The Entitled (2011) Poster


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Very enjoyable mystery thriller
scoup7 April 2012
Entitled takes your basic movie kidnapping ransom plot and freshens it up through good acting, plot twists and accessibility.

Excellent casting. Each actor felt natural in their part and with some restraint to avoid overacting they gel nicely. The first character death is almost welcome due to the annoyance of his behavior.

Here's the best part of the movie: As the plot moves along and the viewer watches with anticipation of the stereotypical progression, we are happily dealt nice little twists. No twist is over the top or pushing the limits of belief. A subtle film noir feel is mixed with an everyman identification.

I'd like to see another movie like this one...
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dusan-2211 September 2011
That was a pretty decent movie. What makes it decent is a combination of usual Hollywood film that brings you the amusement by the amount of shock applied and good old drama school. The shocking atmosphere is mostly preserved by certain amount of brutality and twist. As for drama, I really loved the way the director used the theater stage in the house were fathers were gathered to imply tension and very involving plot development. Balanced and interacted with the core plot in the movie, it made a very watchable feature film. Also, the movie does not bring the usual American picture of good and bad guys, but leaving you think about that yourself. It might be just my impression, but I think that the senior actors were better than junior. I do not say that the young actors were bad, just acting of the fathers was more superb!
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Decent thriller that gets a bit better as it goes along
wellthatswhatithinkanyway5 September 2012
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Kevin Zegers (Paul Dynan) is a young college student, whose mother is facing eviction from her home after the bank foreclosed on it. He teams up with two other young people and kidnaps the kids of three wealthy men, hoping to extort a ransom. Naturally, things don't go to plan.

It's a bit of a lottery these days, which film projects are finding their way to the big screen and which seem to just fall by the wayside and wind up as mere fodder, on a one way course to the bargain bin. Although it had the potential to be turned into a far bigger budget film, this is the direction The Entitled appears to have been thrown. Which is a shame, for although it begins a little tepidly, it soon develops into a genuinely tense, if a little flawed, piece of work.

Although the set up is entirely plausible, and an interesting concept to launch on, early on the script suffers from some improbable scenes here and there, which send it down the pan a bit. Yet somehow, as it develops, it does create a genuine air of suspense and excitement about how things are going to work out, and as apparently clear cut characters receive surprise revelations in the script that make them appear not as they seemed. Somehow, by not playing out exactly as you thought it would, it still keeps you hooked and gripped to the end, even as the end outcome REALLY becomes a lot to take in. ***
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100% better than expected!
jack000-37 September 2011
I watched this film with the fear that I was going to encounter yet another budget movie thrown together with a loose plot and mediocre acting. Well, needless to say, I was proved wrong on all counts. The background story was built up nicely and the plot laid out for you to see clearly, but then it twists and makes you think, then twists again making you doubt your theories of what is really going on. Liotta, Garber and McHattie were brilliant and worked perfectly together. I wouldn't mind seeing this trio working together in the future. Dustin Milligan was a surprisingly competent and believable actor which was a breath of fresh air as I don't recall ever seeing him in film before now. All in all a very good thriller/suspense that kept me entertained. Give it a watch is all I can say, hope this helps!
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Watchable but no 'movie of the year'
andreaskarlsson1858 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailer I was super stoked, the trailer was so dark and it looked like it was going to be an amazing movie. The movie started off in a little bit of confusion for me, wasn't in chronological at all, which in some movies add suspense and mystery, however it mostly made me confused. Further on in movie I felt that a classic story like this, the poor jealous against the rich cocky people, but yet with a little twist. The story in my mind could have made this movie one of the best this year but yet they came up pretty short.

For the acting, I was extremely surprised about the performance of the former 'gossip girl'-actor Keven Zegers, he was the one thing that kept the movie good. He was perfect for the role as the dark yet intelligent conspirator. As for the others I do feel that some of them had an adequate performance but a lot of the times the dialogues seemed strained. Laura Vandervoort was obviously in it only to play the spoiled, helpless beauty, which was done okay.

