Dorm Daze 2 (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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See it if you have nothing left to see
diabloicexp7 September 2006
This film is only mildly funny, there are lots of situations that could have made it funny but I think its the lack of comical timing of the actors and scenes that for me missed the punch, you always see the joke coming. The story is unoriginal but this was not a film made for its originality. The film does have a few funny moments and lots of nudity and things alike, like drugs and parties but they all seem a bit dull and slow. The film falls way short of movies such as "American Pie" & "Road Trip" even though more "naughty" stuff happens in this film and is more explicit, those films know how to use these elements for suspense and laughter this film just throws all them in an hopes it works.
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Not funny but not dumb
Jezperse26 August 2006
Before I tell you what I think of this movie, I just need to tell you a few things. I'm 26 years old, big fan of all sorts of movies, no matter if they adrenaline pumping action flicks, deep emotional love dramas, intelligent satire or plain silly dumbness, as long as I get anything out of a movie, I'm satisfied.

About Dorm Daze 2 then, I saw Dorm Daze a couple years ago and I recall enjoying it. Nor more or less than any regular teen movie, but it had the whole door slamming Shakespeare thing going on which was really nice to see nicely incorporated into the American Pie format. This movie, however, tries to be as intriguing as the other one with a huge cast of people you never really get to understand who, why or what they are. The movie is a mess, but you can follow it if you really try (dispite all the errors in the plot). My main concern about this movie though, is that its not funny (and I'm a guy who found Benchwarmers hilarious for its plain and simple stupidity). There wasn't one single moment in this movie that I found funny, and I'd say I know funny when I see it, all categories. They were really trying for laughs but failed miserably. The plot work is much better then the comedy of it, but unfortunately that doesn't say much about the plot either.

Therefor, I cannot recommend this movie to anyone. Its not funny, and if you're into those plot things you better go with the first Dorm Daze instead, and stay away from this one.
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This is a spoof of an Agatha Christie novel & movie
charlytully25 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
"Lampoon" means to spoof something, so it is no surprise to learn on the DORM DAZE 2 d.v.d. extras that directors\producers David & Scott Hillenbrand's 2006 flick is a self-conscious parody of the Agatha Christie yarn MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS (and since filming on a real train was cost prohibitive, they went on-location with the next best thing: the wooden-decked old Queen Mary ocean liner, moored for decades at a pier in Long Beach, CA). Since it appears really doubtful the Hillenbrands have attained the sixth-grade reading level necessary to tackle Christie's tome, it's clear they based their satire on the 1974 Sidney Lumet-directed film of the same title. Unfortunately, the correlations may be a little subtle to the casual DORM DAZE 2 viewer; as a public service, a smattering of the key tie-ins are listed below:

The role of authority figure Hercule Poirot (Albert Finney on the 1935 train trip recreated by Lumet) becomes scheming drama professor Dean Dryer (Larry Drake), right down to the parlor-style climax scene so common to Poirot mysteries. Michael York's Count Andrenyi from ORIENT morphs into ship's captain Bunkley (Richard Riehl) in DAZE. Sexy Jacqueline Bisset played York's countess on ORIENT; DD porn retiree Jasmine St. Clair portrays Mrs. Bunkley (with a secret identity as porn actress "Summer Solstice") in DAZE. PSYCHO's Anthony Perkins is the shady Hector Willard MacQueen in ORIENT; Nicholas Shake is drink poisoner Dante in DAZE. Sir John Gielgud is ORIENT's Mr. Beddoes; Charles Shaughnessy is DAZE's jewel-thieving archaeologist Cavendish. Lauren Bacall becomes Mrs. Harriet Belinda Hubbard on the ORIENT, while China Jesusita Shavers is the student playwright Robin in DAZE. The Russian on the ORIENT EXPRESS is Princess Dragomiroff (Wendy Hiller); the Queen Mary's Russian--snapping her towel at the boy in the girls' shower--is Olga (Kinna McInroe). The colonels are Arbuthnot on the Orient (Sean Connery) and Eli ("too tall" Jeremy Howard) in DAZE. The pairing of Mr. Ratchett (Richard Widmark) and Greta Ohlsson (Ingrid Bergman) on the ORIENT EXPRESS is echoed by unicyclist Newmar (Tony Denman) and alleged virgin Violet (Vida Guerra) in DAZE. With Rachel Roberts playing the lost Hildegarde Schmidt in ORIENT, it is eerie that Jennifer Lyons (who says she's allergic to penicillin in real life) has the role of DAZE's budding lesbian Lynne. Since Martin Balsam is Signor Bianchi in ORIENT, it's no surprise dead ringer James DeBello plays the ship's pirate bartender and captain-killer Cliff in DAZE. Other tie-ins between these two cinematic efforts are too numerous to mention, but hopefully those touched upon above will be enough to whet the appetite of dedicated celluloid history buffs.
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Vida, you're the best.......butt
Tom_Powers3019 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie for one, well two reasons: Vida Guerra. She is absolutely hot, however this movie isn't. And, disappointingly, no she doesn't remove any clothing. She does wear some nice, revealing clothes, but come on you can see more on the Internet. And the movie is pretty lame to boot. It is like a low-tier American Pie, but those films are way better and have better looking women. Trust me, check out Vida on the 'net and not in this loser.

