Inside Job (TV Series 2021–2022) Poster


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a shame it got cancelled
deltasayshitoyou24 February 2023
It's not a masterpiece, but i would definitely recommend it, it's decently original, the animation is pretty nice, has some interesting characters and it had a promising storyline going on, it's pretty good and definitely one of the best adult cartoons out there ( given the competition it isn't very hard to be one of the best, but it still deserves some recognition for being what it is ).

But i think it's one of those shows that lands for some people and doesn't land for others, although i enjoyed my watch and felt pretty entertained throughout it all it was very dependent on the fact that my sense of humor aligned with the show's sense of humor.

An overall 7.5 but i rounded to 8.
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macduwell21 March 2023
It was one of the better shows out there. While being an absurdist comedy it also managed to pull off interesting nuanced characters with reasonable and satisfactory character arcs. One may say it had a few rough edges in the beginning, but it was shaping up better and better as it went on.

Idk what's Netflix execs are on to cancel it. They are dumping an infinite amount of generic garbage nobody will ever remember, but the one of a few actually creative things they decide to cancel.

Anyway, hats off before Shion Takeuchi and the team for creating it. Looking forward for their future projects.
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Worth a watch
Frerryry3 March 2023
A lot of the reviews on here are really harsh; the show isn't that bad. The biggest problem is that none of the characters are likable, which isn't true. Reagan (the main character) goes through a lot of character development, and it's fun to watch her grow. A lot of the characters can be... harsh, but that doesn't mean their bad characters.

Another problem is that it's a copy cat of Rick and Morty. Is it similar? Yes. Is it copying? No. If you like R and M, then you would defiently like this. Theres sci-fi, lots of lore, myhtical creatures, and some space travel. Reagans dad kind of resembles Rick, but other than i find the show very orignal. Its almost like a mix of R and M and gravity falls, but with its own aspects.

Its not the funniest show, but some lines have made me laugh. The plot also gets very good towards the end of season one. I remember just pausing the show and being like "damn."

If your looking for a show to watch, watch this. It might not be your favorite show, but it wont be nearly as bad as *cough cough* Velma.
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Witty, daring and creative
eduardoschneiderl3 February 2023
A lot attention to detail, very creative and daring with the conspiracies theories. A lot of the critics pointing out similarities with Rick and Morty, but I don't necessarily view that as a bad thing. If anything, that would make it more appealing to whomever likes this kind of cartoon.

All in all, I love the one-liners and the humour of this show. Being more or less aware of most of the conspiracies that are made fun of, it's great that some controversial aspects are tackled with witty jokes.

Having reviewed this after watching both Season 1 and 2, I can see it improved greatly. Can only hope future seasons will continue that trend.
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Funny and different
jimrtyner21 January 2023
It's refreshing to see adult animation that's not just another clone of Family Guy or the Simpsons. Plus there's an a actual plot, story arcs, character development, personalities, and other story elements that most other modern adult animations skip over these days. That makes this one of my favorite shows and I enjoy how refreshing it is. While not every joke lands, every episode makes me laugh which is rare because so many other series feel like clones or unoriginal remakes. I really hope we get more original content like this because it actually grabs my attention instead of being background noise like everything else.
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djurrepower30 October 2021
It was OK. Certainly better than most adult cartoons you see on netflix nowadays. The story has some good moments, and the series does have its fair share of originality. But overall not much that really stood out either. So the series is sometimes a bit funny, and sometimes has some good moments. But in between those moments the show felt a little underwhelming.

6/10: good, but not that good.
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Give it a chance!
doomedmac7 January 2023
I watched Inside Job because it was endorsed and produced by Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls. GF is one of my favorite shows of all time, and this show definitely carried over some of that show's energy.

I think this show is being judged too harshly, but it definitely has flaws. I would like to talk about the positive aspects.

Of course, the best character in the show is Raegan. She's a very complex, interesting, and likeable character who changes and evolves. If the show didn't have Raegan, it wouldn't be great.

The show gets better as it goes along, to the point of being very emotional and powerful by the end of the second season.

Give it a chance!
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Cognito Incredible (ish)
wwwondr20 January 2023
When I started this show, I worried that it might be another one of those forgettable Netflix cartoons that had less effort than budget, which is pretty commonly low with Netflix animated series. But as the show went on, it became clear that this wasn't a Hoops or a Big Mouth. It was something special.

I initially only started watching the show because I heard Alex Hirsch, creator of Gravity Falls, would be affiliated with it. And while Inside Job is no Gravity Falls, it stands on its own as a clever and witty adult animated comedy.

