Aberration (1997) Poster


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pamela gidley haha
agamemnon320 October 2005
pamela gidley shows that she really knows how to take control of mutated reptiles, although she can't do too much with the script. the actors are so forgettable that the creatures should get top billing. on-screen chemistry between gidley and simon bossell is perhaps the worst ever if not for the recent star wars trilogy.

the effects and props are outlandish but there's plenty of them - a guy's head explodes and you've gotta love that, another guy gets eaten by mutant lizards, and there's an absolutely great scene toward the end where gidley almost loses her leg to a hasty operation on (of all places) the counter in the general store. more lizard battles follow, lots of blood, puss, etc. it's a miracle that the characters' lack of anything resembling common sense didn't get them dusted in the first ten minutes.

if you're a fan of gore, crackerjack horror, B-anything, peter jackson's older work, or have a "thing" for pamela gidley, then you'll probably enjoy it. it succeeds where a lot of cheap movies fail, which is to say that while the plot is essentially brainless, it manages to stay consistently fun and entertaining. aberration's biggest drawback may be its 'TV movie' feel but given the subject it doesn't suffer much for it.
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Silly but it kept my attention
elevatormusicman5 November 2002
As I was sitting with my wife watching "Aberration," I couldn't help but say "why the heck am I watching this? This is the dumbest movie I ever saw!" Then it dawned on me. If it was so dumb, why was I watching it? It seems this movie is so bad it's good and I actually recommend it if you're into that kind of movie.
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Silly, but engaging monster nonsense.
capkronos21 May 2003
Pink-haired Pamela Gidley steals money from her Russian mobster boyfriend (Valery Nikolaev) and retreats to a small cabin in wintry Northern town. A blizzard traps her and a friendly local guy (Simon Bossell) there and fast-evolving, fanged mutant geckos (!?) attack. Her ex also eventually shows up to make things worse. A silly premise and occasional hokey creature FX detract from this ALIEN-type movie, but it's humorous, well acted, entertaining, action-packed and lots of fun, with plenty of blood and slime for gore fans. A bit better than expected. It was filmed on location in Wellington, New Zealand.

Score: 5 out of 10
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So bad it's funny...
Gislef19 May 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Aberration starts promisingly enough, with some suspense-building scenes in the woods. Nothing spectacular, and standard POV monster-fare, but at least it's mildly hair-rising.

We're also introduced to Pamela Gidley as the "heroine." I use the term loosely, because besides having some kind of hidden agenda, she's generally obnoxious and nasty and seems to be doing her "Brigitte" character from "The Pretender."

Naturally, this leads to the local zoologist (looking suspiciously like Skippy from "Family Ties") taking a liking to her. They go back to her cabin for reasons I don't recall, and sure enough, mutant lizards come crawling out of the woodwork. They spit like a cobra, have teeth like a piranha, climb on walls like a gekko, grow gills as necessary, and lay Alien-ish eggs for their offspring. They've already killed Gidley's neighbor *gasp* but after his house gets blown up, they come over to her cabin for the heat, warmth, and extra servings of ham.

Some hilariously bad dialogue now ensues ("Why are you scientist guys always so smart?"), Skippy gets blinded by lizard spit (but heals suspiciously fast), and then Gidley's character's boyfriend shows up 60 minutes into the movie. He's played hilariously by Valeri Nikolayev, who seems to think he's wandered into Desperado by mistake and he's doing Banderas. Turns out he's after money Gidley stole. He sneers, threatens, does some two-fisted shooting of the lizards, and eventually gets a hole gnawed through his head.

That leaves it to our protagonists to blow up the house (Skippy sets himself on fire in the process - whoops), fight the lizards that have hidden in the engine block of Uri's car (??), indulge in some gratuitous bloodletting as one of the lizards eats its way into Gidley's leg (?!?), kill off another of the only five characters in the movie at her grocery store, and eventually kill the last lizard. We're left with our characters slowly bleeding to death in a town with an apparent population of three (and 2 of them are dead).