Some of the performances are OK, like the red-haired dude from various other movies like this, but this doesn't even rate as an Animal House rip-off in any way. A few of the performers redeem themselves, I laughed a few (few) times.

And poor Larry Drake. You used to be a cool, character actor. What happened?
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What an awful movie
FatherCedar17 August 2007
I usually enjoy a crazy, raunchy, comedy once in a while but this was just atrocious. I can't believe that people actually were paid to write it. I will admit that there were a couple of funny scenes but there was virtually no plot and minimal character development. I think the premise of this movie had some real possibilities in terms of delivering humour, with a plot. The American Pie films which are the same genre are far superior and I was expecting a similar product. Instead I found a disjointed somewhat vague plot, virtually no character development, jumps from event to event with little coherence. I felt very ripped off by the fact that I paid to rent this film. Very disappointing.
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Went to a screening
movcd15 June 2006
I went to a screening of Dorm Daze 2 last night. My cousin worked on it so that might make me a little biased, but anyway, I laughed my ass off. The crowd was mostly people from the film who automatically are going to like it, but it was still one of the funniest movies I've seen this year. The plot doesn't die halfway through and then you get stuck with the same lame joke over and over like it does in half the movies around. There's a lot of female nudity which I think offended the old lady behind me and unfortunately there's also a lot of naked man ass which made me want to gouge my eyes out. Note to all producers. No man should ever be naked on film. The male body is meant to be covered in a burka at all times. However, thank you for all the naked females. There can never be too much naked female. Yours truly. Gandhi.
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The DVD cover is deceiving...
Dnnwenger30 September 2006
I rented this for one sole purpose... Vida Guerra. Everyone knows she has the best body on the web. But if you like myself thought the cover looked nice with heron it; Well think again. This movie is horrible compared to the original. It did have a few somewhat funny scenes, but overall just sucked. I'd been looking forward to seeing this from the moment I learned that Vida Guerra was to star in it. Well, her role was sadly low-end. Her role, not even being a student didn't allow her to have any major parts to star in. Don't watch this if you're looking for Vida, because she's got nothing to show in this sad video. As said before, there's more to see on the net, rather than this deceiving movie. I almost cried/laughed in the end.
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Pretty awful but what can you expect from a National Lampoon movie?
preppy-38 February 2014
Sequel to "Dorm Daze" (which I didn't see). It involves a class of college kids aboard a huge liner where "hilarious" hijinks occur. We have the ugly repulsive guys trying to get laid, the horny virgins, the stoners, the nymphomaniacs, the girls who might be lesbians, the gratuitous female nudity and a kleptomaniac monkey (seriously). I was expecting very little and that's exactly what I got. Almost all the jokes are terrible and the plots are stupid. Also I've never seen such a poor distribution of plots. They go careening all over the place with no rhyme or reason. Also seriously--most of the male "stars" of this movie are out of shape and quite frankly ugly. Yet we have all these beautiful women falling all over themselves to get to them! This gets two stars for a few reasons--there's a bunch of fairly hot nude men at the end (back view only), there are some funny jokes and some of the acting is not half bad (most of the women here are pretty good actors). But, all in all, this is a pretty bad t&a flick.
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Dorm Daze 2!!!!!
tbills28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Never really seen the first Dorm Daze but I need to. This is Hollywood's version of a sofcore nudie flick with its sexually energized plot only there's not nearly enough breasts/boobs/cans. Danielle Fishel, China Shavers and Jennifer Lyons are way cool.
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A Mixed Bag and Exactly what I expected !!! (Which wasn't much)
kooleshwar10 October 2006
Lets face if you've rented this movie your either a fan of such crude, R-rated teen humour or REALLY REALLY STUPID.

