This Time Around (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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This movie is adorable
erum_rocks21 July 2003
The actors are wonderful, everything is great about this movie, so for a movie on ABC Family, it's pretty wonderful and better than other ABC Family original movies. Carly Pope and Brian Austin Green are attractive and have talent. This movie is not really the average romantic comedy, well it is kind of, but really it's original, and different. To know more about this it! I recommend it anyway. Also Mel's friend is an interesting character. To know someone in Junior High that you despised because they were popular and then fall in love with them after 11 years, is pretty cool and understandable. The person is DIFFERENT now, ever heard the expression "people change"? Well this movie is meaningful to a lot of people. The whole different, and fun to imagine. And you don't even have to imagine it because you can just watch the movie.
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Enjoyable Movie
kenday124 June 2003
As we think back on our junior high and high school days we can all usually remember something traumatic that we went through. How many times have we thought, if we could just go back and change that day. Well, that's where this movie takes you. Carly Pope (Mel) is so adorable in her role and I thought Brian Austin Green (Drew) was just as adorable. When Drew is finally face to face with Mel, knowing who she really is, he handles it so well. Good family movie.
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Its cheesy but whats wrong with that?
heat_seeker187 May 2006
I loved the fact that this movie features 2 of the cast from Popular. I loved that show in high school and i still watch the re runs now! The movie is a little cheesy but hey, whats wrong with that. I mean if your the type of person who is always critical of the films you watch i wouldn't bother with this, but if your bored and want some innocent fun then hey why not. Besides Brian Austin Green is pretty cute!! Give the movie a shot.

The movie begins with every dorky lovesick girls nightmare. Finally asking that hot guy out only to be completely humiliated. Its painful watching it, but stomach it. We then fast forward to the present and find that dorky girl has now grown up and is working successfully in a P.R company. She is no longer the girl she once was, or so she thinks.

Most people would like to seek their revenge for something that happened years ago. This movie explores the possibility of what if that revenge opportunity presented itself to you. Would you go for it?

Don't expect compelling drama here, but This Time Around is quirky and cute. If you enjoyed the Popular series or just like the main actors then sit back and don't read too much into this film.
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Remarkably unremarkable
ttapola24 December 2009
It's Christmas Eve and everything here in Finland has been closed at midday. So we all have to stay indoors and watch, for example, this movie. Since I was not at my own home when this started, I didn't change the channel. I might not have changed it even at my own home since pretty much every channel was airing some sort of "family" movies in the afternoon.

So, I watched this and then came to IMDb, only to be surprised how many comments (18 before me) it had. I read them all. Half of the seemed to be written by members of the Brian Austin Green Fan Club and not surprisingly those comments had a rating way above the 6.1/10 average this movie has at the time of writing. Also, many comments used the words "adorable" and "cute", somehow mistaking their meaning with "great". Sorry but this is not a great movie.

I won't bother with spoilers since there are none in this movie. This is one of those "13 fits in a dozen" rom-coms where, as one user put it simply: "you know exactly what will happen". This isn't the first time this exact plot has been used. And by "exact plot" I mean the *plot*, not the script. Sure, the setting, dialog and some scenes may be different than in the previous or following iterations of this plot, but the *core* has been used before. Calling this movie "innovative" is an insult to the viewer's intelligence.

The actors (other than the feverishly worshiped B.A. Green) aren't given anything challenging. The fact that two of them used to be in "Popular" (a good series) does not make this movie special. There is only one performance that rises above the average and that is, not surprisingly, that of Sara Rue. Since the rest of the cast are nobodies, I'll comment on the three leads.

Carly Pope: She got me in "Popular". After that show ended, I was sad when she seemed to vanish. Looking at her CV, she actually kinda did. I have seen none of her work between "Popular" and "This Time Around". Past this, I've seen her guest star in "Tru Calling" (1 episode), "Dirt" (6 episodes), "The 4400" (1 ep), "Californication" (2 eps) and "24" (5 eps + the TV movie). It seems she just can't land a regular cast-member status and that surprises me not. Ten years ago her looks were enough for me, but by now I (and probably the casting people) have seen that she really has very little talent.

B.A.G.: His character actually grew in "Beverly Hills, 90210" and he was talented enough (he's not exactly Daniel Day Lewis, is he?) to make the most of it, meaning that when that show was *finally* put out of its misery, he still had good chances at finding a new job. And look at his CV: he already had done ten roles before his first BH2010 episode aired on 4 October 1990. And at the time of writing, he's done just over 40 roles during or after BH90210. That includes a regular cast-member status in four series. Even the end of "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" hasn't left him out of work. That's because he's talented.

Sarah Rue: Back in 1999, you'd have thought that Lesley Bibb, Carly Pope, Tamara Mello and Christopher Gorham would have a great career in front of them. Well, it turns out Bibb too had only her looks (which I did not find appealing) to fall upon, while (the extremely cute) Mello mysteriously vanished and only Gorham made a career for himself. And then there was this kinda plump girl, who surely was destined to be restricted to side roles for the rest of her career. But... Rue (who is really beautiful when her face lightens up the screen) surprised us with her talent. During or after "Popular", she's been in twenty projects, including hit movies like Pearl Harbor, The Ring and a regular cast-member status in two series, while also guest starring in others. That's because she is talented.

