2001 Maniacs (2005) Poster


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Inferior remake but so-so on its own
Galop_Inferno5 January 2020
In the 2000s, it seemed a fad to take old cult horror movies and remake them. Sometimes it worked, most of the time it didn't. This one at least went out of its way to expand on the mythos of its predecessor

Should anyone be given the role of Mayor Buford, one should devour the scenery. Robert Englund, bless his heart, does just that, and in the most delightfully cheesy manner. The victims, downgraded from rational adults to a bunch of obnoxious college students, deserve no sympathy to the point that in the first five minutes, you just want all of them to die.

The violence is admirable, only one of the death scenes is a callback to the original. Blood effects are standard 2005 slasher movie level but they're gruesome all the same. The writers got creative and they get props.

In this modernized version, minority victims are introduced, an African-American man and an Asian woman, both of whom are subject to racism. But this is expected as the antagonists, after all, are Civil War era Southerners. That said, this movie is in no short supply of Southern popular culture references, mostly to Gone with the Wind.

All in all, when comparing to the 1964 Herschell Gordon Lewis cult classic, 2001 Maniacs is simply a contemporary upgrade but watch it as a standalone, it's okay.
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There's always room for one more ... MANIAC!
Coventry25 March 2006
The almighty Hershell Gordon-Lewis already promised us through a very catchy song that the South was going to rise again... and it did! Slightly more than forty years after the Godfather of Gore's terrific splatter-classic, energetic director Tim Sullivan gathered quite an impressive cast and updated Lewis' screenplay with new gory sickness and nowadays sleaze 'n swearing! I'm usually not this enthusiastic when it comes to remakes of classic horror films, but "2001 Maniacs" simply is a fun & unpretentious little movie that clearly intended to please horror fans first, rather than to hit big at the box office. The original story is preserved, as a whole bunch of young party animals on their way to the Southern beaches are detoured the peculiar little town of Pleasant Valley where they're given a warm reception as honoree guests to a local jubilee. The townsfolk, with one-eyed mayor Buckman in charge, all soon turn out to be deranged killers that are still very rancorous about the Southern Civil War casualties and, one by one, the Yankee tourists are butchered in very imaginative ways. Some of the killings are strangely similar to the ones in Lewis' original, some of them are completely new...but they ALL are utterly grotesque and exhilaratingly gross! Whenever there isn't any gore on display, we're treated to absurd dialogues, morbid jokes and – oh yeah – loads of naked flesh supplied by the most ravishing babes of nowadays horror flicks. Of course, purely talking cinema, this isn't much of good film because it totally lacks tension and it's tasteless, offensive and completely ridiculous. Personally I couldn't care less about this because A) you pretty much know what to expect here and B) it's a splendid throwback to the rancid 60's and 70's; the times when horror cinema didn't necessarily had to justify its exploitative tendencies. Robert Englund clearly hasn't had this much fun portraying a mad character than since the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" and Lin Shaye once again proves she's a sadly underrated but great actress that delivers no matter how silly her lines are. The younger cast members perform adequately and Sullivan's directing is fairly surefooted as well. Although the additional maniac in the title never really gets introduced, I suppose it relates to the little silent girl who dissects rats for fun. "2001 Maniacs" is one of the most entertaining horror films of the past couple of years and I recommend it highly!
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Very disappointing
boondocksaint208 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I am a huge horror film fan who has a special soft spot for slasher films. Nothing can beat the early works of Argento, Carpenter or Hooper in my opinion, especially the horror films, by and large, over the past 10 years. Recently, we've had a few decent throwbacks to the genre which have revitalized my interest in these cheap, schlock filled movies.

When you see the cover of this film, you immediately see a familiar face, Robert Englund of A Nightmare On Elm Street fame. Seeing him dressed up as a Civil War era character, donning a huge Confederate battle flag as an eye patch, I simply had to see this, hoping for crazed, over the top goodness.

Let me start off with the good points of 2001 Maniacs, bc though there aren't many, they do really deliver. The violence in this film will satisfy any gore hound. I thought they did a spectacular job on the violence, making it bloody, but not sickening...over the top, but not way over the top...shockingly brutal, but not disgusting. The fates that the victims of the towns folk meet are all ultra violent, but presented with a collective wink of the eye from everyone involved. And of course, Englund steals the show as a crazed Southern mayor who goes as pleasingly far over the top without hamming it up too much. And also, I won't say who, but one of the group who I thought would be the main character was one of the first ones to bite the dust! I thought this aspect was awesome, as to me it was mildly surprising, but it was probably accidental as a product of bad editing. And of course, blink if you miss him, Kane Hodder (aka Jason of Friday the 13th Parts 7-10) pokes up literally for half a second just for the hell of it. Cheap a trick as it is, I just love it when movies throw us horror film buffs a bone by giving us 'a no one else in the room will understand why the hell we are pointing at the TV and yelling some random actor's name that they've never heard of while spilling our beer on the floor' moment that reminds us that we are who we are. Sadly, Hodder just grimaces for the camera in a quick shot, and does not get to go all Jason on anyone this time around, but hey, I enjoyed it.

