Gears of War (Video Game 2006) Poster

(2006 Video Game)

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One of the ultimate multiplayer military strategy games
Antzy881 January 2007
In GEARS OF WAR you control Marcus Fenix, a disgraced squad leader of the forces of the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG). After his cohorts help him to escape from prison, he takes his squad to attempt to thwart the onslaught of the Locust Horde and to destroy their network of tunnels within Planet Sera. An optional second player can join in and control comrade Dominic.

In this third-person shooter, you must make judicious use of all available cover in order to succeed without being wiped out very quickly. When under cover you can shoot from behind it either by poking your head out to have a look at what you're shooting, or you can blind- fire (meaning that you can just poke your gun out without having to look, which is safer but lacks the accuracy of viewed firing). You can also roll to one side or the other to hopefully get to the next bit of cover quicker, if you are on one side of a door you can quickly spin to the other side, or you can jump over your cover (if it's low enough). There is even an option to run lower and more quickly towards the next bit of cover (provided that it's not too far away), which can be advisable if you are in the open too long as being lower and quicker makes you harder to hit.

You have a multitude of weapons at your disposal, most of which have limited ammunition (which can be picked up if it's lying on the ground, or you can top up a lot of weapons for which you do not have full ammo). There are various kinds of pistols and other handguns, although really these are only advisable if you don't have a bigger gun to use. Bigger guns come in a variety of sorts, with possibly the most well-known one being the Lancer, which has the much-talked-about chainsaw bayonet for close-quarters combat. Whereas with some of the other weapons you can strike with the butt of the gun, with the chainsaw bayonet you can rev it up and enjoy something of a guilty pleasure as your character swings the blade into the foe, ripping its skin apart and sending dark red blood jetting upwards, even spraying your screen! (Don't worry, you can still see through it and it does quickly fade). There is quite a bit of gore in GOW, but by far the chainsaw bayonet is among the goriest imagery in the game.

Other bigger guns include (but are not limited to) the shotgun and the sniper rifle, although its chamber can only accommodate one bullet, so you have to reload after every shot.

Reloading presents an extra facet which, when mastered, will allow quicker reloading and more powerful shots. When you start to reload a reload bar appears, with a meter running from left to right; when it reaches the right of the bar your gun will be reloaded. However, if you can stop the meter when it's within a small marked section of the bar which is about a third of the way across you will gain the aforementioned quicker reload and the accompanying benefits.

Also available are frag grenades, although you can only have up to four of these. When you use these you can either just throw them or you can aim using an on-screen arc that shows where your grenade will bounce and where it will explode.

There are also some other more powerful weapons, which I won't give away, but these should understandably be saved for the more troublesome foes.

When you take a hit you start to see a red cog appear on the screen; the more complete it is the closer you are to dying, so get under cover quickly! If it turns into a fully intact cog with a skull in the middle the screen goes bright red and you are dead (unless you're in multiplayer mode, where another player can go up to you and revive you).

Graphics are dark and moody, sometimes genuinely scary and very gory. There are bits later on where a small swarm of creatures known as Kryll will kill anyone who strays into shadowy areas for too long. Sound is equally cool, although some of the dialogue has voices that aren't quite up to the same standard.

Gameplay is simple enough to pick up, and all the various actions are well thought-out, with one button being a context-sensitive button, where your character might flick a switch, kick open a door or turn a valve. Before too long you will be ducking under cover and taking pot- shots at the foes like a seasoned COG war veteran.

If I did have one minor complaint, the scenes in rocky sections (e.g. caves) seem too artificial, almost as if they had been designed to contain cover (I know they have, but it still seems artificial). In the building-related scenes the cover is justified and logical (e.g. church pews in churches, fountains outside, pillars, bits of broken walls, windows etc), but when you see conveniently-placed rocky outcroppings to hide behind it somehow detracts slightly from the immersive experience that GOW otherwise offers. Another complaint involves the grenades in multiplayer mode; some details of the aiming arc can be off-screen if playing using two-player split-screen, which can make them harder to use than normal.

However, GOW stands out as a brilliant game in its own right, and is probably the main reason for investing in an XBox 360, especially in multiplayer mode.
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awesome is not the word!
coolmod14 February 2008
This is a game that is beyond good, even beyond great, even beyond awesome.

this awesome is derived from the unbelievably addictive online play that is worth the 14.99 price tag. this game is a must by simply because of the graphic brilliance in multi-player crisp controls AND THE LASHINGS OF GORE the game scores points for the story mode but just a few. it isn't really all that good and the story is the same as many other games but it is still fun.

get this game for the single player and be entertained, play the multi-player and be astonished
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Terrific game!
Movie_reaper19 November 2006
I knew from the start Gears would be a great game. I didn't doubt it for one second.

