Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (TV Series 2004–2006) Poster

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I don't think this was for me.
cinephile-276903 January 2019
I saw the very first episode, and I was bored about half the time. I almost turned it off before then. If you like reality TV, this is for you, but I frankly didn't really have much interest in the beach life, and I did not understand what made these lives so special that they needed to be on TV for 3 years. Let me repeat this: If you like reality TV, this is for you. And it's only for you. Sorry if I disappointed you.
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kind of ridiculous
myladynorth2 March 2024
The girls are all very attractive and the boys not as much but the girls seem to think they have to take the neglect and poor treatment of the boys. Can this be even close to real life? Not as I remember it.

It is a little too shallow to be good. There are too many people and it is hard to keep them all straight.

No one seems to have future plans for college. Or at least they are not spoken and the band that gets a recording contract is just bad.

So on the whole, it is hard to take this show seriously. It could have been very good. It had the bones for it but they just tried to do too much.
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This show is pretty interesting BUT...
KatieMaynord13 October 2006
Okay, Calli and whatever your friends name is, you guys are RIDICULOUS!! Tessa is like the most beautiful girl I have ever seen with the most beautiful smile, and you guys are so pathetically jealous of her it might as well be written on your foreheads!! GROW UP!! The world does not revolve around you! That is one thing your daddys credit card CANT fix! You girls only wish you could possibly one day look HALF as good as Tessa. Tessa, YOU GO GIRL!! I hope you find your guy!! And by the way, this has nothing to do with pity from her being sick. It has to do with how low you two are. "EW, lets leave...EW...EW" I wanted to jump into my TV when you girls said that!! You should feel extremely lucky that you were saying that to Tessa and not me because you probably would have gone flying off that balcony! The show is great, but you girls need a SERIOUS reality check! Oh, and whoever the guy is that just "dumped" jessica, good job on dumping her because she is a complete idiot, but you are such an ASS!! I cant wait for the day a girl TRULY breaks your heart! "Dude, I am SO over it" DUDE America is SO OVER assholes like YOU!!!
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This show...
ngomer0412 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw this show and I have to say I discovered two things that make this show unbearable.


The kids on this show are spoiled and get whatever they want, then cry when they don't get what they want. The only thing that comes from watching this is our society telling TV producers that we enjoy living vicariously through these boring and bland rich morons. By watching this show, society praises these rich children for being rich, despite these "real life people" having never worked a day in their life. "Oh my God, I woke up today. I've earned a Land Rover! Praise me age demographic 10-17!!"

Also, this show is MTV's sad attempt to gain attention off of the OC crowd, which FOX is making loads of money off of.

*End Spoiler*

If you can name a majority of characters on this show, but you can't give the name of our Secretary of State, Attorney General, or even the President, then you need to think about what you are doing with your life.
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It's MTV...I can't say I'm surprised.
kjpsychology5 June 2006
I watched this show because I've heard my friends rave about it. I thought it was just another show like the O.C. It turns out that it's worse. It's based on real people. And why's that worse? Because in real life they're much much more annoying, and bitchier. After 10 minutes, I couldn't continue watching. It was painful. I saw the episode where this guy drives this really nice old car and takes this girl on a date. They literally sit there at the table just staring at each other. Then they fast forward it to night. They still sit there. Not saying a single word. Then they leave and go to a jacuzzi and make out. WTF.

Before all you crazed Laguna fans start swearing at my review, I will certainly agree on one thing. MTV did a very good job. MTV did an amazing job convincing the world of misguided teens, that what the kids on the show have, is what everyone should want. The lifestyle, the stream of brand new luxury cars, black and white tie parties, designer clothing. They also did an amazing job setting up the camera work, buying the right songs to set up the "emotional atmosphere", so that the audience would feel some sort of compassion, envy or be emotionally touched.

