The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) Poster

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Dench and Nighy are the standouts in a film full to the brim with colour, joy, a little bit of sadness and hardship and a lot of hope.
pturner101012 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ever wondered what the cue to get into heaven at St. Peter's Gates is going to look like? Try standing in line for a preview screening of this little gem. The Daily Mail readers were out in force this morning, free tickets in hand and storming the cinema, to catch this charming story of a bunch of old folks retiring in India. Like the line for entry to heaven, there was regretfully the odd young person in the audience, no doubt terrified at the prospect of leaving their life behind to sit with all the oldies for what might seem like eternity.

But fortunately The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a charmer and even the youngest viewers will find something to enjoy here. Whether it's Bill Nighy, again stealing the film from under the noses of an accomplished ensemble (see also Love Actually) or the sweet love story of the films only younger characters, the film has enough unexpected moments to mask the more predictable and clichéd elements of the story.

When seven British retirees opt to 'outsource' their retirements to cheap and cheerful India, they arrive at a hotel that is not as expected from the brochure. Dev Patel's Sonny runs the place under the watchful eye of his disapproving mother and the visitors are left to dust off the furniture and make do with the cockroaches on the floors and the curry served up every dinnertime.

The stars of the movie are delightful; Judi Dench does vulnerable but determined; Bill Nighy funny and heartbreaking; and Tom Wilkinson quiet, reserved and struggling with an unexpected burden. It is a story of seven characters facing up to a new time of their lives with new challenges and new loves presenting themselves. It is a hopeful story about letting go of the past and embracing the future.

Like any film set in the country, India is a central character. The colours, the faces, the smiles, the sounds, the hustle and bustle of the packed streets all assault the senses, not just for the characters but also for the viewer. You might see less of the real India than many would like, but it is always present in the background.

The love stories are touching with the ups and downs of relationships sensitively written. The unwinding of Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton's Douglas and Jean is particularly well handled and bound to induce the odd tear once the inevitable finally happens. Wilkinson's search for a lost love is concluded a little too conveniently and lacks the emotional gut-punch it could have. But all the characters get their moments in the spotlight; whether it is bigoted old racist Maggie Smith's opening of her heart to the locals or Ronald Pickup's desperate search for a last bit of nookie (ahem sorry… meaningful connection).

The elderly members of the audience loved it, laughing heartily from the opening moments of Dench on the phone to her internet service provider. More unsettling was how many found Maggie Smith's Muriel and her hideously outdated racist comments at the beginning even funnier. Hopefully the Daily Mail readers, like Muriel, will come away from the film with a slightly enlightened view of the world outside their doors.

Overall, Dench and Nighy are the standouts, but Wilkinson also gets a strong storyline in a film chock-full to the brim with colour, joy, a little bit of sadness and hardship and a lot of hope. Just like India itself then.
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Very pleasant throughout, but as good as what you'd expect from such a cast
jamesantoniou8 March 2012
Marigold Hotel was overall a very pleasant film with a distinct feel-good factor - helped by the vibrancy of the Indian setting. Judi Dench is excellent as always, and Bill Nighy really captures the child within for this film. In fact, all of the cast were superb, although Dev Patel suffered from a little overacting! The plot is more like a moral, and explores a 'young at heart' theme throughout. I think the vision of the film is somewhat confused at times. It seems to shift from a full-on comedy to a film about ageism, and it doesn't flow as well as one would hope. Also, Maggie Smith's character (although superbly played) is a slightly far fetched transformation, so I would have liked to see more focus on her throughout the film. Overall though, a nice, entertaining piece of work. Perhaps not as good as you would expect from such a star-studded cast, but nevertheless, very entertaining!
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Great cast and location but predictable script
johnmcc1507 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If there were an English international acting team, like football, this cast would have won fifty caps each often playing together in the same team. Each took their familiar roles such as a feisty Judy Dench, a thoroughly decent Tom Wilkinson, a xenophobic Maggie Smith and all played well. It just needed Juliet Stevenson, Julie Walters, Hugh Grant and Helen Mirren to appear in cameo roles as substitutes at half time. India also put in a stunning performance. The problem was the predictable script which began to drag after a good first hour. Bill Nighy could have ditched Penelope Wilton far sooner and saved about ten minutes. I kept feeling that I had seen the film before especially with all the actors playing in familiar positions. It was all too neat and everything came together all at the same time. A couple of other things didn't work either. I know it was supposed to have comic aspects but Dev Patel's stereotype might even have embarrassed Peter Sellars. However the most incongruous moment was when Maggie Smith suddenly revealed herself no longer a senile old nanny who used to manage a household budget but someone who could glance at a set of accounts and instantly assess a hotel business. I enjoyed it but it was really was a remake of Lavender Ladies' Room with a View of Cranford's Calendar Girls with Mussolini.
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More than "Love Geriatrically"
rogerdarlington26 February 2012
Admit it: when was the last time you saw a film in which the seven lead roles are taken by British actors in their 60s and 70s? Never - right? So this is a movie aiming at a very different demographic than the usual teenage-targeted Hollywood fare and it is a refreshing and welcome change that will delight young as well as old.