Graphics- On non HD T.V.s it looks amazing. So much detail went into almost everything. But on HD you will be blown away. Either way, it looks great.

Sound- Probably the only bad thing. The sounds and everything are great its just the voice work is a bit caveman.

Violence- Had to bring it up because when I first chainsawed an enemy I was like "Whoah!". Definitely a gory game.

Gameplay- Sort of like Resident Evil 4. The controls may take a bit time getting used to but once you figure them out aiming and shooting will be simple.

Overall- Great game. A must buy for 360 owners.

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Gears is a Must Play
registrationday13 November 2006
For anyone who owns a Xbox360 and is not playing Gears of War right now, it is imperative that you do so. Gears of War is an epic game created by.. well.. Epic Games. It is a 3rd person shooter that utilizes a somewhat tactical feel. You fight an alien/monster horde called the Locusts, and old-school shooter style, there are large bosses you must kill every so often. The online is more team based than the campaign mode, because you can revive your teammates (if you can reach them in time), and four guns always wins against one.

If you are questioning purchasing this game, you will regret it if you don't. Go out and buy Gears NOW!
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Unique action experience. It started a revolution.
insomniac_rod24 July 2009
"Gears Of War" seriously smashes any other War-Action video game from the new millennium. This is probably the most spectacular game of it's kind when it comes to unlimited action, gore, visuals, sound, and even dialogs. The weak point is the plot because it doesn't let you explore more of it but oh! who cares when it's all about action?! This game started a revolution in video games because it creates a whole new world based on not-so real humans battling aliens in an Apocalyptic scenario.

The visuals are just impressive and you won't get better. The sound is impressive and I would compare it to any action movie from the likes of "Independence Day" or even the almighty "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".

This is the prime example of the XBOX 360's power. It's a must have for any video game lover. The online mode is just as addictive and spectacular.

Please get this game and be part of the new history of video games.
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man, this game rules
arsenal_4_ever25 November 2006
Firstly i would just like to state a simple instruction, -BUY THIS GAME-. anyway now that is out of the way onto the game-play. the game-play itself is deeply entertaining, although some may find it a little repetitive, they will also tell you it is fun! the only reason for not liking this is if you are a girl who hates action games, sad i know.... the average player will not be impressed with the opening events in the game, but then again, you have choice's of which paths to take, and the range of decision making is outstanding!

The graphics are no less than great, but then again this is on the Xbox 360. one of the best games and a well spent £37.97 GET THIS GAME!!!
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Yes this truly is breathtaking!
Kezzizzle24 November 2006
WOW. Just WOW.

This game caused so much hype for avid 360 gamers like myself...and boy did it live up to it's expectations! I bought the limited edition version and got an extra DVD with it and a small hard back book with pretty pictures and nice words. I haven't watched the DVD yet as I wanted to finish the game first.

I am so impressed with this game. The story is admittedley short, but if you play the story in INSANE mode, it's going to last A lot longer than if you play it in CASUAL mode. However, the story itself is really're working towards getting something (A Resonator) to destroy like a second world. It keeps you involved, and I do think that if they made the sotry any longer than it is, it might start to get abit well done to Eipc Games. Even the online version is very good, very fun. Abit like Halo 2 online, in the sense that, EVERYONE wants either the sniper rifle or the grenade launcher. lol. There isn't any lag either! Well, I didn't experience any.

The co-op is awesome! I played the co-op with my boyfriend, and working together as a proper team is exciting! And I must say...The graphics are unbelievable!!! My dad has a Samsung HDTV and oh my about take your breath away! Every 360 owner should have this game...if not...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU! :)
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Gears is the best xbox360 game that i have ever played
doomster92715 January 2007
Gears Of War is the best game on xbox360 maybe even best game I've played all year.With the best graphics i have ever seen on any system.The environments and surrounding ruin of cities looks great like an actual bombed out city.The A.I. in G.O.W is decent not to great though they are kinda dumb all they do is attack and take cover.Sound is awesome on it the guns sound great and the voice acting is really good done by professionals.The story is great just too short for my liking but its well done and when the soldiers talk they talk like real soldiers would by making jokes and trying to keep the morale up.Its a little sad to say but the way the soldiers act in this fictional war game is more real than they act in a real war game(my friend in the army told me thats exactly the way him and his company act).Actual game play of G.O.W is very easy and simple to get into and the firefights you'll be having are amazing just intense fire fights with taking fire and returning fire a decent variety of weapons makes the games fire fights fun.Taking cover is crucial to game play but its not as bad as it may sound you don't have to take cover for minutes at a time there are plenty of chances to run out and gun the Locusts down.All in all this is a great game worth buying if your a shooter fan or want a fun game to play its a most own for any 360 owner if they like action games at all.
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Best game of 2006 by far.
ritcheyz13 November 2006
Wow. Gears of War is an astounding game. Top to bottom, the game never ceases to amaze me. The single player, while the story wasn't exactly amazing, and the campaign wasn't exactly that long, the game play is amazing. AMAZING! "Stop and pop" is the way to play this game, as once said by Cliffy B.