However, the rest of the movie is kind of hard to sit through. I am talking of course, about the acting. Oh man, was this a misfire! Now, I know that slashers are not known for their Oscar caliber acting...in fact, some of the best ones have some of the kids acting so bad, it makes the movie good. Now, there are some out there that actually have good, believable acting that 20 somethings would actually act like. The worst slashers, in my opinion, are the ones that have actors who act painfully bad, but are trying their best to be serious. This film starts off with line after line, of horrendously bad dialogue delivered by impossibly unbelievable actors you won't give a damn about when they meet their demise. I mean seriously, how hard is it to find someone who can act like a normal human being? The acting in this film ruins any type of feelings you would ever have for someone in this situation. I hated Cabin Fever (which Eli Roth, who I think is incredibly overrated, is a producer of this film, and has a cameo early on), but at least that film had some somewhat believable acting.

Speaking of Roth, his fingerprints are all over this film. You can see a lot of parallels between Cabin Fever and 2001 Maniacs if you have a sharp eye (especially a few of the actors who are in both movies). Both films have a situation that could have been...should have been great, but fail miserably to millions of plot holes, a razor thin plot and acting that would make Ed Wood frown at. Since this movie never makes you care about anyone, or establishes any sort of hero, you are left with whoever is left at the end, in an ending that makes little sense, nor is fully explained (though, the final minute was a welcome change of pace).

One thing I didn't get was, if these people were supposed to be what was explained at the end, why in the hell did Englund duck from a flying axe, and cower at the threat of impalement? Why would I even care to ask such a question after watching a cheap horror film? Exactly my point...the reason I did ask this, and many more questions after watching this movie was because the story never brought any type of mystique to the townsfolk...we merely see that they are all crazy, most of whom do a horrible job of projecting it. You never really get entranced into the situation which means this movie will never scare you. A movie like this should be dripping with atmosphere (a la Texas Chainsaw Massacre)...not do nothing but deliver cheap jokes about Southerners and then show the occasional scene of carnage.

If you want to see some good gore scenes and have an ability to filter out painfully bad acting and a razor thin plot, then give 2001 Maniacs a try. It is definitely not the worst film you will ever see, but if you are a horror buff, whom I presume this film was made for, you will be severely disappointed.
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Tries to fit the tried and true horror mold but falls flat on it's face
Robert_duder24 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Initially I tried 2001 Maniacs because the horror master Robert Englund was the star and plastered all over the cover. I should have known that with the exception of playing the infamous Freddy Kreuger Englund's other attempts at horror have fell flat (The Phantom of The Opera, Python, Dance Macabre and so on.) I will say however that I have NO doubt that 2001 Maniacs will thrive as a cult classic and somehow it will most certainly find an audience with horror fans who love complete camp, and utter stupidity and over the top ridiculously humorous death scenes. The film was made with not horror in made but silly stupid blood splattering, breast baring type of slasher flick. And it just doesn't work for this one.

Robert Englund does a decent job as Mayor Buckman, the ghost Mayor a small town wiped out during the civil war. Now he leads his town folk back to the living to get vengeance on anyone who happens into their town. Englund is appropriately deranged although he doesn't directly do much if any of the killing. He is definitely a figure head and used as such but he is one of the better campier characters. Jay Gillespie plays the lead college student who gets him and his friends stuck in this town of horror. He is appropriately handsome and typical for the part and does a decent job being the hero of the story. Gina Marie Heekin, Brian Gross, Mushond Lee, and Bianca Smith I think are all the actors that play the other doomed college students looking for a good time but get picked off one by one due to the usual stupidity like promiscuous sex, following the wrong person to the wrong place and so on. I will give kudos to Lin Shaye, a veteran actress who plays Granny Boone, the horrendously disturbed matriarch of this town who likes to fry up some of her killings and eat them. I saw Shaye recently in the spectacular horror film Dead End and she really does a great job in this film. Wendy Kremer, Ryan Fleming, and Giuseppe Andrews all play main role Maniacs in the film and their characters are great...hilarious, campy, and completely deranged.

So with a cast that is decent and characters that are funny, campy and horrific what is so wrong with this movie?? Story, script, setting, BORING!! It wasn't believable for a second and I know horror films don't have to be but at the same there should be some sort of sense to it. There was absolutely NO reason that these 6 kids would stay in this completely out of the way, no power, no modern appliances little village when they were on their way to Daytona. On top of that there was ZERO suspense, and the death scenes which in a slasher/horror flick should be original, gory, even maybe a little realistic were so stupid they did nothing but cause eye rolls. It is really a shame considering the originality of the cast and killers and what they had was potential for a real series here. Director and co-writer Tim Sullivan slapped together something that felt more like a teenagers class film project and none of it worked. You didn't care about any of them and it was just boring. The nudity, which in horror films is always blatant and overused, was so forced that it was annoying...and I mean hey it's nudity but still it just all BORED ME. I would only suffice to say that this film is only for the true campy horror fan who will probably love the way it was done. If you're just the average movie goer you're gonna think this is stupid and a waste of time and probably give it far less than what I gave it credit for. 4/10
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This Is What The Monkees Meant By A "Pleasant Valley Sunday"...NOT!
cchase5 December 2008
Let this be a warning to you right off the bat, dear reader and horror fan: if you have the kind of 'political correctness' meter that sounds the alarm at fart jokes, you will want to stay VERY FAR AWAY from the likes of 2001 MANIACS. If you're a hardier horror buff who likes your flicks to follow the "Triple-B" Rule, (Babes, Boobs and Blood), then YEEEE-HAAAW, Bubba! Y'all jest struck GOLD! There's more swingin' jugs and spurtin' jugulars here than you'd find everywhere else, plus the 'bestest 'finger-lickin' good' barbecue this side of a Texas Chainsaw Family Reunion!