The doyennes of the cast are Judi Dench and Maggie Smith who are both now in their late 70s but sparkle here as very different lonely singletons. Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton play a sweet and sour couple in the thespian menu. Tom Wilkinson is a retired judge with a secret. Finally Celia Imrie and Ronald Pickup are two more sad souls who might or might not find solace together. All of the seven find that retirement can be 'outsourced' to an Indian hotel that certainly looks exotic in the (photoshopped) brochure, but actually needs somewhat more than the enthusiasm of its young manager (Dev Patel with romantic problems of his own).

The location of the hotel is Jaipur in northern India which is a character in itself and, since I have visited the city, I can attest to the wonderful vibrancy and colour of this extraordinary metropolis. But,as our seven intrepid Brits learn, India requires some adjustment to one's expectations and lifestyle and some make the adjustment sooner or better than others. A cynic might dub this multiple storyline of comedy and romance as "Love Geriatrically" and the characters are rather stereotypical, but this is a delightful movie that makes the viewer feel good about life.
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A marvelous film in every context with brave and impressive performances.
ketgup832 July 2012
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was a nice dramedy which had a very great storyline coupled with wonderful performances by the veteran actors.

Evelyn(Judi Dench) Is a divorcée who lost her husband recently and want to clear off her husband's huge debt as early as possible, Grasham (Tom Wilkinson) is a gay who is retired and still not happy after his retirement , Douglas and Jean (Bill Nighy and Penelope Wilton) are married couples who are going through rocky phase in their marriage , Norman (Ronald pickup) is single, old broken man who still young at heart and Muriel is seeking a company of filthy rich guy. Different people with different stories meet at broken , mediocre , filthy yet described as "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" in Jaipur. They are unhappy with what was promised to them over them over an advertisement about the hotel but still are fascinated by its unique and authentic charm.

Based on a novel of same name by Deborah Moggach , "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel " entertains you right from the beginning where every person meets at the hotel till the end. John Madden has perfectly chosen each actor playing their part to T. Each actor has different story to tell which makes it more engrossing and compelling. Direction is impressive with few scenes standing out like the one where Grasham tells his reason of coming to India, Jamal explaining the pretentious glamour the hotel . Screenplay keeps you engrossed in the film that you would not realize when the film ends. Cinematography is eye-catching where the setting of India is the reason I was disappointed little bit. How many have we seen India in poor light by Hollywood ? This is probably some tenth movie which I have seen after Slumdog millionaire and The Avengers. However , the stupendous performance by the leading actors is what it makes it stand out. It is difficult is tell who were the best as I felt that everyone did justice to their part but I guess it is Dev Patel who was really impressive as young chap trying to save his ancestor property and impress his girlfriend. Judi Dench was as usual superb along with Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson.

A marvelous film in every context with brave and impressive performances. This one is sure to be enjoyed with your family. Good 3.5 /5
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Two Important Don'ts: DON'T miss this movie, and DON'T believe the critics
PurpleAlbatross26 February 2012
I agree heartily with all the reviewers here (except "disappointed") because this is a GREAT BRITSH FILM for which the critics have not given hardly enough credit. I am glad I didn't listen to their "disappointment" and went to see it anyway. Sometimes it is critics that are the disappointment! The acting was tremendous. The setting of India was beautiful and perfect. The theatre was full and as most people have already said here, everyone was laughing out loud. It was like a great and funny and cleansing session at a cinema/therapist,that just washed over you, so touching were all the emotions and insights, so real to life ,you could not believe they were acting.

