The Nine Kittens of Christmas (TV Movie 2021) Poster

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A warm, cute, and fun Christmas movie...
toddsgraham13 December 2021
Given that 'The Nine Lives of Christmas' is a Hallmark fan favorite, and I did enjoy the movie myself, I naturally was looking forward to seeing this new installment, knowing full well that sequels rarely meet fans' expectations. So, how was it, you ask? This Christmas movie (for cat lovers) checks all the boxes for, what I like to call, a classic Hallmark movie: a warm and cute story with a decent script, strong performances all around, and plenty of Christmas spirit and festive cheer (arguably, it's more Christmassy than the first). That said, though enjoyable, 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' had less of an impression on me than the first, I'm afraid. Our protagonists in this sequel are again Marilee (played by Kimberley Sustad) and Zachary (played by Brandon Routh). Marilee, who has finished veterinary school and started her own practice since we saw her last, takes some time off to visit her family this Christmas. Zachary, who has been coming into his own at the firehouse, is looking forward to a ski trip this Christmas. His plans, however, change when he finds a box of abandoned kittens. Shortly thereafter, Marilee and Zachary are thrown back together, and then, join forces to search for new homes for the kittens, who are named after Santa's reindeer, of course. And so, our story begins as we watch these two begin to reconnect and rediscover their love for each other. Unlike some viewers, I didn't mind the unexpected shift in the plot at the start or the backstories that set this up. I thought the writers did a decent job of capturing much of the dynamics between Marilee and Zachary from the first film. Moreover, the dialogue and interaction between the two were strong. There were a few noticeable shortcomings, however. The writers could have done a better job of developing Routh's character (Zachary), especially regarding his lack of confidence (in relationships). I enjoyed the bonding between Marilee and Jaclyn (played by Stephanie Bennett); it is clear the writers were keen to develop this. Unfortunately, the inclusion of the advent story seemed forced. There was potential here that was never really developed, I thought. The acting, overall, was strong, and the chemistry between Sustad and Routh was good (believable). Sustad, in particular, had a brilliant performance. It pulled me in. For example, you could feel her struggling with her feelings for Zachary on-screen. Routh had a strong performance, though he could have given us a bit more emotion (and passion) at times. The supporting cast was excellent, and it was great seeing them on-screen together again. And then there are the kittens (aka Santa's reindeer), Ambrose, and Duchess (Marilee's new cat). Very adorable performances all around. The scenes where Zachary and Marilee talk to Ambrose and Duchess are fun to watch. Really enjoyed them. All in all, 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' is a warm, cute, and fun movie. Maybe not as good as the first, but entertaining nonetheless. A nice new edition to Hallmark's 2021 Christmas movie line-up.
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Jackbv12326 November 2021
I am not a big fan of redo sequels. The beautiful ending in Nine Lives of Christmas is undone. Marilee is across the country in a relationship with a different guy with whom she is sharing a vet practice. After Zach's beautiful grand gesture in the first movie, somewhere in the 5 years since he got commitment phobia again and now they are no longer together. That saps my faith a little in terms of the chemistry between Kimberley Sustad and Brandon Routh. Oh, it's definitely there,, but it's tainted just a little bit.

If two cats were cute before, two cats plus 9 kittens is even cuter, and they spread that cuteness all through the movie.

The story wasn't bad even if it did use the well worn old ploy of one person misunderstanding what they see.

Both Sustad and Routh continue from the previous movie with great delivery of mumbled comments to themselves or talking to their cats, Sustad especially.

Really not bad for a sequel.
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good enough
montgomerysue28 November 2021
It took seven years for Hallmark to finally show us what ever happened to Zachary and Marilee from one of its most beloved Christmas movies, "Nine Lives of Christmas." Was it worth the wait ? Well, in a way, yes.

