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supertom-311 May 2001
This is probably Dolphs worst film besides Stormcatcher, and although i was expecting something bad i was pleasantly surprised, in that it had some good moments. I am not a fan of Damien Lee he is not a director who is likely to produce anything above the average, but this film was better than i thought, they do take that old action film cliché of the bad pun to new heights where every sentence by one person is replied sarcastically by another and some times to funny effect but the dialogue is an exaggerated version of an Arnie script. Damien Lee's direction of the action scenes is annoying at times with shots so close up it ruins the fights, but there is an attempt at some Woo'esque action but it must be pointed out that the best action scene was borrowed from Stormcatcher, they actually took out a whole scene and in Stormcatcher the bloke in the scene was not Dolph but it is supposed to be him in Agent red (all of a sudden Dolph is about 5ft 11 instead of 6,5.), and it must be pointed out that Tony Hickox is a much better director. Basically this film is a very cliché action film that is not in anyway stylish or well scripted but it is funny, notably the bad Russian accents and the puns, one of which had me in stitches when Dolphs sergeant is briefing him on his mission saying "have you ever heard of agent red" and Dolph replies " it sounds like a bad action movie", so at least the makers of this new they were not making a classic, overall this is not horrendous but is still pretty bad,you could quite easily stomach the full ninety minutes on a good day, if only for the hilariously cheesy dialogue but if you have a choice between this and an earlier Dolph flick theplace this nicely back on the shelf. This is a tragic low point in Dolph's career. *
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BigGuy16 June 2001
This is probably the stupidest movie I have seen in a long long time. Just the fact that at one point the dialog went, "Have you ever heard of Agent Red?", "Sounds like the name of a bad action movie."

The first complaint is the glaring inconsistencies. Having American's flying MIG's, having air-to-air missiles turning into torpedos when they hit the water. The fact that the submarine looked like an oil refinery rather than something where space is of a premium. Or maybe the lack of any attempt at military accuracy. The fact that the whole fleet couldn't destroy one measily sub! Or just the way the virus behaves. They say starts with headaches, then vomiting and then bleeding everywhere. Well guess what, people just started choking and then dying, no vomit, and only occasional blood. Oh and they said that the reason this virus was so terrible is that it has a 100% fatality rate and it kills within 12 minutes. Guess what, that is called a dead virus since in 12 minutes it can't get very far. The dangerous ones are when you are contagious for a long time before showing symptoms and then you die.

Then there is the horrible characters. Every Russian shown was either a terrorist or drinking vodka. All the Americans were caricatures of real people, and they kept saying "God help us." The American admiral had to ask the president to make every decision. Then there was Dolph Lundgren. Special forces marine so naturally he is sent to protect a virus on a Navy ship. And they send him via commercial transportation to boot.

Other bad things? So much of the footage was stolen from other movies it is laughable. They included a female terrorist basically so she could have a cat-fight with Dolph's fiancee. And then imagine every cliched action movie moment (that is even vaguely appropriate for a submarine or even airplane). Basically imagine giving a group of 4th graders the plot and have them fill in the story, write characters, etc. and you will have this movie.
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It's pretty bad
thelordsservant31 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers

OK, number one, there were a lot of mistakes and goofs, such as the concrete floors in the sub others talk about, and also, the "villain", the terrorist plotting to destroy New York and Moscow, doesn't seem threatening at all and could almost be on a comedy show. He's a terrible villain. Then, the aircraft fire missiles, and lo and behold, they turn into torpedoes! None of the torpedoes hit the sub, even though no decoys are fired, and yet the sub still takes hits. The same scene is shown underwater with the sub multiple times. And, the crew seems to die rather quickly from the virus, though the villain, Kretz has a vile of it crammed in his mouth and survives for a very long time. And Nadia (Natalie Radford)'s performance was not convincing at all. She seems almost pathetic. Overall, it was OK, as I've always been a sucker for submarine movies, but if you want a good submarine movie, get U-571 or K-19: The Widowmaker, as this one is quite poor, and the goofs are all too obvious.
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Where do I start?
wong-327 July 2001
How bad is this film? VERY! I don't know where to start... well I do. Expectations were low from the opening credits listing (no not just because Dolph Lundgren was top billing) but a guy with one of the worst names in the business - Randolph Mantooth - was SECOND billing, obviously I wasn't expecting much. The love interest role fell to a woman who looked like she would be more comfortable in a porn film, add to that:

