Final Voyage (1999) Poster


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Cheesy Die Hard clone
Leofwine_draca8 September 2016
FINAL VOYAGE is a hilarious DIE HARD-on-a-ship type film that comes to us courtesy of Z-grade movie specialist Jim Wynorski. This one throws a mixed cast into a story that happily copies the likes of UNDER SIEGE et al with the only difference that this is a B-movie through and through; expect trite dialogue and wooden acting throughout. Plus any large-budget scene is typically stock footage stolen from an older and better movie.

The film's unorthodox hero is Dylan Walsh, playing a bodyguard caught up in a hostage situation. Walsh is best known for playing geeky scientist types in the likes of CONGO so his heroic turn here is a little odd. He's given support by Ice-T, playing himself as always, as the chief bad guy, and Claudia Christian as a memorably hot femme fatale. Erika Eleniak plays EXACTLY the same role as she did in UNDER SIEGE except without the nudity. Stephen Macht is the ship's captain and the hulking Michael Bailey Smith one of the henchmen.

It says something about Wynorski's talents as a director that I can call this one of his better films despite it being low par throughout. At least the pacing is fast and the action scenes are fun if laughable, so you can sit back and enjoy the cheese. It also helps that I have a high tolerance for DIE HARD rip-offs so it doesn't take much to entertain me. There's no denying that FINAL VOYAGE is a cheap and cheesy film though.
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Fun, but a one-timer...
hughie52221 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this film when it first came out, and also remember that is disappeared from the video store shortly thereafter. The special effects are dodgy, the script is poorly-written and the acting is pathetic, but that doesn't matter. No one could seriously pick up this film and think, "Dylan Walsh, Ice-T AND Erika Eleniak? This is going to be good!" It's an average film that's fun the first time round, and may even offer a few surprises (frankly, I didn't expect it to end the way it did). Actually, now that I think about it this film probably kicked off my love-affair (*cough*) with B-grade movies. It's fun if you don't take it seriously, and even then it's painful to watch. Rent 'Beyond the Poseidon Adventure' instead.
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You Cannot Be Serious
LadySailor19751 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First I did indeed like the idea of modern-day pirates. We are so used to seeing all these movies with "Golden Age of Piracy" pirates that this was a nice change.

However, the movie kept saying "terrorist." A terrorist has a political or extreme-religious agenda; they are not at all thieves. They do not take hostages in attempts to steal valuables. They often want their colleagues freed or to make a political or religious statement. They don't look for valuables. These people were pirates and that's it.

Secondly, there was no research at all done here with the ship or the White Star Line (original owners of Britannic). The ship in the movie was indeed beautiful. But, the historical information was all wrong. There were three ships owned by White Star Line called "Britannic": two were built before Titanic and one after. The first two were eventually scrapped (dismantled). The third one continued for a few years after Titanic sank and later became a Navy hospital ship and was sunk near Greece by a German submarine. This Britannic, the last ship built for White Star, was originally RMS Britannic; it then became HMHS Britannic. It was sunk in 1916. Therefore, there is no Britannic that could possibly be restored. Two are gone and one is sunken and could not be restored that new at all even if it were to be raised. No further ships were ever built for White Star and they renamed no other ships this name. The last Olympic liner for White Star that exists today is the Nomadic. Nomadic has been structurally restored with the original paint finish. A new cradle is being constructed for travel and exhibition.

Finally, ships seldom sink in as little as five minutes. They must be very severely damaged for that. The RMS Lusitania sank in 18 minutes after being torpedoed in 1915. Also, if a lifeboat were that close to a sinking ship, this can cause the smaller boat to be pulled down by the suction.