The movie starts off with a couple of real surprises that leave you intrigued, and then it goes on to resolve those matters in a very interesting way. Sustad, as usual, is wonderful, and her portrayal of Marilee is honest, forthright, and endearing just like in the original movie.

Routh has matured as as actor and seems more comfortable in his role as Zachary. His scenes with Gregory Harrison as Zachary's mentor/father figure are quite good and realistic. The only problem is the script. It tries too hard to draw parallels to the original story and it contains what I call "filler" - a subplot that is intended to give the actors something else to do - that is unimaginative. Here, it is a silly advent calendar that Marilee's sister "found" after 20 years in their deceased's mother's lake house before it was "finally" sold. It's just uninteresting hokem that adds nothing to the story, which good filler should do. Nevertheless, it is nice to see these two characters back together and there is a really sweet pay off at the end. There's some good "extras" here, too. No one makes an entrance into a scene better than Sustad and here she does it again - this time in a stunning green dress. And keep your eye open for a little cameo appearance by the wonderful Paul Campbell, Sustad's frequent co-star.
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Christmas movie with kittens...
paul_haakonsen20 December 2021
Well, upon seeing the cover for this 2021 Christmas movie, I have to be honest and say that I immediately thought that I would be in for a traditional all-out sappy romantic Christmas movie that only Hallmark can produce. Yet, I opted to sit down and watch "The Nine Kittens of Christmas" on the notion that I hadn't already seen the movie, and also I am on a Christmas movie bender this year.

Sure, there were the traditional romantic cheese in "The Nine Kittens of Christmas", just as you'd expect from Hallmark, but luckily it wasn't over-the-top and it wasn't the sole focal point of the movie. So I will say that "The Nine Kittens of Christmas" was actually a nice sort of break away from the usual formula, which made for an enjoyable and wholesome Christmas movie with something for the entire family.

So writer Erinne Dobson actually managed to put together a wholesome script for the movie, based on the book by Sheila Roberts - not that I can claim to have read said book, much less even heard about it.

"The Nine Kittens of Christmas" stars Brandon Routh and Kimberley Sustad, and they actually carried the movie quite well together.

And there is just something about cats in movies that work out so well, so if you enjoy cats and kittens, then you are in for a treat here.

While "The Nine Kittens of Christmas" is not going to become a Christmas classic for me, it is certainly a movie that was well-worth taking the time to sit down and watch.

My rating of director David Winning's 2021 movie lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Nine adorable kittens named for Santa's reindeer.
cgvsluis17 December 2021
Our handsome fireman Zachary is back and trying to find homes for nine abandoned kittens and he calls on the help of his former love and veterinary Marilee for help. Marilee just happens to be in town visiting family...her boyfriend who was supposed to come bails on her and they end up breaking up leaving room for a second chance romance with Zachary.

Our two main characters have wonderful chemistry and the kittens, who get named after Santa's nine reindeers, are the most adorable kittens and make this movie.

If you like kittens and miss Zachary and Marilee from The nine lives of Christmas, don't miss them getting their second chance in this Hallmark holiday romance.
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Kittens, Zach and Maralee
fran-veal27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
People complain of Hallmark's lack of originality, then complain when a sequel throws a curve ball. In this sequel, instead of finding Zach and Maralee planning their wedding (like every Hallmark sequel) we find that Maralee chose to complete her vet residency (not change vet schools as several others mentioned) across the country after Zach exhibits a bout of cold feet when she pushes for more in their relationship and he "doesn't want to mess up what they have".

In real life, this would not be an atypical response for someone like Zach who watched his parents' disaster of a marriage. Real life is fraught with fear and mistakes, and Zach makes what he later calls the biggest mistake of his life by letting Maralee go and not going after her. This is actually where the plot of a lot Hallmark movies pick up - AFTER a couple that has sworn their undying love for each other has broken up over one of them leaving to for a school/job then suddenly find themselves thrown together for Christmas. Viewers just aren't invested in the old relationship because they didn't witness it and can flow with the magic of the renewed relationship.