In other words - MTV used these kids as marketing tools, and butchered the songs of artists by throwing them in while some random 2 kids start making out. They constantly whine about their lives and how much drama there is - WTF is their drama?! Because Kelly kissed Rachel's boyfriend during their cowboy themed party? It's funny how the show revolves around their lives, but their lives consist nothing more than nice clothes, surfing, partying, and getting more money from their parents to do all that.

In so many words - They're spoiled rich brats. Sure, many will argue, "You're just jealous, and want their life." Trust me - if being that rich meant you had to be an egotistical-self-centered brat, then no thank you. Just from reading up on people with that kind of profile, they are more psychologically messed up than you think. MTV cuts out all the crappy stuff you don't want to see - parental issues are especially common - you see them hand out car keys, but you never see them actually interact more than that. Everything's picture perfect - and I wouldn't't be surprised if MTV had a role in trying to set up certain situations to make sure it looks that way.

How about for a change, we see them make a difference in the community - see them actively help/volunteer for a foundation or a charity which involves actual work - and not just decorating rooms and handing out booze.

The fact that MTV made them stars, it adds more fuel to their burning fire of egoism, and I'd say within a couple of years, they will go down in flames - and tabloids will be there to pick it right up.

Bottom line is, if you want to get out of reality, and decide to escape to fantasy for awhile, don't watch Laguna beach to do so - you could read a Harry Potter book for f*ck's sake and get more out of that than to watch this show. Nothing but teenagers who constantly whine about how imperfect their lives are - how their friend betrayed them, and how life is unfair.

These kids need a serious wake up call - and so does the rest of the TV world. I don't know what's more pathetic - the kids on the show - or the kids who actually see these kids as role models/idols.
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Wasting My Life Watching People Waste Theirs
addictedtosierramist3 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched a few episodes of Laguna Beach in a Laguna Beach Season 1 marathon because, being the couch potato that I am, had nothing to watch. And I can honestly say that MTV has seriously reached an all time low.

MTV is giving the wrong idea to those naive kids out there that all you have to do is go on shopping sprees and sit around and fun and drama will fall into your lap. If this was a soap opera or a drama, I would love it, but it's reality. I can't believe that people in reality sit around and bitch about stuff that no one cares about. There are more important things in life than figuring out whose going to ask to out to prom or which skanky dress looks hotter on you.

With the upcoming show "Two-a-days" (does MTV honestly think that people who are maybe less than popular in school wants to watch a TV show on cheerleaders and football players who have everything?) and Super Sweet Sixteen, it's apparent that MTV is mocking those who actually want to do something with their lives except sitting around and be completely materialistic.

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Another Mindless MTV TV show
Phantasm0130 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Lotsa people whine about how it's got rich people and I don't care about them, and whatever, but that doesn't even matter. This show is just..... so...... boring..... God! It's un-freaking believable. That 'Mad Money' show on CNBC is 10 times more entertaining than this, and it's about freaking stocks. I'll admit, I've only watched this show for like 30 minutes, total, but that's way more than enough. Wow, they're sitting on the beach. Fascinating. Never seen that before. Also, conversation between teenaged girls is the absolute epitome of banality, particularly stupid ones, like the ones featured on this show. The show has a few good points, however. Many of the people have hilarious names (Lo, Talan etc.) Also, they tend to wear moronic looking sunglasses, which are pretty funny to look at. Also, there's that one fat chick, who I like to make fun of. Hey fatty, you're fat. But all that grows tiresome after a few minutes.
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The "KIDS" of television
lorcanfaol3 September 2006
If you want to see a bunch of spoiled, mentally retarded, petty, trendy, childish, immature, cloned living jokes without personalities go about their sheltered and pathetic teenage lives, this is the show for you.

The guys: All of the guys on this show are the guys you can see at any mall. Go to the mall, those are the guys on this show. Guys that if you talked to, you'd find that the only things they care about are how their hair looks, whether or not they should pop their collars, whether or not that blond girl with the tits has a boyfriend, and what to eat in front of said girl on a date so he can impress her. I want to personally stab these guys with a pitchfork.

