Infested (2002) Poster


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Da-Da-Da…retarded! Da-Da-Da…imbecile! Da-Da-Da…totally messed up!
Coventry24 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Every once and a while, usually during a full moon, you stumble upon a B-movie SO stupid that you actually have severe difficulties believing your own eyes! "Infested", written and directed by Josh Olsen, is somewhat the prototype of everything that is wrong in horror and yet, ironically enough, it also is enormously entertaining just BECAUSE it's so stupid! "Infested" is a very tasteless creature-feature in which genetically altered houseflies turn a bunch of thirty-something losers into breeding zombies. This brief story description already sounds idiotic, but the actual elaboration of the film is even ten times worse! The introduction of the characters is inspired by Lawrence Kasdan's semi-masterpiece "The Big Chill", as they're reunited for the first time in over ten years at the funeral of one of their old friends. Unfortunately for them, there's also a plague of laughable CGI houseflies attacking them and taking possession their entire bodies. Instead of running away as far as they can (and, yes, there's plenty opportunity to do so), the survivors actually prefer to stick around so that they can say their stupid lines, listen to their awful music and get their mouths stuffed with aggressive flies! The amount of ridiculous sequences featuring in "Infested" is too long to list, so here's just a brief rundown of the film's best "worst" moments. Did you know that playing the awful "Da-Da-Da" song could distract people who're zombified by flies? Or that computer-engineered flies explode impressively when exposed to unnatural light? "Infested" also teaches us that it's okay to swallow tons of ecstasy pills in order to stay calm and that it's perfectly alright to try and hit on a girl at her fiancée's funeral! Heck, it's even okay to sing and dance moments after the burial of your old buddy. The cast is an assembly of washed up stars and one-hit-wonders, such as a former Power Ranger (the Pink one) and the original hero of the 80's hit "Gremlins". There's a fun cameo for veteran actor Mark Margolis, however, as the priest who gives one of the most hilarious funeral speeches in history. The truckload of blood, gore and visual effects isn't scary at all and it's even too stupid to count as tongue-in-cheek. Watching "Infested" will save you the costs of buying beer, though, as you'll get the impression of being drunk already. See it just once in order to believe it's real…and then burn all DVD-copies!
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Yeah, it's crap. But it's entertaining crap.
dtm6662 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER WARNING!!! SPOILER WARNING!!! DO NOT READ IF YOU PLAN ON WATCHING THE MOVIE, ALTHOUGH I WOULD ADVISE AGAINST IT!!! Infested is one of those really atrociously bad movies you can't help but enjoy for all the wrong reasons. It's about a group of friends seeing each other after one of their friends died and they are suddenly attacked and possessed by killer flies who eat their internal organs. Confused? Well, you should be. I have no idea what went on.

It's an indy flick, so naturally the quality isn't going to be that great. But this isn't even a good flick. The acting is unbelievable (as in NOT believable), the CG flies look fake, along with the exploding house, and the plot is so thin that it makes the early episodes of Power Rangers play out like Shakespeare in comparison.

END SPOILER WARNING! END SPOILER WARNING! That having been said, this is a fairly humorous movie even if it wasn't intent on being one. There's some gore, but not that much. There's some "horror" and frightful moments, but this movie couldn't scare a 3-year old, much less an adult audience.

If you enjoy bad movies, this one's for you. If you don't, skip this one.
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Best Comedy of the 70's
kintod6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This Movie is so funny. In a bad way. The special effects were "special in their own special way," one of my favorite scenes is when the house blows up, if you look at it it looks like its done in Appleworks. The bugs eye effect is really weird and is in both iMovie and the free movie editing thing that comes with a PC. The CGI was also a good laugh, with the flies. Somebody from the 70's could have a good laugh at these effects.

The Acting was also pretty damn funny, I think the only requirement to get cast is being able to open your mouth wide enough so that they don't have to edit it. The Characters were dumb and didn't seem real enough and the zombies were funny looking.

I liked the dancing zombie scene. and this was seriously filmed by a group of kids with camcorders. The production costs for this movie were low... very low.

Over all don't waste your money on this, but if you want a good laugh and there isn't anything else on, go for it!
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The King of the Flies
claudio_carvalho22 January 2008
A group of friends reunites in the country for the funeral of their old friend Steven, who committed suicide. After the services, they decide to spend together the weekend in the cottage of Carl (Tuc Watkins) at the seaside recalling their best moments. While getting tanned at the beach, the voluptuous Mindy (Nahanni Johnstone) is attacked by flies that invade her body through her mouth and possess her brain. When Carl meets her, she transmits the bugs to him, spreading the invasion of bodies. The survivors are trapped in the house and fight to survive.