And why Ice-T? Why not a "cool" bad-guy actor? Better choices would be Billy Zane or John Pyper-Ferguson, among others.
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Stinks and sinks, from the first frame to the last; the cast, however, is fetching
inkblot1113 September 2007
Gloria (Erika Eleniak) is a rich man's daughter and, therefore, requires a bodyguard. Since she is just a tad ornery, the security men come and go. Aaron (Dylan Walsh), who used to guard an aging Hollywood leading lady (Barbara Eden), has just been hired by Gloria's father to watch over his gorgeous, young offspring. Things do not get off to a good start when Gloria takes Aaron on a private plane ride and they narrowly miss crashing the aircraft. But, more excitement is around the corner. Gloria insists on taking a cruise on a refurbished old ship, The Queen Mary, where all of the beautiful people will be. Aaron, who "hates to travel", is unhappy about the trip yet, he must go along. On the vessel, also, is the wealthy businessman who provided the funds to spruce up the ship, as well as a hotshot football player and a lovely television journalist, who has a past with Aaron. But, wait, that's not the whole guest list! A terrorist thug named Josef (Ice T), his tough-as-nails girlfriend, Max (Claudia Christian) and his gang are on board, too, to steal the jewels and artwork that some of the passengers put in the ship's safe, since they couldn't sail off without their Van Goghs! Josef has a plan and a large arsenal of weapons. Will he succeed in carrying out his pilfering, without damaging the ship, of course? This is just a terrible film that sinks and stinks, from the first moment to the last. That is not to say the nice cast, including the good-looking Walsh, the lovely Eleniak, and the sullen Ice-T don't try to breathe life into the thing....they do try. But, not enough. The script is one abysmal cliché after another and the direction and editing are horrible, too. All right, the costumes are fine, are you happy? Especially so is the hot little blue number Eleniak wears through most of the second half. Therefore, if you are a fan of any of the cast members, you are certainly within your rights to rent this film. Why not show the movie at a gathering of couples, where everyone can laugh, jeer, and throw things at the screen? It would certainly make for an "alternative" party experience.
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Could they really have made it any worse?
kickmeplenty6 August 2001
How to make a bad action/adventure flick:

Step one:

Take out all of the ingredients that made Die Hard and Speed good movies (character development, plot twists, etc).

Step two:

Hire a list of completely untalented, unknown actors and then tell them to overact in typical Shatner conviction (only not as amusing and intelligible).

Step three:

Throw in typical terrorist plot (in this case, 12 terrorists take over a HUGE ocean liner (don't know how they could take over a place with around 250-1000 people) who want money in the vault when they could just rob a bank

Step four:

Throw in a couple annoyingly stupid characters

Step five:

Take out things like choreography, bullet dodging, or anything that would make someone watch an action movies

Step six:

Make sure to include totally one-dimensional characters

And the result in one hella bad, boring movie. It sure wouldn't be hard to make a good action movie, even include a little joke or something, but the filmmakers took all of the ways to make a good movie and did the opposite. There is absolutely no way I can recommend this mediocre piece of shazbot (sorry).

If you see it in a store, warn people of it's presence and tell them not to be fooled by Ice-T's presence in the flick (even Mean Guns is better than this tripe).

1 out of 10.
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Below-average among bad movies
rcltasman18 July 2003
If you have noticed, until now (July 2003), this movie doesn't have a "Goofs" category. The only reason I can find for this is that it has so many that it is pointless to list them. The movie alone, along with its ridiculous story and characters, is a goof.

Everything in this cheap movie is so "goofy" that it is possible that the larger part of its "budget" was spent on the cruise ticket and rented filming equipment. Obviously, a lot of effort was invested into making a movie this bad.

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This is one of those terrible films.
darrell-237157 January 2022
This film needs to be deleted from the archives, I've seen some really rubbish films but this is right up there at number two.

They add woman with excellent figures but that does not made a good film...
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Not worth the effort
atcoman28 July 2018
Sorry but only the word "rubbish" fits here. Acting is very 3rd rate, as are the background sets. Have you ever seen an engine room so large with open spaces everywhere?
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Piece of junk !!
max_11122 May 2006
what the ?? these people don't know how to make movies?? or i guess they were just making fun of themselves and others..

watching the title of the movie i thought that it would be some good ship movie but after watching the movie i was really disappointed..the acting was terrible..the main villain in the movie was so dumb and was thinking as he was the God..means he was so over acting at several points...

i could not understand what they were up to before and during making this movie..there is no story the action scenes are lame and cheap.. they could have done better in many ways like acting and other points..but they have to fail to do so and make a piece of crap...

never ever watch this movie under any circumstances... i wished i could give this movie 0 but that is not possible as the lowest vote is 1
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Awww Jasper, I don't know about that
Someotheral28 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
For an introduction I would like to say that this movie is absolutely amazing. How something like such could have ever been created, I don't know. IMDB's rating level of ‘Awful' is based upon these sort of movies. The movie, the acting, the dialogues, the story line, and the special effects – all are pathetic.