1) Some very bad acting (mostly from big Dolph) 2) A totally rubbish villain 3) Offensive Russian accents 4) straight-to-TV plot 5) Some cheesy sex-related one-liners that are disgusting and offensive

then you have one really, really bad movie. Just when you thought Dolph couldn't stoop any lower he does. In fact Dolph sums it up himself with a line from the film - asked if he knew what Agent Red was he replies "sounds like a bad action movie", boy was he ever right!
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So bad it's, well, bad.
senorlimpo2 August 2003
Wow... where to start... I'm still reeling from the experience of watching this piece of garbage and I think I'm permanently brain damaged after being exposed to it. Words cannot express how terrible this movie is. I don't care how bad that J. Lo movie "Gigli" is, it will not hold a candle to this waste of matter for pure crappiness. Dolph Lundgren is a marine -(who apparently is the only member of the entire US armed forces who can fly a stealth fighter in footage lifted from another crappy Dolph movie)- that must go board a sub in Russia so that some chemical weapon that the Russians stole from the Americans during the cold war can come back to the US. On board is Dolph's "ex-fiance", who aside from looking like a reject from a Ron Jeremy movie, is also possibly the worst actress to ever set foot on the planet. I had to look up this "actress" to see what other suckers have hired her for movies and found out two things.... 1. thankfully, she's not "in demand" and 2. Her shoddy acting is eclipsed only by her amazing spelling; I think her name is "Melanie" but it looks like some sort of indecipherable mumbo jumbo the way it is spelled. Anyway, I'm off track... this movie is pure crap.. not even one of those "watch with your friends after some herbal refreshment" movies... Everything from the recycled (and butchered) storyline of terrorists on a sub, where every possible cliche is used (and screwed up) to the awful performances, to the terrifyingly bad dialogue. This is the kind of movie that I think can be used as a torture device. There is one saving grace though, after watching the performances in this stinker, you'll be appreciating the master thespianism that is one Jean Claude Van Damme.
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Well the quote belongs to none other than Dolph Lundgren. And this is an understatement.

Dolph Lundgren stars as a naval officer who must keep a deadly virus out of terrorists hands.

I thought I was following Agent Red well until I saw "Dolph Lundgren" steal an aircraft which is footage from the startlingly routine Storm Catcher. This scene is more stylish and overall better than anything else in the film plus the guy is 5'11 Dolph is 6'5! This is incompetent filmmaking at it's worst. Avoid this like the plauge because once exposed you cannot survive.

1/2* (Out of four)
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If you like submarine movies you'll really hate this one!!!
dwolf25 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The only enjoyable thing about watching this movie is making fun of it. The plot makes no sense at all. The movie making problems are numerous. The opening scene has Lundgren involved in a mission stealing what would appear to be a US Stealth aircraft, but from whom? Some of them wear US uniforms and some wear a hodge podge of various other uniforms. It is not explained. The "submarine" set looks nothing like a sub including concrete pillars and cinder block walls in some shots.

THE FOLLOWING INCLUDES PLOT SPOILERS but since the movie is very predictable they don't spoil much.

Here are just a few of the problems: It is not explained how the terrorist get on to the sub in such great numbers. The virus incapacitates and kills most of the crew within seconds but the terrorists continue to operate fine for a long time when exposed very directly to the virus. Dolph Lundgren's actions directly result in the destruction of a US submarine and crew but is portrayed in the movie as heroic. A US fighter plane changes into a Swedish fighter and is then shot down by the terrorists in the sub using a missile designed to sink surface ships. The US Navy then launches fighter aircraft who launch air-to-air missiles which miraculously turn into torpedos. The many torpedoes fail to hit the sub in spite of no one being in the control room to launch counter measures or take any evasive action. The two remaining characters at the end of the movie have about a zero percent chance of knowing how to surface a submarine but don't seem worried.

I could list many more.
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By no means Das Boot or Crimson Tide, but not so terrible
BeneCumb24 October 2012
Another Cold War Red-movie, so popular in the 1980ies and 1990ies... And a tough guy in a limited space and time trying to prevent a major disaster and succeeding just before the final countdown, leaving behind tens of kicks, bursts and dead bodies - familiar, isn't it? The plot is very predictable and consequently rather horrible, but thanks to Lundgren the slightly more than 1,5 hours do not pass totally wasted or tediously. There are some funny lines and word plays (however, most of dialogs and events are rather artificially constructed), and even the bad guys are there not for money, but more sublime ideas - overshadowed by revenge, though.