The lizards are the best part of this movie, although why there are heat-seeking lizards in Minnesota (much less ones that mutate) is never explained. The lizards can seemingly adapt to anything (even bullets!) but they never adapt to surviving in a cold climate, and keep coming after our warm-blooded heroes.

It's like the producers decided after the first half hour that they'd go for comedy, so despite some gory effects, most of it is Gidley and Skippy sniping at each other in your standard "hate you/love you" relationship. Nikolayev's appearance late in the movie is inexplicable, and only seems to provide a way to up the body count and explain the heroine's backstory, even though we never cared anyway.

Other fun things to watch for, besides the hokey lizard F/X, is the landscape of "Minnesota" (New Zealand, actually - where's Hercules and Xena when you need them?). Half the time the characters are marching through the woods, half the time the landscape disappears entirely and it looks like they're wandering through the Arctic.

There's a kinda roller-coaster "sweep you along" effect that keeps you going despite the unlikeable characters and goofy plot, so if you've got a spare 1-1/2 hour, plug this one into the VCR or tape it off Cinemax for a few laughs. Pity MST3K is going off the air: this would be perfect for them. On the other hand, a repeat viewing or two and you can probably MSTify it yourself.
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Too good to be bad
christophaskell22 August 2003
It can't be helped, the film is cool. Yeah it's low budget and there's bad acting, etc. but from the beginning this film grabs you. A young girl (Pamela Gidley) escaping her troubled life finds refuge in her families old house in the mountains. She gets stuck in her house, but luckily with a grad student (Simon Bossell) who specializes in animals. Very soon after they get stuck the showdown with the killer geckos begins. All parts with the geckos are entertaining, but by far the best bit is when the girl's boyfriend (Valeri Nikolayev) finds where she's hiding and tries to force 'his' money out of her. Must be seen to be understood, but he does a great job of being campy and unintentionally funny. 'Aberration' did not take itself too seriously, which paid off because the script was really cheesy. I would say it's good enough to rent, definitely worth a watch if it's ever on TV. Rating: 23/40
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Perhaps the worst movie I've seen in the last decade.
malachiX200022 August 2006
Seriously, why is it that every terrible horror film has a review on IMDb with some guy claiming that "it's pretty good?" Apparently you can have the worst movie every made but, as long as you have green things getting squished at some point, it somehow has merrit.

I caught this on the Sci Fi channel and was quite amazed at how bad it was. Badly acted, badly directed, badly written, with some of the worst special effects I've ever seen. Honestly, I was very shocked to find out this was made in 1997 as the special affects and cinematography looks like something from the mid 80s. The script is powerful bad filled with many awkward attempts at humor that just hurt thanks to the terrible dialogue and acting. In fact, its' really amazing HOW bad the script is, filled with plot holes that seem like they were making things up as they went along. For instance, the little lizard things (which rank as some of the most powerfuly un-scary creatures than the puppets in hobgoblins), decide to evolve (as they do often in the movie) and become bullet proof. Yet, immediately after taking several handgun blasts to the fact, the creature is killed by being hit by a wooden chair. Huh? Even odder is several scenes later when bullets suddenly start killing them again. The writing also seems to lack any sort of structure. For instance, at one point in the movie the main character warns that, if not stopped, these creatures could grow to be the size of komodo dragon. Based on a line like that, isn't it logical to assume that this genre flick we'd get to see one of these things the size of Komodo dragon by the end of the movie? Apparently not as the things never get bigger than a cat. The movie really drags as well. Every 10 minutes the characters relax and pronounce that they've exterminated the last of them only to find another batch, and another, and another. When the credits finally role, one can't help but ask, "really? It's over? I'm free?"
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Highly entertaining little monster flick.
HumanoidOfFlesh26 October 2004
"Aberration" is often trashed by horror fans,but this film is certainly well-made and fairly entertaining.Pamela Gidley plays a vacationing young girl who comes back to the cabin of her childhood.Unfortunately she begins to hear strange noises throughout the house and her cat is killed.A wandering research scientist working the area meets up with her and they both fight with mutant geckos."Aberration" is clearly not as bad as it's reputed to be.There is a lot of action and plenty of gore,so I wasn't disappointed.The monsters are cheesy looking,but generally they are convincing enough.So if you enjoy watching low-budget horror films,give this one a look.7 out of 10.
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Caught it on SciFi - entertaining and not that bad
mark_gossett25 January 2006
First of all; the rating scale is difficult to use as I recommend the movie (who doesn't love campy, tongue-in-cheek low budget scifi/horror; if you're reading this you do!). I use the scale for the quality of scenes not the movie whole. The acting was OK and at times rather bad. There were some cool aspects and the gore was quite good even though scifi hacked it. Pamela Gidley i've always loved! The lizards looked like a cross between older godzilla movies with a hint of digital animation at times. I loved the setting (cabin in the woods) and the snow. A hot snow bunny always helps. All in all it's definitely worth a rent.
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Was there a sale at the 99 cents store? These lizards look like they came from there...
Theshapeshifter6 February 2006
This movie is about as scary as a Disney movie. With plenty of gore and a weak story line, it is little wonder that it was overlooked by many, but in the end, the cheesiness of the film is what makes it worth watching for many. The effects aren't as good as hoped and the characters are not very believable. The story is that of a pair of people whom (too my knowledge) are stuck in a cabin where there are insidious lizard-like animals which feast on flesh. The monstrous and quite murderous creatures seem to appear as little more than garden-variety newts, but they seem to creep a viewer out in a pinch. The setting is also fairly weak, but it does the trick well for the story. All in all, if you are in the mood for a simple story and moderately simple effects, cast aside "Troy" and watch this.
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Nice creature feature
pkzeewiz21 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A woman goes to her families cabin in the woods to get some free time, and hide away from her dangerous boyfriend with thousands of dollars she's stolen from him. She gets there only to find the old cabin is infested with a new breed of killer lizards. She and her new scientist friend must try to get out alive.