Some of this could be regarded as a spoiler...

At one point, Ice T says, `God damn it, I hate incompetence!' at which I spent the next five minutes laughing. Incompetence it is. This is the lowest grade available for incompetence. When everybody else has finished dipping their knives of movie making into the jar of ‘Incompetence Spread', movies like this are created by scraping the stuff off the sides of the jar with a spatula. Perhaps I would go so far as to say that this is more like the build up of spread round the screw top.

When the acting hits its high points, it is no better than pitiful. I spent a lot of the movie expecting Leslie Nielsen to arrive on the scene. He would provide the icing on this sad cake. If the movie had been intentionally written to be funny in his style, it would have been all fine and well. The problem is that it was not written in that way, so it is not fine or well at all. In short, it is boring, dismal and un-entertaining.

These are not exact quotations, but when the guy with the hard hat says, `Awww Jasper, I don't know about that.' And in the scene when another guy says, `Hell, if the engineer blew his nose too hard, the whole thing may break open.' it is obvious that there has been no thought whatsoever put into the script. The repeated use of the expression ‘God damn it' is overused and gets very boring.

When the ship is sinking, it gets an aircraft carrier of the radio, and requests help. Instead, they send a helicopter loaded with heavily armed soldiers in desert type camouflage. When the ‘hairline' crack in the baggage area wall is discovered, one guy says to the other, (this is after they are done shining torches into each other's eyes) `The vault is on the other side, if we can get in there we may be able to fix it.' If the vault is on the other side of that wall, where is the water coming from? Before the bad guys parachute from their plane a high altitude, well above heavy cloud cover, they were very low, not all that high above the ocean surface. Yet the two scenes were meant to be right after each other. After landing in the water, they managed to swim up to the ship and grab the ladders as it is tearing along through the water. When the main guy whose name I have not remembered, kills Ice T, he manages to get shot in the shoulder. He finds the reporter woman, and together they run to escape the sinking ship. They hold hands, specifically, his hand attached to the shot shoulder. Hold on, he is no longer shot; there is no wound, that is strange. A second ago there was a bloody hole in his shirt… At mid way or so, the dumb blonde talks the owner of the ship into getting into the hot tub with her. Why she put herself on display for us, or why she was even in the story, I have no idea. Possibly she was included to keep up with the pattern that all the women featured happened to be in possession of certain pleasant attributes. Bad wraps were not limited to the females. Men copped them as well. The two clowns in the radio room were so enthralled by Max's chest that they totally forgot about the plane that was flying low towards them. Ahhh, but the guard guy wasn't so easily fooled, nope, uh-uh, he realised that is was quite suspicious for one to forget their mother's phone number. For a cruise that was supposed to be so special, why is it that there are so few people on the ship? Come to think of it, where is the staff? Why is there $130 million in the safe if there are only a couple hundred people on board? Hmmm… It was clear that the characters had the benefit of insight into the happenings of other scenes. Ice T knows that the boat is sinking, but how? He also knows that they only have two hours of so left before they go down. At this the captain confirms his belief. Neither of them could have known such details. To top it off, Jasper, down below somewhere, also happens to know of the sinking deadline. Is C4 not a very powerful explosive? The baddies use great blocks of it to blow open things like doors; they even light a fuse for one piece… Regular gunfights take place through the film. Numerous bullets are fired, not hitting targets, ricocheting, but just disappearing into thin air. This stupidity is so over used, and has been boring for years now. Cold-blooded baddies fill kitchen workers with bullets, who jump onto the benches to die, yet offer cigarettes to someone when they ask… Or ask problematic hostages to put the gun down. When Jasper discovers the body down below, he gets a handily placed piece of pipe and makes a planned disarming of a baddie. He gets the gun, and starts backing away, looking like he's about to burst into tears. He fires the gun in a crazed attack, putting three or so bullets into the baddie, then sits down and cries. Later on that body is found with one bullet wound in the left collarbone area. The opening scenes show the full extent of the stupidity exhibited throughout, having an ammunition eating gunfight in a plane. Very few shots actually hit their target.