The girls: The girls are all completely brain dead. Unfortunately they, like the guys on this show, represent your average, run of the mill teenager with the most inane interests and a shallow, pitiful existence. Also like the guys, these girls are the kinds you will find in any mall. The girls who have cell phones permanently stuck on their ears, shopping bags in their hands, giggling like airheads while twirling their hair with their fingers... yeah. Those girls.

I don't understand the point of this show. I really don't. As with all reality television, this is directed toward the most simple minded fools on the planet. Some maggot at MTV got the idea : "well look at all these other stupid reality shows out there... there's a show about a bunch of hand picked lemmings who "survive" on an "island" through all of the "dangers" and "difficulties", like not having a king sized bed to sleep in, not having a manicure every day, and not having TV. That show got huge ratings! And it was completely stupid! Then there is American Idol. A bunch of talentless losers singing songs written for uncreative people, hoping to "earn" themselves some fame and fortune and a record contract! Hell yeah! This show completely craps all over the notion of decent music and art and really brings the value of music down to a consumerist level of completely rotten standards! That show got huge ratings, too! There are tons of reality shows out there for people with IQ's of 70. But I bet if we could make an even dumber show, for people with IQ's between 20 and 30, we would REALLY have something!" So this guy went and asked the MTV Board of Uncreative Ideas for Stupid Television Shows, the same people who brought you TRL, Cribs, Pimp My Ride, and Real World, to come up with an idea for the dumbest show that television has ever had. They said "we don't think that even we can come up with something as stupid as you want. But we know who can." So they went out to a local high school and gathered up the dumbest looking bunch of kids they could find. They brought them back to the MTV THINK ROOM and threw them in there, telling them to come up with an idea for the best TV show they could think of. Six hours later, the door was opened and they showed the MTV PEOPLE their idea.

"We thought it would be a great idea to actually send an entire camera crew out to California, waste the time of directors and producers and editors and lots of other production crew people on a show about a bunch of typical mindless high school aged kids who have a bunch of typical mindless, menial, predictable, hopeless drama in their lives. Not only do they have this drama, but they let this meaningless drivel actually consume their entire being and control who they are, so that they all become just like us - complete wastes of life and air." The MTV Board of Uncreative Ideas for Stupid Television Shows knew this was their ticket. It was complete garbage! Exactly what MTV needed more of. So they ate it up, and immediately got to work. They sent a camera crew out to California with the instructions "find the most trendy, air headed, worthless teenagers you can find, and tell them you want to make them famous and put them on TV. They are all suckers so they'll do whatever it takes." And thus LAGUNA BEACH was born. And now average teenagers from around the world who just got home from school and just finished babbling and yapping and bamboozling themselves over pitiful drama with their friends can sit in front of the TV and re-live the very same kind of mind numbing drivel that they obviously don't experience enough of in their lives. "OMG!!! SHE HAZ DA SAME PROBLMZ I DO!! LOL!!! U RULE LAGUNA BEACH!!!!" And since this show is incredibly awful, it will run for probably 15 seasons.
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Laguna Beach
rprywes11 July 2006
Its a really addicting show.

I thought it was a bit retarded at first, but once I got passed the incessant 'likes' and the careless overspending, the characters became more real to me. Don't knock it until you've tried it.

anyways thats all i have to say but i think i have to continue writing in order for my comment to be posted, why do they want us to write at least ten lines worth of text? i don't understand, I only had four lines worth of thought but now i have to continue writing nonsense until I have reached a suitable length. I wonder if this is even going to work. Maybe IMDb will see this comment and realize that 10 lines of text isn't always necessary. I mean, how much can you possibly have to say about laguna beach?
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What did you expect?
hms-kevinwashia5 March 2007
Look, if you turn to MTV for insightful, revealing programming (save, perhaps, True Life) you need to take a better look at what you're watching. Getting progressively worse, MTV's shows are shallow, materialistic and idiotic. That's not to say shows like this don't have their place (who hasn't siphoned some entertainment at such pitiful classics as Date My Mom, Parental Control or Next?) but my God, you really need to understand what it is you're watching. Laguna Beach is by far the worst excuse for reality television I have ever seen, and I'm not a fan of reality TV to begin with.