The thrill is not there throughout the movie, but if you have nothing against Lundgren, it is watchable in a male company. Much worse movies have been made!
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So bad the producer used an alias
pkzeewiz16 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A Marine is sent on a mission to supervise in a Navy secret mission on a submarine. The mission is led by his ex-fiancé. Soon once the sub is in route it is taken over by Russians on board. The mission was a simple one; To get back a highly contagious virus made by Americans, stolen by Russians and now given back to the U.S. (which is completely stupid in theory) Bad guys on board are sick of the use of chemical warfare and want to prove to the world how wrong it they plan to attach the chemical to warheads and shoot them to New York and Moscow to spread the disease there...OK yea that will teach them war is wrong by killing millions of innocents..But anyway, Dolph is on board and of course he's not gonna let this happen..oops did I spoil the ending for you? This movie was pretty bad, slow and boring with a horrible cast. I love Dolph Lundgren so thats why I got it , and hes a cheesy action star, but I am a huge fan so it's all good. No one else did any good on this film. Director/writer Damian Lee brought nothing new to the table, many of the best shots were actually edited from films like Blown Away and Crimson Tide. Can't give him any writing credits either because this is so much like the movie Counter Measures from 99 with Michael Dudikof.

The movie was produced by legendary B-movie/soft-core porn director/ producer Jim Wynorski, but on the credits he used his alias name Nobel Henry. He even did many scenes of re-shooting, but didn't allow his name on as director. Thats bad, when a guy who has done as much garbage as Jim has, doesn't even want his name attached to it.

Bottom line it has some decent action with Lundgren, but I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone - very low budget, nothing new or original. Does have some pretty good stuff the first 10-15 minutes with great blood splatter and action, once on the Submarine it lacks any great action though. Stephen Macht had a small part in the film and thats a bonus I have always liked him.

I am not one to notice or care about such things as kissing in an action film, but I have to say that the worst on screen kiss ever happened at the end of this film..

Movie had a great quote...Lundgrens character is asked "ever heard of Agent Red" He replies "sounds like a bad action movie" --- funny! 2/10 stars
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Nobdy cared when making this film
Agent Red (2000) is an absolute trainwreck of a film. Seriously, it's hard to believe just how terrible it is. I found myself laughing out loud several times, not because it was funny, but because of how ridiculously bad it was. The acting is absolutely terrible and the story makes no sense at all.

If you're into so-bad-it's-good movies, then this one's a gem. It's like nobody involved cared enough to make it halfway decent. Dolph Lundgren as the supposed hero is about as cool as a wilted lettuce leaf. Seriously, dude, dozens of people just died, and you couldn't muster up a single care? It's mind-boggling.

If you're looking for a film where a woman pretends to push (non-existent) buttons on a phone, then Agent Red is your ticket.
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Assembling footage is not the same thing as making a movie, which the horrendousness of Agent Red amply proves.
tarbosh2200025 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently there's a deadly "bio-weapon" out there called Agent Red which, if released to the public, would kill many people horribly. Captain Matt Hendricks (Dolph) is assigned to go aboard a submarine and pick it up, to deliver it back to the U.S. Government. Helping him out is potential love interest Dr. Linda Christian (Paul). When the sub is hijacked by some evil Russians who want the Agent Red, Hendricks and Linda must fight them and get the Agent Red back safely. What will happen, and will anyone care? Agent Red should be shown in film schools as a perfect example of how NOT to make a movie. All this supposed "movie" consists of is a disjointed mishmash of stock footage from a bunch of different sources. Playing "spot the stock footage" isn't really the same thing as enjoying a movie. It's just insulting to audiences. It assumes they are just idiots who don't know anything. Working off of this absurd premise, Damian Lee once again proves he's a hack, and Jim Wynorski had to come in and reshoot much of the footage. Again, not a great sign.