If you know your horror history, you know that 2001 MANIACS is the lovingly-rendered redo of the gore-tastic Herschell Gordon Lewis' signature grue-fest 2000 MANIACS, here given the full-tilt millennium 'makeover.'

The good-humored ghouls of Pleasant Valley, GA. (population: well - look at the title, genius!) are 'DIED-in-the-wool' Southerners who don't take too kindly to stray Yankees who trespass on their turf. It probably doesn't help that over 200 years ago, every inhabitant was slaughtered by Sherman's army as he and his men raped, razed and rip- snorted their way through to HOTLanta. So their vengeful, zombiefied ghosts return each year for a little payback. A fake detour sign misdirects unwitting travelers to Pleasant Valley, where every day is the celebration of the "Guts And Glory Jubilee", and the lost tourists are always the 'guests of honor' at the Jubilee barbecue...where they also do double-duty as THE MAIN COURSE!!! But in-between those two plot points, seduction and slaughter of every imaginable kind abounds.

This time, eight friends who are classmates from the same college are on their way to Daytona Beach for Spring Break...and all the babes, booze and beer they can handle! Thanks to a wayward short cut that gets them lost, and that rigged "detour" sign that points them right into the heart of Pleasant Valley, there's one element they can add to that list - BLOOD - as in their own!!!

Once the kids hit town, it would take a moron not to figure out that there is something unpleasantly weird about these grinning, welcoming, backwoods "hell-billys" (led by a gleefully demented Robert "Freddy Krueger" Englund.) But then for college students, none of these guys (or girls) are particularly the brightest light-bulbs in the pack.

What they are, are the soon-to-be 'entrées'...er, I mean 'guests of honor' welcomed to the Valley by the overly friendly Mayor Buckman (Englund), who are at first as charmed as they are freaked at this little backwater burg, where they seem to take dedication to the whole "Civil-War era reenactment" thing a little too seriously. Of course, they learn all too late...it's NOT an act.

Director Tim Sullivan, scripting here with co-writer Chris Kobin, knows that 'Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun' - and that includes the audience. Those movie watchers who would be profoundly outraged and insulted by 2001 MANIACS probably wouldn't (and shouldn't) be renting or going out to see this anyway. For the rest of us...well, we know what we want and what we like to see in our horror films, and thankfully, Tim provides it in abundance! Not content to merely rehash the Lewis original, he surprises with hysterical references to other movies, while keeping the action going and the blood flowing! (Think of a couple of scenes here as DELIVERANCE by way of AIRPLANE!, and you get the tone of it!)

The death scenes, if not completely original in some ways, are still delivered with gruesome effectiveness, and there is a nice "Tales From The Crypt"-style ending to wrap it neatly with a pretty, dripping-red bow.

Oh, and BTW, did I mention that this is unofficially a 'musical'? That's right, gore-hounds! A couple of ZZ Top-types, (just with banjos and 'sharp-dressed men' for the 1700's) deliver some spicy song commentary on the action! But thankfully, the ditties are inserted in a way that is terrific and not tiresome.

All in all, for an evening of blood and boobs, you might think you can do better than 2001 MANIACS, but that's debatable. I know you can do worse! And I have - trust me.
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Just another forgettable horror film trying to be cute
mrush6 May 2006
I'm really sick of this type of horror film---slick and glossy and trying so hard to be cute and witty.This is just another waste of time in a horror fan's quest to find the good horror films.These people ripped off HG Lewis and still managed to make a lame movie.

A group of college kids head to Daytona on spring break and get detoured through a small southern town and are the guests to the town BBQ.You can pretty much figure out the rest from there.Lots of rubber heads spewing watery looking blood and body parts here and there.The usual standard crap film stuff.A silly almost nonexistent plot and sub-par acting and no suspense at all makes this film lame as a wet noodle.Even the few bare breasts thrown in couldn't save this movie.Robert Englund does a decent enough job with the silly lines he was given but all the other folks in this film were pretty rotten actors.The writing was awful as well---just a bunch of catchphrases and lines meant to sound cool strung together in one scene after another.

I really hate horror movie directors that keep churning out these kinds of cutesy witless horror movies full of dim-bulb teens just standing around waiting to get killed in some supposedly new horrible way.

I've seen enough dead teens to last a lifetime.It's time for horror film directors to move on down the road to something else.
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bewnhurr20 August 2016
2001 maniacs is essentially a grind house movie if you look at it. The story is the third most important part of the film, after gore and sex. That being said, i do not really mind that since i am a fan of gore myself.