Two talented actors can't save a movie with recycled script, bland cinematography, annoying editing - pointless "flashy" speed-ups and crash zooms, childish time-lapse photography and most grating of all, totally superfluous (except for one scene) use of split-screen. And don't even get me started on how generic and uninspired the use of music was.

Bottom line: this is something that you can safely watch while doing something else, since should you miss something, the chances are, you've seen it in some other similar movie and therefore know what you missed. Or rather, was spared from.
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Very Cute Romantic Comedy
funky_cherry8627 May 2006
I'm a huge fan of romantic comedies and when I saw this movie on family channel I instantly loved it.This is not your average romance story but it's filled with humor , love and revenge. Brian Austin Green from Beverly Hills 90210 and Carly Pope made an adorable couple and Sara Rue was funny and brilliant.Once in our lives we dream of going back and changing the past for Melissa Rochester (Pope) that time is now. Back in junior high Mel (Margel)& her best friend Gabby Castellani (MacIssac) were the biggest nerds, she had a huge crush on Drew Hesler (Knox) the school hunk and total jock. When word gets out of her secret crush he plays a cruel and hurtful joke by pretending to be interested only to turn her down and humiliate her in front of the entire school. 11 years later the two girls have transformed into beautiful women, Mel is a PR executive and Gabby (Rue) is a department store clerk. When she's given the task of handling the publicity for a new restaurant she's shocked to discover that the owner is Drew Hesler (Green) her former bully. Gabby comes up with a plan to have him fall in love with Mel and then break his heart just like he did to her. The situation is further complicated when Mel actually falls in love with him.This film totally rocks and in my book it's an adorable romantic comedy 8/10
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Love this movie and want to buy
samiam-1910919 April 2020
Love this movie!!!! I've been looking everywhere for this movie to add to My dvd collection but I can't find it anywhere does anyone know where I can buy it? Help me please!!!
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Nothing Special but pretty cute
ThankGodImCute22 June 2003
This Time around is your standard tv movie fare which is always fun when you're in the mood for it. The previews aired on ABC Family all weekend long back to back and made the movie look really cute. Carly Pope plays a girl who as a eighth grader was a dead ringer for Heather Matarazzo in "Welcome to the dollhouse" (thats not a good thing). She grows up to be cute and runs into the boy who made her life awful in junior high. She and her best friend played by the highlight of the film, funny Sara Rue, decide to make him fall in love and then dump him. If you've ever seen a movie before in your life you know exactly what will happen. This was cute but not nearly as good as it could have been. A very interesting concept that could easily be adapted to the big screen. Watch it when its on television but don't bother recording it. 3/10
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A really nice romantic comedy
szefu322 March 2014
First of all - I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes, I'm from Poland (Europe).

I really liked this movie! It's a nice, normal romantic comedy. It's not stupid, it has a really nice plot and the cast is great. I really loved Sara Rue as Gabby. Mel and Mary Ann were great too! Cara was nice too.

The scenario and dialogs are really great too.

I recommend this movie to everyone who looks for a nice movie for an evening. You will have fun. You will enjoy this movie. I liked it. My vote's 9 out of 10. You should see it.
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A Great Movie!!
sugarplumfairy21722 June 2003
This movie, by far, is my favorite romance movie! I watched it with my best friend over the telephone, who is like 1,000 miles away, but we still both cried at the sweetness.

This was a typical "loser girl from middle school gets scorn by the school hottie, then gets her revenge" type movie. Not only teens would enjoy it, adults, too!

This movie seems likely to happen in reality, in such a big city as Chicago. I just must say, the leading man was dead sexy in it, and if the cute plot and great acting isn't enough to make you go out and rent it, ladies, the guys sure is!

This movie made me laugh, cry, and realize that romance needs to be re-introduced to todays men, so boys, take notes, and rent this movie.

There are many reasons for every person to see This Time Around. I myself gave it 10 stars. The acting is great, and the characters are so realistic. You have your (brunette) leading lady, accompanied by her best (brunette) friend, and the evil evil (blonde) woman! You see, all parts to a great movie are there!

So I say, rent this movie, watch it, comment on it, and give it 10 stars, because I sure did. This movie is pure romance, and cute to boot!
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Morality at full-blast
kathernthegreat2210 August 2003
If anything, this teaches you a moral, or two, really. 1. Nerds in High School can be the coolest thing on the planet as adults. 2. Don't get mad, get even. This is a cute family movie, but if you're not really into the whole "the moral of the story is" thing, skip it. But otherwise,see it. It's not bad at all.
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very well done for a tv movie
mainesey2022 June 2003
I'll admit that when I first turned on ABC family at 8 I was a bit skeptical about this movie. It looked like a cute romantic comedy though and there was nothing much on other than an "Alias" repeat and a repeat of the Lifetime show "The Division" so I settled down on my bed to watch it and I was quite surprised at how good it was. The characters worked well, Sarah Rue(I don't know how she spells her name)and Carley Pope both amazed me with their talent. Brian A. Green was somewhat of a new face to me. I had never seen him before in a movie or anything so I was suprised with his performance as well. Overall a good expiernce for a "TV" movie, I think had it been released at the box office it would have been medicore, but TV movies are never as good at box office hits.
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Very cute, enjoyable.
gavin-erol1 June 2006
I'm not normally one for made-for-TV movies, but this one I actually hold close to my heart. It's odd.