To sum it up, it was an enjoyable movie, definitely watchable for a regular night but don't expect anything close to 'the movie of the year' or month for that matter. But I still give it 6, much due to the fundamental story, smartness and yet again surprisingly convincing acting from Zegers.
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Rich kids, poor kids, their parents, and all their attitudes locked in a house
napierslogs17 October 2011
A group of under-privileged kids starving for money and attention; a group of over-privileged kids starving for action and attention; a group of over-privileged adults trying to be content with their current state of life. That's "The Entitled." One group wants what the others have and the others just plain want. If you want an intelligent, thought-out thriller, you've got it.

The film starts out a little pedestrian and juvenile with pointless scenes and then a few scenes continuously pointing out that our main hero was poor. But as it turns out, those scenes weren't pointless or over-done, you just had to wait until the end to figure it out. Everything contributes to the final result.

Our main hero is Paul Dynan (Kevin Zegers) — broke, jobless, defeated, and almost option-less. A last ditch effort to save his mother and their house, he abducts three local rich kids, uses two misfit friends to torture them, and tries to get money out of their fathers.

The brilliant aspects of this film which they did so well were the different relationship dynamics. The group of rich, entitled kids consisted of two males and one female. One couple but all three were friends. The group of poor, angry kids was exactly the same (just minus the money). The three fathers had the same relationships that their kids had, just a taller, older version.

Continuing in the vein of brilliant relationship dynamics, the plot of the kidnapping was propelled forward by how everybody acted within their own group. Apparently the key to a successful crime (or not successful) is knowing how all the individuals will act. The key to a successful crime thriller is making sure that your characters act in interesting ways.

The lead acting was very impressive, just as I was frequently in awe of how impressively smart the turns were in this thriller, I was amazed by how natural and creepy Zegers could be. Ray Liotta and the two other actors playing the fathers were equally as arresting.

The minor actors couldn't overcome the sometimes awkward and painful dialogue. Now don't get me wrong, the screenplay by William Morrisey is actually pretty good story-wise, he just doesn't give a good voice to the over-privileged, entitled rich kids. But then again, who does? I still think the opening sequences could have been tightened up to help me realize how important they actually are to the story. But above all else, "The Entitled" made me think and I like watching films about some characters who do think and some characters who don't think. And I'll let you figure out which groups they belong to.
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Despite it's downfalls, I would give this a chance.
xjames0917 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Overall the plot was quite interesting with numerous twists thrown in to keep you attentive. The characters were well portrayed and the acting was where it needed to be. Though there were a few scenes where emotions came across as forced (this could be my harsh critical view over-bearing). The storyline was well paced and I didn't feel bored at any point apart from a few noticeable errors in the continuity which put me off slightly. The small discrepancies in the storyline that, been explained or left out, would have made the film at least a 7/10. The protagonist (Kevin Zegers) for me was the star of the film. The character was believable and engaging and along with the narration, provided a great deal of insight into the mind of someone on a mission.
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Getting what you deserve (?)
kosmasp2 September 2015
This is a nice little thriller, which I might have given a 6 instead of a 7, but I did like the fact it is low budget and still managed to get quite some good talent on board. Like Ray Liotta, whom probably was convinced by the script. And while not everything works out the way it might have been planned (script and story-wise that is), the whole thing feels very well thought of.

There's different endings, but I like the one they chose and stuck with. You can watch the other ones on your disc under the special features if you're curious like me. Nice additions, though probably won't make the movie better for you, if you didn't like it the first time around.
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Entitlement generation.
celr19 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Paul is a dis-likable young man with a plan. His mother can't afford her medication (doesn't Canada have nationalized heath care?) and they're repossessing her house. He needs money right away. He hatches a complex kidnapping plan which is supposed to be brilliant, but which is, in fact, fairly stupid. Only the intervention of the script writers allows this plan to succeed in the end.