The plot in the movie is not anything new, a bunch of teenagers gets into trouble with the supernatural. You have seen that several times if your a fan of horror. What makes this movie better than average is the fact that it's self avare of it. It doesn't try to be the shining or something like that, instead we get pure grind house fun. The camera is even outdated for the time, a pretty classic grind house team (since they were made on a shoestring budget).

Robert Englund is great as the main villain (As always), the main cast of teens are bad and the acting overall from them is stale and uninspiring. What makes this movie fun to watch is the interaction of the teens (Bad acting) with the townspeople (mostly good acting). The plot moves along with a decent speed so you are never bored with it, and the climax is pretty good.

Another thing that really make it feel like a grind house aside from the gore and the sex are the fact that it is not scared of taking the low road. It's rare to have such strong language in horror movies that are mainstream produced as this one has. "Boy, Negro, Chinaman (Sorry, Chinawoman) and such. Its a movie that doesn't care at all and is just out to entertain you.

Is it better than 2000 maniacs? No, it is. not Is it a bad movie? Yes it is, but it's also a pretty decent one. Once again, that is if you see this movie as a grind house movie, which it really isn't, but there are strong influence by the grind house cinema in it. The best part of this movie is the kills, that isn't anything strange since that's true 90% of the time when there is a body count. But there is also a pretty fun dark humor in this film that doesn't go unnoticed.
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Not Bad
gwnightscream7 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This 2005 horror film is a remake of the 1964 film, "Two Thousand Maniacs!" It tells about a group of teens on spring break hoping to party, but get more than they bargained for when they arrive at a small, southern town, Pleasant Valley where the undead townsfolk welcome them as their doomed, special guests. Robert Englund, his "A Nightmare on Elm Street" co-star, Lin Shaye & Eli Roth (Cabin Fever) are featured. It's not bad, Englund & Shaye are great as usual and there's good, gory make-up effects. Give this a view at least once if you're into horror.
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not bad
aotemanmi2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The hot girl Marla Malcolm is so beautiful.that it is only the United States that can make horror movies on the sensitive topic of civil war, and the sight of maggots falling out of the mayor's eyes is disgusting.
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Goofy Remake
wildsidecinema12 June 2010
We get blood, boobs, gore, comedy, guys chasing sheep, kids killing cats and super hottie cousins "boning" each other! The comedy is actually funny…the gore is actually…well…gory! The T&A is top notch (its Christa Campbell guys!) and the acting was excellent.

Not only do we get a damn good horror film but we get a DVD that actually puts most "Special Editions" to shame! This release is packed with extras! I would like to point out to readers though that no matter how hard a DVD company tries to convince you…subtitles and closed captions are not bonus features.

I'd like to point out a few facts as well…for starters; Eli Roth is back to reprise his role from Cabin Fever as wonky drifter Justin (Eli Roth) and his good buddy Dr. Mambo (the dog) is back as well! Eagle eyed viewers may also spot Tim Sullivan hammering on a coffin and Scott Spiegel (Evil Dead 1 & 2, The Dead Next Door) as one of the hillbilly banjo singers that constantly wander about the movie! So, for those of you looking for a damn good film, run, don't walk, to your nearest Best Buy and purchase 2001 Maniacs. Don't hesitate!
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solidsnake_9717 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This.... This movie.... This movie was the worst flick i have ever seen! The acting was terrible. The plot was not so dumb it was funny, it was so dumb that it made you cry out in agony just because of the sheer stupidity. Man, i would rather watch "House of the Dead" Than this movie. And that movie was bad! The only positive thing about this movie, is the boobs. But there is to few of them.. Its just so idiotic. stupid. annoying! I don't understand how somebody can make a movie as bad as this. and i can not understand why people give this movie 10 stars.. They must be drunk! very drunk! You say "oh he's a genius" etc. but this is a work of idiots. There is absolutely nothing positive to say about this movie. Bad effects, bad sound, bad acting, bad dialouge, bad plot, bad twists and the worst ending i have ever seen.
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"Over the top" is just scratching the surface...
horrorfan92121 February 2006
Those already familiar with the original will know what they've gotten themselves into as our main characters follow a bogus Detour sign—just after narrowly avoiding Justin and Professor Mambo, character favorites from CABIN FEVER who are trying to hitch a ride—and arrive in the town of Pleasant Valley, whose residents are hard at work preparing for their weekend "Guts and Glory Jubilee." Soon the Confederate knife fodder arrive with Yankee good looks and are declared "guests of honor" by the one-eyed Mayor Buckman, played pitch-perfect by everybody's favorite sadist, Robert (Freddy Krueger) Englund. But what else can you expect when there's a population of, you guessed it, 2001…maniacs, that is! What follows, surprisingly given our times and political climate, is refreshingly vulgar, completely un-PC and, much like the original, an expected excuse for extremely sadistic humor and gore. Where the first film now seems boring and slow, the new version is upbeat and well-paced. Happily and sadly, the first and only fully clothed female victim to get tied up and quartered by horses is the film's only waste of T in a movie overflowing with T&A. Many viewers may be offended by the black humor and straight-up racist jokes that pepper the film's dialogue, but those of you can rest assured that everyone gets their due by the end. It'll be interesting to see how the red states will react to such a searing and scabrous document of the South. Englund seems to imbue Mayor Buckman with a well-judged imitation of President Bush, and even the lives of his two sons in the film appear to closely ape those of the Bush daughters.