That said, I loved watching Zach and Marilee reconnecting over 9 abandoned kittens, each pretending it was just for the sake of finding the kittens homes. In a way, the roles are reversed . In the first movie, Zach was the unattainable ladies' man that Marilee had a crush on and whose heart she finally wins. In this one, Maralee is the successfully business owner, confident and sure of herself, and Zach is the one who, having messed up before, has to show her he's changed and work to win her back. Their first onscreen kiss is passionate and uninhibited, and you feel the heat of two people who know deep down that the love is still most definitely there.

And then there's the kittens, Ambrose (adorable as ever) and Maralee's new cat, Duchess. Zach and Maralee still talk to their kitties and the cats still play a part in bringing them together. I thought the movie was great and found it refreshing to see a little bit of a shakeup in the plot.
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The kittens are cute, so is the film
TheLittleSongbird23 December 2021
Haven't seen 'The Nine Lives of Christmas' for some time, but do remember liking it a lot and considering it one of the better Hallmark Christmas films that year. Although Hallmark really do vary when it comes to their sequels, it is always a little more promising when the same leads and cast return in the sequel which helps give continuity. Which is what 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' does. Also saw it as someone who likes Kimberly Sustad, both as a lead and supporting actress.

While not as good as before, 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas', once you get past the off putting beginning that makes one unsure of whether to continue, turned out to be a worthy sequel and a quite decent film in its own right. Sustad and kitten fans will be in heaven and it is interesting seeing how much Brandon Routh has matured as an actor. 2021 was very hit and miss with its Christmas output and 'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' is one of the high middle ones in my view.

'The Nine Kittens of Christmas' isn't perfect. Wasn't overly impressed by the start, after such a beautiful ending in the previous film it is agreed that the circumstances set at the beginning rather undid it and it was like it didn't happen. It did make me think is this going to be another sequel that messes around with continuity in a mean spirited way.

Did also find Zach less likeable as a character here, here he seemed too passive and his indifference to the emotion spilling out from Marilee towards the end was something of a turn off. Will agree too that the advent calendar subplot was not necessary at all in the story and felt like padding, especially when very little is done with it.

On the other hand, Sustad is truly charming and heartfelt throughout and apart from at the end (which was a character writing thing at a guess) Routh looks more comfortable here. Their chemistry is as fresh and sweet as it was before and it was like the seven year gap had not happened. Gregory Harrison is distinguished support. The kittens are absolutely adorable and hug-worthy, though the film just about avoids sugar overload territory (which could easily have happened when reading the synopsis).

Production values are slick and attractive and the music isn't sickly or melodramatic. The dialogue doesn't come over as cheesy or schmaltzy and has a nice light hearted tone. Despite starting off unsure, the story is immensely charming and heart-warming. Really loved the development of the sister relationship, which was beautifully done and very relatable. The ending did move, namely because of Sustad, if not as much as that of the first. Most of the characters are written well and are worth caring about, the only reservation being with Zach.

In summary, worthy and a decent watch. 7/10.
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rebekahrox26 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The sequel to the Nine Lives of Christmas starts out with a shocker! Marilee and Zachary have broken up! And she's with another guy! In Miami! And she looks Happy! AAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? Well it turns out that she wanted more (marriage) and he didn't want to "ruin a good thing". She enrolled in a Vet school in far away Miami by way of a wake up call, and he didn't stop her or come after her. So yes, it was totally his fault.

But there's hope. She goes home for Christmas, as one does, looking forward to spending time with Miles (her boyfriend) and her family. But he prioritizes their Vet business over family, they have a fight and they break up over the phone. She remarks sadly to her sister that she thought Miles would have fought harder for their relationship. Poor Marilee, burned again. But she doesn't get a complex over it, she goes on and reconnects with Zack over finding homes for 9 adorable kittens. The chemistry is still there.