Anyway, this movie was a total waste of time, and I cannot understand why the creators even bothered. I found it so pathetic that I could not manage to enjoy it. I have only touched on a few points here, there are far too many to mention them all. Very few things line up in this movie.
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if only Shelley Winters was in this too.
ptb-819 April 2005
It is clear this mega howler is a result of the TITANIC juggernaut...if i can actually say that and have it double make sense.... FINAL VOYAGE is surely the unintentional SINKING HIGH (like Flying High) of oceanliner disasters. Yes, a remake of JUGGERNAUT with LAST VOYAGE and BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE stapled on and a TITANIC is in rusty tub terms the equivalent of Behind THE DOOR as a rip off of THE EXORCIST . FINAL VOYAGE must be the full scale cringe on the resume for both Dylan Walsh and (the ridiculously named) Ice T. For this he should be billed Ice Berg...but that sounds like a Jewish Eskmo rather than a black man. Yes FINAL VOYAGE is the last genuine guilty movie pleasure of the 20th century and I advise you all to include it in your treasured library of all star stinkers and howlers....or should I say sinkers and bowel-ers. FINAL VOYAGE is fantastic it is so awful.
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An interesting non-violent action movie!
alex-3415 November 2000
This movie was quite a change,a good cast,a not so suprising yet nice watching plot,cute male star Dylan Walsh and a pleasant Erika Eleniak performance,not so violent as other action movies was another reason i liked it so i would advise you to take a look on it,it is certainly worth it,i noticed it has a low voting number which enhances my thoughts on the fact that where violent is less it shows little interest or they want to show that.Change that.
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Dramomene required
dillon-7708531 August 2022
Fairly formulaic film guy blotting his còybook. Gets put on Protection of a somewhat spoiled rich kid played by Erica Eleniak.

How Dylan Walsh never saw this coming is a mystery did he not see Under Siege!

Pretty god cast nice to see Claudia Cristesen back.on screen, Erica Eleniak is well chosen for rich kid part, not just because of her looks she is actually pretty good.

Ice T makes a good villain of the piece getting on board to Rob the safe not quite as action packed as unde seige and lacks the comedic craziness of Tommy Lee Jones but passable What I refer to as the six pack and curry brigade.

If its raining and you want to.kill a couple of hours here you go.

One thing I did notice tho is having worked on cruise ships I have bever seem a more crew deserted ship apart from the May Celeste. Never seen an engine room.with less than 15.people unless at midnight But just after Saling at around 8pm thers only couple of guys on duty only there as Canon fodder.

Lots more better films but I have definitely seen worse.
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Not shipshape
lspeth28 April 2006
It is an oddly run ocean liner. There seems to be a total engine crew of six people. When the engine room supervisor (unsure of his precise title), finds a worker murdered and kills the perp, he doesn't immediately report to an officer -- he just seems to hang out in the engine room till the writer wants him again. Luggage is in below decks storage rather than in people's staterooms, as if it were an airplane. There is no deckwatch during dinner. The bad guys are apparently less than 20 (the number is never clear) and seem to have always believed that sufficient to control a sizeable ship. We have no clue as to how the bad guys meant to get away. Anyway, some of the action is cool.
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I want a refund on my 90 minutes!
Banky-414 June 2000
This movie is poorly made, and also has nothing fresh or new to add. This movie was already done, and better i might add, in both Under Siege and Speed 2.

I also think Ice-T should never act in a movie again, if you can call what he does acting.
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Did anyone ever make a worse movie
len-1467310 December 2018
If anyone did make a worse movie I haven't seen it yet nor do I want to. The list of failings is too long to bother with writing; suffice to say it is a waste of the actors and viewers time. R.I.P.
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Shame on Artisan Entertainment
Alain-2017 July 2000
What Artisan has done here is try to recycle the film Juggernaut. In doing so, they fail miserably. The film is terrible and the acting is worse. The entire 'starring' cast should be banned from Hollywood for several years just for agreeing to perpetrate this piece of trash. Also, the director should be run out of town on a rail for ruining what was a perfectly good movie from the '70s.

But most of all, the people at Artisan should be ashamed of themselves for agreeing to fund such a terrible project.
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shanfloyd7 May 2006
Well, I'm sure within seven days I'll forget the fact that I've even seen this film. The actors are awful (even Dylan Walsh), the script is written by primary school students, the action scenes and visual effects are laughable (with extensive use of stock footages) and yes, the story. I don't see any single point in the whole storyline that has a minute trace of originality. There are numerous clichés and predicted sequences.