"Infested" is one of those B (or Z) movies that the viewer must expect flaws and clichés in the screenplay, bad special effects, breasts and half-naked women, screams and funny (or ridiculous) situations. In this regard, this trash movie does not disappoint. The story is silly and predictable, but I have seen flicks worse and worse than "Infested". The speech of Father Morning is hilarious and one of the best moments of the story but the insane motive of Steven gives a weak conclusion to the plot. Considering that I bough this DVD for about US$ 3.00, I did not dislike this film. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Infested – A Invasão" ("Infested – The Invasion")
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A smug attempt that falls flat.
gojirosan29 November 2003
"Infested" tries to do too much, and derails itself in the process. It's main crime is a dependence on easy option, post-modern references to other films to entertain Generation X video renters. This gets tired very quickly and soon takes on the air of "rip-off" rather than "homage". It intends a kitsch "so bad its good" appeal, but ends up just being bad.

There is some good acting to be found however, from actors who clearly got the joke and entered into the spirit of the affair. It's not enough though - shoddy direction, lazy camerawork and an overall atmosphere of "naffness" are too strong to be overcome.

Also, as in "Night of the Lepus", the monster animals just aren't a frightening concept at all. Flies! What a stupid idea! Not even wasps or bees, but flies. I'm sure I'm not alone in having never shivered at the thought of a blue-bottle... It also feels like a lame monster was chosen as some kind of joke, but it's about as funny as it is scary.

I'm afraid, "Infested" fails to become a "beer-and-a-joint-laugh-at-the-lame-film" experience. I think it tries too hard. It suffers from the same problem as Tarantino's "Kill Bill Vol.1" in that you just end up wishing you'd watched one of the films it rips off instead.
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What do Gremlins, Power Rangers and killer bugs have in common?
PhilosophicZombi2 July 2005
Amy Jo Johnson, the pink ranger herself and Zack Galligan of Gremlins and Waxwork fame, both put in appearances in this flick. When I see a movie poster with absolutely none of the main characters on it, there are only two explanations. Either the filmmakers are being secretive and hip, or the movie itself was hastily thrown together and they couldn't get their actors to show up for a photo shoot after it wrapped. This would be the latter. There isn't much to say about this film, really bad CGI vampiric bugs show up, due to some poorly explained government back-story. Stupid people do stupid things and don't hang around for a sequel. The bugs apparently fly into a human body, breed and control the carcass as a zombie to stay out of the sun. I would love an explanation as to how these bugs are capable of re-animating the dead. I have never seen such completely nonthreatening zombies. I do recommend a watch however, it was fun to see Zack Galligan doing his B-movie thing, and yes Amy Jo does have a rather lengthy shower scene, but sorry guys, the childhood fantasy of seeing her in the raw goes unfulfilled. Watch it with friends in the mood to laugh, but for a scare, look elsewhere.
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exocrine17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am terrified of maggots. In a movie about killer flies, i expected to see at least one.


I kept hoping to see a body burst apart into millions of squirming white worms.


I did see the "zombies" dancing to the "Da Da Da" song. It is one of the things you can't unsee.

Avoid this movie. Avoid it like the plague. The only thing that could be called "horror" would be the acting.

The special effects are indeed special, but not in a good way.
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Oh Dear
Marina-Macarthy29 September 2003
Why did i was so bad it was unreal. It took so long to get going and when it did it was so unbelievable i was in hysterics. If i were in that house id have made it out in the first 5 minutes with little more than my own legs and a bandaid!! Effects were lousy although the bit with the leg and blade made me want to vomit.

Oh well i hope my review will save you the pain i suffered that is infested!!
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Too bad to be so bad it's good
Caps Fan9 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have a small, but growing collection of bad films. Clunkers like "Plan 9 from Outer Space" and "The Brainiac" can provide a measure of goofy entertainment if you're in the right mood and have consumed enough beer.

Unfortunately, this movie doesn't qualify for inclusion in that illustrious category. The one good point is a mostly attractive young cast. The story, however, is one of the stupidest I've ever seen, with pathetic special effects, garish music and a wretched script. No tension is built up as the characters are destroyed one by one. Rather, each one's demise generates either raucous laughter or exasperated groans.