I read one newspaper critic who said the characters didn't have enough depth. Well, no, it was a two hour movie, silly, and what you got was a vignette of 7 real lives, each of them facing the reality of old age in their own way.

How wonderful to have a real movie about real issues that addresses them with humour and leaves you feeling uplifted. And how refreshing to have a film by and for the mature and senior members of society. To me the whole idea and effect of this movie is to fly in the face of the Western idea we have of old age somehow being something pitiful, to be feared, and if possible, to be glossed over, fixed up and avoided, so you can remain as young, powerful and appealing to your very last day, as possible.The movie opens up all these ideas to question and I am sure left many, like me, pondering. Why are over 60's in this country called Old Age Pensioners, when no self-respecting American would allow that? They are "Senior" Citizens over there(note the difference). Why don't we look after and respect our elders? Why does the extended family work perfectly well in countries like Italy, Spain, Greece, India, but is a rarity here? And who is responsible for ignoring or marginalizing a whole generation of baby boomers who lived through and oversaw one of the biggest transformations in society ever? They were the generation that believed in a Brave New World, and many of them still do.

A society that doesn't value the wisdom and experience of its elders is without foundation.Young and old,"every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the whole". Go and see this movie and think about it. And take your family. Great stuff.
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The cast does their best to sell it.
Hellmant19 September 2012

A British comedy-drama film featuring an all-star cast of veteran actors (including Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Bill Nighy, Maggie Smith, Ronald Pickup, Celia Imrie and Penelope Wilton) as well as Dev Patel (of 'SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE' fame). It's directed by John Madden (the critically acclaimed director of the Oscar winning 'SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE' as well as last year's espionage thriller 'THE DEBT', and many others) and written by Ol Parker. It's based on the book 'These Foolish Things' by Deborah Moggach about a small group of British retirees who move in to a newly opened retirement hotel in India. The film is a light hearted tale about finding new inspiration in life. It's also light on laughs and emotion but it's definitely not a bad film and the cast does their best to sell it.

The story revolves around an old run down hotel in India being reopened as a retirement hotel by an enthusiastic young manager named Sonny (Patel). He sells the idea, through misleading brochures, to a group of elderly British people looking to retire for various reasons. The group includes a couple (Nighy and Wilton) who poorly invested in their daughter's internet company, a retired housekeeper needing a hip replacement (Smith), a gold digger looking to find a husband (Imrie), a former lady's man looking to recapture his glory days (Pickup), a widow (Dench) starting a job as a call centre adviser and a recently retired judge (Wilkinson) who grew up in India as a boy. Each of course is trying to refind happiness and learns something from their adventure while Sonny tries to follow his dreams and continue to court a young woman his mother (Lillete Dubey) doesn't approve of.

The film is full of beautiful cinematography and is nicely directed by Madden. Like I said the cast all does their best, especially Patel who really should be a bigger star by now given his talent. The movie is touching at times and funny but nothing too memorable. It never tugs at the emotions in ways you'd expect from a movie like this and the comedy is mostly routine. It's all material that's been done many times before, in better ways, but it is adequately made (for what it is) for the most part.

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Absolutely loved it!
Serenstars27 February 2012
Just got back from having seen this wonderful film at a packed cinema and I'm still smiling. It really is the most entertaining, colourful and uplifting film I've seen for a very long time. Apart from India itself - which is a star in its own right - it is the performances from this stellar cast that really make this movie. At times it was like an acting masterclass, but never at any time could you see the cogs turning. The central characters were all wholly believable, and to be honest I find it impossible to single anyone out, although if I had to, my vote would probably go to Bill Nighy. He is just superb as Douglas - the apologetic, hesitant, henpecked husband of the self centred, bitter, scolding Jean portrayed by Penelope Wilton, who is also excellent. There is one particular scene between the two, where Douglas, for once bites back - and the emotion from Nighy is just mesmerising to watch. When you add the likes of Dames Maggie Smith and Judy Dench to the mix, the delicious Celia Imrie, Tom Wilkinson and Ronald Pickup (with an honourable mention to the latter, who brought a wonderfully rakish comedic performance to the mix) - and you can't go wrong.