Longtime Lewis fans will be ecstatic that much, if not all, of his score from the original has been transferred to the new film by way of musical narrators Johnny Legend and his strumming sidekick Scott Spiegel. Somewhat in the vein of THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT MARY, these musical country bumpkins pop up from time to time, like Sullivan's version of a Greek Chorus, hinting at the dangers to soon befall our ethnically and morally diverse blue state victims. "The South will rise again!" The supporting cast is stocked with many fine new actors and veterans of the genre. Fans will enjoy the cool seething evil of Giuseppe Andrews (Fever's Deputy Winston) as he kills Yankee belles with kindness, and Lin Shaye (fast on her way to becoming a middle-aged scream queen after her role in the haunting DEAD END), who stars as Granny Boone, the murderous matriarch of Pleasant Valley. One day, this fine actress will hopefully be cast in a role that capitalizes on her real-life beauty and sassy charm; in the meantime, she here has a ball pushing the envelope, as when she sucks the red gore off a spear protruding from the gullet of a hapless victim! Newcomer Jay Gillespie evokes a REAL GENIUS or TOP GUN-era Val Kilmer with stern good looks and a thrill for the action around him. The rest of the MANIACS cast seem to be having fun with the bloody lowbrow horror and are in on the joke, all ready to "take one for the team" and die in a less-than-flattering manner. As each member is dispatched, you can tell they were having a great time taking it to the next level. This is a movie where "over the top" is just scratching the surface. Just ask Peaches, the Southern belle who wears a "retainer" that would make the shark in JAWS envious when she "services" a good ol' boy! (He doesn't last long.) By the third reel, characters are walking around town all alone for no good reason, so we know they aren't going to end up much better than their missing brethren. Then Sullivan and crew punch up the action a bit with a scene that doesn't necessarily match the vibe of everything we've seen thus far, but has a maggot-worthy moment that makes up for the switch in tone. If you're looking to get scared, this is not exactly the right film, but if you're familiar with Lewis and his brand of goremongering, you'll squirm, screech and then writhe with laughter. 2001 MANIACS has all the elements of a good time yet still raises a dialogue among viewers that not many have had the balls to address in horror, or film-making in general, since the '70s.
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2001 Maniacs (2005)
jonahstewartvaughan7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Happy Birthday to a Horror Legend! Robert Englund!

2001 Maniacs (2005)

(7/10): 2001 Maniacs is a remake of the splatter cult classic Two-Thousand Maniacs by Splatter inventor, Herschell Gordon Lewis with a darkly comedic tinge to it as well as a pretty great team behind it.

It's got Robert Englund as the lead antagonist as well as Lin Shaye in a secondary antagonist role and Scott Spiegel, Kane Hodder and Eli Roth in minor roles with Spiegel and Roth also being a couple of the many producers.

It's a simple premise, a group of high school students are on their spring break vacation and meet some hot girls who they plan to get together with at their beach house but a slight detour takes them through Pleasant Valley, an old timey US town celebrating their festival and they are all invited to be the guests of honour but some strange and disturbing incidents lead them to believe they are confederates but by that point the townsfolk have already begun their plans to off them one by one and cook them for their cannibalistic festivities.

Effects range from being pretty solid to being kinda moreso poorly aged cgi but they made a strong effort here and it works because of one reason, Robert Englund, aside from him everyone else is rather forgettable in their performance, except for maybe Lin Shaye.

It's got great set design and costumes that really drive home the aesthetic of the pre-war town.

It's a bloody good time, literally, and it's worth checking out if you're a fan of Robert Englund.
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A Southern Guilty Pleasure
BaronBl00d14 June 2006
I bet Herschell Gordon Lewis, having just completed work on his second gore epic Two Thousand Maniacs, never once imagined that in roughly forty years his brainchild would be re-filmed and remade again. Instead of "the South will rise again, " it should be Herschell Gordon Lewis will rise again. Anyway, this film, like the original, has the happy town of Pleasant Valley as its setting: a town that magically reappears every 100 years on the anniversary of its destruction by Union soldiers during the Civil War only to have its hillbilly celebration of maiming, garroting, shivving, castrating, squeezing, quartering, barbecuing, decapitating, and so on of Yankee motorists in the nearby vicinity. Just like in the original, though much more bloodier and believable, nothing here is really frightening. Every gory scene is more like a punchline to a distasteful joke. Also, just like in the original, the South comes off looking like some barbaric civilization that is ages behind the more industrial North. The Southern stereotypes fly in this one though seem not to have the edge in the original film. What this film does have that the original does not are way better actors, lots and lots and lots of sexy women in lots and lots and lots of sexual situations, generous doses of humour(almost all of which were INTENDED), and a tongue firmly planted in cheek mood. Robert Englund plays Mayor Buckman to the hilt, even wearing an eye patch with the Confederate flag on it no less. Englund shows me here, as he has in other non-Freddy roles, that he is a versatile actor with a wide range. His Buckman has charm, grace, and dementia. Lin Shaye does an equally credible job playing Granny Boone(not to my knowledge in original). Everyone else is more than adequate working with this stuff. Johnny Legend and Scott Spiegel had me rolling as two wandering minstrels singing atrocious blue grass tunes with the most inane lyrics. And let's not forget the girls. The film has a bevy of beauties with a free and easy approach to being in front of the camera. Standouts(knockouts might be more appropriate) include Gina Marie Heeken, Bianca Smith, Wendy Kremer, and sultry Christa Campbell as the milk maid. Director Tim Sullivan knows exactly what he wants and goes right for it in this film. No high art here, just an appreciative group of filmmakers remaking a film I too would never have dreamt of being remade. The odd thing is that this film is far more watchable then the original. It has so much more going for it than the original - which does have some charms - don't get me wrong. Sullivan knows his audience and goes with the proverbial flow. He doesn't stray away from the shocking nor the easy, distasteful laugh(like when the black Yankee is presented as "dark" meat as just one example).
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peter-ramshaw-116 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, my God.