I watched this for the second time and rather enjoyed it. It was set in the woods and also had moments set in the snow and that's two angles I always like seeing in horror films. It did have many of the clichés, that made it cute, like the old man telling her to get out of those woods and also the nice cozy little general store.

Direction was OK and the little creatures were just pretty normal looking lizards, but they were mean and caused a lot of bloody messes, which is good. The music was all from a group called PLAN 9 and they did an OK job too. I really liked the acting in this movie especially from Tim Boswell.

I recommend this to anyone who likes the creepy movies set in the woods or enjoys movies about strange little monstrous animals.

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Aberration, aberration, aberration... why?
Evil Al14 March 1999
Ok, let me start off by saying; IT'S NOT THAT BAD, DAMMIT! Ok, that might be a stretch, it is pretty bad. But I liked it... and I feel extremely guilty for it, so there! Was it the cheesy plot? Super-Evolved killer geckos in what seems to be Alaska (but in reality is New Zealand (What the fuzzy monkeys you ask? So do I). Was it the lack of meaningful nudity when it SO COULD HAVE BEEN THERE (down boy)... or was it the fact that the scientist guy somehow reminded me of Bruce Cambell from Evil Dead II... at least in the convenience store at the end.... with the flaming broom... and he also kinda looked like Brandon Lee from the crow at one point.... don't ask, I was heavily sedated at the time of writing this. What it fails to deliver in actual thrills or scares, it seems to make up for in campy, schlocky, tongue in cheek goodness. While it's not that bad, it's not that good.

But if you've got nothing better to do on a dark and stormy night when the pillars of heaven are shaking and the earth is opening up ready to swallow you whole, and you see this in the video rental place, and you're not sure about it, you just kick back and ask yourself what old Jack Burton might say...

y'know what he'd say?

What the hell?
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Cult Classic Horror Flick
vonohain16 July 2006
This movie is a cult classic with a unique idea for a horror flick --namely fast evolving animals that spit venom and become increasingly difficult to kill. The monsters are obviously low budget, but the acting was entertaining and I couldn't turn the channel once I started watching.

The attractive, tainted hero, Pam Gidley, is hiding out at her mom's cabin in the woods. She is joined by a grad student biologist studying animals in the area. Later her menacing ex shows up and falls victim to the little monsters.

