Farzar (TV Series 2022) Poster


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Silly, Fun & Dumb As...
GalAlba17 July 2022
I don't understand the negative reviews. It's as if those who wrote them were expecting Chekhov.

Farzer gives you what you'd expect; it's crude/vulgar, fun & dumb as...

It's stupid, really stupid, fun

Sit back, have a pop and chill out.
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So stupid and that's the point!
myignisrules19 July 2022
From the same minds that brought you Brickleberry and Paradise PD. That alone should tell you exactly you can expect from this series.

Personally I'm a fan of both shows and their raucous sense of humor is right up my alley. The voice cast consists of the same people who worked on those two previous shows and as viewers familiar with them will tell you, the characters shown here are deliberate rip-offs of the ones that came before such as Prince Fichael who is drawn just like his counterpart Steve (Brickleberry) and Kevin (Paradise PD). Same goes for most of the main cast with the only new addition being the awesome Lance Reddick as Fichael's egotistical father the Czar of Planet Fazar, Renzo. Although Reddick (Bosch, John Wick, Resident Evil series) is no stranger to the animated shenanigans brought to life by creators Roger Black and Waco O'Guin. Previously he voiced FBI Agent Clappers, a man with a particularly large set of rhymes with spectacles in Paradise PD.

So here's the thing, humor is objective and what works for some won't fly with others. I for one find the dirty jokes, fast-paced zingers and over the top plot points in Fazar to be a laugh riot. Lance Reddick's distinctive voice (anY Destiny 2 fans out there?) is one that drips with sophistication and gravitas, so to hear him dropping f-bombs left and right while discussing the downsides of having sex with a much older woman or throwing insults at his idiot son Fichael cracks me all the way up! It's like the first time I heard Morgan Freeman swear on screen (I think it was in the movie Wanted) it's both shocking and laugh out loud funny. I also love everything that comeS out of the mouth of the shows apparent antagonist. An alien named Bazarak who spends more time planning his attacks on the city of Fazar, than actually following through. It's all mindless, odd and deliberately stupid and depending on your sense of humor, it will either keep you in stiches or bore you to death.
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Legit funny!
taucoin-191-74315729 May 2023
I'm surprised at the low rating. With so many adult cartoons on NF now it's hard to pick one. I randomly watched this and found it really funny. Of course it's ridiculous too, but that's the point. People's be expecting too much these days IMO. Sometimes its fun to just watch something completely mindless but hilarious. Netflix animation can be hit or miss, I wouldn't call this a "hit" but it's better than a lot of the low rated reviews are saying. It gets funnier with every episode so it's worth a view if you are at a loss for what to watch next. I'm going to watch the creators other shows now.
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It's crude it's vulgar, it's a SLAG SLAM!
Mrgreentree42017 July 2022
If you're not a fan of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Superjail, look elsewhere. This show is dark humor and embraces that in all the right ways.
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Lance Reddick if you're being held hostage by Netflix I will save you
frostbyte-180-14847317 July 2022
There is absolutely no other possible explanation for this and the Resident Evil series that came out earlier this week. Stay calm; I'm on my way man.
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It is better than Paradise PD if you enjoy that kind of humour.
rakista29 August 2022
This is not Shakespeare.

That being said, it is a passable adult cartoon that leans way, way, way too heavily on crude humour.

It scratches an itch though, and is fun to watch like old Beavis and Butthead is fun to watch.

Wish the writers for these shows including Paradise PD and the like would grow up a little, the crude jokes start falling flat about 3-4 episodes in. The hero's journey seems to be a scaffold and not a proper journey. A lot of loose ends start piling up because of the way the writer's introduce new characters to tell a single joke.

Still a fun premise, and decent animation.
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Thoroughly uninspired
lusciousmuffins15 July 2022
Sincerely, I am not sure why they bothered to make this show.

It is devoid of anything original or engaging.

Make no mistake, there is some top tier talent involved in producing this series; trouble is the final product is simply bad.

While I cannot know what went wrong behind the scenes during the development of Farzar, I can tell you what is wrong with it.

The biggest issue this show faces is that it lacks anything resembling originality.

I quite literally spent the first episode listing all the other shows and movies that were blended to make Farzar.

You see pieces of virtually every recent successful animated comedy series stitched together to make this.

In that sense, this is more like studying a quilt, than watching a sit com.

Other issues involve poor plot construction, poor character design, and exceptionally lame jokes.

I kept watching this show hoping it would get better, but it doesn't and I was not surprised.

The flaws with Farzar are built into its foundation, so cruel as it may sound, this is a show that is destined to fail.