I like the two main characters, Reagan and Brett. At first I expected their relationship to be the trope of the super serious and hard worker constantly being annoyed by their giddy sidekick, but their dynamic is actually more fleshed out than that. While their personalities clashed at first, they eventually grow on each other and despite their different outlooks on the world, they learn to appreciate each other's strengths and support them through their weaknesses.

However, even though I enjoy their relationship and personalities, I can't really say that about the rest of the characters. Reagan's fellow employees of the company Cognito Inc are constantly mean to each other, exploiting one another, and just kind of annoying. They do have their moments of endearment but are mostly just crude and one note.

Honestly the main thing I like about the show is it's concept, which is executed pretty well. The show plays on conspiracy theories from the real world, things like Bigfoot and Lizard People, and puts a spin on them. They aren't just one-to-one copies of the conspiracy, which create interesting ways for Inside Job's to build its world.

Aside from that, let's talk about the comedy. It is a comedy show after all. It's fine. Passable. Nothing that will make you fall out of your seat dying laughing, but enough to cause a humorous snort every now and then. It has some issues though. There are way too many pop culture references and they feel more like writing crutches than actual jokes. There are a lot of pun jokes which just make me roll my eyes. The humor works best when it plays off of the characters interacting, which I wish there was more jokes of instead of those other types.

But overall, a pretty funny show that has more heart and thought put into it than a lot of what's out there at the moment. And the animation actually looks pretty great, something pretty rare for adult animated TV shows. 7/10.
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Screw Rick and Morty, this show does animated action sitcom better than anything else.
marknesovanovic21 January 2023
I'll admit, I did watch R&M as the seasons aired but I wouldn't associate myself with that show. This on the other hand, holy crap.

I mean holy crap.

Season 1 Part 1 walked so Part 2 could run. In as small a time frame as a dozen episodes you get more character development than all of R&M. I feel baffled that I didn't pick this up sooner, it feels unreal.

The voice actors killed it. Lizzy Caplan as Reagan and Adam Scott as Ron, the supporting cast as well, they killed it. I have a ton of respect for them.

The animation is there when it needs to be. It's not really an action show, but fight scenes and such are clearly choreographed and detailed. I like it, and the characters are all distinct and likeable.

Now the real stuff. The characters and their story are seriously amazing. Rick and Morty and Inside Job share a common theme: They explore relationships and conflicts through the lens of fiction. Reagan has to deal with so much stuff that it's insane. And it isn't relatable for the sake of being relatable, Reagan is her own character and isn't a self insert. Her dad being a sociopathic tryhard of a genius who doesn't care to love his own daughter, her workplace being a constant crapstorm that heats up every minute, it's unreal how much crap she has to sort through. But it never gets stale, you always feel like the characters change in some way.

Shoutout to Shion Takeuchi who is really the main person responsible for this amazing show, she really deserves more credit.
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This show is actually pretty good.
babymanperson9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Show is about a secret society of people that actually runs the world and is responsible for all the conspiracy theroies in the world. The main character is Regan. She is anti social, always working, and can be sacrastic at times. She wanted to be promoted to an exective position and always works her butt off. She gets promoted but, this new guy Brett gets hired and is given the same job and he didn't need to work for it. They are forced to be co leads. Brett is super lucky, has natural carisma. At first she doesn't like Brett very much and she gets fired. The place falls apart with out her and she comes back and saves the day. Regan grows to apprecate Brett's natural carisma and they start working together again. She relises being competent is important but having good people skills is important too. Dispite the art style looking similar to Rick and Morty this show is actually funny. In my opinion the Rick and Morty writters think being self aware is a subsittute for jokes and the tone is too meanspirited even for an adult cartoon. This show is alot less meanspirted than Rick and Morty and the tone is much more upbeat. The dialoug is very witty and there are constant jokes.
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Hilarious and Unique!
vmman2228 January 2023
This is the best adult animation I've ever seen in a TV series! It's similar to, yet even funnier and more complex than, the Simpsons or Futurama. It's refreshing to see a brilliant woman star in a leadership role, in this silly universe where conspiracy theories are real! It's so fun and satisfying watching Regan and other adorable characters battle the ridiculous inanity of the modern world. I'm laughing on almost every line in some of these episodes! And the story really progresses, I love watching the characters grow! Ends on quite an emotional cliffhanger, so very unfair if it's all over. Personally, I feel joyously fulfilled watching this show, so haters can just move along! I along with thousands of fans are crossing our fingers that this show will go on!!!
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Not great, not terrible
jasha8922 October 2021
I like the idea, playing around with conspiracy theories which are now more relevant than ever (in terms of how many people believe them). And here and there some jokes really land but overall I feel that nobody put too much effort into making this series because some of the jokes are very lazy (yelling "wake up sheeple" to literal half human half sheep mutant...come on!).