As if suffering through yet another junky submarine slog wasn't enough, this movie is talky, yet without any character development. It's the worst of all worlds. It's impossible to care about the proceedings. Even Dolph can't save this trainwreck (sub-wreck?) of a movie. Really the only people that would be watching this are Dolph fans to begin with, and this is just a slap in their faces. Most of this isn't really Dolph's fault. It's Lee and producer Andrew Stevens. What were they thinking? Did they honestly believe anyone in the world would actually like this crud? There's not even really any action to speak of, maybe a few brief fights, shootings, and some stock-footage explosions. This barely qualifies. But it does have every cliché imaginable, including the "wacky taxi driver", naturally named Ziggy (Allan Kolman). Is this movie Counter Measures (1999)? Is it Storm Catcher (1999)? Who can tell? Even though Dolph's name here is Hendricks, in the stock footage "he" wears a suit with the name tag "Holloway". Did no one notice this during (what passed for) the editing process? Agent Red is what happens when footage is cobbled together, and a presumed movie is assembled, but without any surprises or intelligence. The presence of Dolph prevents this from being a zero star movie, but in all other aspects, it really is.

Assembling footage is not the same thing as making a movie, which the horrendousness of Agent Red amply proves.

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Get a case of beer and have some laughs
deadpool0379 March 2004
I haven't had this much fun with a Dolph movie since Showdown in Little Tokyo. I can't lie and say this is a good movie, but I can definitely say I found it to be a lot of fun. The absolutely cheese dialogue here is fantastic, it is full of memorable quotes that'll leave you cracking up after the credits are finished.

As for the movie itself, I don't think it deserves as low a rating as it got. I mean, it's certainly better than Silent Trigger, which has a higher rating. The story is shot full of holes, but who watches a Lundgren flick for its' story? The acting isn't all bad, though some people obviously just coast through their roles. All in all, it's just a bad action movie, but bad action movies need lovin' too.

Oh, and it has the greatest titular line ever.

Army dude: "Have you ever heard of Agent Red?"

Dolph Lundgren: "Sounds like a bad action movie."

Army dude: "I wish it was."

Good news, buddy, your wish came true
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One of the Worst!
stalink29 March 2001
Wow! I didn't think they made movies this bad anymore. This movie looked like it was made for cheap network TV. Every aspect of this movie was bad. If you have time to see a movie please see something else. Time is precious, use yours to see something better - shouldn't be a challenge.
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A movie even a jarhead couldn't love
Alan-4026 August 2001
I rented this DVD as "Agent Red" and maybe someone changed the title hoping someone would be fooled into renting it like I did. I fast forwarded looking for the good parts and didn't find any. The plot holes you could float an aircraft carrier through.

Did you know nuke submarines had concrete floors and walls?

Anyway, to illustrate how bad it is the best acting comes from none other than Randolph Mantooth. What more can I say?
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Can you say Cheesey
pebbles_monkeyman18 June 2001
I almost turned this movie off. I kept it on though so I could get a good laugh. It was very predictable all the way through the movie. Even the end. I kept it on just to see if I could keep guessing what was going to happen next, I was usually right.
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Stay away
sveknu21 February 2010
Dolph Lundgren has lots of bad movies under his belt. This is one of his worst. Generally speaking, I love submarine movies. I've watched a huge amount of movies of this genre. Very few of them, if any, are worse than this. It's as bad as Octopus. First of all, there's a lack of action, like in most other ultra low budget DTV action flicks. The (very few) action scenes which made it all the way into the movie just aren't anywhere near the quality I would rate as acceptable. Lundgren isn't exactly a great actor (which shouldn't matter, because he's an action star), and when he has nothing to work with action-wise a project is doomed from the start. Agent Red proves this. I suffered heavily for more than 90 minutes. Don't make the same mistake as me.
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Dolph in over his head
Zipper6918 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
We all realise that Mr Lundgren and lousy movies are synonymous, and this certainly lives down to that reputation! The "action" scenes are mostly laughable, Dolph is tossed from a gantry and lands some 15 feet below only to recover later. Similarly he is hit with a full fire extinguisher once on the head and twice on the back which downs him only to spring to life shortly after. The gun fights are pitiful, low rent John Woo double pistol action with opponents facing off at 10 feet, blazing away and not hitting anything... The interior sets for both the sub and aircraft carrier are like left over Star Trek units, a few blank walls with banks of flashing lights and video screens. Silent Trigger at least has a big gun to look at, this is a waste of time.
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MBunge31 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I gotta call shenanigans on this movie. If you can put together a production involving a legitimate C-level star like Doph Lundgren, a couple of recognizable faces like Stephen Macht and Randolph Mantooth and a babe like Natalie Radford who will get naked and can actually act, you've got the raw materials for some Perfectly Acceptable Entertainment. No, you're probably not going to win any awards but if you keep the production values reasonably high and come up with an action script that doesn't insult the intelligence of the average mollusk, cranking out something plenty of 14 year old boys will think is cool shouldn't be that great a challenge. Agent Red fails to meet that standard.