I hadn't seen Pam Gidley before, and wasn't too surprised to find that she's done a fair amount of other work on TV (CSI) and other movies.
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Remember, it's a TV Movie
Reyak10 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I had mixed thoughts about this movie, but remembering that it was a SciFi Channel made for TV movie, the few things I didn't care for can be overlooked.

I love the whole idea behind the lizards. Spontanious molecular regeneration, combined with spontanious evolution made these things quite frightening had I been in the same situation.

There were a few ideas they should have thought of in the basis of these lizards however, like having at least one develop rather large. Normally I wouldn't care, but Marshall did recognize the possibility of a Komodo type lizard right in the beginning,...and Marshall,...they have grown to 13.5 feet, ten was not the largest. Also if they were going to go with the whole evolution thing, taking on traits of all reptiles, as well as amphibians, they could have tried making a few of the creatures warm blooded, so the snow outside would not even be safe.

As far as acting goes, I thought Pamela Gidley was quite good, and made up for poor Simon Bossell, who over played his character very badly. Valeri Nikolayev from The Saint was quite overplayed as well, however, this was forgivable since his character was quite entertaining, playing something of a Russian prince turned wild west gunslinger.

All in all, I was quite amused with this film, and will buy it. No, I didn't find this to be the scariest movie I've ever seen, still, it was quite entertaining. I might even look forward to a sequel, assuming some of the reptiles found a safe haven in Mrs. Miller's car.

By the way, I loved Pamela Gidley's hair.
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The "Aberration" is that I couldn't sit through a killer-reptile movie
Phillemos29 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The horror movie comes to the table with a promising idea -- a new species of lizard runs amok in a small, snowbound Minnesota town (though, inexplicably, this movie was supposedly filmed in New Zealand). Every time one of the dies, the species develops a cockroach-like immunity to that form of death. Therein lies the problem. They only seem to develop that immunity for one scene, then you can kill them any way you want again. Had they stayed consistent with that immunity theme, this could have been a pretty creative, entertaining horror movie. But the producers seemed instead to opt for the "handful of people trying to avoid being killed by monsters while trapped in a storm" direction for this flick, which has been done to death. I also kept expecting the lizards to grow to Komodo-dragon sizes by movie's end, which never happened and was kind of disappointing. And the scene where Uri bursts in to get his cut of the stolen money was absolutely asinine. You could have left that 20 minutes on the cutting room floor and it probably would have improved the overall content. I give this movie a 3, largely because it could have been a uniquely entertaining horror film but they completely dropped the ball.
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A horror-free horror film that moves at a glacial pace.
Troll-912 July 1999
This is essentially a two character movie, starring the extremely attractive Pamela Gidley, and a dork. The "aberrations" are awful rubber lizards, there is NO STORY AT ALL, and for no reason an Antonio Banderas-wannabe shows up halfway through and shoots a bunch of rubber monsters in a direct rip-off of "Desperado". This is dire sludge that only appears on late-night cable, and should stay there.
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Possibly The Worst Monster Movie Ever Made!
Carrigon6 September 1999
Don't waste your time on this one. It seemed like it wanted to be a Boogens clone, but it was too boring to watch. Awful movie. Stupid dialog, totally unknown cast, PLASTIC monsters! JoBob Briggs from MonsterVision can have this movie. Maybe he can make it interesting. This was such a waste of time. Trust me, you can make a better movie with a camcorder and your neighbors with no budget. This has to be one of the worst movies of all time and it wasn't even a good B film. Yuk!
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Dreadful is putting it gently
Markus-4021 August 1999
This is in my all time top ten of the worst movies ever inflicted on an unsuspecting public. Aberration is exactly what its title suggests. The plot concerns an extremely unscarey lizard thing that eats someones cat. All the action takes place in a log cabin to try to create that claustrophobic Alien-esque atmosphere, but fails. Then after an hour some mad man in a designer suit turns up with two handguns looking like a reject from a Robert Rodriguez movie. What was supposed to be going on is something only the cast and director's knew. I actually didn't watch the end. Decided to watch Children of The Corn II instead, which was actually ten-times better - that should show how bad Aberration is.
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Held My Interest
Jimbo-9612 May 1999
I often get distracted watching films. Aberration held my interest throughout the film. It helps that the plot was simple and the cast totaled only five, excluding the cat. I also like my films to feature an attractive woman in some sort of distress. If one enjoys low budget horror films, this film will be a nice surprise. Critics will probably point out the lizards are not compatible with the arctic like cold and snow depicted in this movie. Oh well, this isn't art.
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Could be worse
shellsy10 April 1999
You have to be lenient on the makers of this film, as obviously they don't have much experience making movies. It is also extremely difficult to relate to the main female character who apparently finds some perverse pleasure in snubbing her brand new neighbors, and greeting their attempts at neighborly cordiality only with curt remarks. I actually found extreme pleasure as the grotesque lizard-things tore at her flesh. However, I must grant kudos to the filmmakers for casting a cute boy in the lead, and a gory demolition of a perfectly good easter basket.
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Lifetime Meets Syfy
Peppered_Productions2 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with Amy (Pamela Gidley - "Brigitte" from the Pretender series) driving to her new home with cat and fish. A couple of minutes into her journey, she removes sunglasses and wig. Uh-oh. Either she just committed a crime, or is escaping an abusive boyfriend. Her paranoia upon entering the house indicates the latter.