Kimberley Sustad is great as always. Beautiful in an accessible way, charming, and funny. Brandon Routh is very handsome and does a good job. He works well with Kimberley. She gets some good digs in. She steals the Christmas tree he and Sam (Gregory Harrison the Fire Chief) had their eye on. When he protests she tells him "Well think of it as a teachable moment. The next time you find "the one" don't drag your feet." Thanks to good acting, the banter is entertaining.

The only quibble I have with this one is that she seems to do all the work in the relationship. He is very passive. At one point, she grabs him and kisses him and then apologizes and walks away. He lets her. He admits to Sam that the break-up was his fault and it was the worst mistake of his life. Sam asks him whether he ever told her that. Uh, No. He sees her with her ex (yes Miles shows up in Oregon all contrite) and he jumps to conclusions and runs home. She has to call him. He doesn't answer his phone. When his cat answers it for him, she confesses her love, but he has to think about it and remains silent.

Finally, at the end, he says and does everything he should and even puts a ring on it. I am making the decision to have faith that this relationship has a future because I like the couple so much. Plus, breaking up with her now that they're engaged would take some initiative on his part, so I think Marilee is safe from another heartbreak.
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The Nine Kittens of Christmas
JoBloTheMovieCritic11 December 2021
7/10 - this sequel 7 years detached from the original is a nice return to one of Hallmark's best Christmas movies to date, but still can't quite match the quality of its beloved predecessor.
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Bad Idea to make this one
hhutton-25800-9772428 December 2021
Absolutely loved the first Nine Lives movie. This one has completely ruined the first one for me. While I love the actors and animals in this one, what is with Marilee being with a different boyfriend in a whole other town? Completely dismantles the love story of the first movie. While I was extremely excited to anticipate the second when I heard it was coming out, I was equally disappointed with the second from the opening scenes. Trying to watch the first one again as I write this, can't enjoy it anymore. Don't do sequels if this is the best you can do.
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So cute
LtlHippo19 December 2021
Love the kitties. This movie had several things going for it. #1 Kittens and cats #2 No "Royal" storyline and #3 None of the overused trio, Candace, Danica and Lacey. Really liked this actress.
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A waste
readrer26 November 2021
Ruined the great ending of the first movie. There was no reason for this movie to be made.

If they had continued with a story with the main characters still together it might have had some merit.
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Typical and predictable christmas movie
romaniederreveaux8 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has an ordinary simple, predictable storyline for a Christmas movie. 2 people get to know each other and fall in love, a misunderstanding ensues and afterwards they live happily ever after.

The story in this film is specifically given a cat theme. For example, just before Christmas, a box with 9 kittens was found at the fire station. The 9 kittens are given the names of the 9 reindeer that pull Santa's sleigh. The main characters do everything they can to have the 9 kittens adopted before Christmas. And just like with the reindeer, Rudolph also provides real romantic Christmas magic in this film.
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Perhaps a Sequel Wasn't the Best Choice.
storytelling1018 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I adored The Nine Lives of Christmas. So, I was curious when I heard this movie was going to have a sequel. Unfortunately, The Nine Kittens of Christmas doesn't have the same charm and endearing romantic element that its predecessor has in spades.

Mainly, there's a lot of backtracking in the storytelling - specifically with the character growth of the leads, especially the hero (Zach). Also, the beautiful ending in The Nine Lives of Christmas is basically cancelled out. In the sequel, we essentially discover that the leads broke up and were apart for 5 years, and even in the years Marilee and Zach were dating, Zach's commitment phobia was still present and his spirit of taking a leap of faith and fighting for his love with Marilee has evaporated (which is completely contrary to the prior movie's ending). This backtracking might have allowed the writers to build and create conflict for this movie. However, it also created an uphill battle from audience disappointment about where/how we find the leads and how the character, the hero, we knew then has regressed.