I can forgive the cheap and poorly conceived sets on display here. Stacking some props in empty office space and trying to pass it off as the command deck of an aircraft carriers doesn't look that bad and the inside of a factory can vaguely resemble the interior of a submarine, though you should know better than to let the audience see the cement floors in your supposed sub. What I can't look the other way on is that there's enough stock footage in this film to choke a horse and that fairly extensive action scenes from at least three separate movies, probably more, have been cannibalized to try and prop up the otherwise abysmal storytelling at work here. I mean, hardcore cinema geeks could make a drinking game out of naming where all the shots came from that obviously didn't originate with writer/director Damian Lee. If those are the kind of low, borderline crooked tricks a filmmaker has to resort to, it's better for everyone if they don't even bother.

And the script here is even more egregious. Again, I can excuse the blatant ripping off of Die Hard and the plentiful use of creaky clichés. Who expects something like Agent Red to be art? However, it frequently appears that no one read this screenplay all the way through. Otherwise, someone would had to have noticed the eye-rollingly repetitive exposition, the hammer-to-the-forehead foreshadowing and the you've-got-to-be-kidding me moments of dramatic illogic in the plot. Let me give you an example of what I mean by that third thing. Toward the end, an admiral (Randolph Mantooth) decides he has to sink a submarine in order to prevent an attack on the U.S. Almost immediately after that scene, we get another where the President (Bill Monroe) orders the admiral to sink the sub. But if he was already going to do it, why did they include the latter scene of superfluous command? And if the folks behind Agent Red thought there was some drama to be found in the President ordering the admiral to sink the sub, why include the former scene of the admiral deciding to do it all by himself? There's no way to explain both being in the same movie unless nobody was paying attention.

As for the details…a deadly bio-weapon is being shipped from Russia to the U.S. by nuclear submarine, with Marine ass-kicker Matt Hendricks (Dolph Lundgren) and his bitchy, hard-faced scientist of an ex-fiancée (Meilani Paul) along for the ride. A group of terrorists who spend an inordinate amount of time moving in slo-motion, led by Dr. Kretz (Alexander Kuznetsov) and his fanatical love-mate Nadia (Natalie Radford), kill everyone on board except Matt and his honey and plan to launch the lethal bio-agent at both America and Russia to protest the creation of such genocidal weapons.

Lundgren practically sleepwalks through this motion picture, perking up only for the fight scenes where it's so clear the other members of the cast have such little training that Lundgren essentially has to fight himself. I do have to give him credit for knowing how pathetic this movie was going to be and trying to avoid looking as bad he might have. There a scene at the beginning involving a commando raid to steal a stealth fighter, which still doesn't make any sense no matter how many long I think about it, where every other member of the infiltration team is sporting this hilariously bad camouflage paint on their faces while Lundgren's mug is unadorned.

If you're still unsure about Agent Red, let me put it this way. Jean-Claude Van Damme is the only person I would encourage to watch this film and that's only because it would make him feel a lot better about his career choices.
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A real character for Lundgren
daryl-morning29 January 2006
This movie is a departure from the almost robotic characters that Dolph Lundgren has portrayed so often in his movies. This movie has a comedic bent to it, it's still an action flick but the quips in this movie are just plain funny! I had to stop the movie twice I was laughing so hard. I won't spoil the movie or the funny parts here but I'll just say watch the movie for yourself, you could have a ball.