The campaign is relatively easy on the lower difficulty, but when you ramp up the difficulty to Hardcore or Insane once you've unlocked it, this game will make you tear your hair out in frustration. I've beaten the game on Insane, it was difficult. Very difficult.

The multi-player is better. I don't even know how that's possible. But it is. The thrill of pulling off that head-shot with the sniper rifle or killing three people from the same blast from the Hammer of Dawn, it never gets old.

Oh, the Hammer of Dawn is a giant space laser.

The only complaint is that you can't break the chainsawing animation, so when you clearly could've dodged the blade in real life, you aren't allowed to move, unless it glitches, and even then, you die when they're not near you.

Overall this game will make you tear your hair out. In a good way. 10/10.
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Chainsaw Charlie
southdavid11 September 2018
Some twelve years after its initial release, I've finally found the time to sit down with a copy of "Gears Of War" and give it a playthough. Please note, I'm playing the original 360 version, on an Xbox One via the backwards compatibility, and not the remastered release.

My initial feelings about the campaign weren't, if I am honest, that great. A jumbled back story I soon decided to ignore led to a dull abandoned locations and repetitive encounters as small groups of enemies lumbered from ground to fall fairly quickly. The cover mechanic was cumbersome and fiddly and the game was really buggy, prescribed actions failed to kick in and on one occasional I climbed up a ladder which then glitched me to the middle of the roof and I had to restart. However, the further I got into the game, the more it improved. Generic corridors opened to towns squares and houses that needed to be defended from the (admittedly still pretty recurring) invasions. From there, the enemies and weapon types mix it up and bit, but it's the boss fights that remain the most memorable aspects of the game. I did get a better grip on the controls, although throughout the entire playthrough I kept snapping into cover when I was trying to jump out of the way. The active reload was a good addition though and it's one of the best game mechanics I've experienced - when you get the reload spot on, in the heat of battle and take down an enemy. I never did really get a handle on who the characters were and what we were really supposed to be doing but ignoring all that and just going in the direction it seemed to want me to go, and shooting what crawled from the ground became entertaining enough. And then, almost too quickly, it was over. The campaign was probably around ten hours for me, on the standard difficulty setting and trying to look around as much as possible for the cogtags.

I can only imagine what the experience was like to play the game for the first time in 2006, but in 2018, though it lacks the wow factor to compete with an AAA game now, I don't regret finally catch up.
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Holy hell! Oh my god!
stefanjovanovicmelbstorm28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I must say well done to the creators of this game. Not often are third-person shooters showered with so much praise. Well this one can certainly join the club.

In a way this game is a cliché with the prison inmate with the bad boy image called upon to save the planet. But who really cares! It might be cliché, but it's still fun! I love the graphics of this game. There is so much detail put into this, I swear I'm playing a WWII game. How they have managed to detail a planet on the brink of destruction I will never know.

The enemy, the Locust Horde are displayed magnificently in this game. They might seem as rebels without a cause, but they are deadly and have come to play. I love the different variations the player has to be pitted against, including Beserkers, Krylls and of course, the Lord of the Locust, General RAAM.

The only thing that disappointed me was the fact Private Carmine and Lieutenant Kim were killed off so early in the game, not a lot of time in between their deaths. I mean, Carmine might seem to be a expendable asset but he still deserves a lengthy stint in the game. It's the same in Gears of War 2, with his brother, Ben, being killed early in the game. Their story lines are not clearly explained and I think the creators decided to kill them off quickly to make up for this error.
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The "Epic" Military Action/Horror Title
Wolfdemon2 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Epic Games was known for publishing their trademark video game series, Unreal and Unreal Tournament. Now Epic collaborates with Microsoft, publisher of the Halo franchise, on Gears of War. Here's a review of Gears of War.