As she turns into the driveway, she's observed by a scientist (Aussie cutie Simon Bossell) collecting mysterious, goopy samples near the property. Hmm... young, good-looking woman, young good-looking man? What are the chances they'll get together?

As Amy settles in, we meet a couple of the locals. The typical crazy & his dog and the kind general store manager. But, wait - this is a horror film! Let's leave this Little House on the Prairie nonsense & see some gore!

Finally, we glimpse our monster - well, its viewpoint, as it goes after the crazy recluse's dog. Buh-bye Rover. Amy's cat is similarly bothered in the house - could the beast be in her home? Could there be more than one?!?


We finally see the creatures. Lizards of some bastardized origin - they're able to evolve from generation to generation. Thanks, Monsanto! Within hours, the newly born spawn has nifty defense mechanisms against what thwarted their parents.

So, basically it's multigenerational mutant annihilation for our two heroes. A lot of blowing things up, really.

Oh - and that abusive boyfriend? Yes, he makes an appearance. He's an a-hole who enjoys his battle with the so-called "Aberrations" just a little too much. In a combo Lifetime/Syfy flick - he really doesn't stand a chance. A totally hammy performance by Valeriy Nikolaev, but a fun stretch.

The movie is slow-paced, and could've been 15-20 minutes shorter. It also uses some cliché tactics (including the 'thrown cat' trick and asinine, punny lines). The puppets used for the creatures had some good detail, and the 'enhancements' were clever. But, this movie didn't know whether it wanted to be a drama, sci-fi, or horror. It was a little too muddled to fit neatly into any of those categories

Overall, a decent flick with flaws and some major predictability. Editing could have been tighter, but the casting choices were good, and there were some clever shots to impress cinematographers. And the cat? A total PROFESSIONAL! The scenes with the critters seemed a bit campy - like "Gremlins" meets "Munchies". But, still a watchable, if dramatic, romp.
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Not So Bad? No, Not So Good!
john.schneider17 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It is a silly little movie, obviously a really low budget film. The only thing that kept me watching this on the SciFi channel was the lovely Pamela Gidley. Fortunately she was in virtually every scene after I turned to that channel. I imagine her thinking to herself while filming this, "why the heck did I sign up for this film?!?!?! I'd better do the best job I can or I'll never get better roles!!!!" And she turned in a wonderful performance, all things considered. It was a treat just to watch her.

So the best thing by far about this was Pamela Gidley. The most retarded thing about it was the "monsters" themselves, and how the characters could survive time after time their attacks and bites, and how they could almost instantaneously adapt to being attached.

