Cry Havoc (2020) Poster


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A complete drag
four-3024624 August 2021
The movie might not have a good story, but on the other hand it has endless running around in the woods, a ridiculously edgy villain, and a really de-saturated look that gets old quick.
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aetherialuna10 May 2022
This film is shot well, has the expected level of B-movie gore and nudity, and the plot itself is not bad. The acting is pretty terrible from all sides other than Robert Bronzi and Richard Tyson. In the version I watched, it seemed like they stuck a voice-over on Bronzi which really takes away from the film and feels stiff and fake. Bronzi has a nice voice and can act, why did they do this? If you like gore and modern sploitation films, this is passable. Cinematic gold it ain't.
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Good visuals...and that's about it
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
CRY HAVOC is a variation of THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (1932) concept, except here the hunter is not a rich and eccentric lunatic but the eponymous beast he unleashes on its unfortunate victims on his property, and which he has guarded by armed mercenaries.

The director has a good eye for composition, and visually, the film is much better in this than in all other respects.

The acting ranged from mediocre to atrocious. For example, here was an opportunity to create a colorful villain, but the actor who played him turned him into a dud. The best part was played by Robert Bronzi, an eerie Charles Bronson look-alike, but even he was not given much to work with by the script.

Indeed, the script is one of the low points of this movie. Beyond banal dialogue, rampant character stupidity, cliche after cliche, there is also this pretense to some philosophical motivation for the villain which fails completely.

In an interview sequence with him and a reporter, he assures her that what he wants out of life is Truth, all the while explaining that he lures the victims by lying to them. The reporter fails to challenge him on the blatant contradiction, and he makes no attempt to resolve it himself. Of course, he could be just BSing the interviewer, but the movie portrays him as sincere in this belief. It would not have been difficult to fix this: for example, he could have argued that small lies are justified by large truths or something like that. The point is, the *movie* (as opposed to the villain) is selling us a bill of goods.

An outstanding example of a horror film that is profoundly difficult to watch yet reveals a robust and consistent underlying philosophy for the villains is the French MARTYRS (2008) (the American remake, MARTYRS (2015) manages to completely botch the philosophy of the original, as though the film-makers really had no idea what it was about).

An outstanding example of how an interview in a horror movie can give depth to the villain and his motivations while commanding attention is in THE SACRAMENT (2016).

The action and shoot-out scenes are lame and unrealistic, while the gore scenes, which seem to combine practical effects with CGI, are at least in a technical sense a bit better. This film has a lot of over-the-top gore, so not recommended for people with weak stomachs.

The film ends on a cliff-hanger but, frankly, I could care less. I watched this film only because I wanted to see at least one film with Robert Bronzi to be able to compare him to Charles Bronson (He does look, talk and walk like him). I would not have otherwise watched it, and cannot recommend it, either.
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Another Torture Porn Potboiler
zardoz-1312 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rene Perez is clearly an example of an auteur since he pens, produces, photographs, edits, and helms this ultra-low budget movies. Mind you, the man has got the knack and the know-how, but he is trapped by his bare budgets. "Cry Havoc" appears to be the latest chapter in his "Havoc" movies. Take about back to basics! We have the equivalent of Leatherface from Tobe Hooper's "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," with barbed wire wrapped about his hockey mask. This behemoth of a maniac is appropriately christened Havoc (J. D. Angstadt of "Cabal"), and he craves for blood. He utters absolutely nothing, and we never see the face beneath the mask he wears. In "Cry Havoc," this ghastly, gruesome, killer wanders the woods searching for young, beautiful, but vulnerable damsels-in-distress who expose their breasts without qualms. These gals suffer the wrath of Havoc, but he displays little relish for his horrible handiwork. Evidently, Havoc's preferred method of murder is to gut his victims with a jagged meat cleaver and then eviscerate his them. Meantime, an aspiring news reporter, Ellen Weaver (Emily Sweet of "Fear Pharm") schedules an interview with a The Voyeur (Richard Tyson of "Death Kiss") so she can land her dream job at CNN. However, she must accommodate those minions who work for the evil The Voyeur. Ellen must surrender all electronic devices, including her cell phone, because The Voyeur's attorney has to escort the reporter to a secret rendezvous. The attorney is worried that somebody might have followed Ellen, so she keeps her eyes peeled. Meantime, Havoc is harvesting his supply of intestines as if he were pulling ticker tape out of a machine. Ellen manages to escape Havoc's clutches and collides with an off-duty cop (Robert Bronzi of "Once Upon A Time in Deadwood") who is searching for his long, lost daughter. This cop is so focused on finding his adult daughter that he exhausts his supply of ammunition and must contend with Havoc mano a mano in a showdown. Perez shows an ample number of breast shots, and he likes to show our indefatigable hero reloading his revolver. Basically, "Cry Havoc" is torture porn of the worst kind. Havoc's butchery of sexy babes gets to be pretty sickening as this 85-minute epic unwinds. Altogether, "Cry Havoc" is enough to make you 'cry havoc.' The squeamish are advised to steer clear of this largely outdoors epic. The ending is sort of depressing. Perez is not without talent, and the sooner he starts using his talent wisely, he may make it as an auteur. Skip this trash that happens to be a sequel to "Playing With Dolls" (2015), "Playing with Dolls: Bloodlust" (2016) and "Playing with Dolls: Havoc." Ultimately, it is a shame that Perez has to make these yarns. The ending really sucks, too.
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just avoid this film time waster crap from start to end
nikola177 June 2020
I know what type of movie it is I know what was I getting myself into I did like Death Kiss (2018) it was traditional of Death Wish film same actor looking like Charlies Bronson type but actor named Robert Bronzi but with this film I like idea that Robert Bronzi is in a horror film type nice cinematography, type of style of film, location was nice place to film in Forrest it didn't look cheap so as gore was good not faking looking but rest of action was cheap like gun shooting, fight scenes didn't look to real felt Cliché in 70's type of fight scene