Plot: Marcus Fenix is a traitorous inmate turned anti-hero soldier. He escapes from jail thanks to his old friend, Dominic Santiago, since the slam is under attack from mankind's newest and dangerous enemy, the Locust. Marcus wants revenge on Gen. Raam, the Locust leader responsible for the death of his father and the reason why he ended up in jail in the first place. Marcus and his team of hardened soldiers, Delta Squad, must save humanity and destroy General Raam and his Locust forces before the planet Sera goes under their control. 5/5

Graphics: The graphics of Gears of War has the gritty and dark look of a horror comic book. The characters has that nice Frank Miller beefy character style and the backdrop of Sera looks amazing. The ruins of cities and its buildings are truly post-apocalyptic. 5/5

Sound: Epic has done an awesome job on the sounds. From gunfire to hearing the Locust ordering each other around. Whenever there's a battle going on, dramatic music plays and it would end with a heavy metal-like guitar riff. John DiMaggio gives Marcus Fenix a true hard edge in the voice. 5/5

Gameplay: Epic Games wanted to make sure Gears of War isn't gonna be a death-match style run and gun game. Epic takes a very realistic approach to military combat and the key to beating Gears of War is always taking cover behind just about anything. Gears seems to taking a page out of Resident Evil 4 with the over the shoulder camera system. Epic has also came up with a truly original weapon called The Lancer. This particular gun has a chainsaw bayonet that allows the soldiers to hack their enemies and watch them fall apart in pieces. The best part is watching the blood getting splattered on screen. Another best part of Gears is the camera following Fenix whenever he runs for cover like in the war documentaries. 5/5

Gears of War is definitely destined to rival Halo in popularity. Gears of War truly is the game of 2006 and may Microsoft and Epic continue with the success of their new franchise.

Final Review: 5/5
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Great graphics, weak storyline and game play...
jkchpmn29 September 2007
Don't get me wrong Gears of War is a good game, but its not as good as people say it is, it doesn't live up to the hype, the graphics however are beautiful and are a joy to watch, the cinematic scenes are cool to,but the game play gets a bit boring, you find yourself doing the same through out most of the game, ducking covering, shooting,walking, ducking covering ,shooting, walking. if u never get bored of shooting the same enemy through out then this is the game for you.Its not a terrible game though, I would call it good, but at times boring.Some of the weapons are really cool and great to use like the hammer of dawn, some of it is really artistic and creative to,once again it is a good game, not a great game.
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Why do people love it so much?
badger-tierney30 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I hated this game. The plot was terrible, it was not realistic, it did not excite me enough to keep playing but the graphics were quite good.

One of the main reasons I disliked this game for is the plot (if it had one). At the start of the game I had no idea what was happening, I did not know what the war was about, I did not even know who or what the other army was or anything, it jumped strait into the story without explaining it, nothing made sense

Another reason for my dislike of this game was the fact that it was not very realistic. I first noticed when the enemies (what ever they are) were coming out of a hole in the ground, I killed the last one and the hole magically sealed itself. The second time I noticed how unrealistic the game is when I was shooting someone I used up at least sixty bullets on one person (or alien or creature or whatever it is meant to be).

The other main reason why I did not like this game is that it did not excite me enough to keep playing. In short I found it boring. The only good thing about it was the graphics (they were alright). Personally I can not understand why people love it so much. I rated it two out of ten.
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Revolutionary and brilliant!! 10/10
jullebull21 June 2019
This is a classic game. This spectactular shooter became an award winning game that totally lived up to the hype. So good that they made two sequels, one prequel and a spin of (Gears 4). Gears 5 is also in progress and four novels have been written. Television series/documentaries exists about this game. In our gaming history GoW is piece of art and history. Gears is one of the most memorable and and celebrated series/sagas in the world of gaming in our history. Gears is the father and the invention of the cover based shooters. Gears of War was the start of a new era of gaming mechanics.

Gameplay: Shooting have never felt better. Tons of kick-ass shooting and tactical military-content. As I said the invention of the cover system. This game is built up by cover, you can hide behind everything. Quickly jump from one place to another. Or run while crouching to avoid bullets. This running and the fast swap between covers are very useful and fun to use. Controls are easy but very useful and good. I mean gameplay is the best part of this game. Gunplay runs smooth and feels great together with some heavy cool weapons. The gore and the chainsaw kill are amazing. Gameplay is so fun and i still return today to play this game. Bosses are nothing special, but it brings variety and joy to the game. This game is meant for co-op which is much better and funnier. Especially the split-screen which is nice to see. If you have a lovely sibling, parent, boy/girlfriend or just a friend at your home it's feels good to be able to bring up a game and socially play together at one couch. 10/10.

Graphics: 2006 this was the best looking game and it still holds up. The graphics looks promising. Detailed environments and character models. A dark and gritty atmosphere lies over this game and I love it. It is fitting to the world we play in and the story. Cut scenes are also very cinematic which is nice to see. When you're not enjoying the gameplay you can enjoy the cutscenes which looks good. For being 2006 and still holds up today there's nothing you can complain on. 10/10.