One: this is not a likely reality in that way that you know it (based on simple economical statistics). These are the airy and hollow social interactions of a bunch of spoiled teenagers who live in their own secluded little world, have everything handed to them on a silver platter, and, out of sheer boredom and listlessness, blow common social problems so far out of proportion that it takes all the will power of the viewer not to pull an Elvis and unload a round into the television. Two: this is not their reality in anyway either since there is an insane amount of editing that takes place between what actually goes on and what you end up seeing.

If you're a fan of reality TV and are willing to suspend disbelief for an agonizing half an hour, then you might enjoy this. Otherwise, you'll see this show for what it is- a bunch of snobby brats advertised as genuine everyman/woman characters that most people can relate to and generally pathetic entertainment. Watch at your own risk.
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Just for fun, chill out.
byebyedirector14 August 2006
So OK it's the same stuff over and over with the teenagers and the "drama" etc. etc. but Laguna Beach is what it is. Don't read into it too's a fun little show on MTV so who cares! I'm definitely not saying there aren't bigger problems in life than who's hooking up with who and what kind of car you drive, but for an escape from reality this is just like any other TV show. It does the job. My advice is to not take it too seriously. Have a laugh. Imagine a place that's sunnier than where you may be. Imagine a place where those types of issues are the only issues (must be nice!). Who remembers what it's like to be a teenager and be in love and gossiping and driving around? It's not that foreign of a concept even if where they live is ten times more gorgeous and they trade in their Isuzu's for BMWs. That's why it's a TV show. Just entertainment!
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MTV's Laguna Beach and the Decline of the American Empire
KingHater8 September 2006
This program could be an ingenious strategic weapon, were it created by terrorists to facilitate the eventual disintegration of the moral fabric of America.

"Laguna Beach" and its ugly sister show, "The Hills" comprise a layer of bile accumulated atop an age of media diarrhea that is severely damaging the values system of a generation of kids. The mere concept of delivering "fabricated reality" to a youth demographic before they are adequately media-literate and intellectually equipped to make such a critical distinction presents a set of truly frightening possibilities...and the fact that it's justified as mindless, harmless fun is arguably the most cynical and insidious part of it.

The fallout is that we're going to see a lot of severe depression and a marked lack of ambition in the forthcoming generation, when the crushing blow of reality takes hold - a reality in which their media-fed perceptions of automatic entitlement to celebrity and wealth are challenged.

Were I a parent, I would honestly consider putting a content filter on MTV so as to spare my kids the surgery-free frontal lobotomy provided by this type of content.

In fact, I would sooner buy my kids subscriptions to the Spice Channel than let them watch this crap.
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An excellent documentary about the degradation of human society.
openapartment29 October 2005
Chances are such that no one will read this post given the number of happy reviews that precede mine. Regardless, I would just like to say that, in my honest opinion, this is by far the worst television show I have ever seen. It isn't the production, but the content that sickens me. As if reality television wasn't bad enough, we are given a show where kids bicker over prom and dates and sunshine and farts. What makes matters worse is that thousands/tens of thousands(choose quantity based on current week's ratings) of people actually care. Go out and live your lives instead of watching spoiled kids ruin their own.