Now, we just wait to see if Netflix will be merciful and provide it a swift death or drag it out into a slow torturous one.
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Ashamed of myself
alexandermacdonald-5633013 February 2023
So, I marathoned season one of this show last night. I admit that I actually laughed pretty much non-stop through the entire thing. I want to emphasize that I do not believe this is because it is a good show, but because of the massive amount of mushrooms and weed I was on at the time. Barely conscious enough to even know where I was, Farzar requires so little thought or engagement from its audience that I could just stare at it in a drooling haze and be thoroughly amused by it. So if you are extremely inebriated, or have been the victim of a debilitating brain injury, this show is a great series of coloured lights and sounds to occupy your attention. Thinking back to what I remember from it however, I suspect any reasonably functional human being would find it painfully cringy if not outright offensive.
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Not sure what to think
darkstar-5208215 July 2022
In the first episode they already stole two jokes, one from red dwarf and the other from Mitchel and Web. Are we the Baddies ?

Its crude and vulgar, Im not sure if its trying to be solar oppisites or something else. Its not bad just a re-hash of lots of other shows, its worth watching though.
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More of the same, but it space.
KLG2316 July 2022
Paradise PD, Brickleberry, now Farzar. Same character types, same crude not clever humour, same annoying voices. Like the concept. Hate the execution.
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Rated harshly...
EversonMovies31 July 2023
Whilst I agree the storyline is not the deepest you will find out there, I feel this one is more for the silly and funny lines for big adults. Just something to laugh at and not take too serious. I would recommend others to give this ago but just taper your expectations. But 5.6 is insulting, this is about a 6.2 rating.

Whilst I agree the storyline is not the deepest you will find out there, I feel this one is more for the silly and funny lines for big adults. Just something to laugh at and not take too serious. I would recommend others to give this ago but just taper your expectations. But 5.6 is insulting, this is about a 6.2 rating.
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Classic damn show style
yfchriswan19 July 2022
Reminds me the good old days of brickleberry. I know the characters might be similar, but I'm glad that Roger Black and Waco O Guin are trying new stuffs. I thought this show is going to be like space adventure and stuff, but turns out it's just like the rest two shows, based on the planet only. Hopefully to see more space adventures elements in season two! Oh yeah also it will be epic that three of the shows can have a crossover!
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tyronne-322 July 2022
I thought I would give this show a go and I managed about 10 mins and that was enough for me.

I have had farts funnier than this.

Do not waste your time watching this.
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Hits and misses
jdm-6538718 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Show is hilarious about every couple mins per episode. Hilarious still but low brow most other times. Still gotta give it it's props where due. Once it fully finds its feet it could be on par with the shows it wants to be.
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Humor like a pizza cutter...
lucas-504-6467916 July 2022
... all edge, no point. It becomes embarrassing to watch really quick. I guess Paradise PD was a tad worse, which doesn't improve this show one bit. The punchlines seem to be written by a teenager.

"Is this show more Futurama or Rick and Morty?" - oh, you wish it was something even remotely close to either one of them.
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Rated 10 to counteract voting manipulation
anglicant28 July 2022
I'd normally rate it a 7, but a couple episodes deserve an 8. This show has a low rating because it critiques religion, abortion, immigration, and many other topics propagandized by conservative media.

Yes, it's stupid and crude, but that's the point, and if you ever find that humor funny, it's also often hilarious. I stopped watching Family Guy and derivatives 5+ years ago, so it's good to have a fresh adult cartoon done in a similar vein.

There has been a very obvious trend on rating and review sites over the last 5 years, where every NEW show that critique's conservatives, or any their heavily propagandized topics, receives hundreds of negative reviews on release (often even before). Amazon, and all websites, need to do something to counteract the loud, anti-freedom minority trying to impose their theocratic, authoritarian beliefs on modern culture and media.

If you liked similar adult cartoons, give season 1 a watch, and I doubt you'll be disappointed.
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Stupid but not that bad
izzymp8 August 2022
It's completely ridiculous and utterly terrible, but it's in the way that makes it kinda funny. Absolutely not a masterpiece, but I do recommend it as a silly show to put on in the background.
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Its unfortunately disappointing
kushtrimsimoni16 July 2022
You know when you start watching something hoping you will find something in there you might like and you fake it until you can't anymore because its not there Well this is it 4th episode and feels like a torture I don't think i will be watching anymore

The only funny character worth mentioning is the doctor/ scientist

So overall its a no for me Its too much and nothing at all at the same time.
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How the hell do they keep making this formula work?!
GiraffeDoor13 October 2022
In theory there is not much to say: yeah, it's Paradise PD in space which was Brickleberry as cops which was Family Guy in the woods and, yet again, it became my guilty pleasure.

Until I got new Family Guy recently, this was the thing I looked forward to the most on a Friday night's viewing schedule. I just like the gay abandon of this sense of humor, the Americans are so good at just tickling me that way. It's Brutal but that's the point and they keep finding creative ways to be vicious while still broadly on the right side of social justice (while still giving the sensitive Sallys something to cry about).