If you want any advice on whether or not to see this, here it is: "Run, don't walk, away." Rating: 1/10
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Worst ever, trying to be horror! hah...
airborn_norge25 October 2003
Sucked! No other word for it! The only thing I'm scared of is if they try to make a sequel. Now that would be scary! If you find this movie amusing: PLEASE seek HELP! Ok, trying to be somewhat positive; there are a couple of nice looking women in this movie, but even that doesn't quite cut it. The animations suck, the story is somewhat lacking, and the overall picture just points towards one simple fact - this movie is BAD!!!
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Not worth the energy to watch
black_wolf_197012 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so sorry for Amy Jo , she had to have been very very very bad off to have been a part of this film. She did her best and was damn good in her role but she just was not able to carry this movie beyond being why was it made. I found it to try to be scary and was not, tried to be gross and kind of succeeded but only because she was the one that always seemed to be covered in blood. The premise made no sense, the story had a hundred holes in it. The effects were just bad, the attempt at a mystery failed because you never understood what they were doing how the flies got to the house or why Steven wanted to kill his friends apart from being yuppies. Give me a break Black Fire was a lot more interesting. I hope Amy Jo if she gets this desperate again goes back to Power Rangers, that had class compared to this pile of I don't know what to call it.
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Joe Bob Briggs is right--this movie rocks
vagrant6 March 2003
Infested is that rare horror film that is smart in addition to being scary (and gross). It takes the people-trapped-in-a-house idea behind Night of the Living Dead and cross-breeds it with the yuppies-talking-about-their-angst idea behind The Big Chill. The result: A horror movie in which you WANT the characters to get killed. Sometimes you'll find yourself rooting for the killer flies.

While the movie works on its own, for film buffs, the references Josh Olson has put in here are legion. The crowning achievement is a scene that pays homage to Psycho and The Birds at the same time.

There have been a couple comments on this board that the effects aren't up to snuff, but those comments reveal an ignorance of the horror sub-genre in which this film is working. As Joe Bob Briggs said in a glowing review of Infested, "this flick has some of the funniest gore effects since 'The Evil Dead.'" That's the spirit in which Infested should be viewed. This ain't Lord of the Rings, and it doesn't want to be.
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Go Pink Ranger, Go!
snoman80863 February 2003
First and foremost, I don't recommend anyone who is not a fan of the bad horror film genre to watch this film.

But as a bad horror film, the overall experience was satisfying. Bad plot, surprisingly good acting for this caliber of a film, and REALLY BAD CG special FX. These must have been the most truly terrible CG effects I have ever seen. Absolutely horrid. Of course, this all adds to the charm of the film.

As a bonus, the movie stars Amy Jo Johnson, who if we do remember kiddies, played the pink ranger on the original Power Rangers television show. She is still cute as ever.

Overall I give this film a 6/10. Amusing, but at it's core, still a bad horror film.
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Terrible script, terrible actors, only good thing was Amy!
Adventrous20026 February 2006
Yeah, I agree with the last comment another poster left. This movie was with a doubt terrible. The one liners and comic dialog was horrid, the actors are only part to blame seeing as the writers actually thought it was worth putting down on paper in the first place. Graphics was amazingly bad, but seeing how its an independent film I kinda let it slide. If film makers are remembered for their first films then I would be ashamed to be called that after this production. The idea for this movie has been seen countless times, but this is put at the bottom of the barrel.

Out of all the actors, Amy Jo was the most decent one. Her character had more common sense than the rest, if you over look the shower scene and what not. She should have been credited as the main character of the film, and not that guy from those old gremlin movies. Yeah, he was awful!

I heard on a radio station once (and I can't remember, which since I usually just pop in a CD all the time), but the radio talk show host saw the movie and basically said the same thing I'm saying now. The only reason he didn't turn it off was because of Amy Jo Johnson, which is the reason I kept it on myself. Anyway, a girl called in and told him Amy's name, and they talked about how much they liked her and not just in the 'movie'.

I really give this movie a zero, but since AJJ is in it, I have to struggle with keeping this about the movie and not just my favorite actress, so a 2.
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Terrible, just terrible
Wizard-815 February 2003
If you gave a group of teenagers a camcorder, they could accurately recreate about 90% of this movie. Seriously. Shot on digital video, the movie looks absolutely threadbare, not helped by the fact that it all seems filmed on location with nothing added in the scene. The first third of the movie is, in fact, nothing more than actors standing and talking around outside or inside the house. Not just cheap, but BORING.