The younger cast members and all the supporting players do an excellent job - but it is the oldies who steal the show. That doesn't mean it's an oldies film - far from it. I took my 16 year old daughter and she laughed, cried and loved it as much as I did.
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A Little Disappointing But Entertaining Film
georgep537 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The young owner of the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel states that his establishment has a great future because there are countries that don't want any old people around. It was a moment that struck me as brutally honest and heartbreaking at the same time. Unfortunately "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" doesn't have enough moments like that. But despite the rather old-fashioned sensibility of the film and its desire to sacrifice realism for clichés, I simply couldn't dislike this movie. The cast is first rate. Judi Dench and Tom Wilkinson are excellent as a widower seeking independence and a judge returning to India in search of forgiveness. Maggie Smith is a contentious bigot; Bill Nighy is the wimpy husband of harpy Penelope Wilton and Ronald Pickup and Celia Imrie are lonely singles trying to prove they haven't lost it. Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire) is the frantic dreamer who believes he can make a success of the rundown hotel he inherits from his father. "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" is a mixed bag. The predictable script made me flinch once or twice but I enjoyed the performances and the Indian scenery and cinematography enough to recommend it.
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Stupid Title. Brilliant film
kevbee12 February 2012
If you liked '4 Weddings and a Funeral' (and who didn't) then you will love this film. The premise is simple: a collection of Brits of a certain age decide to spend their early retirement at a dubious, run- down hotel in Jaipur, India. This decision obviously involves a physical journey but more importantly, an emotion journey too. Gradually we learn the back story of these characters, and these stories are very fascinating indeed.

An absolutely stellar cast are well served by an intelligent witty script with some killer one-liners which are guaranteed laugh out loud. Only occasionally does it get sentimental, but somehow this doesn't matter, because the seductive nature of India weaves its spell not just on the characters but also on us.

It's good to see a film that doesn't treat retirement aged people as idiots. These people are intelligent, funny, curious and I would willingly share a g&t with them. An absolute gem of a film.
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These British vets get great mileage out of this predictable material
Movie_Muse_Reviews24 December 2012
Where do Britain's finest actors go when they retire? The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in Jaipur, India, apparently. A who's who of mature British talent, "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" could be considered a more British "Love, Actually" or " Valentine's Day" for seniors, minus the sinister commercial intent.

The film follows several British retirees who read of the restored titular hotel in India and for various reasons determine to vacation there. The place turns out to be in dire need of renovations, but its charismatic manager, Sonny (Dev Patel), charms them into staying, not that they have much choice in the middle of India.

The main character is Evelyn (Judi Dench), a recent widow who has sold her home to pay off her debt. She narrates the film, but her story doesn't necessarily get more attention than any other. Along with her is Graham (Tom Wilkinson), a respected judge who used to live in India as a boy, Muriel (Maggie Smith), a rather racist retired housekeeper in need a speedy and inexpensive hip replacement, Doug (Bill Nighy) and Jean (Penelope Wilton), a couple in need of affordable retirement, Madge (Celia Imrie), who seeks love in her later years and Norman (Ronald Pickup), a Lothario who just won't quit.

Naturally, the trip becomes life-changing for all of them, changing their perspectives and notions about life even after all these years living a certain way. Even Sonny has his own subplot involving his girlfriend Sunaina (Tena Desae), of whom his mother does not approve.

Based on the Deborah Moggach novel "These Foolish Things," Ol Parker's script is a pretty straightforward setup with an obvious payoff. It's only a question of which of the hotel guests will fall for each other. All of the other twists come drenched in predictability.

There's only one way for a film to overcome such severe formula, and that's with loads of talent capable of of convincing us to care about it. Like a group of British all-stars, perhaps ...

Each actor brings such gravitas to the film and vulnerability to his or her character that you feel for and sympathize with all of them to some extent and take interest in all the interweaving plots turning out as formula says they will. Even though the film is a two-hour juggling act, there's a lot of truth to what "the formula" has to say, even if you feel like you've heard it before. The fact that these are senior actors provides not only a change of pace for the ensemble romantic comedy, but also their wealth of life experience helps subvert the clichés. Even if each actor can't relate to personally to the part, he or she probably knows someone that could literally connect with or understand their character.

Dench is a particular standout as a character dealing with loss. She doesn't let it consume her character and seep into her acting choices, but plays Eveyln as someone strong-willed yet ultimately still vulnerable. The dame never disappoints. Smith also stands out as she plays a despicable character whose change of heart is convincing enough that you manage to like Muriel in the end — a lot. And considering this cast of acting giants, Patel never gets overshadowed and reinforces why he deserves to be considered as more than "the kid from 'Slumdog Millionaire.'"