this was really poorly directed poorly ending left it as cliffhanger film 99% focus on blond journalist girl (Emily Sweet) that's it and less of Robert Bronzi saying to everyone have you seen this girl carrying photo to everyone including girl is tied up witch it is stupid what about cut her free then ask her what you wanna ask? but no this film is far too dumb to do that. you have him in action kills couple bad guys that's it with a little small revolver 38 crap he uses director or someone could give him an shotgun or machine gun? is this film that was soo cheap could not get different type of guns? so completely cheap all henchmen's uses same guns nothing different. the killer type of look looked great scary type of guy played by (J.D. Angstadt) as Havoc cooling looking mask and everything on material that has been made, weapon looked cool and specially killer really looked like from video game Dead by Daylight this is what it felt like it looked like Dead by Daylight if you played it you know what I mean survivors got to survive if they get caught they get killed killer has to look for them it reminded me too much like Dead by Daylight game in forest with tall scary killer Havoc could be built better. threw out film start's off An ambitious reporter (Emily Sweet) is given an exclusive interview with one of the FBI's Most Wanted. She travels to a secret compound to meet the wealthy Voyeur (Richard Tyson) who is suspected of having paid to secure the release of the psychotic serial killer known only as "Havoc" you have scene of them 2 reporter Tyson character and she is finding out about himself about Havoc the only thing they do is they kidnap girls and run away from Havoc and survive and make a bunch of Snuff film (Robert Bronzi) was an rogue cop or ex cop whatever you wanna call it goes out their to look for a girl that got kidnap but you find out later at end of film it's his daughter (Spring Inés Peña) looking for his daughter threw out film at middle of film was just pointless dumb not boring but characters make bunch of stupid silly decisions, your not gonna like ending and it ends empty believe me this film is just reporter is running away from killer then in middle of plot was just pointless and useless and final showdown with Robert character to Havoc killer was nothing fight just Robert trying to punch with his boxing skills but Havoc is not felling pain then he is throwing him then hits him with rock then that's not gonna spoil it but film is terrible ending didn't explain nothing, explained at all or what happened to character nothing ending is like not even completed not even ending

film is for the blood and gore lovers witch I like gore staff but this is an film witch is nothing special at rest of it I like Robert Bronzi but not enough of him he has nothing to do in film sadly what can I say, there are loads of attractive females with bare breast I like that but that can't hold film bare breast I like that I can go strip club for that this film has Nudity I like films with Nudity but can't hold film or save film I know this film is trying to be traditional 70's or 80's horror film trying to be touchable but it fails he is the fantastic spitting image of Charles Bronson, and my only wish must be that some serious film giant gives this man a chance in a well written and directed blockbuster film not this junk cheap made film crap I like idea of film it was watchable but to the middle and end was stupid this is like your curious about spitting version of Charles Bronson the actor is Robert Bronzi who does a great job of acting this film you will watch it then never see it ever again believe me you don't wanna see this again
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Not happy with film
smasellijackman25 May 2020
While the slasher parts are good, the backstory of It or Havoc could be built better. Actors and actresses seem to be amateurs. Very horrible acting. Also can we talk about the motorcycle scene? Like wtf? Dont watch. I give this movie a one cause i made it painfully through the whole thing
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Rated negative 7
africe28 July 2021
Worst movie I have ever seen. Writing is dreadful. How can people be that stupid??? 6 people firing machine guns at 1 guy and they miss? So funny. The girl reporter was dumb as dogs%#*
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Needs more Bronzi
Right, so this LOW - go lower than that - budget slasher with a Most Dangerous Game twist does the most it can with what it's got, you gotta give it that much. Lack of funds result in some seriously risible Halloween Store moments, especially in the design of unstoppable, possibly non-human killer Havoc, but those can be overlooked if there's enough cheap thrills to go around. Having a plucky reporter interview the eccentric billionaire who created the murder park (really a clump of bare trees) that Havoc runs amuck in was a wily way to get the backstory told without having to pay for much, too. Said reporter is essayed by Emily Sweet, and she's iffy at best in this, kind of a completely charmless Samara Weaving. Anyway, she eventually teams up with a rogue cop that's wandering around shooting everybody. Robert Bronzi (with a dub job) is the cop and if you've never seen the dude before, the reports are true - he's an astonishing deadringer for late 60's era Charles Bronson. I mean, it's wild. So the vigilante and the Final Girl take on the kooky billionaire and the undead killer and it basically goes how you think it might. It would've been nice to have a more Bronzi-centric story, as he is by far the most intriguing aspect of this whole operation, but I'll take what Bronzi I can get.