What a stinker. Sure, it's supposed to be 'over the top' but this woeful effort misses the mark everywhere.

Terrible acting, a lame plot and ridiculous 'suspense'. I reckon my teenage boys could do better with out video-recorder (except they'd probably have at least some interesting sexual intrigue).

Predictable, unfunny, irredeemable (well, except for a vicarious glimpse of a few decent tits). Anyone who thinks this is art-house, needs therapy. Even the special effects are about as special as Harry Hausen's first short.

2001 Maniacs? Yep, that's probably the number of people WORLDWIDE who thought this was OK.
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Dancing and Games, and Best of All, a Mouth-Watering Barbecue
claudio_carvalho7 September 2007
While traveling on vacation to Florida, the college friends Anderson Lee (Jay Gillespie), Cory Jones (Matthe Carey) and Nelson Elliot (Dylan Edrington) meet the gorgeous Joey (Marla Leigh Malcom) and Kat (Gina Marie Heekin) in a gas station traveling with their gay friend Ricky (Brian Gross) to the same location. Anderson gives his phone number to Joey in Florida. The teenagers decide to take a shortcut and they find a detour through an old road leading to the Southern town of Pleasant Valley. They are welcomed by the local Mayor Buckman (Robert Englund) as guests of honor together with Joey, Kat, Ricky and the Afro-American biker Malcolm (Mushond Lee) and his Chinese girlfriend Leah (Bianca Smith) and invited to stay for their Guts and Glory Jubilee with free lodging, meals and booze at Granny Boone's hotel, and dancing, games and a mouth-watering barbecue in the climax of the jubilee. The group accepts the invitation but sooner they find who will supply the meat for the feast.

"2001 Maniacs" is a movie with great potential of cult, having black humor, gorgeous actresses and an excellent twist in the end. I really liked this gore film a lot, and I laugh with the witty, funny and great lines, and many of them are quoted in IMDb. Robert England is amazing in the role of the revengeful southern mayor, giving a perfect touch of humor to his sadistic and friendly character. In the end, "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it". My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "2001 Maníacos" ("2001 Maniacs")
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The south will disappear!!!
Esken11 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
That's at least what this movie should have done...

I was looking forward to seeing this movie, and after reading many reviews here on IMDb, i thought that this would be a given hit in my eyes. How wrong i was!!! I think the idea is fair enough. It's actually good. I'm a screenwriter myself and this is a great story to a horror movie. At least if you know how to make a horror movie! And i must say that this isn't much of a movie. The acting and direction blows. It seems like his movie was made just because they wanted to make a movie. Quick and ruthless. Putting Mr. Robert Englund in a movie like this??? Maybe? he doesn't have that many job-offers, but please!! And what about the cameos of Kane Hodder and Eli Roth? Why does Roth play the same character he did in his own movie CABIN FEVER? I understand that this is an internal joke between the two directors, but it fails big time. He doesn't fit in the story at all!!! (by the way i love CABIN FEVER and HOSTEL)

Why does all these kids arrive in the city at the same time? Embarising!!!

Some of the scenes look like the start of a porn-flick. Lesbian blonde's trying to act. Please again!! But they did make me laugh. Because of the lousy acting of course...