Story: Well there's not much going on in the plot. The game starts up pretty quick and rushed without any explanation of what's really going on. I mean Marcus prison sentence could be explained a lot more. I know the sequels, the books and the remaster fixed this criticism so I'm not seeing this as a huge problem but it made me confused when I first played it. This game was gameplay-focused after all. The story that exists is interesting I must say. The trailer really made me buy this game. Marcu Fenix is breaken out of prison and sent on a mission to destroy the Locust stronghold. This is a dark tale of humanity struggle and a desperate fight for survival and peace. Gears of War brings a depressing tone to a dark bitter story. Running around in a city were civilisation and lives are gone is scary and they made it so well done. Marcus and his team feels real and believable. The humor is fun but not too comic or excessive. I know that fellow soldiers talk like that in real life to hide the fear. But running around and listen to their small dialogues is enjoyable. Their adventure and the problems they face on the way makes this little "road movie"-feeling and the heroic ending gave me goosebumps. The final train mission was the best. 9/10.

Multiplayer is super fun.

This game is a masterpiece and one of my all time favorites!
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Oh, the hype...
eboli2126 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
2006. The PS3. The Wii. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Twilight Princess. It might not be an understatement to call 2006 the most important year yet for gaming. But all in 2006 would be for naught without Epic. Epic Games created the Unreal Engine 3, the ultimate middleware engine for the next generation of games. It's posterboy has been hyped so heavily that it inspired not just a Megadeth song but an entire tour, and was likely the sole reason behind the moderate success of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Sequel. The most anticipated game since Halo 2? Say hello to Gears of War.

By sliding this disc into your Xbox 360, you will lose all control of your daily life. Gears of War will consume you for weeks on end based solely on it's audio/visual power alone. All the screenshots that we drooled over for years were real. Epic pulled no punches making this the best-looking game ever, and the gunfire, voiceovers and musical score all perfectly compliment that. While the underlying mythos isn't fully explained (more on that later), the plot itself is wicked intense and frenetic, and the characters are all the more believable because of it. All the complaints based on Marcus Fenix's overly manly voice should be discounted, because John DiMaggio's performance is awesome in every way. Augustus Cole, a.k.a. "The Cole Train", is a classic character, and Dom makes the perfect buddy to tag along with.

But I'd still give it at least a 9 without all those snazzy graphics and Marcus's general awesomeness. It's the gameplay that counts, and Gears delivers in freakin' spades. Running and gunning is never going to work in this game; you have to think tactical, as every move you make could lead to your demise as much as it could spell your victory. Enemies are tough, smart, and very hard to take down. They flank often, use advantage of cover, and generally make your fight to the death a living hell. Thankfully, you'll have access to the most innovative and accessible cover system ever seen in a video game, and within minutes you will be bobbing and weaving from couch to crumbling pillar like the ruthless killing machine you wished to be in real life. Only in a handful of times did I miss the cover I wanted to take and die a bloody death, and that was in the hands of me, screwing up due to being chased by a half-dozen Locust through a vicious gauntlet of gunfire.

But the Locust Horde bleeds red too, and you will see it by the bucketful in every minute you play. Your selection of weapons, while not as extensive as Resistance: Fall of Man, is impressive in every way. From the eviscerating shotgun to the precise Longshot sniper rifle, you'll love every weapon you come by, save the obnoxious submachine gun you start with. Every weapon has a vicious melee attack, including the Torque Bow, which slices your foes into ribbons with extended blades, and even the Bolo Grenades, which you stick to your enemies then run for your life from (self-explanatory; they're grenades). The only disappointment in the bunch is the Hammer of Dawn; it's by no means the architecture-crippling beast that it was hyped to be in the previews. It still has place in some really cool setpieces (think: my love for you is like a truck), but it's a letdown nonetheless.

The Lancer Assault Rifle is my favorite weapon of the bunch. A powerful little beast, it can cripple even the most fearsome Locust with just under a half clip. But that chainsaw... it just has to be seen to be believed. So much blood is strewn about in this scene; it puts the whole Crazy 88 scene in Kill Bill, Vol. 1 to shame in just 3 or 4 seconds. And it never gets old.

I don't play multiplayer much, but Gears packs a serious punch in that department. Gametypes like Warzone, Assassination and Execution keep you coming back for more, and maps are unbelievably well-balanced. Every match is special. And at this time of writing, it shouldn't be too hard to find a match; nobody's playing anything else on Xbox Live at the moment. Gears of War is why.