Paul recruits two psychopathic morons to assist him in his crime. Together they kidnap three adult children of some rather shady rich guys and demand a million from each parent be transferred to an offshore account. The old rich guys are obviously corrupt, though what business they're in isn't clear. These old miscreants are played by some well-known and accomplished actors, but the actors playing the young kidnappers are not so good. Anyway, as criminals they continue to make stupid mistakes, leaving fingerprints, making calls and just doing stupid things. Other reviews here have listed some of the blunders these idiots make which in the real world would land them in prison in a New York minute. Our protagonist doesn't intend for his accomplices to come out of it alive and he kills one of them personally. The girl accomplice gets kicked to death by the boy accomplice for no reason except he's a homicidal maniac. Among other contradictions is the improbability that two escaped hostages would be able to hike several miles through dense woods at night or that the ill-fated sidekicks would be able to track them.

Then we come to a hole in the plot big enough to drive a minor asteroid through: after money has been transferred to the offshore account Paul calls up the fathers and tells them their children are free (actually one is already dead and two have escaped) and just not to make any phone calls or answer the phone for the next hour or so. So the dim-witted dads just sit there and don't answer the phone for the next hour as the surviving children desperately attempt to call. And of course they don't phone the police. What? These guys are supposed to be smart, though crooked, businessmen. Doesn't it occur to them that there's no possible way the kidnapper could know if they're using the phone? They don't even look at caller ID to see who's calling them!

This is almost a credible thriller, if you park your brain at the door, but the ending is abysmal. Paul, the mastermind of the kidnapping, is supposed to be the entitled one, you see. He deserves the money because rich guys are always corrupt and he needs it more than they do. So in the end he gets away with 2 million and he's supposed to be the hero because he had such a smart plan. He only committed enough felonies to get life in prison. He murdered his friend and engineered a kidnapping, but he's supposed to be the hero, despite the fact that's he's an extremely unlikable pratt. Somebody in these review pages suggested that this was a right-wing scenario. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is pure leftist, entitled generation, narcissistic nonsense. "Occupiers" will love it because it sticks it to the rich guys, I mean, Paul represents the 99%, one of the liberals' beloved victims who isn't doing it out of greed but to obtain justice for his ailing mom and see that the rich bastards pay their fair share. Isn't 'social justice' what it's all about?
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Didn't regret watching this
nurazeem30 May 2015
Movies with bigger budgets have bored me with inane story lines and characters I don't care about. And I don't write a review for every movie that I'd watched, but I am certainly moved to do so for this one: it deserves a high rating, especially for the fact that the cast was not from the A-list crowd (except for Ray Liotta). Simply put, it's a solidly suspenseful movie, and I like the idea that it's about psychopathic behavior in its different guises. There is a bit of social commentary as well, as one can't help thinking about what is good/right/legal and bad/wrong/illegal. I was rooting for the protagonist and hoping he would get away with it, and then stopped to ask myself, "Is what he's doing good? Isn't he supposed to be the bad guy?" Any movie these days that make me think just that little bit deserves some kudos.
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Idiotic Hair-brained Heist Scheme Made To Look Clever.
Brakathor29 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This review is essentially for anyone who has already seen the film, and thought it was amazingly intelligent, well done, and coherently put together. The end of the film presents us with a picture of finality, that our main protagonist pulled off the perfect crime, and got away with it without any suspicion or investigation against him, and made a slick easy 2 million dollars that was untraceable. If you accept this premise, then you accept that all the law enforcement investigating the case, as well as those involved had the intelligence of 5 year olds.