Even the gore-scenes were bad! My advice is to stay away! Far far away!!!
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Re-makes vs. Sequels
alanmora9 April 2007
OK Where to start with this one? When are these directors going to learn that if you want to earn some money by "piggybacking" off of a previously proved successful film such as Herschell Gordon Lewis' "Two Thousand Maniacs" that's fine but don't insult the fans by using only a handful of the original character names yet creating an entirely different movie! This movie definitely does not skimp in the gore department, it has some very good acting, and Robert England cast in the lead to boot makes for a potentially good film but true fans of the original film, which let's face it is what the majority of the audience who will attend a film with such a title will consist of, will be sorely disappointed at the blatant disregard for the original storyline! Instead of being promoted as a re-make, films like this should be promoted as sequels,that is if the director is so void of original ideas that he or she feels that they must rip-off someone else's original idea instead of coming up with one of their own. The "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and "Black Christmas" remakes are also guilty of this offense...this is why these remakes flop. I have yet to see a "remake" that truly does justice to the original product outside of 80's remakes like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or "The Blob"...save yourselves the embarrassment and degradation and the snubbing of the fans and just call it a sequel instead of trying to create your own franchise. The other aspect of this film that I did not care for was the director's inexplicable need to add certain elements to the story in a tacky, crude and downright politically incorrect attempt to 'modernize' the story. I personally do not find it humorous to hear tacky "Watermellon" jokes applied to African Americans and I found the addition of the gay character and his subsequent death to be in EXTREMELY poor taste!
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More of that Southern hospitality...
The_Void6 April 2006
HG Lewis' gore classic Two Thousand Maniacs isn't the obvious choice for the remake treatment, but surprisingly enough it got one - and it's pretty damn good! Actually, I'd say that this film is more of a sequel than a remake, as it takes in the same basic plot idea as the sixties splatterfest, but other than that the film is mostly new. And besides, the Godfather of Gore did promise us that the South was going to rise again. The film takes in many of Lewis' trademarks; from over the top silly gore, to a great streak of black humour. The Southern swing has been retained too, and we get treated to all manner of weird Redneck traits - best of all being the pair of minstrels that pop up every now and again to sing us a song! As mentioned, the basic plot remains the same and follows a bunch of young kids who end up in the strange town of Pleasant Valley after taking several detours. They arrive just as the town is about to take up it's Jubilee celebrations, and believe it or not; the teenagers become the guests of honour! However, they end up being offered more than just free beer...

The fact that the film features the questionable talents of a bunch of young actors will no doubt annoy fans of the original, as it could easily be taken that the film is taking in too many of modern horror's traits. However, I disagree; the young cast do well in their respective roles, and the characters are generally quite easy to like. It's the older cast members that really make the movie stand out, however, and it's obvious that Robert Englund had a good time playing the central role he has in this film. He is joined by prolific actress Lin Shaye, who also does well as his opposite number. Obviously, the most important thing about this film is the gore - and in true HG Lewis fashion, it's amazingly over the top! We've got acid, limb-tearing, eye popping, a nasty little scene involving metal teeth and more! The gore is hard to take seriously...and HG fans will know why that's a good thing. It has to be said that the film is a little messy, but it doesn't matter because it's a constant stream of entertainment. If we're not witnessing a bloody death scene, there's always plenty of naked chicks and Southern 'hospitality' on hand to keep the film fun. Overall, I recommend this film.
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Dumb mixed up stereotypical hogwash
Polaris_DiB10 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now, I can appreciate a healthy horror of the Civil War-obsessed racist inbred Deep South like anyone else, but like any stereotype, the fear says about as much about the culture it's applied to as to the culture that applied it--if not more. In this case, the stereotypes went way beyond far and ended up making a perverse and absurd portrait of the filmmakers as people who have absolutely no clue as to what they're film-making except that they've seen Gone with the Wind and Deliverance. They can't even keep their own stereotypes right, resulting in a completely confusing amalgam of Southern gentile, inbred hillbilly, and racist hack in ways that show absolutely no actual knowledge on how those stereotypes came to be (not to mention a complete lack of knowledge as to the role of class in the pre-Civil War South, meaning the relationships between the townsfolk are completely unbelievable as well).

So the basic deal is that a bunch of Yanks heading to Florida for Spring Break get side-tracked into a small town of Pleasant Valley, a seemingly innocuous re-enactment village that invites them to join in the festivities. But actually they are being led into a ghost town where the vengeful corpses of Civil War past want to kill as many Yanks as townspeople were massacred in the Civil War, that is, 2001 of them. However, instead of getting right to it or really making short work of it, the movie must absolutely be feature length, and so it stretches out the horror, usually with more than just the usual amount of sex. Thus we get the trifecta of awful horror movie approaches: characters driven entirely by their reproductive organs; bad Southern accents; and the old Fantastic Tales cliché of "Something bad happened! Oh wait, that can't be, those people are actually dead!"

With DVD making it easier than ever to distribute pretty much any movie in existence and fanboys like Tarantino and Eli Roth (the latter who co-produced this monstrosity) bringing grindhouse back into its niche, remakes of Herschell Gordon Lewis movies are becoming popular, especially recently. I can't speak to how this movie compares to the original, but I do know that HGL made up for poor production design and bad acting by usually stunning and always inventive arrays of lo-fi gore effects. This movie, however, is pretty "been there, done that", and really only resides for the sole purpose of saying "Hey! Hey! Hey guys! Southerners, right! Crazy, right! Hillbillies, y'know! Crazy!" This comes complete with an entirely arbitrary take-off of the infamous Battling Banjos scene and a terrible industrial update of the "The South Will Rise Again!" song.

It's obvious that the filmmakers cared little for actually doing much but making a funny, campy horror movie with a lot of boobs and blood. Unfortunately, 2001 Maniacs had nothing to add to any of those topics except a confusion between a stereotypical hillbilly and a stereotypical redneck--and everything in between. The gore was unoriginal, the sex ranged from ludicrous to obnoxious via the path of gratuitous, and the humor basically boiled down to a single joke: Southerners are weird. That's really ironic when the repeated theme in this movie is "respect" for the dead, for the memorializing of the Civil War, and for the contrast of cultures between the North and South. This movie doesn't really have respect for anything, it just wants to have slack-jawed yokels chasing sheep named Jezebel while horny college kids get off on lesbian incest.

