baby: an entirely different story to Nothing Left to Fear, but one that expertly built tension and avoided clichés, creating familiarity with the characters. NLTF is more like that than Saw or Insidious, and it's all the better for it.

It isn't the best horror film ever made, but it's by no means the worst and in comparison to most horrors of the last decade (or 2) it really stands on its own as an enjoyable, creepy film. It's also worth remembering that this is a debut film for everyone - it's Slash's first turn as producer, it was the director's first film behind the the camera, and the company's first offering.

If you're fed up with the factory-line horrors of late, knowing that it'll be another knock-off or cheap imitation, give Nothing Left to Fear a try with an open mind. It's a very good film, and gives pause for recollection at the end, where each viewer can reach their own conclusions about what happened and why.
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give it a shot
eshilling-496575 February 2017
Okay, I realize this movie isn't the best ever made or anything, but I really don't understand all the negative reviews. Just don't watch it with too many expectations. If you want an action packed thriller, you're gonna be disappointed. If you want a bloody slasher, you're going to be disappointed. If you want edge-of-your-seat suspense, shocking jump scares, and a stellar plot line, you're gonna be disappointed. If you just want to watch a fun horror flick with a decent story line, moderately scary scenes, and an overall suspenseful feel, you'll probably like this one. I agree, this movie definitely starts slow. But if you give yourself a chance to get into the mood, watch clear to the end, and enjoy it for what it is, it's really not bad. Like I said, just enjoy it for what it is, and you probably won't be too disappointed.
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The only resemblance to Stull, KS is the name.
aliciagregg6 August 2014
This an okay movie. Good if you need to kill a couple of hours. However, the plot line is bizarre. You are left wondering why they do the things they do. The story does not set you up with any background on the town, and why the townspeople are so weird. Also, they say this is based on events and urban legends surrounding Stull, KS. They missed the mark, and then over exaggerated it. This storyline has nothing to do with anything that has ever happened in Stull, KS. Also, Stull, KS had two strange murders years ago, and is barely a town. It is unincorporated. There is an old church and cemetery where they say satanic rituals are performed, and a few houses, and a few other buildings.

Regarding the real Stull and the old church - for reasons unknown to anyone including the land owner, someone tore down the old tiny brick church a few years ago. It is a pile of rubble. However, there is still a staircase underneath the ground, that leads down to no-where. They say that is a gateway to hell and you will feel a powerful pull if you start down the stairs, and lose all track of time (like weeks). And people who have camped near the cemetery have reported seriously bizarre stuff and sounds. There is nothing like the real Stull legends in the movie.

Regarding the movie, the children/young adult actors in this movie dominate the film, and if it weren't for them, it would be pretty robotic and dull. Heche was not into this movie at all, it seemed like she felt obligated to be there.

Bottomline -- it's definitely more bizarre than scary, so watch it if you are bored and you have seen every other scary flick with a higher rating.
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Typical horror movie with a typical story.
peterp-450-2987166 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about the frequently used item of a community where an ancient ritual manifests itself regularly and a new family that settles there becomes the victim. A priest, his wife and three children are moving into their new home in a small village in the middle of the U.S.. Daughter Rebecca attracts the most attention. Quite normal since she's a beautiful young teenager. The unfolding of the dark secret is painfully slow and preceded by what seems to be evolving into a teenage love story.

Finally we come to know that there is a gate opened and the residents should sacrifice someone so the gate is closed again. The family is sacrificed and Rebecca remains as "The chosen one".

There were some positive points in this movie. The family always felt like a real family. The process of Mary's possession and the implementation was well developed. The faltering movement of the possessed sister reminded me of "The Ring". The way Mary sometimes stood there staring as if she was in a trance and then slowly looked up, emphasized that feeling. The way the black mass continuously spun itself over the floors, walls and buildings, was visually highly developed.