Not much else can be said about Gears's solo campaign, but with Dom at your side constantly, you'd need to seek another hobby if the words "Co-" and "op" don't spell themselves out to you. This game was made for co-op play. In fact, many of the "COG tags" in the game aren't accessible without a buddy (most notably moving a spotlight on a friendly so that he can reach a hidden tag at the corner of a shadowy alleyway; without the light, he'd be liquefied by the Kryll, reminiscent of Pitch Black's carnivorous small bats).

In short (or very, very long), buy this game. Buy it fast; if you don't have a 360, buy it too, just so you can play this. There are no excuses in skipping an experience of this caliber. It is now officially in your best interests to play the Game of the Year as soon as possible.

Good job, Epic. You've done me proud. Now, on to Halo 3...
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Outstanding game
HowlingRabbit3342 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't exactly sure of Gears of War when I saw it sitting on the shelf of a game store, but, man, it was worth it!

10/10 Game play- The Gears of War game play took me a while getting used to. I was not accustomed to needing to hold a button in order to bring up the targeting reticule, nor was I used to the Active Reload system. But the game play is just really fun when you get used to it. Anyway, killing the Locust Horde (your enemies) is exceptionally enjoyable, so is ripping someone to shreds with the one-of-a-kind Chainsaw Bayonet.

9/10 Graphics- The graphics are pretty good. From the first hour I played this game, I could see the setting and atmosphere was supposed to be a solemn and lonely one. I thought the blood was a bit dodgy, although I blended in the rest of the scene. The Locust were extremely well designed, every scratch, scale and inch of skin and armor was carefully thought about. The graphics of Gears of War were really state-of-the-art and something to look forward to.

8/10 Story- The plot line of Gears of War if actually pretty basic, but not just any average shoot-en-up story. War had broken out between several Human countries. After decades of fighting, humanity stopped the Pendulum Wars and began recovering. But then, without warning, the Locust Horde, a vile race of creatures, rose from the planet's core and started slaughtering the still-recovering human race. A quarter of all humanity was destroyed, and the war between Humans and locust began. The still surviving human cities joined to form the Coilation of Ordered Governments (COG). The COG retreated to the Jacinto Plateau, the last safe haven for the humans. Due to the plateau's impenetrable ground, the Locust couldn't dig their way to it. Marcus Fenix, a war hardened soldier, fought the Locust for about a decade. But during an intense firefight, Marcus abandoned the battle to save his father in the East Barricade Academy. But he was too late. Marcus was to be sentenced to 40 years in Jacinto Maximum Security Penintentiary for dereliction of duty. But four years later, the Locust attack the Penintentiary. Colonel Hoffman, Marcus's former commanding officer, evacuated everybody, but left Marcus to die. Although his friend, Domonic Santiago, breaks him out of prison and Marcus is brought back to the Military. The COG have obtained a Lightmass bomb, which can blow up the Locust's tunnels, destroying thousands of Locust in the process. But the navigation data is needed for the bomb to work. And so Marcus and his squad are assigned to plant a device called the resonator in the tunnels so they can be mapped and the bomb will be ready to explode. The storyline is pretty good, but some parts of it are quite maddening, like the end of Act 3 in the campaign.

10/10 Overall- All in all, Gears of War is a great game, something all PC and Xbox 360 gamers should buy. Trust me, the campaign is quite gripping, and it is just so hard to put the controller down.
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If you own an XBOX 360, you are lost without Gears until you buy it!
Bronfmania1 January 2007
I am not a major gamer, but when I heard about Gears of War and that it is better than the Halo series, I bought it. The graphics were superb, the music was outstanding and matched the game-play. WOWOWOWOW the game-play! Freakin' amazing weapons.... the chainsaw gun..... the Hammer of Dawn! Gears of War is a game that will be a classic. The actual storyline is a bit too short, but the nice thing is that once you beat the game, you can play again on harder levels. Gears is the most addictive game i have ever played other than Guitar Hero II. Even if you die in the game, you'll want to jump back into the action.

I would give this game 9 1/5 out of 10 and if you would like more information or help please look at my comment board
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Great game, weak story.
johnnymacbest21 January 2010
Gears of War's biggest weakness is a interesting but bare bones plot but what it makes up for it is it's addictive and (very)gory intensely fun shooting action.

What Epic Games has done is nothing short of brilliant and although not really original, the core gameplay mechanics are very well-done. Besides the critically-acclaimed Halo series, the focus on cover makes for some really exciting and strategically intense firefights. The graphics are really nice, detailed, and has a dark, gritty, medieval-industrial/Gothic hybrid feel that fits really well with the atmosphere. The voice acting is a little cheesy but it's supposed to be this way. It feels like the action flicks of the '80s and '90s.