There was also a minor continuity issue, which could fall into this category. In The Nine Lives of Christmas, Sam, the fire chief, said he couldn't adopt Ambrose the cat because his wife, Harriet, is allergic. In The Nine Kittens of Christmas, Sam's wife, Harriet, insists that they adopt two kittens and even implies that they used to have cats in their house before then. This one was a minor, confusing flaw, but it made me wonder about the effort in the writing.

Overall, The Nine Kittens of Christmas couldn't measure up to the expectations and the quality and charm of the original.
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Lovely, but not really needed.
adamjohns-4257517 November 2023
The Nine Kittens Of Christmas (2021) -

I'm not sure I can give the best review for this film, because I was completely distracted by the cats and kittens throughout. They were adorable and in my opinion none of them had enough screen time, which was a shame, because we'd actually seen Zachary (Brandon Routh) and Marilee's (Kimberley Sustad) story before.

I didn't actually think that they needed to have broken up for the rest of the story to work anyway. They could instead have been the cupids for another couple who were brought together by adopting the kittens.

However, I could see why they brought them back for another film, because they did work well together and they are at least capable actors. Ambrose, played by Trace, was the best actor of them all however.

I did of course like Brandon for his handsome face, but he needed a better hair cut.

So apart from the fact that they used some really bad fake snow and it probably wasn't totally necessary to make this film, it was definitely one of the better produced ones, as was its predecessor.

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Purrfect movie for any cat lover.
amandatyke26 November 2021
I was so ecstatic when I found out there was going to be a sequel to one of my all time favorite Hallmark movies "The Nine Lives Of Christmas". Let me tell you.. "The Nine Kittens Of Christmas" did not disappoint. First off, I'm so happy the original leading cast, Brandon Routh, Kimberley Sustad, and Gregory Harrison came back to reprise their roles as Zachary, Marilee and Chief Sam. Also Trace came back the cat who played Ambrose. This is a heartfelt movie that tugs at your heart especially if you're a cat lover. The nine kittens that were in this movie were all adopted into loving homes by the crew members. That alone is a good enough reason to watch this movie. I highly recommend it.
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So happy!
nancy-149-4532227 November 2021
I'm so happy for this sequel. Hoping to get a number 3!! The returning characters and adorable kittens helped to make this worth watching. The two leads have so much chemistry.
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Good Enough
PennyReviews27 December 2021
The best thing about this movie is obviously the kittens. They were adorable and gave some cute note to this sequel that was okay, the chemistry was there, but the romantic scenes were few and the whole romantic drama was idiotic. The family dynamics were cute though.
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Marilee White (Kimberley Sustad)
aab87418 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Favorite scene with

Marilee White (Kimberley Sustad) - Going with Zachary to find Rudolph a Home - with her and Zachary. Zachary Proposing to her. BTW #1, So Dang Cool that Paul Campbell makes a Cameo Appearance! BTW #2, I Loved this movie!
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The nine lives of a romantic escapade.
gfrasmd26 November 2021
Seven years ago, Hallmark produced a cute movie involving two cats. In that, Marilee, a gentle, considerate and loving woman found love with firefighter Zac, who won his commitment-phobia and, like a mountain lion, climbed the highest peak and reclaimed her, his eternal love. It was not a teenager, puppy, love, as both were well into their thirties. Now, Hallmark transport us to five years later, when we find their "eternal" love has lasted no longer than the holidays cheer. For unclear reasons, Marilee had soon moved to Miami, to complete her vet school. She has completely turned the page, started a business and lived for three years with her partner- boyfriend. Meanwhile, Zac has lived in limbo, still chasing his fears, and done nothing to claim her again. Marilee decides to go back home to visit her family for the Holidays and they meet again. With the help of nine kittens, they are ready to rekindle their previous ephemeral story. With typical TV movies logic, she has no qualms turning the page on her three-year commitment and he miraculously discovers the backbone he never had. Christmas movies are magic in that they make us believe there are good people, with all of the qualities we admire and inspire us. In this instance, Hallmark expects us to be idiots, supposed to be moved and inspired by two characters that have proved to be flaky, shallow and and clueless, at best.