The negative points were the lack of explanation about the demon that appears and the inertia of the entire film. But if you look at the final tiny content of the entire movie, it's normal that it was that slow.

All in all it was certainly a meritorious attempt and I've enjoyed watching it. Although there wasn't much tension in it and absolutely no scares. At least for me there wasn't !

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Started off slow, got better and more scary then went too over the top for me. This could have been better. I say B-
cosmo_tiger28 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"There are no angels there is only us. You know what needs to be done and I need to know if you'll do it." Wendy (Heche) and her family have just moved into a new town where her husband is set to be the new minister in the church. What starts off as a nice new life in a town with great people soon turns horrific when the true intentions of the outgoing minister (Brown) are revealed. This is a hard movie to review. It started off pretty slow but did have decent character development then it started to get bizarre. It went from slow to a movie that was Mama like to another gory possession movie. I have said that just because a movie turns gross doesn't automatically mean that it's scary. If they would have stuck with the slow-burn type horror where you are waiting for something to happen, to me that is scarier then what happened. That is just my opinion though. Overall, a movie that started off slow, became a little scary then went over the top and lost me. I give it a B-.
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Nothing of any value to review! Dreadful on all levels.
FountainPen5 October 2015
I cannot recall having seen even one decent movie featuring Anne Heche; she seems to be jinxed and to be a jinx. In this flick she mumbles and swallows her lines, slurring many words in that irritating nasal style favoured by so many very young girls today: odd because Ms Heche is not a young girl. This absurd, time-waster film starts predictably, continues predictably, ends predictably, with no compelling scenes or real character development. At least the first several minutes had some light balance, but most of the remainder was shot in almost darkness -- probably to help hide the abysmal fx and pathetic acting. What can I say on a positive note about this cinematic experience? Well, it's over and I will never see it again! ADDENDUM: "aprilcathcart1965" rates it 9/10, but this is the ONLY movie that "aprilcathcart1965" has reviewed ... a crew or cast member or friend or relative? Ridiculous !!
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Don't bother unless you are really bored
archiechen-9272128 March 2019
It's a run of the mill family move to a strange town with dark secret story. It has the typical ending of the cycle of darkness continues. You won't get much new out of the movie.

What made it worse than the rest is that the victim family members behaving stupidly. They make every mistake of things you shouldn't do if you find yourself in a horror movie. Parodies had mocked these tropes over and over. The stupidity of the main character is to the point of cliche.

Go watch a Jordan Peele horror movie instead.
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Dumb, CGI was bad...
Movieshepherd3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like someone said, every cliche dumb move for all characters involved. Part of it made sense, the older sister should have just been punched and knocked out, she ruined the movie. Dad runs out screaming start the car, get in go, and she stands there and demands to know what's going on? Stop the car while a demon is chasing us, so I can get out, walk around and grab my hair in confusion to process this? And still argue in the street, when the demon is getting close. Does no one know how to argue in a car? She had the survival skills of a Brussel sprout. And they repeatedly leave the small child?? What kind of guy doesn't pick up the kid brother and run? That should have been a red flag. Why go through the process of picking her up if you were just going to cut her arm? I feel like straight kidnapping would have been less complicated. They never say why it was a pastors family, or if there was only one kid, what do they do then? Can people not move away? So many questions. I am a Clancy Brown fan, but this one was a stinker.
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A total snooze fest
detcs18 January 2014
Slash - You are an awesome musician but this movie is terrible! Please stick to music!

I felt like I was watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 but I was the one making fun of the movie.

Every horror movie cliché was present: nonsensical story, really bad acting, characters behaving stupidly, and an lazy, uninspired ending.

The worst thing of all is that it wasn't scary. For the most part it was just plain boring and when I wasn't nodding off I was laughing at the ridiculous behavior of the characters.