And then when the effects come in... oh dear. Even your average weekly dramatic TV series, if it ever uses CGI, will have it looking better than these CGI effects. Gore effects are at a minimum, though I must admit one effect concerning a leg looked both gruesome and pretty convincing.

The movie is not just boring - it is unbelievably STUPID. Characters keep doing things in the dumbest way possible, when anyone with some common sense probably wouldn't have taken long to get out the situation. These are not just stupid characters - they are ANNOYING characters. Not one of them is the least bit likable. They are especially unbearable when the movie decides to be humorous. Not only are they not funny, they are even more painful to observe.

What happened to Zach Galligan? Is he really that hard up for cash? Well, considering he was arrested for shoplifting not long ago from the date I write this... maybe he is.
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Infested Is Bad In Educational Ways
TheLaryCrews14 August 2010
The straight-to-DVD film "Infested" is bad in ways that should make it required viewing in film schools where other beginners could learn from it. The mistakes propagated by first-time writer/director Josh Olsen are fixable given experience and study and fledgling filmmakers would do well to avoid these errors.

Directors who steal directly from good films often claim that their film is a homage. Occasionally, this is true. More often, it is just plagiarism.

Writers who fail to convince an audience to suspend disbelief often claim that their script is merely taking a satiric swipe at the conventions of the genre. More often, it is just that the writer is handling the genre conventions badly.

"Infested" begins at the funeral of a 30-something and moves quickly to the only other location in the film, a house out in the middle of nowhere somewhere on Long Island. For an interminable 20 minutes or so the cast banters back and forth in an awkward montage set to 80s music which could be seen as a homage to "The Big Chill" except that "The Big Chill" had interesting conversation against a backdrop of great music. To attempt a homage to "The Big Chill," you need memorable dialog. Instead, we get such patently obvious and sub-par exchanges as this: Mindy: (To a grown man named Warren) "Look at that a**. Hmmm. I hate to see you leave but I still love to watch you go." Carl: "Geez. Mindy. Subtle, much?" Warren: Hey, Mindy, how you doing'?" Mindy: "Good. Do you know you are even hotter than you were back then." Warren: "Thank you." Carl: "So what am I? Chopped liver?" Warren: "You look surprisingly good for a married man, Carl." Carl: "You're a shameless hussy. You know that, right?" Mindy: "Uh-huh. What are you going to do about it?"

This dialog is especially inane because it's not the way a woman talks; it's the way a film school geek hanging with his buds at Starbucks wishes a woman would talk.

Bob, played by Jack Mulcahy who got his start in the two classic films, Porky's and Porky's II: The Next Day, lucks out. He gets to drive off the picture for about an hour, a deal no doubt set up by his agent. His motivation? He doesn't like the other people in the house. Talking aloud to himself (another beginning writer's mistake) as he drives away in his SUV, he clarifies this point for the audience. "They're a bunch of f***ing hypocrites. Bunch of f***ing people with all this bullshit going on and… F***! F***!"

Finally, a good half-hour into the film, something actually happens. Mindy (played by Nahanni Johnstone who was a successful model in Europe before moving to New York to study acting.) comes out of the water wearing shorts but naked from the waist up. She proves that not all actresses have surgically-enhanced breasts, Any reason for this nudity? Nope. Just that the horny screenwriter always wanted to see a women come out of the water with naked breasts. Nothing to do with the plot. She puts her skimpy top back on. (The skimpy top she could have worn into the water since she got her shorts wet anyhow.)

In rather rapid succession, we get a neck slashed open, a severed head, a crow bar impaling, nasty razor blade surgery on a leg, a body cut in half, a self-inflicted neck crack, and a burned face! Sadly, the special effects (which often resemble Raisinettes flying at the audience) ARE a homage; back to the day when such effects were done badly.

Another "lonely screenwriter" addition to the script is the fact that one woman decides (in the middle of the most horrible zombie attack in recent memory) to go upstairs and take a shower. Take a shower! Why? So the director can attempt a cross-reference to both Hitchcock's "The Birds" and "Psycho" with none of the style of either of those films. Oh yeah, and so he can get another woman to be naked.

Olsen's shortcomings as a writer were also apparent in his over-dependence on a popular four letter word and the fact that he assigned such odd assemblages as "Calm the f*** down!" to three different characters at three different times.

The illogic of the screenplay also permitted the rapidly-dwindling cast to come to the conclusion that the zombies are scared of light even though they are standing in bright sunlight and then that they are killed by a particular song from the 80s.