One of the most damning aspects I think, is the idea that no link could be established between the main protagonist and his 2 accomplices who he was friends with, the girl, who he was in a relationship with. To believe this, you have to believe that of the many people who had seen his 2 accomplices on university campus which is where he met them, NO ONE had seen him with them, and more than that, think about how they would have had to have not mentioned him to ANYONE they know; no mention of him to ANY of their friends or family, or on sites like facebook, twitter, phone records even; NOTHING; no link whatsoever. All it would have taken was a tiny link which is hard to believe didn't exist, especially in the case of his female accomplice who was in love with him, and he would be facing a very fervent investigation down his throat.

With that impossible hurdle aside, we come to the many flaws in the execution of the crime itself. Firstly, he gives his male accomplice a gun with blanks, yet he gives his female accomplice a gun with real bullets, and it just so happens she ends up shooting one of the 3 hostages, contrary to his plan. This firstly, looks very staged, and secondly it makes no sense that he would risk giving one of them an armed gun, and the other not. In terms of evidence of him being in the house, you see him gloveless touching quite a lot of things and the house does NOT get burned down, not to mention tire tracks of his own car in the surrounding dirt road areas which would have made his story inconsistent. In addition to this, the 2 remaining hostages DO hear the protagonist talking over the phone, yet they don't recognize his voice when he comes to the door. Picture being blindfolded, terrorized, and the only thing you hear is this man's voice. I guarantee that voice will be running through your head for weeks.

Now the incidentals, the worst of which is the female accomplice being killed by the male accomplice. Even though the guy was unstable, supposedly she was still his best friend, so although not impossible, it doesn't make any sense that he would kill her so glibly. Why this is important, is because if HE didn't kill her, the protagonist who is somewhat being presented in a sympathetic way would have had to kill his own girlfriend. This seems too staged and convenient, and none of it really seems to mesh. As a side note, I found it somewhat tacky how the third father ends up forking over a million dollars, when at this point he has seen or heard NO actual evidence of what his friends are saying. THEY could be scamming him for all he knows.

I am just a random idiot of average intelligence, so if these glaringly obvious inconsistencies are obvious to ME, just imagine how much more evidence and suspicion a highly intelligent crime investigator would have against our protagonist, and keeping in mind only a SINGLE ONE of my points would have had to catch someones attention for a large investigation to be launched against our protagonist causing them to realize "AHA! He was the son of the butler, now we have a connection. Now we have a motive. Now we know how he acquired access to the house. Now we know how he knew about this gathering". We the viewers in the end are supposed to believe that he was foolish enough to commit so many very simple errors, yet clever enough to work out an elaborate money laundering scheme and phone location rerouting system. I think not, and then the worst thing films like these can ever do is done by dipping the viewer's nose in the "cleverness" of this very flawed plot premise in the closing narration, rather than serving up a more ambiguous ending.
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Nice work
lookwhosknocking19 September 2012
I watched this film with the fear that I was going to encounter yet another budget movie thrown together with a loose plot and mediocre acting. Well, needless to say, I was proved wrong on all counts. The background story was built up nicely and the plot laid out for you to see clearly, but then it twists and makes you think, then twists again making you doubt your theories of what is really going on. Liotta, Garber and McHattie were brilliant and worked perfectly together. I wouldn't mind seeing this trio working together in the future. Dustin Milligan was a surprisingly competent and believable actor which was a breath of fresh air as I don't recall ever seeing him in film before now. All in all a very good thriller/suspense that kept me entertained. Give it a watch is all I can say, hope this helps!
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Very good thriller!
paulclaassen28 June 2018
A brilliant film with a brilliant cast. With a twist around every corner, the film just kept getting more interesting by the minute!
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Not so smart
kariangel184 September 2012
The main issue that I have with this movie is that it tries to be incredibly smart; when in fact, it skates over a lot of the lose ends that left me feeling Paul would never get away with this crime in the real world. Maybe, 20 or 30 years ago before forensic evidence practices and knowledge of the human psyche were not so abundant among the general population this movie would have looked smart. Hence, this movie tries to portray the idea of a "perfect crime," sadly people who watch any type of crime TV or even crime dramas like CSI, will be shaking their heads.