The script is loosy goosey and again, it's really cheap. But Bronzi is so weirdly compelling that it's worth it just to gaze upon him. As far as exploitation type kicks go, I can at least report that every female actor in the film under 50 shows their boobs and there are a few solid gore gags (top of head ripped off, jaw removal, manual drill through the throat, etc). Not a great film by any stretch, but if you squint just a little, it's got some good stuff.

Director Rene Perez - who churns this stuff out at an alarming pace - really did put every penny on the screen. It was only like 17 pennies, but still.
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Why and How?
sucraf7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why and how does this movie keep on getting sequels? Yes, the gore and nudity is good but nothing else. And again no ending. This director obviously doesn't care about or read reviews. Yes I've watched all of the movies in this series just hoping it would get better. They never do. I watched this one because of Charles Bronson, or wait, damn it!!!
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cry in the hammock too
ops-525355 May 2020
Why these kind of movies are made and howcome they sell so good is a real mystery to me. its for the blood and gore galore lovers and as to the content , with all its psychopathy and sosiopathy supplied by a mere manic hooded something, that has crashed through a metal fence, not able to remove the barbs and spikes as theyve melted into the beasts face. there are loads of attractive females with bare breast and allsorts, but the beast appears like a twelve year old boy and shadows away from the beautifullness, and instead wrench,stabs and chops the living daylights from them poor things. its not entertainment thinks the grumpy old man, cannibal holocoust from the 70's appears like a oscar candidate compared to this 2020 junk.

productionwise its just bad, lightsetting and soundwork are terrible, acting and story are relentlessly missing and wheres the plotmotion when everyone gets killed anyway from start to end.

i shall not elaborate on junk like this, just say that robert bronzi appears in this film, and he is the fantastic spitting image of charles bronson, and my only wish must be that some serious filmgiant gives this man a chance in a well written and directed blockbuster sometimes in the future, because he can actually jogg and shoot and hit .

its a no recommend to all the sane and sound among us
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My Review Of "Cry Havoc"
ASouthernHorrorFan28 June 2020
Rene Perez packs a lot in this multilayered hybrid horror. There are elements of "not without my daughter" story points, dark web inspired "games madmen play" evilness and traditional slasher carnage. Where a lot of directors fail to maintain this level of storytelling, Perez manages to hold control and really bring the vision to life. The film isn't perfect, some aspects drag on the crescendoing energy, but so much more works wonderfully.

The elements of "Cry Havoc" that I didn't get into are few. The film starts off with a bloody bang that really sets the tone and let's you know what to expect. However the introduction of the story that deals with a sort of dark web investigative aspect seems a bit over dramatic and caricature. Honestly, I believe that was the only real problem I had with the film. The bulk of the film is a joyful reign of blood.

The horror elements in "Cry Havoc" are a wonderful reminder of what has always made slasher movies so great. The kills are full on visceral moments filled with blood splatter all done using practical effects. The masked unstoppable killing machine is formidable, memorable and intimidating. A cross between Leatherface and Jason Voorhees.