In terms of animation, it's ok, nothing too special but solid overall. I think there is more potential with this type of premise but who am I to judge...

Overall I would say that it is watchable, something to pass the time on a lazy night at home and chuckle from time to time but dont expect too much.
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Smart and Detailed but Joyless and Hollow
MogwaiMovieReviews22 October 2021
This new sci-fi cartoon's premise has a lot of promise, with endless clever ideas and attention to detail, but it feels coldly generic and too much designed by committee: the basic idea is Men In Black all over again, and the alcoholic dad is an obvious attempt to appropriate some of that Rick Sanchez vibe. None of the characters are even slightly likeable or relatable and the tone is too relentlessly busy, with no building of necessary tension or intrigue from one scene to the next. The script is one-liner after one-liner after one-liner and yet I didn't laugh once.

If I was to try isolate what is chiefly wrong with it so that it could be fixed in the future, I guess I would sack most of the staff writer hordes, leaving only two or three of them to focus on building unique and relatable characters they personally find amazing and care about, and then start building up the individual episode scripts from there, rather than having the Family Guy manatees generate meaningless plots and situations from random pop culture references.

In the final analysis, Inside Job is a slick but soulless example of what is most commonly wrong with most corporate TV shows today, where the focus is too much on fabricating a bright and sassy product that can be reliably marketed, rather than telling a story anybody felt compelled to tell.
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Bring it back Netflix!!
spongeycamelblaze27 January 2023
I don't usually watch these types of shows, but this one was quite good. The biggest appeal of the show is its humor, of course, which was easily what kept me watching. The entire concept of the show, of all conspiracy theories being true, naturally leads to some ridiculous situations. And of course, the inclusion of media personalities is hilarious. While all of the characters are very funny, most of them are not very interesting or in-depth. The exception, Reagan, is easily the best character in the show and was a joy to watch. While this show is by no means a masterpiece, it was a very fun watch, and one of my new favorite Netflix originals.
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Very funny and clever
amooorales23 October 2021
Funny and charming show! If you enjoy Rick and morty you'll like this show. I'm not a big believer of conspiracy theory's but I always found them entertaining! Glad someone thought to make it into show.
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kemal-4487723 October 2021
Finally something fun to watch which focuses on conspiracy theories! I've seen two episodes, the pilot and the one about the lizard people and I'm loving it. I'm skipping the others on purpose because the loglines on Netflix doesn't sound like they're focusing on conspiracy theories. I will watch them eventually though. The series is like Rick and Morty but without all the depressive, degrading stuff. I'd recommend this show.
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It's damn good!
deothor22 October 2021
Have in mind this review is from only few episodes so far

In all honesty I was really skeptical about this show, because the animation looked way too similar to already quite failed shows such as "the prince", or.... uh.. the other one i already erased from my memory (thank god). Thankfully it's only the looks it shares. Rest is so much different in the best meaning of the word.

Either way: this show is quick, quippy and quite smart. It's the closest to Rick and Morty vibe yet, so that's an enormous plus for me. Animation is also good. What else can i say.. Oh! Show's quite feisty. It's not afraid to show you some weird sh that could be considered inappropriate.

Should you watch it? If you like R'n'M, then definitely. If you are just bored and don't mind watching cartoon with adult humor (and language), then sure! Go ahead!

It's just fun!
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Occasional wit unfortunately marred
drael6423 October 2021
There's some good jokes in here. But the show can't help itself but also insert the preachy snark of it's writers politics. Which genuinely is a missed mark, considering all side of the isle could enjoy the premise.

It's good enough to watch, some lines are actually wildly humorous, but you'll find yourself groaning over trite political cliches otherwise awash in a sea of tropes used in adult animation. One can't help but wonder what the show might have been if it leaned into it's authenticity, and perhaps expounded the mountain of lore they have to draw on.
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Better than Rick and Morty with more relatable comedy
totalork27 October 2023
I know everyone already compares these types of adult animation shows to rick and morty and at first glance this might just seem like another generic show. But me and my wife love Inside Job more than Rick and morty because all of the conspiracy jokes are so spot on that they just land so well. I think anyone can get into this show if they are politically aware of any news or conspiracies because its just funny to imagine what things could be like especially since sometimes they arent that far off from real life! Haha I think this is worth a watch if you like sci fi adult animation, its quite sad that Netflix canceled it.
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Rick and Morty that needs to be more like Disenchanted starring Daria but even sexier.
GiraffeDoor21 November 2022
It was inevitable that they would do a show with this premise eventually. It's pretty low hanging fruit really. I went in with an open mind and I feel no remorse saying that this is basically just Rick and Morty except translated into a workplace sitcom rather than a family-based sitcom. However, R&M was just as much an adventure series than an examination of family and this show here also has a heavy family theme as well.