The film would be worth watching if there could be some Erica Eleniak nudity... seriously. Otherwise I don't see why one should watch this type of films anymore.
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Awful movie made for no one
Leonhart-PL12 April 2005
That nasty pack of clichés, plagiarism, terrible acting and really, really, really clumsy plot isn't watchable. I can at least guess, because it's definitely not for teenagers, 'couse they're gonna laugh at almost every scene (for some time, because THIS movie isn't even funny in the way Ed Wood movies can be), older viewers will easily spot all the plot holes, bad acting and terrible idea. I had the doubtful pleasure of watching this flick at late night on the polish TV... and found it very difficult to enjoy it in any way.

Even for a B (C? D?... E?... um...) or DTV movie it's waaaaaay below the bottom line. It is much worse then Steven Seagal's movies. Don't waste your time on such trash.
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First Class Ticket to the Port of GARBAGE!!
phillip-610-86927930 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An absolute dreadful film from start to finish. The only thing really that stood the test of time was the plot as it was suspenseful and action packed but the sets, and production of the film were just diabolical. The Queen Mary at Long Beach was used as a set for the "Brittanic" but yet we saw scenes from two separate films that featured a ship spliced together to make us believe that it was all real. It wasn't even subtly done it was just dropped in there like we wouldn't notice but it stood out massively!! The acting was equally bad with no facial reactions and the cast looking like they didn't even want to be there! The extras looked like they were hired just because they knew how to scream during the hijack scenes- the guns the "armed baddies" had didn't even shoot any bullets but always hit their mark quickly followed by an overly exaggerated fall over a railing, or other equally higher structure. And don't even get me started on the scene at the beginning aboard the 747 the cockpit looked like a BROOM CLOSET'! Honestly save your time and watch a better movie!
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Modestly enjoyable, though unremarkable and flawed
I_Ailurophile1 August 2023
Let's be honest, the involvement of Jim Wynorski doesn't exactly inspire confidence; he has operated on the approximate level of The Asylum since long before that production company existed. But still he makes movies, and still we watch them. This isn't to say that all his pictures are total schlock - but on the other hand, it doesn't take long after this one has begun that we can readily discern in multiple ways how the viewing experience is going to be troubled. Wynorski's direction is sometimes rather forced, and maybe blunt, in turn inherently robbing the acting of some of the nuance it otherwise might boast. Michael Kuge's editing is too often gawkily brusque, chopping up the feature into a stilted, unnatural gait and presentation (even at the end). The screenplay of James Morley III and Andrew Stevens is itself filled with some scenes and dialogue that are tiredly awkward for how ill-fitting they are, and for how they try to shove exposition and character information into small, concise boxes. Furthermore, in every capacity the writing follows well-trodden paths of tropes and familiar, similar action-thriller fare ('Die hard' on the sea, anyone?), and some small passing iotas just haven't aged well. Overall I actually do think 'Final voyage' is modestly entertaining, yet it's relatively passive in that regard, and is the type of film that one puts on in the background to "watch" without need for active engagement.

The narrative ideas on hand are a mix of the serviceable (or even kind of admirable!) and the overused; those that strain suspension of disbelief, and those that are plain contrivances of Movie Magic. I'll let others decide for themselves into which of the latter two categories falls the resources, knowledge, and level of organization of the antagonists. There are some unexpectedly fun lines of dialogue, and others that fall just short of being a bit sharper. I don't specifically have anything against the cast, for at least some of these folks we've seen elsewhere and we know what they're capable of, but I do think they're limited by the nature of the material and above all Wynorski's direction. As a result, the performances tend to either be just broadly suitable, or they might be overdone in some measure; more rarely do the portrayals feel Just Right. This is no mark against the actors, for they're just doing the best they can within these parameters, but for what it's worth they generally do a fine job. I'm inclined to think that Ice-T is the top standout here, for he depicts chief antagonist Josef with his characteristic, playful blend of self-confidence and derision, though Rick Ducommun is also a pleasant surprise with the neighborly innocence that he gives Jasper.