Overall "Cry Havoc" is a fun slasher that both entertains and excited. There is some slight drag in the storytelling were exposition and dialog is concerned. However it is minor considering how much of the film is filled with action and carnage. A few characters seem too contrived but for the most part this film has too many gory death scenes not to enjoy. Definitely check it out.
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For a B movie- I loved it
nathanjjevans6 May 2020
Reminded me a bit of Laid to Rest/Chromeskull - with Charles Bronson in the mix. Shooting the film in a forest fire area was surreal. Apparently this is part of a trilogy- I'm looking forward to seeing the other two.
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WOW!! Just wow.
tman-2128912 March 2022
I feel like the dumbest SOB alive for actually having watched this whole movie. Think of the worst movie you've ever seen then multiply it by 10,000 and you still won't have how bad and boring this flick is!
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Waste Movie
laijus-103259 April 2021
First of all, the genre of the movie is comedy, not horror. Don't waste ur valuable time for this type of meaningless movies. I have never seen before such a boring movie..
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Complete waste of time!
trublmkr-7843614 September 2020
Horrible acting, horrible horrible acting, writing is just as bad. Complete waste of 85 minutes of your life.
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Not Jason Voorhees Nor Victor Crawley
dhanish-7344713 May 2020
There is structured nudity and Serial killer monster in this film seems to love it.I dont know why? We have sheriff searching for his daughter whose been abducted by billionair,This billionair is playing games with all abducted ladies and putting their lives in danger by making them wander in his huge owned forest,Surprising even the monster is controlled by billiinaire,If you want to kill the time during Covid19 then watch this,
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I thought the prequels were bad...
dimitrimelnikoff13 January 2021
This is the dumbest, most boring, as far from a horror movie I have ever seen. Every aspect of this film is horrible. The soundtrack is so stupid. Just a complete waste of life.
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5 stars and I'll explain why.
itsabacus200930 January 2023
Okay let's cut to the chase and call this movie what it is, a B movie. Is it bad? Not completely. Is it good? As far as low budget slasher films go, it was good/decent. The dubbing for, "Charles Bronson's" lookalike was top notch. The nudity, although predictable was enjoyable. The action scenes were a mixture of great to average. Silly at times but overall the action was good enough for a movie like this. What I liked most of all about this movie? That it was made in the traditional way. The fight scenes are choreographed, decent practical effects, the stage blood looks decent. Sure the movie is a little cheesy, but overall not as bad as people have been saying. Frankly, I look forward in seeing more Bronson reincarnation Robert Bronzi films. I hope he does LESS slasher films and MORE traditional action films! I'm not a big fan of this genre(too predictable and pathetic regardless who makes them) so to recap 5 stars for the following: dubbing, Bronson action, nudity (a bonus), and for trying(A for effort).
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Honest Review : Enjoy the gore, Some bad acting,but a decent B movie
arrmeen1 August 2021
I just saw this movie on my TV ,Tubi Channel to be precise. I am not saying this is a wonderful movie, the actors too are not that convincing at times. But who cares , just watch this for some cheesy Saturday evening fun with good gore and blood. I wish the story aspect was done well too. The director tries to give us fun so appreciate the effort, full marks to make up and effects. Yes, the mask is awesome too. I wish the whole movie had more depth.
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Highly enjoyable and fun slasher effort
Arriving in a small quiet town, a reporter is taken to a remote site deep in the woods for an interview with a wanted criminal where she's then inducted into his games as a potential victim to a psychotic serial killer hunting down people in the woods and must team up with a policeman seeking his missing daughter to escape.

This one ended up being a great addition to the franchise. This one works best when kept to the basic format of having fun, brutal encounters with the deranged killer. The opening shots here featuring the one victim in the blazing woodland battleground chained to the killer who has to outwit him has a lot of fantastic stalking and impressive tactics to enjoy about it before featuring the incredible gore and general setup. That's carried over nicely into the other stalking and victim-hunting, from a fantastic cat-and-mouse sequence inside a house filled with red-and-blue series of filters, an encounter with a tied-up victim in the woods that the reporter witnesses or the series of gunfights taking place between the officer and the henchmen in the woods. As well, the film also has a lot to like involving the final half which is where this one has a lot to like. The girls' escape and an eventual run-in with the pursuing officer lead to several intense and enjoyable gun-battles between the policeman and the other henchmen which goes alongside the fun hunting and stalking scenes elsewhere in the woods. Chasing the escaped reporter through the woods from the rusted-out car remains and through the various embankments down to the lake, a battle to free a tied-up victim before the killer returns and a brutal bare-knuckle brawl that takes place with the killer providing some all-around enjoyment and variety with the type of action set-pieces present, this part of the film has quite a lot to like about it. There's also a lot to like here with the introduction of the real motivation behind the franchise. Tying together the one loose thread involving the unnamed voyeur who watches the events unfold from the video-cameras placed around the various compounds, that comes across rather well here. Giving everything not only a reason for happening but also managing to offer up a thrilling revelation sequence where it gets spelled out how the situation is set up, what the goal of his project is all about and where it comes from is quite an impressive feat since that's been one of the biggest issues involving the series up till now. Combined with the still terrifying appearance of the killer and some vicious, creative kills, there's so much to like about the film. The film does have a few minor flaws involved here. One of the biggest issues is the weird disappearing act created by the killer in the second act where it's noticeable he completely disappears from the film for long periods. The entire interview segment and resulting setup to put her into the game keeps him off-screen, much like the lack of attention paid to him during the multitude of gunfights with the henchmen taking place in the forest with them. As well, there's also the constant notices that what's going on here is still quite low-budget and is obvious about it, which isn't detrimental but could be an issue for some.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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