After continuing efforts to scare off the zombies (even using - I'm not making this up - torches, at one point) fail to work, even Jesse, (played by Amy Jo Johnson, the former Pink Ranger of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) finds it difficult to keep a straight face while discovering the explanation for the horde of bugs who haven't had a decent job since Irwin Allen's awful 1978 bomb, "The Swarm."

"Infested" is a lousy film for a lot of reasons but it's difficult to blame the cast who work gamely to try to make the dialog sound real.

One bright spot in the film is Robert Duncan McNeill (Eric) a handsome, very together blue-eyed blonde who probably managed to get through this crap because he has a secure career as a director of episodic TV (Star Trek: Voyager, Dawson's Creek, Enterprise and Everwood). The other bright spot was Camilla Overbye Roos (Robin) who played Helga Dahl in one of the most successful films of all time, "Titanic." No doubt, being in "Infested" gave her a very familiar sinking feeling of impending doom.
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Not really good
jason-ri19949 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I paid 6 dollars for this movie and now that I just saw it, I feel like I was ripped off 5 dollars.

First off, the graphics were absolutely terrible because it easily looks computer generated.

Also, there was an explosion in this movie that didn't even look like a real explosion, it looked like Toon Link's bomb from Super Smash Brothers brawl than real flames.

The bugs do not look like bugs when they are hovering around. It looks like flying drops of tar. Also, the acting was pretty bad as well and the actions did not make sense on these actors and I was always confused on to what was going on.
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the movie ain't that fly [spoiler]
geoffrey300122 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Where it actually flies? at one point I thought they were bugs. It's a very cliche movie and actually does not have many suprises. All what do you expect will happen. The special effect were poor and at one time you could see how fake it was (explosion, fire). A positive exception were the make up and some gory parts. For a movie that came out in 2002, the effects should have been better.
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Good premise, production values sucked.
Crazyfarts3 June 2006
If I understood correctly, it's just about a bunch of insects that fly into humans mouths, possesses them and eats them from the inside out. Yep, that's pretty much it... I think.

This movie has a pretty decent premise even though it doesn't take a brain surgeon to comprehend. I know it's nothing unique but it could have been an easy excuse to showcase some awesome gore but unfortunately, this movie fails.

There are some moments in the film which are pretty cool, some effects look great but most of them are so ridiculously fake, especially the CGI which is just laughable at most times. Also, the characters in the film act so obnoxiously and comically that it just ruins the film. How can you like a movie which is NOT a comedy that has people being hunted by zombie-like humans, having a broken leg and cracking jokes about ecstasy pills making you horny? It is totally absurd and not funny.

If you've ever seen Wishmaster 2, remember the locusts at the end? Remember how shitty they looked? Well, the insects in this movie look exactly like that but the worst part is, they show them a lot so it's too hard to forgive! Ha, actually I've already run out of things to say. All you need to remember about this review is that the CGI is totally LAME and the characters treat a serious problem as a joke. Their attitudes do not match the situation and of course, the ending to the movie is unbearably stupid. A crappy twist to say the least.

Stay away from this one... though that priest guy was okay.
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Scarecrow-8814 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine if the unseen suicidal victim of "The Big Chill" secretly loathed the group gathering together after his funeral, in his memory, unleashing a deadly army of genetically engineered flies that enter the human body, taking control of the host, forcing them to attack those who haven't been invaded, as one by one become infested victims. Well, "Infested" is such a movie.

And, as you watch, this film directly rips from "The Big Chill" with characters almost identical to those from the popular film from the 80's. I kind of chuckled to myself at the one responsible for causing the infestation towards the group who were supposed to be his pals, thinking that perhaps writer and director Josh Olson was poking fun at "The Big Chill" whose characters are a bit self-absorbed and self-important yuppies who wax existential at how they have changed since they last gathered looking at their lives differently..Olson plays on that and then turns the swarm on them, with brutality often inflicted on the human hosts. It was like Olson was saying, "Take that you materialistic intellectuals, with your ideals and fancy lectures on how everything's going into the crapper as you live lavishly and comfortably!" There's this use of bad 80's music in possibly endangering the flies that will probably cause some giggles and light kills them, so the characters at least have a fighting chance, even if it's minute.