I mean if you didn't like movies like American Pie, Roadtrip etc etc than you have no business renting this movie.

And if you've liked those movies and have seen the original Dorm Daze then you'll realise that this is a sequel to a not so great movie and scale down you expectations.

BUT Being a fan of such movies and the fact that the DVD was unrated I didn't scale my expectations down to much (6/10) and popped the movie into the player.

I immediately realised that this movie would at least meet my expectations (and may be even exceed it) when I realised that this movie wasn't going to be the story of one person but is going to involve a whole lot characters. (Thus removing the single biggest mistake film makers of such movie and their sequels make, i mean come on nobody in such movies has the talent to carry a whole film on his/her shoulders, by involving many characters you are able to hide many flaws and become much more flexible).

The actors involved unfortunately look far from being teens but even then that hardly affects the movie.

The pompous British professor, the fat captain, the tyrannical dean are all caricatures and neither hamper nor enhance the film.

The film makes many attempts to revive and reinterpret old jokes such as the dead body (weekends at Bernie) etc but meets with only reasonable success.

The movie does have its moments though, the naked hanging man and the 2 scenes involving the captains wive were a absolutely hilarious and had me falling out of my seat with laughter.

The movie is ample eye candy and nudity from the extras, sadly the main stars (especially Vida Guera) do not expose. Still the chicks involved were hot and I'm not complaining.

Acting, direction etc are not really important in such movie and due to the nature of the film (many characters, plots and sub-plots) ensure that any lapses on these fronts are easily ironed out.

Even though I didn't think it were possible this movie actually had the potential to exceed expectations, but the good amount of Strictly OK scenes ensured that this movie only met my expectations.

The DVD extras were nothing special and not worth mentioning.The movie is a mixed bag and we have a few money moments, hot chicks, nudity and a couple of absolutely hilarious scenes mixed mostly with a fair amount of not so funny moments, failed attempts and over the top scenes.

In all an OK movie thats worth a rent if you are are a fan of such movies and are desperate to watch a movie of this type.

-s fair amount of OK and not so OK scenes,cast strictly OK, no nudity from the stars.

+/s caricaturish characters, DVD extras.

+s 2 absolutely hilarious scenes (especially the captains wife),a mixed bag of funny jokes.

Total 6/10( absolute and factoring in expectations)
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Okay Late Viewing
jmatrixrenegade4 August 2013
This is starting to be a film that I see when flipping thru the channels (and darn if Fios has a lot) late night to see if anything good is on to watch. It is relatively painless on that level, though it is hard to imagine too many will find it worthwhile to watch the whole thing. It is one of those films, however, you can mindlessly watch parts of, especially if you aren't desiring to think much. Drinking or being half asleep will help here or something along those lines.

The film is very frenetic -- it aims, especially during the extended play performance climax -- for slapstick style farce. I think it deserves a bit of love for at times managing to do this 1/2 well. It's not really that easy to do, especially with such a large cast.

Take the scene where two characters are trying to get into mood for sex. While this is happening, other things occur, and it all comes together when one of the boob characters accidentally falls over the ledge (because of some other plot development), down to his butt ramming against the cabin window. A crowd of people come in while this occurs. Basically, I'm saying, it requires some degree of plotting the situations to put this all together. It isn't that funny, mind you, but I respected the skill of it all.