Our protagonist is Fichael, he's the new Kevin but while Kevin was actually a smarter and more conscientious version of...I want to say Steve from BB, Fichael is such a numbskull. I actually like this move; it's so absolute that unlike Fry or Morty I don't project myself onto him and I can actually laugh AT him not just WITH him.

The serial aspect in which he is doing his best to win his surrogate father's love is not presented sentimentally but I was oddly touched. The story arc of colonialists again persecuting indigenous people (who are simultaneously being oppressed by their compatriots) was a refreshing and nuanced take that basically demonized everyone. I love that the only really sympathetic character has a Russian accent for good measure. Yes, Billy is the Zoidberg/Meg/Klaus/Connie of this series, but they are easier on him than the others were.

There's a robot that is just that black guy from the BB; don't feel bad for him, he is basically evil.

Most memorably are the bicephalic beauties Val and Mal. Val is reminiscent of Gina from PP but I feel positively about her rather than mixed as they don't play the sadism for overkill. A detail I appreciated more on rewatching, or rather set of details, is how these two individuals do everything possible to live two lives within one body including some fairly creative costume ideas.

The worst episode is when we meet the rest of Fichael's family. It just took the nausea factor too far. On top of that, I found the genocidal giantess subplot unpleasant, just for how genocide hits a nerve in me but mainly for the way they chose to end it. It was insulting to me as a viewer but I cannot get too mad because the show does set that bar for shock value very high.

I was compelled by this low-brow but well thought through series for all ten episodes and I do hope we don't need another epidemic to get another season.

The serial elements and the sense of world building goes above and beyond what we have come to expect of crass animation and I really want to see where the story goes from here considering where we left off.
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Not a great start, but it became better
rochaestreita16 September 2023
Reading all the comments i could finally accept that i'm a minory who liked the show(in portuguese), but i have some points that i want to debate about. First of all, the animation is excellent, great visuals and animated movements that were very well made. Despite the poor start with unfunny moments, the show became better after 2 episodes, it used a good dark humour and absurd moments that felt very interesting with the art style. Bazarack is by far the best character of the show, his sense of superiority and lack of arguments turned this show way better to watch. Renzo and the Shat squad also have good moments. The clever use of profanity and visual jokes work, but i understand why lots hate this show. It's definitely offensive and vulgar, and a lot of people can't have fun watching it. These ones aren't wrong, it's just a personal taste that we, the viewers should respect. Despite having some ups and downs, Farzar, at least dubbed in Portuguese, may work as an entertaining moment, but i haven't watched in the original language, so, if it's unfunny in the original,i'm glad portuguese had fixed this show.
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Im literally going to clean my dishes out of boredom
tomerellobo16 July 2022
This show made me laugh 0 times out of two and a half episode, when I started thinking about the chores i have to do and asked myself why am I wasting my life by watching this moronic proof that Netflix has become so awful.
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Stupid and Lame and offensive - that is the point
a-kastenas31 July 2022
Good show, I was a bit sceptical in the beginning but it grew on me. This is a parody of old old sci Fi shows and borrows heavily from popular media, other animated shows and movies.

Do not let the bad comments fool you - once you accept it for what it is - it becomes surprisingly watchable.
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It's a good show to pass time and shut your brain off
frayj-944845 August 2022
So I put this show on one night just for shiz and gigs and I'll say maybe to many poopoo peepee vajayjay haha funny jokes but it's still got it's charm there's a somewhat consistent story with what simulates an arc in a sparse setting most episodes seam to give at least a little character development there's a simple abomination named billy you want to like but he's just a throw away sex joke with a little da thrown in for good measure I guess the main baddie is pretty humourous also I like the dark twist it's taking where it's like a regular plot for a show/movie in a setting like farzar then it's like ha naw you thought all in all need something to watch that's not going to make you question your stance in the universe or what the hell ever else is on for adult animation it's alright (I'd like to see more actual jokes and not all sex and poop humor but meh)
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niall-7499915 July 2022
This show is literally just Paradise PD... there is essentially no difference... -Characters are unoriginal, unfunny and look the same as the ones on Paradise PD with the exact same personality.

-The jokes are over used, stale and bland.

-Plot is stupid with no direction and goes nowhere.

Such a shame tbh, because the premise and idea of the show is actually good! This show really had the potential to roll with the big dogs... but instead it should just remain as a one season show and forgotten about.

If you have an IQ below 10, you'll probably find this show funny... But if you like shows like, Rick and morty, futurama, South park, etc... you will find this show mind numbing and utterly boring.
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Not sure of why this much hate
sandz-868-3134722 August 2022
To be frank, this show is not on the same line as Rick and Morty or Futurama. Its different, and but I like it.

The humor is sometimes over the top sometimes, but if you let that go, this is a funny tv show. You would enjoy it if you like space / adventure / adult humor shows.
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