John Madden is also quite the veteran, and he brings that extra sensitivity. "Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" doesn't slip into some comedy with old-people jokes despite the number of opportunities the script allows for him to do so. Unfortunately, the film is never really all that funny, just funny in that cute "look at those seniors" sort of way. Why films like these can't just omit the geriatric humor altogether is a bit dumbfounding, but with the target audience being seniors, perhaps it helps them relate more to the film.

It goes without saying that "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" should be required viewing for anyone over 65, but it has some valuable things to say to a younger crowd as well, even if the delivery method has been done to death in other forms.

~Steven C

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Ignore the score and Title
BladerunnerCHQ21 February 2012
Fist of all, anyone who has given this film a score of one (and some have), obviously have no sense of humour. If they are in the UK then they probably watched the film at a free viewing like I did, as it hasn't been released yet, and they have no right to slag it off seeing at it cost them jack. Once it is released to paying customers, I can assure you that this score will go up considerably.

The title can be a little off putting but anyone who has seen "Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe" will tell you that a daft title is not a precursor to a bad film. Far from it.

I came out of the cinema exhausted. The range of emotions this movie drags out of you, and the speed it does it, is incredible and I have to thank the scriptwriters and director for that. It is a while since I saw a movie that made me laugh out loud so much and so frequently. Dev Patel's character is one of the most likable you will ever come across but then all the characters, bar one, have characteristics that just grow on you.

It's a shame that Ronald Pickup and the beautiful Celia Imrie aren't shown on the poster as they are just as responsible for the enjoyment I got from this film as the other "more famous" members of the cast.

This is a great film that will have you crying and laughing in equal measure but in the end will leave you with that really warm feeling inside that you get when you have just seen a classic.

Do not be put off by the title and ignore the current score this film has until it starts to get up to at least an 8.
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Not exactly the 'Best', but a comfortable stay, at the very least... !
Howlin Wolf8 March 2012
For the first twenty minutes or so, it feels like it's pandering slightly to the naive person's view of senior life and attitudes. Once the film establishes itself and reaches the location where the story will play out, however, we get some lovely poignant backstories for the characters. The performances of Judi Dench and Tom Wilkinson in particular are magnificent.

The same feeling of things being a little too neat applies to the climax, also - the Dev Patel character's experience of the wisdom of advancing years seems not only inconsistent, but also provides a conveniently pat resolution. Overall though, it's a good humoured film that should leave you smiling.
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Just Rome no Romans
vaibhavtewari6 September 2014
The story was brought to India. Thats all the role India plays. Story does add a gay Indian guy and an Indian couple involved in a premarital relationship (something not still accepted by the Indians in general). It was funny for the first 15 minutes and I thought the initial bitter taste of poverty and other problems will be graduated to sweet taste of India as a philosophy/religion powerhouse(remember Indian is birthplace of many religions) or at least it will play a role in the story. Nothing of that sort happened, story and India never met, they kept on moving like the two banks of a river.

As a person born and raised in India with rich religious and spiritual values(I don't know how much I imbibed) I don't think this movies even touches the true spirit of India.
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"The challenge is to cope with it …"
michael-k-coy2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Seven elderly English people move to India. They do this because they have been lured by promises of a golden retirement, far from the drizzle and depression of Dorking. Naturally, when they arrive in the East, things are not as they expected. Obstacles must be overcome, new ways of living must be learned, and people find they must let go of the past. Can these sixty-and-seventy-somethings overcome their prejudices, and forge a new life in the Third World?

This being a British middle-class attempt at a comedy-drama, you can round up the usual suspects … Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Celia Imrie (what happened to Richard Briers and Maria Aitken? Were they tied up in pantomime in Leatherhead?) To be a successful TV and film actor in England, you must (a) speak with a cut-glass accent and (b) have been born before World War Two. The script is derived from a novel (aren't they all?) and so it has to be given an injection of life – the slow, contemplative pace of a prose work doesn't translate well to the big screen. This is done by tagging-on a bunch of one-line gags. Screen writer Ol Parker has done his best, but Bob Hope this isn't. India is "the Costa Brava … but with more elephants", and we even get that old chestnut, "If she dies, she dies!"