The effects are below-par, of course, and the CGI swarm of flies fail to impress. There's a great little icky scene where Zach Galligan's television actor Warren attempts to nurse a nasty flesh wound where a long gash forms down his leg with flies seen underneath the skin. But, there's one attack on a headless corpse, still invaded by flies, who is set on fire with laughable CGI that will have you rolling your eyes. Many Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fans should chuckle at former heroine Amy Jo Johnson, the final girl who must square off with the "King of the Flies", who lets the f-bombs run rampant. Despite some early banter and a glimmer of exposition, it doesn't take Olson long in inflicting these characters with the infestation. Mark Margolies has an amusing cameo as a very unorthodox priest, with an especially entertaining closing scene.
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Awful Garbage; What Is This?
Vvardenfell_Man14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really have no idea why anyone would agree to finance or be involved in this film. It reminds me of A Dog's Breakfast, except the performances here are much worse. A Dog's Breakfast is a much better example of what this kind of movie can and should be: television actors trying to make a feature film outside of the genres with which they are typically associated. A Dog's Breakfast isn't that great, either, but it apes Tarantino more effectively and also does gruesome black comedy bits better. This movie tries and fails to say Important Stuff about Big Things but, as one character notes halfway through the film, it's all pretty pointless once the bugs murder them all. We don't care about the characters in the first place because of the self-satisfied performances (which nobody did anything to salvage in post or through interesting camera-work; if there's irony in Lt. Tom Paris' dialogue it doesn't come out in the obtuse and flat style of editing employed here).

Plot holes? More like a plot made of holes. When we first see the bugs they're in broad daylight. Later, the protagonists come under the impression that light kills them. It can't be both, but the plot just lets it be both. I really don't get it. This is a confusing movie. If you like The Room, check this out.
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Don't waste your time
UlleDulle8 March 2003
This movie sucks bigtime...Everything is bad:

Bad acting Bad effects Bad story

I would rather throw my money in the toilet than use it on this piece of crap...
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Big Chill brilliantly meets Body Snatchers
hw-reception4 March 2003
Lives there a man with soul so dead as to not be amused by Infested? Yes, perhaps a humorless, irony-challenged, insipid Aschcroftian Puritanical yuppie somewhere can't respond to this homage/trashing of several different genres. But for the rest of us, what's not to like?

Infested brilliantly deconstructs the cosmic bogosity of Yuppie-Angst Cinema, while remaining true to the highest principles of the B movie, i.e., "Anyone can die at any time!" And they're especially likely to die if they have sexual thoughts or make the mistake of emphasizing their vulnerability by appearing nude. And, when Infested, they die in such interesting, well-deserved and filmically unprecedented ways.

There's great stuff in this picture: the greatest eulogy ever given on film (Bar none!) excellent babeage, hilarious music, effects which span the spectrum from nauseatingly real to brilliantly cheesy, apt cultural references to Kierkegaard, Presidential politics, and Power Puff Girls, and the omnipresence of wit, both broad and dry, in every scene.

They Do make 'em like this nowadays, when we're lucky. May they keep on.
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Bad effects but a fun movie overall
Leofwine_draca27 July 2015
INFESTED is a low budget B-movie chock-full of absolutely appalling CGI effects of swarming flies and the likes, but overall it's a fun little movie that will appeal to fans of the genre. The slim storyline involves a group of buddies (thankfully adults rather than teenagers, for a change) who meet up for a few beers at a remote house in the countryside. Unfortunately for them, a swarm of killer flies is in the area, turning victims into zombies in a bid to take over the human race.

This film is ridiculous as it sounds, which is no mean feat, but it's also fast paced and frequently amusing. It's a gory little number with all manner of bodily dismemberment to recommend it, and aside from those godawful CGI flies the special effects are pretty cool. If you're not impressed by them, you'll be laughing at them at the very least.

The acting is poor and the characters are one-dimensional, but then you'd expect that from a B-movie like this. Of the cast, only Zach Galligan (GREMLINS) is familiar, and he's the star of centrepiece icky moment in a bathroom which is guaranteed to stir the stomachs of all but the most hardened horror fans. For cheesy, grisly B-movie fun along the likes of TICKS or MOSQUITO, INFESTED is the place to go.
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My, oh my, what a waste of time!
Delluvian23 June 2007
This is without doubt one of the worst films ever made. There is absolutely nothing about this film that doesn't stink. The only positive thing one can say about it is that it's funny. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be. As if the hopeless acting wasn't enough, the rules seem to change all the time. If something doesn't fit with the plot, let's change it for just one scene. And the effects? Don't even get me started! Seriously! The so-called effects aren't good for anything other than laughs. But then again, that goes for the entire film. Bad acting, bad directing, bad script, bad film. If you want to watch a crappy horror-film, just for the laughs, this is the film you want. If you want to see a film that is actually worth seeing, go for something else...
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