However, Gear's major flaw is the story. Nothing is even remotely explained; not even the real reason for why the bad guys want to destroy humanity. None of the characters are developed, even the Locust Horde and their leader, General Raam. The lack of any real development sucks what little life remains from the characters and it makes it a little depressing.

Gears of War is a great action game marred only by a weak, paint by numbers plot with emotionally devoid characters.
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A duck and cover shooting military game.
Aaron137510 July 2007
I do not usually care for this type of game unless there is something interesting going on. In the case of this game it is the fact you are going against an army of monsters that are coming from within the earth. So that right there means it will not be the typical shooter or bland army game. So you have your super tough soldier you control, released from a prison because at this stage in the conflict the military needs all the help they can get. So you now must battle your way through the locust horde to reach various mission objectives all with the sole purpose of destroying the opposition. Fear not, though as you have other soldiers on your side, helping you with their firepower as well. You also get a vehicle to drive and plenty of weapons, though I really loved the default weapon best. A machine gun with a chainsaw bayonet. The sniper rifle was also cool. Plenty of monsters to shoot too, as you have your basic foot soldiers, your giant nearly indestructible monsters, bat type creatures that avoid light and others. So even though usually this type of game is not for me, this one was rather fun and exciting.
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A good time killer.
PCwhipped26 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this game. It was pretty fun, and was entertaining, and I in no way dislike it. But, is it just me, or did this game not live up to the hype it produced? I find thats the problem, people hype something up and set their expectations high(take Halo 2 for example), and are disappointed with the game when it comes out.

In my case, I tend not to join in on hype for that reason. Yet, I was still somewhat disappointed with Gears of War. For the most part, the gameplay was good. However, it was very repetitive. It was the same fights over and over again. You may have had a few minutes of diversity (when first introduced to the Lambent Wretches, or when using the Junker for examples) but overall it was always the same. There are only a few times when any clever thinking needs to be done, to get yourself out of a bad situation. Gameplay seemed slow sometimes too. I did feel like I was playing to save the world, but I think it was more because of the scenery, the destruction, the pain and the characters rather than the battles themselves.

Storywise, the game lost a lot of points for me. Things such as Marcus' trial and imprisonment were not explained. When certain references in convorsations, for example between Kim and Marcus in the House of Sovereigns, gave a sense of curiosity, wondering what actually happened to Marcus. But we never found out. References like that should not be made, unless there is intention to tell the audience or gamer what happened. It seemed more of an inside thing for only the developers.

We never actually found out the real reason the Locusts were attacking Sera, nor their origins. We know they lived under the planet's crust in the tunnels. But we don't know how they got there, why they were there, why they are actually waging this war (It could be that they are mad we dug and made mines in their home), why they wont listen to reason or peace, etc.

I also found the game to be short. I beat it within hours of getting it. The last battle, with RAAM, wasn't as good as I was expecting either. The creators built up RAAM, giving the idea of him being this violent, powerful being. The way he killed Kim, was brutal. When I got to RAAM at the end, I was expecting an awesome battle. I was disappointed. Fighting RAAM was simple and boring. Just shoot him when the Krylls are gone and thats that. He just felt like another of the Locusts, with the added ability of using the Krylls as a shield. I was hoping for a more intense last battle. After fighting through the hordes of Locusts to fight RAAM, after defeating him, I didn't really feel like I accomplished anything.

The ending was good. I enjoyed the way it ended. Its an open cliffhanger. There is a good chance for a GoW 2, but the ending doesn't exactly imply there needs to be one. That, and it was just well done.

Graphically, the game was amazing. It was beautiful. Cinematics were great too, and the scripted scenes (take the light breaking at the Stranded Checkpoint, and the Krylls attacking) were well done. Dialouge was good, music was great, really kept me in the mood. For the most part it was a decent game, and I was generally entertained. But overall, I don't find it lives up to what everyone was expecting. It was fun, but it had many flaws that could've been worked on more.

Again, I in no way dislike Gears. I was entertained, I enjoyed it, but it could've been much, much better.
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The best 360 game so far
deavenger17 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Gears of War, this brings a whole new definition to shooter games. You're no longer stuck in a first person anymore. You're now playing in 3rd person.

You play Marcus Fenix (or in co-op, his buddy Dom). It's been 14 years after Emergence Day, where the Locuts from Sera (where you live) drilled through the ground and finally started to wipe out the entire human race. As a last resort, some of the remaining humans moved to a plateau where it's too hard for the locusts to drill through (for now). Now, you have to fight through the locust, try to survive and wipe out the locust.