The movie does offer up some plot twists which add an element of intelligence in one sense, yet the movie completely loses that edge with some dumb moves. I cannot state them all here as they would give away too much of the movie and I don't want to do that, but just silly little things negate the idea of this being a masterful crime.

However, I will point out a few of these said flaws so people know what I am talking about when they see it. To start with, the accomplices Paul chooses are not shall we say the most stable of people, which will be evident from the beginning. Now the movie works itself around in a way where this becomes a positive for Paul. While I can see the point in Paul picking the individuals he did it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that neither one of his accomplices are stable enough, let alone smart enough to play the roles Paul wants them to play by the end of the movie.

In the way of forensic evidence there are even more flaws. Paul's prints are all over the location used, at one point in the movie he even vomits in the toilet... can anyone say DNA? Not to mention, his fingerprints are all over some key pieces of evidence *coughCELLPHONEcoughSHOTGUNcough.*

I really wanted to like this movie and there are some smart parts and some good twists but the stupidity of the rest of it is just too much for me. I guess the people who wrote this were hoping the audience would be dumb, or so dazzled by the twists that they wouldn't notice...


As far as the acting goes everyone did a pretty good job. While I am a fan of Victor Garber and his portrayal of Jack from the hit TV serious Alias, this performance here as a father is just too over the top and theatrical for my tastes. Sorry Victor. The rest of the cast holds up well and Kevin Zegers is chilling as Paul, yet his character doesn't quite add up. Around mid movie he gets emotional over something one of his accomplices does, yet he turns around at the end of the movie and does the same exact thing without blinking an eye... mmmmm, is one plus one still two?

Overall this is an okay movie to watch if you're bored or like one of the actors in here, but this is not a brilliant movie by any stretch of the means, sadly it tries to be and falls way short.
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A good cast, plot & acting make it a good movie, but not great. I liked it a lot, could've been a little better though. I say B+
cosmo_tiger4 September 2011
"I played by the rules. I wanted to play by the rules, but that's the big lie. It's not enough anymore so maybe, just once, you gotta break them...right?" After Paul (Zegers) gets turned down for a job and his sick mom gets a foreclosure notice on the house he becomes desperate. His plan is to kidnap three kids of rich families and hold them for a million each. When the plan goes wrong he must find a way to stay clean and get the money. This is a very surprising movie. This is the type of movie where you put it because of the cast and end up really enjoying it. I'm not saying this is an Oscar type movie, but it is very entertaining and fun to watch. This movie also had an ending that fit the movie and is one that is hard to totally figure out before the reveal, which makes it that much better. A realistic look at what a kid on the edge can do if he is pushed. Very much worth watching. Overall, a very entertaining thriller that leaves you wondering who to pull for. I liked it a lot. I give it a B+.

Would I watch again? - I think I would, to catch clues about the ending.

*Also try - Endure & Hostage
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This Review Dedicated to Ray
panaceamedia30 September 2022
Several reviews here mention many issues with this movie. They are not wrong. However, I enjoyed the film, despite the very weak setting of stage and characters.

The overall plot is solid and interesting and doesn't FEEL like it is trying to shove any message down your throat -- merely showing what certain characters with certain personalities in certain situations would react. The plot details are a mess, however.

The dude I get confused with the son from Charmed works to make extra cash from 'white collar' law benders which include the boss from Alias, the dude I confuse with Lance Henriksen, and of course Ray MFING Liotta.

Ray's layered acting was a joy to watch and the highlight of the film for me. Also, the movie went out of the way to let you know there is going to be a twist and included some hints and red herrings to make it interesting.

Other solid acting in the form of the lady werewolf (sticking to human in this film), Orphan "Please don't let She-Hulk be my legacy" Black's Tatiana, and the nice guy from Schitt's Creek.

The young characters dynamic was sloppy and not setup well, but all gave solid performances. The adults stayed basically in their own world essentially performing a stage play within the movie, and was the more enjoyable portions for the most part.