No-one, it seems, can make a film about India without descending into the most irritating of clichés (ever seen "City of Joy"?) The much-lauded "Slumdog Millionaire" was a major offender in this respect, and "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" fares no better. One imagines that this project was chosen for three reasons: first, there was a novel already in being (most film-makers can't or won't trust their own judgment, and always resort to the crutch of a pre-existing work to base their movie on), second, with a cast of seven geriatrics, it was perfect for Britain's talent pool of actors and third, India looms large in the British consciousness. If the threadbare Empire thing is finally receding, there are many educated British people who have backpacked their way around Goa and Uttar Pradesh in their student days, and are also vaguely aware of India as an "emerging economy", so there might be money to be made from an Anglo-Indian film. So why the stereotypes? To say this film's understanding of India is skin-deep is not being very complimentary … towards skin.

India in 2012 is a burgeoning modern state, with its own nuclear weapons and its own space program. In a population of 1.2 billion, there are quite a few switched-on individuals who know about stuff. But in Western films, we stubbornly insist on patronizing this vast and vibrant culture. You know the sort of thing. Get to India and you can't trust the water, can't trust the food, can't trust the drivers. Sonny (Dev Patel) is the young dreamer whose ramshackle hotel forms the setting of the story, and guess what – he is delightful, charming, unrealistic and not entirely honest. In other words, he is a child. Adorable, but a child.

And there's the rub. Like "City of Joy" and "Slumdog Millionaire", this film feeds into the assumption that Indians are inferior. They don't have our standards. Efficiency, propriety, hygiene – these are Western characteristics. You enter the maelstrom when you set out on an Indian road, because – bless them – they are suicidal maniacs when they get behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle. And they eat funny food.

What becomes of our Surbiton Seven after they've exchanged Cheam for Chandigarh? Well, it's all fairly predictable. They go through a phase of disillusionment, then they learn to love the Indians, and it all gets nice and heart-warming. Evelyn, Judi Dench's character, starts working in a call center and Muriel (Maggie Smith) takes a look at the hotel books. Before you can say "poppadum", the call center is a raging success, because Evelyn shows the operators how to interact with callers. The hotel is turned around, because now somebody with skill is controlling the finances. You see? That's all India needed – for two elderly women to show up and tell the locals what to do. Never mind that Muriel is a dyed-in-the-wool racist and Evelyn has never actually had a job of any kind in her life.

As for Norman (Ronald Pickup), he is the Reigate Romeo who can't accept the aging process and the loss of sexual potency. Know what happens? He meets an English woman who's lived all her life in India, and they fall in love. The Subcontinent has worked its magic again. The only thing is, why couldn't he fall in love with an Indian woman?

In the final analysis, the film doesn't work because these people are not touched by India. They go there, but they remain, psychologically, in Wimbledon. India is a success only in so far as it submits to Western ways of doing things. Sunny decides he's going to marry Sunaina (Tena Desae), even though she's from an inferior caste, because he wants to – and love conquers all, doesn't it? Never mind that they are both Hindus, living in an ancient Hindu civilization, with its time-honored ways of doing things. The Western quick fix is the way to go. How nice for us, to be able to breathe in India's aromas, glory in its colors, solve all its problems within hours of arriving … and still remain stranded, psychologically, in Surrey.
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If it lacks complexity and depth, so what? It's warm, well acted, and a joy.
secondtake27 January 2013
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2012)

Totally feel-good, very-good movie. Well acted, charming script, fun and politically correct and just mildly exotic. And a chance to get to see a few first rate British talent relaxed and almost having fun for its own sake.

We can't expect this kind of movie to plumb new depth about human relationship, to bridge British-Indian gulfs in one swoop, or to strive for a high art aesthetic. This is almost a formula film about a "ship of fools" where a group of disparate people or suddenly stuck together and they gradually unveil who they really are to each other and to the reader/viewer. It's almost always fun, and has a long history in literature and film.

And it's naturally an interwoven tale of half a dozen older people as well as the young hotel proprietor and his girlfriend in India (an unspecified smaller city). Love blooms and stale relationships come into view. Generational gaps are confronted. A gay man comes to terms to a past encounter, and with his own present openness. And the cultural shock of India (for some) is accommodated in a way that makes the movie a little bit of a travelogue, too.

Director John Madden has a short resume with lots of television on it, but he also directed the winning "Shakespeare in Love," and his feel for the medium without pushing boundaries is clear. I'm actually looking forward to more from him simply for his easy touch.