This game is awesome. It's a harder game to learn at first, but it's worth playing. The graphics are amazing, the game play is awesome. The best part is, you don't have stupid allies that run around and get killed, they're actually smart. The AI are smart so you have to try and play smarter then them. Flanking is one of your best options. This is one of the greatest games ever played.
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More fun with 2 people but still great
soccerdragon1289 August 2007
This game probably shows one of the best graphics ever for a video game. Sound effects makes the game-play intense. But the best part of the game is online gaming and best of all CO-op. Gears of war is also the best 2 player game I've ever played. If u have trouble with a level, ask a friend and both of u can kick ass. Here are the pros and cons

Pros: Graphics are absolutely gorgeous and one of the best i have ever seen -Sound effects are great -reloading is fun -chainsaw is hilarious -Best co-op ever -Great voice acting and cast

Cons: Gameplay is very mediocre -Not that fun with 1 player -story isn't well presented
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Dull and still full of glitches.
Rob_Taylor17 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's interesting going back and playing older games and seeing just what was considered "good" back in the day.

GoW is no exception. It was showered with praise after launch and reviews are generally raving, especially about the graphics.

Well, today it all looks a bit lame, to be honest. The graphics are nothing special nowadays and the gameplay.... yikes! I suppose you can call this a cover-based shooter. You take a few shots, then duck into cover, then rinse and repeat. We still have these in 2013, of course, so the format is still valid.

But oh my! It's just so dull! The enemies spawn out of the ground when needed and you slowly progress forward through them. I quickly grew bored of the repetitiveness.

In addition, for a game that has been around so long, you'd think there would be fewer glitches. Your squadmates mill about aimlessly at times and I was never certain that they would follow me through doorways etc. At other times, they run ahead, leaving you little time to look around.

In one particularly glaring error, the tutorial right at the beginning borked and I was left wandering around an empty room with no way to trigger the next action sequence. Even restarting the game from scratch got the same result, so it is far from a random occurrence.

That's another thing. Trigger events. Many games have them, but GoW seems particularly inept at utilizing them. As in the example above, sometimes they just don't work and at other times your men mill about and getting them to move to, say, a door that one of them needs to open can involve a frustrating amount of running around trying to get them to "wake" up to the fact that it is their action that is needed.

For me, though, the repetitiveness is what drove me to put the game aside. Well, that and the utter lack of anything like a rationale or story behind the supposed war that is going on. Who are the Locust? Where is my character? Who are these people I'm with. What is COG? None of these things are answered. You are just thrown straight in. There's no backstory to the thing.

In short, this is a game from yesteryear. 2006 to be precise. It hasn't withstood the passage of time at all well and looks, and plays, very poorly now. I did not finish it, because it was too boring and too linear.
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Big Guys, Big Guns, and the Start of the 7th Generation
rolfesam15 October 2016
Gears of War, as of 2016, has had 4 main entry games and a spin-off game to boot and it all stems from the success of the first game in the series. the game that would go on to become the trend setter for the entire generation of gaming to follow.

The game forgoes a good chunk of the explanation and dialogue that games use to try and quickly fill players up on the plot and instead unceremoniously toss them into the boots of Marcus Fenix and sends them off to fight. With so little to go off of it took me quite a bit of time and extra searching to discover that when the characters referred to something called Sera they were not referring to a person or a future nation but of their planet, which is not earth. While this could have been done poorly by a lesser game it works wonders for setting the bleak tone of the gears universe.

While it can often feel like you are being left in the dark about the goings on of Gear's plot it is not an indicator that it is lacking in any sense. The story to Gears and its universe is actually much sadder and thought out than one might think upon first glance. The game will more often than not refuse to explain what the characters are talking about when discussing important events in the lore but they do so to make the character's interactions be more natural. after all how strange would it be in the real world if a US soldier were to walk up to his platoon and ask what 9/11 was? Same thing for why they do not explain to each other what their tragedy was.

The art style of the game has held up surprisingly well despite the game's age. characters and locations still look unique and visually interesting even without the graphical fidelity of newer games and really go the extra mile to set up a cool world to play through.

finally the gameplay. the gameplay of Gears is often referred to the father of cover based shooters. Despite Gears of War not being the first game to use the mechanic they were the first to popularize it and make it the stable of shooters that are grounded a bit more in the bounds of reality.

Overall if you have an Xbox 360 you can pick up the game for cheap and enjoy a great game and for the Xbox 1 you can pick up the remastered version. The game is well worth playing and will deliver in giving you something you haven't seen before but it will most likely hook you and make you curse the horde like so many other gamers before have.
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