I place this show in the same league of "The Andy Milonakis Show." The only positive comment I have is that I now know to stay away from Laguna Beach when I travel south.
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Like, Lauren Conrad and the Hills was the only good things about this
shevaunhodge8 May 2019
OK, so this show is absolute garbage at its best. The characters in the show are not likable, well apart from LC which I am pleased to say made something out of herself, with a little help from this show. The teens can barley speak a full sentence of English and the things they say are full of the words "like" and "narley" and after while it become exhausting. Most of the scenes shot are absolutely pointless. For example the have quite lengthy scenes that surround discussions about small social events, which are obviously a big deal to them, because they are from rich family's and have no real worry's. The teens take so long to make a point and most of the time the conversation is pointless. They say things like "Like, is Jason going to the party? .... well if he talks to me i'm like going to get so mad and like I'm like literally never gonna speak to him again. And like if Alex's is there I will like be friendly but.... like you know no not too friendly like". As stated, the cast don't have much other worries because they were born into money, so they focus on drama which is usually surrounds people who are using people as a weapon against another person. Jason is a big character who basically spends all his time messing with girls heads and the girls are so stupid they blame each other and don't realize he is doing it all to boost his ego. However, one good thing is that the Hills was a spin off to this ridiculous show, and to be honest, it was a lot better. Don't watch this show, give the hills a watch, it is a lot better.
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Great role models for kids! If you're determined to destroy the future, that is.
thefake-headlines9 October 2006
I have, sadly, seen far more of Laguna Beach than I would ever care to see. Both my sister and a past roommate have been fascinated by the show, but I can't see why. I guess I can give them a free pass if it's morbid fascination, because otherwise I don't see the point of watching this show at all - unless, of course, you're looking for lobotomy results without having to endure the surgery.

The cast is made up of "characters" who both look and act exactly the same. Sure, one overtanned, bleach-blonde teen in a far-too-short skirt might be bitchier than another overtanned, bleach-blonde teen in a far-too-short skirt, but other than that there's really not much to tell them all apart. Not that you'd want to, really, that'd take FAR more effort than this show could ever deserve.

All the boys and the girls are rather plain looking, in my opinion - though I blame this on their all looking like carbon copies of each other - there's nothing beautiful about looking the same as everyone else. Their petty little fights and "love" escapades are are from interesting. Even if it was done by better, more entertaining people it would STILL be the same thing we've seen over and over and over again. With a bunch of Barbie and Ken mini-clones it's about as exciting as a coma.
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If this is the "REAL" Orange County, then that's a place I'll be avoiding..
eden05238311 August 2008
There's nothing real about it except the ugliness of never developing a personality. Between all the "likes" every other word and the parents who spoil their kids so much they don't have a clue what they're doing to the future, I could hardly stand to watch a full episode. Now these kids are famous for being wealthy and for also being on a reality show. I just don't get it.

One of my old best friends was absolutely addicted to this show so i thought i would give it a chance but it's nothing more than feeling like you got thirty minutes stolen from you that you'll never get back.

This also makes me question the intelligence of my old friend.
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Pretty White Kids With Problems
lambiepie-220 August 2006
There was a skit on Mad-TV several years ago called "Pretty White Kids with Problems" spoofing Dawson's Creek, et al. The actors played these TV kids with no sense of anything except for shiny hair, nice clothes and vacant looks. This show doesn't even come close.

The "teens" chosen to be followed on this show - well a few had me suspect that they were actual teens. Actually the show had me suspect it was a reality show - I swear I saw some of the actors - errrr - I mean kids, mouth lines.

Then they name "Laguna Beach" in Orange County as a place to follow or place to be. Everyone has to get out of their minds that Orange County is this idyllic place to be. It isn't. It's the place where 'wanna be' folks who can't afford or want to compete against Los Angeles want to be. So they moved to where oranges used to grow to create their own little pockets to reflect Los Angeles and snub their noses at it.

Since I have been up and down the California Beaches, they could safely name this program "El Segundo's Beach", put some nice looking kids there from all over the county and have the same show they have here. Someone thought by naming Orange County's Laguna Beach a 'hot spot' and trying to make it as appealing as ...let's say...Malibu Beach or Santa Monica Beach for young people it would start a trend. It wont. Newport Beach, a much nicer beach in Orange County is seems more for the middle aged of Orange County, but there is no doubt in my mind that setting teens and young adults THERE would have been better than this. Even getting out of the Orange County fantasy and going to Oceanside would have been better.