Those aspects of the title that so readily rub us the wrong way from the start don't necessarily go away as the length advances, and as the plot and action pick up. In fairness, though, they become less prominent, or at least take a backseat for what level of investment the proceedings can offer. Though most of the CGI is a tad too obvious, I will say that the practical effects are very well done, and the stunts; action sequences at large look great, an instance where the overly hard edge of the direction actually works in favor of the violence. I actually quite like Eric and David Wurst's original music - nothing super special, per se, but lending to what tense atmosphere the feature can claim to manifest. The sets are pretty swell, filled with nice detail, and the costume design, hair, and makeup are fetching. On that note, though: I'm no prude, but some of the wardrobe choices for the women (primarily Claudia Christian and Erika Eleniak) are overly exposing, and in a like manner, Wynorski takes another hit in my opinion as there are shots that needlessly emphasize women's bodies. That goes for cinematographer Ken Blakey, too, whose work is further characterized by a boyish excitability that becomes overbearing at times, even well before an element is infused of the seafaring variant of the "Star Trek shimmies." If I'm being honest, Blakey's contribution is as consistently vexing as Kuge's.

For all my words of criticism, though, I have to repeat that I did have a reasonably good time watching. 'Final voyage' isn't abjectly bad, and not for one moment do I regret spending time on it. The issue is just that there's nothing here to particularly set it apart from like-minded titles, and when you add in multiple discrete deficiencies, or poor choices of film-making or storytelling, it never had much of a chance to rise above being very "middle of the road." This is the type of action-thriller for a lazy day, when you don't want to sit for something that will demand or inspire major commitment as a viewer. And there's nothing wrong with that! There's a time and place for most all movies, and some are satisfied and duly satisfying to sit at that unremarkable place of "yeah, it's not great, but it's alright." I won't begrudge anyone who thinks notably less of this 1999 film, but at least for my part, I think 'Final voyage' is passably worthwhile under the right circumstances, and that's all it needs to be.
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Like a bad under seige
LetsReviewThat2618 October 2023
Firstly the fact they had to steal scenes from another film to make it look good speaks a lot. I found the acting to be terrible and not up to much. It was cheesy and the script was not good either and didn't mix with the Action. It's a shame because I think Dylan Walsh is a pretty good actor but just not her he was flat and that same thing goes for ice t who is also not bad but seeing him as a villian seemed off and not really in his nature. Walsh is demoted to a cruise ship looking after a young woman after endangering people on a plane, but supposed modern day pirates want what's in the vault. It's just lacklustre this film and I feel it could've been likable but sadly it didn't come to anything.
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Die Hard Meets Speed 2 & Juggernaut.....
HKFAN4 December 1999
The USS Britannic is off on a cruise in the South Pacific. On board her are the rich & famous and most of all jewelry and money. But where there is money, there are those looking to take what they can get... ICE T plays the leader of a gang bent on robbing the ship once it is far enough out at sea. However, he doesn't count on a security guard (DYLAN WALSH) interfering with his plans. He also doesn't count on structural flaws in the ship which cause it to take on sea water. The film feels like a Made-for-TV film, but the action is passable enough and the dialogue so-so. Ice T's performance as the chief villain is a little over the top, but okay. Walsh's performance as the hero just lets everybody know that you don't have to be Van Damme, Schwarzenegger, Bernhardt or Daniels etc. to be the good guy. Overall, a passable film. If you spent the $7-$8 to see Speed 2...spend the $1-$2 rental fee and see this! You might be surprised.
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Hopefully final.
robin_a12 December 2002
HMS Britannic was sunk during world war 2 so how this film is set on it is beyond me. However, the plot, acting etc. belong at the bottom of the sea. The bad guys are very BAD. Ice T is pathetic. It looks like it was filmed in a power station somewhere. Avoid. Unless you like unintentionally bad movies.
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1st class stinker
richarddedwards1 October 2006
I saw this film about 5 years ago and I have to say it is one of the most unintentionally funny films I have ever seen. Practically everything in the film leaves you slack jawed with incredulity, from the "crashed" plane at the beginning (the camera was put at an angle to achieve the effect), to the number of shots fired from each gun without reloading, to my personal favourite the ships engines.

Final Voyage is either the worst film ever made, or paradoxically the best example of a B movie stinker ever made which fully deserves a 5 star review.

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