If you want a semi-suspenseful fun flick with Ray nailing his lines, you'll enjoy this film. If you are expecting a tight script with a plot that makes complete sense, then you won't.

This grade of 7 is for your Ray! Otherwise, it would be a 5.
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total waste of time
Kosdykk22 January 2013
yes this thriller made ​​me shiver, not because of the film's content, but with the bad portrayal, weak story with bad dialogue that was empty and brain death, these three fathers, who is known for many good movies lift this movie up, not because of their performance, but their name and picture is on DVD cover, it worked and got me to buy this horrible movie. feel cheated of money and a good movie experience. you have been warned.

only comfort I found was that poor B movies makes you really appreciate a good A movie and it's probably the only thing that is positive, so because of this, I give 1 star
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Immoral message
Bludd22 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you ignore the message this film has, it is quite enjoyable. There is suspense, a few interesting twists and some good performances. However, this all pales in comparison to the film's message.

Spoilers incoming: Here we have a smart young man who wants to be one of the rich elite, but does instead come from a family on the precipice of poverty due to the mothers illness. Their house is being foreclosed and the protagonist can't get a job he feels he is worthy of.

The protagonist then hatches a plan to get rich. He plans to screw over his "girlfriend" and her friend, two unstable poor people, one an emo chick and the other an anarchist. He plans to kidnap the grown children of some very rich people and ransom them for millions of dollars.

The kidnapping goes smoothly up until the emo chick kills one of the victims. Then the victims escape and the emo chick and the anarchist both end up dead; chick killed by the anarchist in a fit of rage after she couldn't find escapees and the anarchist by the protagonist to cover his tracks; the anarchist has a history of suicide attempts.

So the film ends with the protagonist, a murderer (anarchist), kidnapper and accessory to murder (rich kid, emo chick arguably), scot-free with millions of dollars in hand.

Message is basically the right-wing political dream: screw over the poor and defenceless (the emo chick and the anarchist needed help, but were instead unscrupulously used in a terrible manner), protect the rich (whoops one got killed, that is the real tragedy in this film) and run grinning to the bank. I hate this film with all my heart. 1/10
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gigalocool6 September 2011
Wow! This movie is going to do well. I kept waiting for the typical Hollywood formula but it never happened. I went into it with mixed expectations, first I figured it would be another low budget piece of crap with an interesting premise, and second I figured it could be an excellently executed production and script because Ray Liotta never backs a movie that he doesn't fully believe in, and I have learned to trust his judgement.

My second expectation proved to be correct. This movie really is a glimmer of light in a sea of formulaic garbage. Everything was accomplished with the perfectionism I have come to expect from a Ray Liotta project. It is both timely and extremely plausible with the originality you would expect from a Hollywood that disappeared seventy years ago.

If you are a true fan of cinema like me I highly recommend this movie.
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Ridiculous and Disapponting
eddieo10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Entitled began well, with excellent cinematography helped by some aerial shots for the opening.

The characters are all, unfortunately, written very shallowly, with almost no information provided beyond what is seen on screen.

The plot concerns a young man, Paul, who is seen at the beginning struggling to get a job (even though he is perfectly qualified) and providing for his ill mother.

Very quickly, the movie introduces Paul's plot to kidnap the silver-spoon-fed children of a trio of rich men. He himself looks like the rich men's children (college age, attractive, great hair), but apparently without the money.

His accomplices are another college-age guy and girl. One seems to be his girlfriend (who doesn't seem to be his type) and the other is a Columbine-killer type.

The movie begins to fail very quickly once the three young people are kidnapped. The main kidnapper is portrayed as very detail-oriented and together, very purposeful, but he makes mistake after mistake that drive the rest of the story, making it very contrived.

SPOILERS FOLLOW The main kidnapper, Paul, is describes as very detail-oriented and his plot is intricate and involves a bit of preparation, but once the plot begins, he sits around letting things happen which threaten his success unnecessarily.