Honestly, why should anyone give a hoot about their new fling and how long it is going to last? But...., do not worry, we are likely to find out soon, whenever Hallmark is short of ideas for a new show. With a masterful stroke, Hallmark has managed to ruin the appeal of their former creations, to provide a nonsensical, vapid new chapter. Such is the glory of most remakes. On the plus side, the nine kittens are very cute. Wish they had been given a larger role and spared us the uninspired love story.
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What a treat!
dlmartin-241697 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The second movie with this great cast is just as terrific as the first one. All Christmas movies should have 9 cute kittens. Marilee got in a jab at the Christmas tree lot that made me laugh. I was delighted that they got this cast back together to continue this fun movie.
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The best Hallmark movie in years!
brookenichole-9805428 November 2021
This movie is great! It didn't feel slow and the acting was decent. The romance between the two leads was perfect and cute. And for them to make a sequel that's just as good, if not better, than the first is amazing. Hallmark really stepped it up for this movie. I hope we see more of this in the future!
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Not the cat's meow
a_and_p_27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the first movie, there was really no need to make a sequel. The ending of the first movie was heart-warming and the perfect ending, so it was extremely unexpected to find out right at the start of this movie that they had broken up. The cute awkward chemistry that these characters once had seemed really forced in this sequel. I felt like the writers were trying really hard to recreate those cute moments, but unfortunately it didn't make it. There were some cute moments in the movie, like when they were both looking for the perfect Christmas tree and were unknowingly looking at the same one, and when Zachary grabbed Marilee's hands to warm them. With all of this being said, it's not the worst Hallmark movie, but it's definitely not one of the most inspired story writings.
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A New Favorite Christmas Movie!
bizzelljessica6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved watching The Nine Lives of Christmas year after year. Marilee and Zach are one of my favorite tv couples, and love their awkwardness with each other and the bond they share with their cats.

I was so excited when I realized The Nine Kittens of Christmas was a sequel, and was derailed when the show started and her man wasn't Zach.

Of course the guy always gets his girl and true love wins.

I really hope they make another. Can't leave us hanging! Marilee and Zach have unfinished business.
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Disappointing Follow-Up
taleach-9340330 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was actually looking forward to this movie because I loved the first one.

This movie takes place 7 years after the first one and basically undoes what happened at the end of the first one. During the 7 years we did not see, Zach becomes commitment phobic again which forces Marilee to move across country to Florida and has been gone for 5 years and now has a new boyfriend and practice. This left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially because she shed the boyfriend withing the first 20 minutes of the movie once she comes back home to visit her sister for Christmas. This seemed like a stupid plot point only to cause drama later.

Which brings me to the other problems I have. Things just don't add up in this movie. Somehow Marilee's sister has a daughter that is definitely older than 7 years old. In the first movie, her sister did not have children and wasn't even pregnant. Where did this child come from? Also, her sister seems hesitant to have pets when in the first movie she was constantly adopting pets and that was why Marilee could not move in with her after losing her apartment. And, her sister had no pets in the house, where did they all go? Did all the pets morph into her now daughter?

Lastly, the ending was just ridiculous. I won't say what happened but it seemed ridiculous and far to fast of a problem solve. It also seemed out of character for Marilee who does not seem like someone who would jump into things. I try to suspend belief with these movies, but one of the things I liked about Nine Lives was the fact that it was slightly more realistic. Zach and Marilee got to know each other over the season, did not jump into marriage after a week etc... This movie ends like a typical Hallmark movie where they have to wrap everything up in a nice little bow.

I still like the chemistry of these two and it was fun to watch them together again, but the movie was not well thought out and the spark of the first movie was lost.
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