Oh, and I think that the romantic bits kinda make you want to edit the movie for yourself but with the natural action in the script and the comedic value to the quips and one-liners makes this movie one of Lundgren's best. (IMHO)
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Hey, I own this and have watched it twice so far. What's my major malfunction?
monstermonkeyhead2 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is both funny and interesting. The lighting, direction, and imagery are all striking. The funny bits, other reviewers have already pointed out. I'd have to add bad Russian accents as well. Also, the twelve seconds it's supposed to take for the virus to kill people ends up taking somewhere between ten and twenty minutes. I also enjoyed seeing Dolph run around in black Converse Allstar sneakers (are they standard government issue foot ware?). This is a near perfect movie for pure entertainment value. My only complaint is there was no projectile vomiting, bleeding rectums, or bleeding nipples as promised. If this was included, the movie would've been supreme beauty to behold. I guess, unfortunately, somebody up top thought this might be too much. Can you imagine Dolph's zingers then? I think, "Looks like you're having your period," would definitely have been uttered. Probably also, "Blow it out your @%!" Or how about: "I can't tell if he's speaking Russian or vomiting." Yes, I'm a sickie.
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I Own It!!!
amurphy121 March 2004
Yes you negative reviewers heard me right, I Own This film on VHS, I got it from the Blockbuster Bargain bin for $5. Why I injoyed it I'm a Huge Action fan, I own the first 3 American Ninja's and the first No retreat No Surrender as well. I think you should give Dulph Some credit for trying to make a good action piece it's just not everybody's cup of tea that's all, I give it a 4*'s out of 5*'s rating. PS: Don't go near Micheal Duddikoff's Crash Dive if you don't like Agent Red you'd loath it!!!
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Bad to think what could have been
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

An early and suprising in-joke in this latest OVER a latest Dolph Lundgren film comes as ironic,since it's ultimately shooting itself in the foot.And unfortunately,it's true in much more ways than it isn't.Why on earth Damian Lee changed the original script,where Dolph would have played a contract killer named Jim Solomen who develops a conscience while taking out the killers of a businessman's daughter,will remain a mystery.As it now is,it's a pretty misguided and blunderingly cheap (early footage is even borrowed from Dolph's other recent film Storm Catcher)take on The Hunt For Red October and Crimson Tide,with absurd dialouge and really clunky looking sets.Dolph quotes some memorable lines and looks in peak action man form,but the rest of the cast give pretty dour performances,especially those demonstrating the effects of 'Agent Red' on the board the submarine,who look more like they're rehearsing scenes from the Evil Dead while suffering terrible constipation.With the state of Dolph's movie distribution as tacky as it is,this is the one to least hold your breath over.**
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One of the worst I've ever seen....
djwf22 May 2001
I rarely comment on movies in this space, but this one was so bad that I felt it my duty to do so. The plot premise is OK, it was just treated with utter lack of and contempt for realism and accuracy. I'm a big fan of military movies, and I just couldn't get past the constant technical gaffes in this film. F-16s and Mirages flown from a US aircraft carrier? The scenes on the "Ohio Class" submarine look like they were filmed in an oil refinery, complete with concrete floors. Much of the footage was stock footage or footage I recognized from other films. I actually turned it off during the final action scene. If you don't know an F-16 from an F-14 or a hot water heater from a missile tube, you might be OK with this. If you do, forget it!
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Die Hard on a Submarine (for the third time!)
filmnut13 July 2001
I like cheap action movies primarily because the more crap ones you watch the more you appreciate the little diamonds. I like the flaws, the conventions. But I don't really enjoy them. Although a Dolph fan I have to say that he makes more bad films than good, but he has a prescence. This third Die Hard on a Sub, the first two with Michael Dudikoff, is very average action of the passing the time variety. Nothing new, nothing inventive, but watchable. It is fun to spot the repeatedly used stock footage, I swear I even saw special effects shots from Solo, and heard music from Predator 2. Dolph previously did Die Hard, for Nu Image, in The Peacekeeper, which was a top class B movie, with a great rooftop car chase, see that instead if you have not already done so.
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dolph's worst yet
willo-00718 April 2001
Being a fan of Dolph Lundgren i can't recommend this movie for a bunch of reasons,first;the producers of the movie decided to hire Damian Lee,who decided to use footage from other movies like,Storm Catcher(1999),Blown Away(1994),Crimson Tide(1995) and Deep Impact(1998).Then they chose to shoot the movie inside of what looks like a refinery,and try to pass it for a submarine(i dont think submarines have concrete walls in them).If you want to see Dolph in a really bad movie then rent this one,if you want to see a good Dolph movie rent The Punisher(1989),Universal Soldier(1992),Army Of One(1993),Men Of War(1994) or Jill The Ripper(1999).
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