The trials and tribulations of the Orange County actors...errr...teens chosen has been rehashed a hundred times - with the same predictable endings. So what is the appeal? The actors..err..teens? The Sun? The Sand? The surf? The romances? The schools? If so, this "reality" show is a big dud, there are other programs to seek.
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Laguna beach
stamatisstamas6 November 2020
I love the landscape of laguna beach ( the orange county ) . I'm from Melbourne Australia and that's what Australia is known for 😎👍.
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niravmodi525 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This show is decent, If you don't have anything to do then its an OK show to watch. The reason this show is very unbearable because not everybody can relate themselves to this show because not everybody is stacked with their daddy's credit card.

*SPOILER* In regular high schools, most people play sports, they just don't go and surf all day. Most people have jobs, there were only one or two characters who had jobs on the show. Not everybody is rich enough to go to college, many kids go to the armed forces after high school. Every episode they sit, go shopping, party, and hook up. They mostly just sit and talk for a half an hour. Its the same thing over and over again for however many episodes they are signed for. I really don't know why they don't show one African American in the show. *END SPOILER*

so the main reason this show is not good because you cannot understand most of whats happening, the drama isn't even that strong. The only thing good about the show is the music is excellent. All the characters are good looking even the fat ones. Everybody dresses nicely and thats about it
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Anyone who believes this show is a moron
rloc1 February 2007
I've lived in the REAL OC- on and off- for over 20 years. The fact is, this show represents about 15 percent of kids who are *hated in the REAL OC, by the rest of the people who live here. These kids would get stomped in Huntington Beach, believe me- and we're waiting for them. First they were in Laguna- living sheltered richie-rich lives in that little town- just down the road. Nothing against gays- but Laguna is literally a gay town- if you are gay around here, that's where you want to live. There aren't any cool nightclubs there- only pretentious art shops that rip off tourists looking for 'art from the beach'. Tourist central for all the 'inlanders' as we call them- trying to act pompous and pretentious before they go back to their culdesac in Riverside (might as well be the Ozarks, as far as we're concerned). So now there is this show called, 'the hills'. They live in the Valley- suburbia- like the movie 'Orange County'(which is a much better portrayal of life in THE VALLEY, not Orange County in general). For all you morons out there who watch this show and worship these people- no one wants to live in the Valley. That's why they escape to Hollywood to go to the clubs- the valley sucks, and is boring for anything other than the Porno movies that are shot there. It's a prison for kids- and most of the kids that come out of there lead lame, sheltered ignorant lives. I'm not making this up- it's general consensus. No one wants to admit they live in the valley unless they are an old yuppie who has bought a house there. The real orange county I know is about ecstasy,acid, crystal meth, weed, cocaine, tattoos, boob jobs, belly rings, surfing, mohawks, steel-toe boots to kick your window-shield in. 4th of July riots in Huntington Beach- cop cars overturned, couches on fire in the middle of the street.Not these stupid kids who MTV claims to represent us. Truth is, these kids doubtless need bodyguards, because anyone I know would not give them a kind welcome, anywhere. I personally would like to pee off a balcony onto their heads (I peed off a 3rd story car garage last time I was there). I have lived in Hollywood as well- and while you get the impression from seeing the show that these nightclubs are all 'posh' and 'ritzy'- those are the lame clubs, that only morons like these would go to- because their little sissy butts are safe from the denizens of Hollywood. The transvestites, the punk squatters on Hollywood Blvd. by the McDonalds- the 'Hollywood Ninja'- Man From Mars- hookers, and smelly rockers going to musician's institute of technology, living on $1 hot dogs from the AM PM across from Frederick's of Hollywood. The real clubs- the fun clubs- the clubs these kids don't belong in- that's the real Hollywood. The Rainbow, the whiskey, the Red light Distrcit (now defunct)- clubs like these- that's where real people go to. These clubs they show on MTV are for celebrity-seekers (tourists) and those that don't generally know any better- or stupid rich valley kids like these. Morons beget morons. Overpriced drinks, lame music, lame conversation is what you get there- stupid girls who live in the valley- and is why we avoid those places- from much experience. MTV can bite me- they know that we are PO'd. They've lost a lot of viewership over this business- personally everyone i know is so turned off by it, that it sheds a bad light on MTV- and their crummy other shows lately don't help. You want to see the REAL REAL OC? Follow them down to Long Beach to pick up some crystal meth (no, I don't do it- anymore). Watch the pretty rich girls turn into ugly meth-head hookers- before your eyes, as they ramble on incessantly about the most trivial things in life. Then catch up with them a year from now- and see how they have ended up- that's THE REAL OC, RIGHT NOW.
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Who Cares?
caspian197826 November 2004
Laguna Beach is one of the first digital / teen / drama series with a cast of unknown "actors." After 20 years of soap operas, 10 years of Beverly Hills 90210 and 5 good years of Dawson's Creek, MTV finally produces a pop-culture (trash) series of their own, 10 years too late. While FOX has the OC, MTV has cashed in on the 13-18 demographic with this recycled production. While the rest of America sees only 8 beautiful teenagers with no worries and tons of cash, teenagers in Orange County are tuned in to something else. Since you got teenage eye candy on about 30 different other cable stations to choose from, Laguna Beach falls short of anything original. With an amateur edge to it, the series lacks any drama that the OC has with their real coming of age drama. I give it 3 seasons top before their fan base begins to disappear and lose interest.
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Spoiled girls and cheating boys: how do I loathe the, let me count the camera angles
liquidcelluloid-111 April 2009
Network: MTV; Genre: Reality/Drama; Content Rating: TV-PG (some language and suggested sex involving teens); Available: DVD; Perspective: Contemporary (star range: 1 – 4);