The movie is very cute, and very enjoyable. It's a little bit closer to reality (though, the chances of it happening the way it did is a bit far-fetched). Definitely had its funny moments and emotional ones.

The movie suffered a little bit from the script, but then again I tend to be picky when it comes to delivery, so this might just be personal bias. There were also some parts of the movie that weren't explained clearly enough (such as Gabby's admirer and apparently hard-to-get reputation).

I was very fond of the characters, though. Carly Pope, Sara Rue, and Brian Green did a great job. Acted very well--not over the top, yet not apathetic. Very human. I watched the movie three times in a row and I did not get sick of it. There was definitely a lot of "clever" put into the writing as well, such as when Gabby and Mel's plot from preparation to fruition. The romance was definitely very cute and enjoyable, while not being sickening.

All in all, while it should remain as a made-for-TV movie, it's definitely a fun one to watch--a great date movie, if anything else.
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Superb TV-Movie
StarWarsIsMyLife26 June 2003
I absolutely digged this movie! It has a very heartwarming, sweet story, kinda makes you think about your own life as well. The acting was great, everyone from B.A. Green and especially Carly Pope, who is a great all-around actress. A real joy to watch. Don't miss it.
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Great Movie!
spikebabe926 April 2006
This is an awesome TV movie. It contained the return of Brian Austin Green. The music featured in the film was great. It also brought out old bad memories from middle school. That one crush that had a girl-friend that went out of her way to make my life hell. But then they broke up. I ended up being stalked by him and now we rarely speak. Back to the movie. It just shows that you should not judge people by who they were when they were younger but who they are now. You never know who you will fall for. He/she could be someone from your past that you over-looked. Or the evil person that made your life miserable for many years. p.s. Name calling in school is rude, i.e. Pissy Missy
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I *heart* this movie!
stacyzmama25 April 2006
My cousin and I watch this movie all the time! I even recorded it so we could watch it when its not on TV! We think it is so cute and makes you smile! This movie will really cheer you up and takes the side of the girls labeled "uncool" or awkward. The fact that Brian A. Green is totally gorgeous helps, too! he-he. The characters are people you can relate to yourself as you were growing up. The main character Mel goes through complete humiliation, but keeps on going! And her best friend Gabby along the way is totally awesome! This movie also shows that the truth is always better and friendship is really important! I just am in love with this movie! Very adorable!
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Chick Flick
lisa-9919 October 2006
Loved it! Could watch it time and again! Great production editing, music, etc. Loved the cast. Want to buy the DVD if it's available! Carly Pope and her best friend are both good actors. I haven't seen her in anything else, but would like to. I see that Brian Austin Greens new sitcom is sort of a take off on this movie. But Brian plays the opposite role - the bad role - in his sitcom. I think he plays a better nice guy. The producers and directors did a great job with this one! I think many girls and women can relate to this story. Not being noticed when we are young, and then blossoming and getting the guys attention later on.
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Awesome TV movie!
creaclan422 June 2003
I strongly advise anyone who enjoys a nice romantic movie every once in awhile to check this movie out! It was such a cute movie and i don't know why anyone who's into this type of film wouldn't like it. The casting was perfect- and that doesn't always happen with made for TV movies. And as for Brian was amazing! Any fans of the former Beverly Hills 90210 star is sure to enjoy this flick! It will probably be playing on and off a lot in the next few weeks on ABC Family, so don't miss it. You will definitely not be disappointed!
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Great Music and Songs
YOJIMBO-1018 August 2003
This was a cute film. By far, the closest to a "film" score soundtrack that I have heard in a television movie. The songs , the score were a perfect blend. Great job and kudos to Eric Allaman.

If the film had a fault, it would have been nice to see a film actor in the role played well by Brian A. Green. It would have kicked the film up another notch. A well done job by all. Something nice on the resume.
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Awesome movie!
sassypavleck20 July 2003
At first I thought this film would just be a real cheesy love story, which is partially true...its a love story. Not the usual kind of love story which is why I think I enjoyed it so much!! I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes the love stories, or to anyone who likes Brian Austin Green...he was great in this movie.
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A fresh, innovative approach
execproducer9 January 2004
Although it's been described as fluff, I enjoyed the characters in this movie, and found it amusing and touching. I especially appreciated the editorial, post-production devices used to move story along, and the sound design used to support transitions from scene-to-scene.
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Refreshing as "Made for TV" goes
Disco-J8 September 2003
I attended college with story writer Nathan Nipper and he's a very talented, engaging fellow which I'm sure will go far. This film was a little "bubble gum popish" for me since I'm more an IFC fellow, but as far a "Made for TV" movies go it was fine. Watch it if you like a little comedy with your romance.
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