But even all that was worth being subjected to just to watch Pamela Gidley.
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Very fun movie, even inspired me
ViirinSoftworks16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Does the movie have problems? Yes, but I happily ignore them every time I've watched, which has to be more than 20 times now. I love creature feature movies, and I love monsters that evolve as the movie goes on, so I'm probably biased. Hey, I'm always a Blue Mage in Final Fantasy games when possible, so go figure. I loved the movie so much in fact, that it inspired me to make a role playing game where you got to be one of the creatures, though I also expanded it significantly. The role play has run since 2009 (currently the game is on the Escapist and that started in 2011), and seems to be more popular than the movie itself. I thought that instead of starting off as lizards, they'd start as slimes, but as the geckos evolve as they eat other living things, the slimes would do the same. Instead of ending up as geckos, they'd end up as dragons. So, all in all, I loved this movie. If you're able to watch for enjoyment sake and looking at the high concept and not the presentation, then you won't find many movies more fun than this in the same genre except maybe Mimic or The Relic.
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arctic lizards
gpeltz18 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We're talking about, "Aberration, A 1997 movie, Directed by Tim Boxell, and Written by Scott Lew, and Darrin Oura. Spoiler Alert, I will be talking about it, watch if you like, it is entertaining to a point. Then come back and see if I'm on target. There use to be something called "camp". This movie defines it. Suffice to say that my favorite actor was Merlin the Cat, The small but earnest cast tried their best with the comic book dialogue they were given.

OK the story, Talking about targets, Our lady with a shady past, Amy Harding played with spunk, by Pamela Gidley, is one sharp shooter, unlike the dorky collage student, who talks to himself a lot, Played with evolving dumbness, by Simon Bossell as Marshall Clarke. The lad is clearly blinded by Science. These are the main players the rest are just the usual lot of victims, save for the Macho Ex boyfriend that she stole fifty grand from. Uri Romanov played by Valerie Nikolaev. Playing it like he was from another movie. Like a sharpshooter in a gallery arcade Only in this movie they got him shooting pop out rubber lizard heads. No kidding, see these things are suppose to be mutant geckos. To spice things up, they are evolving defenses by the minute. Yep unkillable. Even with Amys amazing twenty one shooter. Mashall is no slouch himself with his thirty seven shooter shotgun,

The movie got everything you want from a low budget production, fitting all the used plot devices they could on a shoe string, and a "figure it out as we go", attitude that dares to take every cliché to heart. Start with the obligatory Bath scene, where Amy is directed to do everything she can, not to hear the monster in the room, want More? Lets see, the Hunter looses his dog, How long will the cat last? too bad,

We get a lot of stomping eggs, shades of "It", They make disgusting squishing sounds, It will drive some fetishist crazy

We also get to see them drive and breakdown twice, in a snowstorm; blinding one moment and clear in the next shot. Keep these guys away from cars or trucks, every one they touch goes Boom. The cinematographer fancies himself working on far more artistic endears The stark whiteouts which is impressive the first time, is repeated eight times throughout the film, likewise the knocking down furniture looking for the rubber tails, three times. The creatures are equal opportunity biters, everybody gets bit. What if it spits in your eye, but you are wearing glasses? You take em off. Lots of Hokey fun here I would give it a, gets tiresome; Six out of Ten ("Oh no, they killed my cat") Stars.
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Tremors it ain't
tamp3 February 1999
Pretty pathetic horror film from New Zealand. Nothing much happens for the first hour, actually nothing happens at all. The lizard type creatures aren't very scary & most of the time are seen all too briefly, making for the nearest bit of furniture to hide behind.

A very poor example of low budget film making
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Avoid this feministic nonsense
Abusimble112 June 2007
The main problem with this movie isn't the plot. It's the fact that the director obviously thinks all men like to watch unrealistic movies showing model-looking females acting like buff men. The other problem is that the heroine never gets any of her hair out of place, while all the guys are either totally buffoons or wimps who are scared of looking under a bed. The plot is actually good. However, the director's insistence that a gun-wielding woman who is able to take on people in a fight who are twice her size, makes the plot bizarre. The viewer continually finds himself trying to explain the plausibility of all the unrealistic feats done by the heroine instead of concentrating on the plot. For those that want some realistic movies, avoid this turkey like the plague!
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