Seasons Reviewed: 2 seasons

Any adult that voluntarily watches MTV's pseudo-reality series "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County" is going to get exactly what they expect. The show hones in on its target demographic and gives them exactly what they want in a glitzy package. For me to sit here high and mighty and decry MTV for feeding the ego of a handful of Orange County families - taking a group of spoiled in-crowd teenagers and turning them into basic cable TV stars for being everything that has made their life so easy up until that moment - would be irrelevant to the show's audience and its cynical producers.

Those corporate stooges here are creator Liz Gateley and developer Adam Davolla. "Laguna Beach" is trash. But it's hyper-stylized trash. Cameras capture events with angles impossible to have taken all at once and show is shaped into a such-as-it-is narrative structure. And there in lies the rub and, you might argue, the evil genius on MTV's part. The show falls in a surreal valley for the viewer: to technically polished to be real, yet so frivolous, so lazy, about so little, that who in their right mind would go to the trouble to fake or script it.

Supposedly the seasons were shot over the course of 6 months, the people, situations and "drama"… are real - as real as the real orange county (take that Josh Schwartz). The "drama" is all inconsequential relationship entanglements that the characters voluntarily bring upon themselves. Those characters - a group of barely distinguishable sun worshipers who continually swap partners amongst their own incestuous group, then gossip and cry about who is with who now. They do nothing in the world but sit in the hot tub, shop, party and gossip. The girl's vocabulary consists of saying everything is "cute" and the guys have almost no vocabulary at all – struggling to grunt out monosyllabic expressions amid blank stares and silence. Aren't they cute? But even if the bubbliest teenage girl doesn't mind being pandered to, if they step back and look at it they might realize that "Laguna" violates law of inevitability # 1 for why reality shows don't work: real people are usually not very interesting – and it doesn't matter how many times they go to Cabo, how many times their car stalls in the street, how many times they get cheated on, or how many beach bonfires they go to. Having been pampered their entire lives has prevented the "Laguna" gang from growing a sense of humor. The guy's idea of a practical joke is to dress up in a bear costume and crawl into a tent, or don ski masks and stalk outside a girl's poker party smearing fake blood on the window.