I expected so much more.
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The kind of film that pays of in the end
baumer2 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As some of the other reviewers in here have mentioned, this isn't the kind of horror film that has a kill every ten minutes or rivers of blood coming from the walls. Instead, it takes time to build characters and because you get to know the characters, the story starts to unfold as well. This is a well done film from a first time director who was lucky enough to secure a good veteran cast and some good younger talent.

Clancy Brown plays a small town retiring pastor who is helping the new pastor and his family get acclimated to his new job and surroundings. His motives at first seem to be genuine but this wouldn't be a horror movie if the local town pastor didn't have some kind of devious Machiavellian machinations to tend to.

Without spoiling it, the film has elements of Wicker Man, Rosemary's Baby and about half a dozen other low budget horror films. It's well written, well acted and the production design is the films strength. The small town is photographed to look like something you'd see out of Children of the Corn or Cujo. Everyone smiles to your face while planning your demise. Rebekah Brandes and Ethan Peck are the eye candy of the film but they too play their roles well. Brandes has some strange lines to utter but she makes them sound natural.

Horror films come in all shapes and sizes. This one has the slow burn and buildup of films like The Shining. The end is a nice payoff. If you have ADD then this film probably won't interest you. But if you like to see characters and situations build so that the end can kind of horrify you, then you have found the right film.

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Really nothing to fear at all
krycek195 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Apart from the slow pace and the predictability, every character in the movie acted abnormal. Even the Family that moved to Stull.

Having seen this so called horror movie, I'm left with a big why and one how?

How does Pastor Kingsman get in touch with the dad in the family in the first place, when they lived in a big city six states away?

Why would they move to a tiny town in the middle of nowhere when they were happy in the city?

Why does Pastor Kingsman open the gate to hell and let the devil out, just so he can close it again?

Why let the devil out in the first place?

Why does the oldest sister trust the creepy Noah?

Why are the sisters not telling their parents about the tooth found in the cake?

Why does the dad go to the church, when his youngest daughter is clearly sick/possessed?

Why is the family not taking her to the hospital?

Why will the other family in the house where the brother tries to hide not help him?

Why is Noah not warning the family and tell them to get out before it's too late?

Why hasn't Noah exposed Kingsman or killed him?

Why does the elder sister, who survives don't flee the town or take vengeance on Kingsman?

Why do the townspeople of Stull accept that Kingsman worship the devil?

Why is this movie so stupid? Don't bother watching this. It's not worth it.
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tristanwtuttle25 April 2020
My only review is I'm that kid picking his nose 20 minutes into the movie....
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What is it that we have? no fear
alphahumphrey-548478 September 2019
Nice effects, a bleak city and nice music by Slash. It's no 2013 best of, but good for a day when you want some cheap thrills on your streaming devices.
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disappointing, boring and stupid
wizzzfizzz18 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I believe it would of been a decent movie.... IF THERE WAS ACTUALLY A STORY BEHIND IT. i sat through 2 hours of random confusing crazy lady chasing everyone i was quite interested in god going all evil on earths ass i was really looking forward to the end where they are SUPPOSED to explain the WHOLE plot of the movie, but NOPE at the end it just goes back to a loop to get the intense feeling of it all playing over again. no explanation, no story, no bloody idea of what the hell just happened. really the whole movie is just some girl walking at snail slow speeds with black smoke coming off of her all in all quite quite disappointing and boring
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Below average attempt at a "possession" movie.
Michael-Hallows-Eve17 October 2013
This movie again had potential, and as Slash had something to do with it, I was hoping for a better film than it was. But, the movie was very cliché, and it was actually boring to watch. I was hoping it would end sooner than it did. A shame that Clancy Brown was in it really, he is usually a good actor, but he was the only reason the film won't get a 1/10 from me. I'm kind of over mediocre "possession" movies as they are all the same in many ways, especially with the CGI effects. The story was contrite and failed to reel me in to it. Some people may like it just because Slash was involved, but I'm not one of them. He should stick to producing music in my opinion. All I can give this movie is a 2 out of 10.
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