At least Robert Englund is fun to watch. He plays the best gleefully demoniacal serial killer ever. It's in the face.

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Demented cannibal comedy
Leofwine_draca21 November 2014
2001 MANIACS is a cheesy B-movie remake of a cult H. G. Wells gore film of the 1960s entitled 2000 MANIACS. This is a low budget production, packed to the brim with rubbery gore effects and a hammy turn from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET star Robert Englund, and yet despite (or maybe because of) all this it turns out to be a surprisingly enjoyable little movie.

I think the film works because the tone is just right. There's a ton of black comedy here, some of it blacker than black (like when the black guy turns up in the southern town asking where black guys hang around, and the locals point him to the nearest lynching tree). The story is relatively fast-paced, and you can be sure that there will be a grisly murder just around the next corner.

The acting is less impressive, and some of the characters are just a little TOO over the top (yes, even in a film like this) but yet it somehow hangs together. It's clear that Englund is having a ball as the demented town mayor and there are cameos from Peter Stormare and Eli Roth as the story progresses. None of it is scary or disturbing, but it is funny in places and it's certainly miles better than the amateurish original.
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Wow, I can't believe this movie was even made.
kaybelle8 November 2006
Such a bad movie. OK, OK they had Robert Englund which is good, I mean he known for the Nightmare On Elm Street movies and people know him. But my goodness. The actors were bad and so was the general plot. And also, must there be something about sex every few lines. Like with the girl cousins and how almost everything was so sexual no matter what it was. And how convenient that all the girls there happened to be beautiful, bleach blonde, hussy's. Plus the deaths were so violent and gruesome and disgusting!!! Don't get me wrong, a good bloody death can be scary but those scenes were just ridiculous!!! I am going to bring this up again....the acting was TERRIBLE. Who ever made the casting and thought to them selves "wow, what good up coming actors" should NEVER cast again.....EVER. So, in my opinion skip this movie.
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Good times!
ravyn_jensen10 July 2005
I saw "2001 Manacs" last night at a midnight screening at the Fantasia Festival and I really enjoyed it ... so did the 300-400 other people in the theater with me. Tim Sullivan and Christa Campbell introduced the movie and held a Q&A session after (I had to leave, it was 2am) but I'm sure they were pleased with the audience response. It was great to see Robert Englund again, he always does a great psycho. The movie was funny and gory ... sure the plot wasn't Oscar caliber, but anyone looking for that is going to the wrong movie. If you want to see a good horror movie, the real 'guts & glory' kind, this is the movie for you. I feel confident in recommending this movie and plan on picking up the DVD (especially since the version that was screened hasn't gone to the ratings board yet, so the DVD will probably be the only place to see this exact version).
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Why don't detour signs also say BEWARE?
michaelRokeefe24 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Wheather or not Herschell Gordon Lewis' 2000 MANIACS(1964) needed a sequel or not...here it is. Director and co-writer Tim Sullivan infuses tongue-in-cheek humor with gore and splatters. This film is crammed full of the sort of scenes you would expect in a very low-budget B-movie. Photography says different and there is actually a real good performance from Robert Englund.

On the way to spring break in Daytona Beach, a group of college kids end up taking a detour leading to a small town in Georgia, Pleasant Valley. The mayor(Englund)insists that the young people stay and take in the their annual barbecue and reenactment of the Civil War. Southern hospitality becomes unpleasant when the horny students one by one find themselves the main entrée.

Strong horror violence and gruesomely graphic images alternate with sexual implications for rated R fare. At least getting to the gore is imaginative. Also in the cast: Giuseppe Andrews, Gina Marie Heekin, Crista Campbell, Marla Malcolm, Matthew Carey and Lin Shaye. You'll squirm and then roll with laughter.
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Not Just Insulting to Southerners
Tecun_Uman1 March 2007
I have read that some people find this movie insulting to the South. This movie is insulting to anyone unfortunate enough to have stumbled across it on cable TV. I mean, some people might consider it "camp," but it is more crap. Let me set it up for you, there are a bunch of sex-starved college kids that stumble on to this town in the deep South. This town has a bunch of old-school Southern types that dress in elaborate clothes and talk with outrageous accents. Well, these Southerners secretly want to kill each one of these college kids in the most violent possible ways. They ram spears up rectums, they draw and quarter, and these are some of the more tame methods of execution. Mind you, none of this is scary, the whole plot is driven by how gruesome they can murder these college kids. There are Confederate flags everywhere and we are supposed to believe that this is the type of behavior you can expect from people that live in the South. I just grow tired of idiots that rationalize this crap and pretend that it is just mindless entertainment that is not supposed to be taken seriously. This crap was derived from a warped mind and is intended for other people who have warped minds. If you are in a house and see that the person that lives there actually has a copy of this, well, I would be looking for an exit.
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