His two cohorts are unstable, which he purposely knows, but he makes almost no effort to stop them from doing things to screw things up. Some of this unstable behavior turns out to have been acceptable, but there are some things that they do that he couldn't have foreseen but are played off as being foreseen by him.

For example, he tells his Goth cohorts that there is an explosive device at the location where the fathers of his kidnap victims are waiting for the return of their kids. His goth girlfriend sneaks down to where the 3 kids are being held and tells them of this. Later it turns out that there is no such explosive device. 2 of the kidnapped kids escape (because -- duh -- no one was watching them) and make a bee-line for where the parents are waiting to warn them of the impending detonation. This beeline keeps them off the road so that they don't see the main kidnapper driving on the road. SO -- we are expected to buy that Paul planned on lying to his cohorts about the device knowing that they will spill its existence to the kidnappees, knowing that they will escape with enough time to hope to get to their parents' location, knowing that they will have to go through through the forest because they don't have time to follow the road and get their in time, knowing that it will keep them from seeing him escape... but none of it mattering because there really was no explosive device and if they had just been kept locked up there would have been no need for the subterfuge.

Paul makes a point of giving his male cohort a 9mm with blanks, knowing that he would be trigger-happy. All of this is played off as having been part of his plan, that the intended to blame all of what happened on the two cohorts. But it is beyond intelligent belief to accept that he would have planned everything will so many details relying on the out-of-control behavior of the other two.

The kidnapping is effected by the girl standing in the middle of the road. Coming up on a girl standing threateningly in the middle of the road, the driver is, of course, inclined to stop his car and walk up to her, allowing the Columbine-type guy to "surprise" him with the shotgun (wait, wasn't he NOT supposed to have been given a gun with real ammo?) The 3 kids are taken to the mountain home of one of the other rich parents, which is just 2 miles from where the rich parents are staying in the other mountain home. They are put in a storage space beneath the house. They are tied up and basically NOT WATCHED. Occasional visits are made to them to provide proof of life and to intimidate them.

The kidnappers spend their time staring at an unchanging computer screen and playing violent First-Person Shooter video games. NO ONE is tasked with watching to make sure their kidnap victims do not escape.

Paul knows that his two accomplices are mentally unhinged, and makes a point of loading blanks into the pistol he gives the guy, but the guy at other times has the shotgun that IS properly loaded, and Paul hands the shotgun to the girl who promptly kills one of the hostages with it. For such a prepared plan, it reeks of poor planning, yet such a glaring plot hole drives the story forward.

He has given a pistol loaded with blanks to the other cohort. Later, when he tries to shoot one of the hostages with the gun, the man falls back as if hit but then gets up and runs away. He could have killed someone with it not realizing it was loaded with blanks by pressing it against their body or head. It simply should have been loaded with dummy rounds, which don't have any explosive force.

There are other numerous dangling plot points and unanswered questions.

END OF SPOILERS For a film that looks as good as it does on screen, and with good performances from the actors (although the kidnap victims are severely underutilized, especially Laura Vandervoort) it is decidedly disappointing that the story fails completely. With a running time of 1 hour, 25 minutes (without the end credits), there was ample time to flesh out the characters and fix the numerous plot holes. It seems to come down to lazy story-telling in the end.

The end result is a bad film, not worth watching.
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Well done!
dhenry688 September 2011
What happens when spoiled rich kids go to uni and make enemies? Watch and see! This movie is not a run of the mill rehash like so many put out today. This psychological thriller kept me on the edge of my seat for its entirety. It tells the story of an average young man and his family struggles. It also shows a bit behind the veil of students with low/no self esteem, as well as the effects of various social stressors such a financial difficulty, jealousy, and the effects of being a social outcast due to antisocial traits. Hence it provides a plausible explanation for the genesis of such evil acts. The plot twist is not one you will see coming! I must admit that the scary part of this movie is in its similarity to real life! Well worth the time to watch this flick.
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one of the worst in a long time
mame729 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
movie starts off with a great aerial shot of what i believe is Ontario city which is totally misleading because the whole thing takes place is the deepest woods.