It's all perfectly delightful. It's all rather warm and enjoyable. If there are not breakthroughs or revelations for most of us, the movie still manages to show how we all can be young as we get old, and can change and be more tolerant, and even start all over again. That's not a small point, and if it's not a new one, so what? So beautifully told and with such confident acting and packaging, it succeeds perfectly.
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Quite simply superb.
r_j_penn12 February 2012
I am in that age group that is thinking more and more about what happens when I retire. If the story portrayed in the film can be regarded as even remotely possible then sign me up today.

It was funny to the point that the whole audience wasn't just laughing but laughing loudly and repeatedly.

I didn't care about the actors and actresses playing the roles, just the characters. There is racism, snobbery, love, joy and sadness in just the right amounts throughout the story.

The movie is two hours of escapism with just a small undertone of moral fibre thrown in. It will probably make the move to DVD and television quite quickly; in this case a good thing for the right reasons.
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Everything will be alright in the end
erikd714 November 2012
"Everything will be alright in the end", the quote that is essentially the message of the movie. This is an obvious feel-good movie about Brits deciding to spend their pension days in India. But as an obvious feel-good movie from a British perspective about different cultures coming together, it's also actually quite honest.

Overly optimistic and romantic? Absolutely. But it does gently touch on some of the issues and it can give you a little bit of insight in the Indian culture. It even serves at being a gentle mirror on our own cultural inadequacies.

The acting here is fantastic and the characters are well written. Especially the British characters are very believable. The Indian characters seem to be a bit written from a British perspective and mostly serve as vehicles for a feel-good flick. But even so they are entertaining, well acted and well realized within the confines of what this movie is about.

Personally, I really did enjoy this movie. It won't give you a complete picture of India, but it does give you an honest point of view from a certain perspective. And as such it entertains and inspires.

For what it set out to do, it succeeded admirably. Recommended.
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Don't just sit there reading reviews - go and see it!
neil-4762 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We are introduced to a number of people:

Evelyn (Judi Dench) has lost her husband after 40 years and is struggling to cope with the debts he left;

Recently retired civil servant Douglas (Bill Nighy) and Jean (Penelope Wilton), penniless due to investing in their daughter's unsuccessful business, are appalled at the prospect of a retirement flat in an old folks' compound;

Madge (Celia Imrie) may be faded, but isn't ready to call it a day yet;

Muriel (Maggie Smith), embittered after a lifetime in service and the disappearance of her country behind faces she doesn't recognise, finds her much-needed hip replacement outsourced to a cheaper provider;

Graham (Tom Wilkinson) retires as a judge and decides he must try to find something he lost in his youth; and

Ageing old goat Norman decides to pursue the hunt somewhere new.

These 7 people, for their different reasons, find themselves in Jaipur, the first residents of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (for the Old and Beautiful), an establishment which does not quite reach the photoshopped standards of its brochure, and which is run with more enthusiasm than acumen by Sonny (Dev Patel).

Yes, folks, it's another movie about old people. But it has a classy cast, a sparkling script, some genuinely affecting character arcs (Sunny, too has things going on), and the sights and sounds of India.

I saw this in a cinema full of people who, like myself, are no longer in the full flush of youth, and there was a strong sense of identification. But that's not the end of it, because the film is much stronger than that. There was a lot of laughter - much of this film is very funny, and there are some terrific one liners - and an appreciation of the performances. Of course, with a cast of this calibre, one expects no less than first rate, but they all deliver at least to that expected standard. I particularly liked Penelope Wilton's brittle Jean, let down and angry, but always putting the very British cheery public face over the top of her deep unhappiness, and Bill Nighy as husband Douglas, kind, positive, faithful and loyal and, perhaps, capable of being provoked beyond the point where he can bear it any more. Yet all are excellent.