The bear costume comedy genius: Stephen (Stephen Colletti), who is presented through the show and the eyes of LC (Lauren Conrad) and her friends as God's gift to women. They sit around for hours talking about this guy and with feet-sweeping one-liners like "You're a hottie with a body" how can they not. The other series "stud", particularly in season 2 is Jason, whose half of the conversation is consists of sitting in silence and answering questions with questions. My favorite is when he says he's mad at his girlfriend for the look on her face. She responds "How do I look?" and he goes "You tell me". His jerk tactics work like magic on every girl on the show. In season 2 their world revolves around him.

The star of the series is Kristin (Cavalleri) – and arguably LC. Both of whom serve as narrators. Both are the poster children perpetuating MTV's narcissistic lifestyle. Kristin is the "player" of the group who gets away with it with a laugh and a smile from all her friends because she's a girl. Lauren plays the nice girl role that falls for all the jerks, knowing that they are jerks, and ends every first date in the hot tub. I'm all about anti-heroes, always have been. The kids of "Laguna" led by Kristin are prime examples – but there is no way MTV had that in mind when stitching the show together. Instead of ironically mocking them, the show is a slobbering celebration of their life. But it's a life where the girls spend most of their time sitting around being victims to apathetic dudes with a reputation for cheating who then cheat on them. Giving Kristin and LC a complete pass for similar piggish behavior, the inevitable message shaped by "Laguna Beach" becomes simply: boys suck.

I'm going to have to admit total lack of comprehension with the show's storyline. The kids of "Laguna Beach" appear to graduate from high school and leave for college twice. The show has a morbid fascination to it, like watching a snake eat a rat or driving past a nasty head-on collision. But if you were able to read this review, you know this much.

The show might have worked by putting an ironic or satirical eye on their antics. But MTV wants these kids to be role models to melt the minds of a generation of girls so they will expect nothing more in their entertainment. Without giving away plot lines, Lauren does something completely random and out of character in the final few episodes that gives her a dramatic arc. It's almost as if she's making a play for a spin-off…

* / 4
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Are you serious Clark?
coppamilano30 August 2006
I am shocked how many people think this show is real! The real people in OC are utterly embarrassed that this show exists!

I often wonder what makes people think this show is actually real. Don't get me wrong...I think MTV is brilliant for pulling off this "Blair Witch" trick on the young and foolish, but I've run into people in their 30's who think it's real! Congrats got a marketing winner! Unbelievable! The only thing I don't get is Cami?! Who's the brains behind putting her mug on TV?

Trivia: Guess how old Jason is? Guess who actually makes their MySpace pages? Guess where these 'actors' are actually from? who knows what movie the summary is from?
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What kind of a drama!
faiz_far_east3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why people like this drama. I mean this is like an awful drama that i'd ever seen. No one say "like" for a billion times. They always say ..... like ......! Our ears will always remember the word like! i hate this drama. it doesn't make any sense! I would never want to see this drama again. It just make our teenage people have dirty thinking! The drama told us nothing! No message, no moral values! I can't see anything good in this drama! The girls were playing as dirty girls are so "new"! They don't know how to act properly! And again, always say "like" for a billion time more like trillion! Giving this drama a 1/10 is so not right! I mean literally if there is, I could give this drama a 0.000001 out of 10! I really mean it literally. Or much more less than that!!!! What kind of a drama and actors!
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Superficial, kids having sex with kids
mike99990000016 January 2023
Awful, superficial, kids with what seems like rich parents. They are all hooking up with eachother. What a culture, how awful! Boys using girls for sex and girls being passed around then crying when the boys leave town. So the girl was used for sex basically. Then there's Kristin, who uses the boys for sex.

How sad is that? Where are their parents? So they landed agents like William Morris from this, this shows the culture that William Morris backs up. We live in a sad sad world. White kids with rich parents having sex with eachother then switching partners, then leaving for college(like most kids in America can afford to go to college and have their daddies pay for it). Sad.
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