It's not a bad show though. It's not really about the deep state, it's about an individual on her own journey. (Why isn't it called "Deep State"?) Regan (I don't remember her last name) is a pretty swell character; arguably one her deserves a much better show. A woman of great intellect but emotionally starved trying to influence the world any way she can and actually has more power than any human really should. She's an ultra-Hobbesian with firmly Marxian biases and her anti-democratic leanings notwithstanding, it's hard not to develop something of a crush on her.

In terms of jokes, this show coasts a lot on "deep state is powerful; conspiracy theories are true; you can laugh now" humor a lot. The concept quickly gets old but the individual stories with that R&M sense of absurd adventure hold their own even if the subtext is always "rulers are savages but the ruled are worse". It's gets more than a little irritating as they re-iterate the same core messages but they are, like I said, very Marxian does make the medicine go down smooth.

There is an element of the odd couple in how Regan is paired with a born and bred yes-man and I am intrigued about their developing relationship because I think they could bring out better sides of each other. I was sincerely touched by Regan's struggle with intimacy and it's just a shame there cannot be just one character who is basically not a nutcase. I'm talking like maybe Pubert from Futurama or even Leela but I suppose Regan is just Leela if she were a technological genius and 20% more messed up.

What really cripples this show is something subtle. It is difficult when developing and writing a show to have just the right balance of characters and here, the scales sadly tip too much toward the negative. There is a toxicity about this series that made me keep wanting to skip over it for other stuff. Negative/dark humor can be swell. Family Guys knows exactly what it's doing to allow each of its characters to sort of cancel each other out. But in Inside Job, you only really have 4 developed characters: protagonist, boss guy, yes-man and everyone else. All Regan's colleagues eventually blur into one. And yes, I appreciate that individually they represent different things about modernity (military jingoism, social media fuelled vanity etc.) but they feel less like characters and this 4 headed monster and dealing with the nonsense they spout can be funny in small doses but in practice I felt as exhausted listening to them as Regan must feel working with them.

I was surprised but pleasantly so when I found there would be a second season (edit, 2nd part). This show has definitely needed to go through teething pains but there is a future for this show and I feel that is by being like Disenchanted.

Disenchanted didn't begin strongly either but it found itself by being less like a sitcom and having a serialized story to tell about the characters' journey.

I would love to follow Regan in her questioning her mission on this Earth, in seeing that other guy (I forget his name also) in finding out there's more to life than a Spongebob-esque people pleaser and maybe even toppling this rotten political system.

It would be ambitious but I would so follow that.

The part one finale is better than any other episode in Part 1.
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A pretty enjoyable show
oliverriordan1 December 2021
At first glance "Inside Job" can be passed as another "Rick and Morty" wannabe, but it was surprisingly funny. The animation is good with tons of hidden details throughout and while some characters are very one dimensional others are very interesting and fun to watch. It's a little rough around the edges, but "Inside Job" is an overall enjoyable show.
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Futurama clone
radu-vady-192-3254956 January 2023
This series screams Futurama at every step.

Being a die hard fan of Futurama this is not necessarily bad for me.

Reagan - Leela Brett - Fry Glenn - Bender Magic Myc - Zoidberg Gigi - Amy Rafe Masters - Zapp Brannigan

The jokes seem to be a series of sci-fi cliches that are present in a lot of other shows. It lacks originality.

On the plus side is the the theme which is well chosen for the period we are living in where everything is a conspiracy. The satire of this is pretty funny.

I have seen the first season and we'll continue to watch and hope the second season will be better.

Bottom line: If you like Futurama or Rick and Morty you should give it a try.
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Boring, not funny, lacks originality
technusgirl24 October 2021
After a few episodes of not laughing at anything, I stopped watching. The main female character both looks like and resembles Rick from Rick and Morty. Her father has a drinking problem, which reminds me again of Rick and Morty. Her male coworker looks and reminds me of Fry from Futurama. I'm guessing they did that to attract audiences who enjoy those shows, but it's too obvious. The show lacks originality, it's not funny and just overall bland.
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Very good series
stefanozucchelli12 November 2021
Beautiful series that from the first episode kidnaps you, not too metaphorically, and drags you into a world of conspiracies and crazy theories. This series takes a lot from the success of "Rick and Morty" and "Gravity falls". However, we have to wait to see if he will be able to maintain this level in future seasons as well.
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Check it out
Dust_in_it_off31 October 2021
Worth a watch, just hope they don't cancel this like they did Hoops. Netflix is a little light on the adult animation, and this is a step in the right direction.
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