This film is warm, witty, funny, touching, and deep but without being preachy. Even though it is only February, 2012 will have to come up with something special to produce a better film this year.
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Loses a star for it's post-colonial cliches
CtlAltDel24 August 2020
There's so much to enjoy about this film. Such a solid cast of older British actors. Some very touching story lines. Good script. Jaipur looks a treat and brings back memories of my time in India. I'd move to that hotel in a heartbeat even if the living conditions are not up to scratch. BUT of course what let's it down is the patronising, post-colonial cliches - the 'Manuel-Fawlty-Towers-like' young hotel manager etc. It's hard to overlook all this. The romance between the young Indian couple is absurd. Anyone who has spent time in India knows this relationship could/would never happen, where arranged marriages are still the norm.
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A great big hug of a film
info-325-94584223 March 2012
When the Brits make a film well, we knock spots off the competition and the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a completely joyous example of just such a film! You can keep your Artist, Midnight in Paris. etc. etc, this is two hours of pure bliss. This is the sort of film so well directed, that no one actor is better than another, even the cameo roles are brilliantly observed. Wonderful dialogue, superb acting, one minute exceptionally funny the next, moving. Well observed characters who you feel you know! Plus the added bonus of beautiful scenery, This is the first film I have seen for ages that made me want to stay and watch it all over again - it really is just one great big hug of a film that leaves you feeling very content!
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Pleasing movie, visually compelling, great actors
mgorman-65 May 2012
Eight aging Brits respond to an online hotel brochure that brings them to Jaipur, India, where their pounds will go further, and where they can pursue unfulfilled dreams. Imagine Eat Pray Love with a grittier, more realistic focus on the chaos and jumble of life in India as backdrop. Like Eat Pray Love, the problems of the lead characters revolve around love, mainly coming to terms with how they have managed their relationships so far, but also about the possibility of starting new things despite being past middle age. The story of these British pilgrims intersects with that of a young Indian man who is reviving the hotel that his father once ran, with too little capital and competence, and who is on the other side of the aging process, trying desperately to establish his manhood so that he can escape maternal constraints and marry the girl of his dreams. One is occasionally reminded of Slumdog Millionaire, which also featured Dev Patel as the young hero, particularly when the Bollywood music kicks in. But the resemblance is only a passing one. There is nothing to compare with the best British actors (minus Colin Firth) working as an ensemble. Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson et. al. take perfectly adequate writing and moderately predictable plot twists and invest them with passion and pathos. Maggie Smith has the toughest task, in the form of an embittered and prejudiced spinster who must come the furthest in terms of changing her character, all within the relatively short time span covered by the movie and without leaving her wheelchair. Anyway, Marigold is entertaining and diverting, though maybe a little too facile if you think about it too hard. But don't, just enjoy the journey and the view.
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British Cinema at its Best
framesforever3 March 2012
British Cinema at its best. A movie that appeals to a mature audience in very single manner. From the start till the end, the film is one amazing journey of cultures, harmony and understanding our ever changing world. As recently been to India myself, I know exactly the words 'Everything will be alright in the end' That is positive Indian mentality you will find on the streets of India and in the hearts of every ambitious Indian.

Watched this film with my dad and we both thoroughly enjoyed this film so much. It is always nice to watch a film that stays with you till the end. Maybe we British know the country we ruled for many years better than any other country out there.

And to repeat British Cinema at its finest.
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507th Review: Good sturdy comedy but lacks any bite
intelearts25 June 2012
Marigold is entertaining in a very British sort of way - it's characters are all a little repressed and class ridden to start with but by the end have discovered something more about themselves. It has a charm to it but is let down by a flaccid script, and weak direction - and a general sense of unease that this is some sort of post-colonial wish fulfillment - so we end up with a film that wants to be both a drama and a drama comedy and by doing so lacks all bite and spice.

It is a perfect airplane movie, you can sit back and relax and enjoy it, but it really has almost nothing meaningful to say - this is not necessarily a bad thing - as a light frothy piece about retirement as an adventure it is all rather jolly - and the cast do bring verve and energy to it - it just seems to meander and wander and it would be kind to say the characters are essentially caricatures who, even with some backstory, are never more than wispy at best.

And perhaps this is the charm, Marigold is escapism, and a chance to fantasize about what life might be like. All in all, it will appeal to those who like their comedy safe and enjoy a fanciful tale well spun, but it is too lightweight to be anything other than instantly forgettable.
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Just not a very good movie
june17-875-6660958 March 2012
Amazing cast, quite a good story, fabulous scenery and setting, but a rubbish script, jokes as old as the cast, and characters as wooden as lots of wooden things in a wooden box. What a waste, as they had the opportunity to create something quite meaningful out of the lives of older people who are down but not out. All the back stories were weak and unbelievable, and the Maggie Smith character was by Les Dawson, out of Rose in Upstairs Downstairs!I'm not sure what they were attempting here, but the end result was trite and negated any idea that older people are interesting. Judi Dench was fabulous as usual, but had nothing to get her teeth into
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