Who expects much from a sequel to a film of this nature anyway? So, not much of a positive rating, but I do respect the effort. I think some of these people, including the creators of the film, might have enough talent that in another context, they could make a superior product.
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Best comedy of the summer
escapedinmate95 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just rented Dorm Daze without knowing what to expect and it's the best thing I've rented this summer. Laughs every thirty seconds, and one scene is the funniest thing I've ever seen. Don't expect to be able to take a leak in the middle and then just keep watching cause there's so much going on you will lose track of everything and probably miss five nude chicks. Oren Scoog is an actor you've never seen before but I'm betting he'll be the next Ben Stiller. He's perfect as the lead virgin. There's a chick named Gable something who plays CHris Owen's girlfriend who is also really hot that you've never heard of. The other chicks are well known and hot so I wasn't surprised by them. See it is you can.
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Pure ambivalence
radaldk3 June 2023
So, as of writing this review, I'm 28 years old, this movie was released when I was 11, and I saw it by accident when I was 16. I think that's relevant. Watching this movie is far from watching a political blockbuster like Dr. Strangelove or a visual masterpiece like Blade Runner, but when it comes to movies you can just lay back and chill to, or watch with friends who just wants something to look at, this has several times in my life been a go-to for some reason. It's an absurd mix of premature sexual jokes and a wholly cliché storyline, while still having actors trying to do their best with a script that's... questionable. To simplify it as much as possible, it's the game of Clue (like the Savannah episode of The Office) meets horny college student. In terms of cinematic value, it's one of the lowest hanging fruits you can image, but somehow the actors executes the questionable script flawlessly. Whenever I want to lay back and relax without thinking about... well... anything, this movie is in my top 10, and I feel like it's a guilty pleasure of mine.
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worst movie ever
kpiedra-8324911 August 2021
This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life and I am a huge fan of Jennifer Lyons, Danielle Fishel and Vida Guerra. This is like it was filmed and written by high school kids. The adult content isn't even worth the view as its limited and lame.
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Unfunny and a mess
Floated218 October 2021
Having not seen the original Dorm Daze but seeing this sequel randomly, expected some laughs with a simple type plot. As a film, this film is painfully unfunny where you can tell the actors are trying really hard in being funny, that it comes across as cringe. A lot of characters are involved with many subplots occurring at the same time with most of them being uninteresting that it becomes a mess.

Seemingly compared to the American Pie films but only a couple minutes and we see this is nowhere near the level. Only for late night viewing and even so, there are better options out there.
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hilarious late night movie
delongebs18230 December 2006
FUNNY! If you want a smart comedy, this isn't for you. This is a movie that is absolutely hilarious to watch at 1 am with a bunch of friends. It is the ultimate "guy" movie- it is funny, actually has some plot, and a fair amount of nudity. There are so many situations that are bound to make you crack up, we were laughing non-stop the entire time and reference the movie in our conversations on a frequent basis. The movie is a actually pretty well written and not nearly as predictable as expected. The only negative is the frequent showing of the male rear end, although the 2 scenes with it are absolutely hilarious. Also, i wouldn't suggest watching it with girls/ your girlfriend if you haven't noticed.
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Eye Candy, plain and simple
dgfloyd187 September 2006
If someone is renting this movie for any other reason than seeing Vida Guerra's very developed assets (especially the bottom half) then I think they have already missed the point of this movie.

Vida is stunning as always. The internet's most down-loadable woman and her beautifully developed apple bottom star in this guilty pleasure of a movie. The feauturette of Vida in the extras on the DVD are worth the purchase price of this DVD alone. I'm a huge Vida fan, and a fan of the curvy instead of stick female that Hollywood has been throwing at us the past few decades, so finally getting the sexiest, most curvy woman possible brings a tear to my eye.
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Don't sleep on this flick!
burnzyburns7 September 2020
Dorm Daze 2 might as well be the pinnacle of terrible movies. It surely has not been seen by many people and it's somehow a sequel to Dorm Daze which is a mediocre film at best. DD2 is a near direct sequel with a lot of the cast returning from part 1. The plot is really unique, as it takes place on a cruise ship, which is as fictional as it can get but it's so funny at the same time. I found nearly every character to be likeable. Pete and Wang are my favourite. Booker is a ladies man, Rusty is a desperate virgin, Nomar is overly obsess with another girl played by Vida Guerra who can't act for her life.

I won't spoil the plot but I'll say that it is mysterious just like the first movie. And the events surrounding the plot are entertaining including a stop in some village in Mexico or whatever where Pete and Wang are trying to find the craziest drug to smoke.

Lots to pick and choose from in Dorm Daze 2. The cast is large, lots of sub plots, lots of bad acting and terrible dialogue, albeit laughable, dialogue. It's a great time. I think you'll love this movie.
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One of the funniest ever seen.
xecutionkrk31 August 2006
After the disappointments of Scary Movie trilogy, this has to be the one of the best I've seen this year. Movies like these where producers tries to make the actor/actress so stupid, so that they can carry of the plot threw out the film. But this one is totally not focused into it. Every one seems to act out naturally and most of it seems reality. Well, anyone can argue, but after all we are only debating here so we can recommend if other should watch this movie or not. If you read my review I think you should get a clear view that this is a must watch if your are a teenager who just like to get a good laughter.

I watched the Barely Legal of NLp's which was OK, but this got to be one of the top after American Pie.
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