actors did quiet a good job although protagonist is very hard to like. he kisses his mother like 5 times in the first 10 minutes so nobody could miss the fact that he cares for her. also very hard to believe that his female accomplice could ever fall in love with him that much. they don't seem to have much in common.

scene which upsets me the most is the escape of the 2 left hostages. they walk out of the house like they are 5 year olds who try to sneak around moms back to get to the candy drawer. how could No one be watching them? they literally have nothing to do. one of them plays fallout 3 because he is so bored. to be fair fallout 3 is one of the best games ever developed.

of course this American dream thing plays along throughout the movie and subtly gets mentioned every now and then but in the end it doesn't seem to conclude in any way.

the emo male accomplice casually kicks her alleged good friend to death (or maybe not?) for no reason whatsoever like he slaughtered his opponents in fallout 3 earlier. at that point i began to wonder if i looked at the movie from a wrong perspective. maybe it was a comedy all along.

i kind of liked the dispute of the 3 fathers which on its own got me to watch the thing through. but also was disappointed by the reaction of one of the fathers after he realizes that his son died. could have given the story another nice twist.
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adi_200217 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Things don't go so well for Paul. He didn't manage to get a job, his mother is ill and he doesn't have money for medication and he still lives with his parents. Troubles is his life has made him to do an extreme thing and together with two friends kidnaps three rich students and demands a ransom from their father in order to release them. But the plan is not going how they planned because one of the prisoners dies and the rest manage to escape. The fathers of the three are at a mansion taking a break to relax but one of them is late so this is the reason why he's don is shoot, it could not ensure the kidnapper that he will pay him the money. The two are able to reach their parents but also one of the guys involved who has his own plans to escape clean even if this means to betray his friends.

The Entitled is an amateur movie in witch three inexperienced teens put up a plan beyond their powers and also this is the reason why it never worked. So, they keep them bound in the basement and instead of guarding them what are they doing? Playing on Playstation. Wow this is awesome. Also the girl that shoots that guy with a shotgun? That kind of weapon is not easy to handle but she had a very good accuracy and precision in her shot. Another Wow. And the three fathers didn't have so much responsibility since they never left the house, didn't contact the police, all they had to do is seat on the couch, wait for the telephone to ring, answer and write an account number and again to wait...but wait did I tell you already that this movie is idiotic?
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The Exception to the Rule....(?)
rbrb24 September 2015
This is a first rate kidnap thriller. Made more intriguing by the fact that the movie seems to advocate that rightness is on the side of the kidnapper.

An apparently caring young male with problems including a very sick mother et al decides to kidnap three spoilt brat "entitled" privileged college kids. They are the offspring of three fairly repulsive rich and undeserving businessmen....

The kidnapper has accomplices who also have an agenda.

This film races along with pace and excitement and in my opinion the acting and production is top notch.

Of course there may be some holes in the plot but who cares as this picture is highly entertaining and almost believable; it had me engrossed throughout.

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Couldnt hang with it.
skyepn21 November 2022
Im about to let this movie go. .maybe cause i keep walking away but im already confused.the dark haired girl is the thiefs girlfriend? Plus the fact im sorry for the loss but i could never ever stand ray liotta. That laugh is the most irratating i had ever heard. Plus i i think hes a mediocre actor w a big mouth. My thing is 15 min. If it doesntgrab me, im history.this movie is not going to do it for me, n i love thrillersn crime dramas.yea, despite user reviews, this isnt even tickling the right partsfor almost seems b+ rated. That thief, ? Cute many really good ones. Fracture, hopkins & gosling!!! Murder by numbers with Gosling & Bullock...excellent . Okbye bye enjoy.
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