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A Good - If Implausible - Story About Justice In China
sddavis639 December 2010
Overall, this isn't a bad movie. It's a pretty decent courtroom drama - sort of "Law & Order Beijing." It's got a lot of suspense, and it provides a fascinating glimpse of the inner workings of the Chinese justice system. I offer that last point with the proviso, of course, that the star of this movie is Richard Gere, and Gere is known for having a somewhat anti-Chinese (or, more accurately, anti-People's Republic of China) outlook. The view of China presented here is an ominous one - and that's not entirely fabricated. I travelled to China a few years ago. I never got in trouble with the law (thank goodness!) but still when you're walking through Tienanmen Square and a column of Chinese soldiers suddenly comes marching right toward you shouting at you, you know that the basic message (even though you don't speak Chinese) is "get out of the way or we'll trample you!" So, yes, even in completely unthreatening circumstances, there are vaguely threatening elements to being in China.

In this movie, Gere plays Jack Moore, an American businessman trying to close a deal in China, who picks up a girl at a nightclub. She ends up being murdered in his hotel room, he's the prime suspect and it's clear that "the system" has decided he's guilty before he even goes on trial and the court flat out refuses to hear any evidence that supports him and challenges the obviously pre-arranged verdict. How Moore can triumph over this system is the issue.

All that's pretty good. Gere's performance is good. The problem is the "one American man takes on the entire People's Republic of China" scenario. Yes, Moore had a court appointed defence lawyer (played by a young U.S. based Chinese actress named Ling Bai) who becomes increasingly sympathetic to him and wants to prove his innocence, but essentially Moore does it all himself. Even in the courtroom, he essentially takes over the case, questioning witnesses - even when his lawyer is there. That all was a bit too much, and it strained the movie's credibility too far. Still, it's an entertaining and suspenseful if perhaps implausible couple of hours.
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Excellent Acting
whpratt124 July 2006
This film held my interest because of the great acting by Ling Bai,(Shen Yuelin),"Edmond",'05, who is a very educated Chinese lawyer and is placed in a very difficult situation in having to defend Richard Gere,(Jack Moore), "Unfaithful",'02, who is also another lawyer from the United States. Jack Moore gets himself in a very bad situation with a young Chinese woman, he some what falls in love with this gal on first sight and winds up in bed with her and all kinds of problems seem to happen. Jack wakes up and can't remember very much of anything that seemed to have occurred with this young gal and winds up being thrown into jail and having to live like a pig in horrible conditions. Richard Gere and Ling Bai are a great combination, however, the film is rather long and drawn out and intends to become a bit boring.
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Communism comments by Richard Gere
Primtime22 August 1999
Red Corner is quite obviously a comment on the current situation in Red China. Being a good friend of the Dalai Lama and Tibet in general, the "the Chinese government and army are all bad people" argument is what keeps this film going. It could almost be considered a crash course on what is still going on in China today. Don't get me wrong, the film is actually quite well done and has a good story to go with it which makes it more than a two hour CBS special.

The whole plot centers around the Gere character being framed for a murder of a Chinese girl. The girl just happens to be the daughter of an important general which makes Gere's chances of survival all the less. Sure, all of the cliches are built into this film, especially the wrongfully imprisoned man (haven't the 90's been a real haven to these kinds of films ever since "The Fugitive?"). But the plot is still interesting the film throughout and other than a few twists that seemed unnecessary, keeps focus until the end. I never will understand why Gere didn't just stay at the embassy, he must have been somewhat crazy.

The bond between the two main characters starts off very cold and warms until the end with an airport scene that was very fitting. After watching the film you'll know what I mean. The chase scene through the city is very exciting although at times farfetched, but still makes for some good action in between a few dramatic scenes. Even without on screen violence ala American History X or Saving Private Ryan, this film still manages to invoke fear simply knowing that the Chinese will do whatever they please, regardless of human life.

This film only helps to show China as an unhumanitary state with archaic laws and traditions. When one is forced to plead guilty in order to have leaniency directed towards them, something is really wrong. Hopefully this film will open some eyes to the situation and be a catalyst to future change.

7/10 stars.
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This film revealed the Chinese justice system accurately.
kiratechan29 October 2014
This film revealed the Chinese justice system accurately. I am from China. I have experienced the Chinese justice, it favors the rich and man with connections with the officials, they can forge evidence to frame you, and you can do nothing about it disregard your strong evidence indicate otherwise. People here are nothing but slaves to the powerful red machine. Those corrupt officials always get away with it. Maybe that is why the Hong Kong counterparts want universal suffrage to guarantee their rights not being violated. This film tells the accurate story of how the Chinese Justice System works. The party officials control the lawyers and judges from behind and decide the outcome of the lawsuits.
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Romantic thriller about human rights
Luigi Di Pilla4 May 2008
I think nobody else could have played the role of Richard Gere so good as himself. Richard Gere delivered again a great performance as in THE FLOCK. My wife liked RED CORNER a lot because of the romantic touch and the nice music. But I warn you that there are some slow paced scenes keeping anyway high the importance of this message to the audience. Perhaps the running time is a little bit too long. The story opened my eyes again very wide and showed me how the human rights in other countries as in China aren't respected. I hope that this situation will change very soon!

Then I am impressed how many details were integrated in the sceneries to create a real Chinese atmosphere. I saw in a french TV magazine a documentation of the making of RED CORNER. In reality it was filmed in the Californian film studios.

Final vote: 7.5/10.

If you liked it I recommend you to see TEARS OF THE SUN or HOTEL RWANDA.
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Arbitrary Law
jimbo06-925-19789320 January 2018
I came across this movie on Hulu last night by accident, after failing to stream two other movies, and am overall glad I decided to "settle" for it. It definitely could have been better in several ways, but the historical/legal aspect of it, set in transitional 90's Communist China is actually pretty outstanding and memorable. As one other user commented, the Chinese acting is perfectly convincing and even frightening in how realistic it is, but unfortunately Richard Gere's character is a little too...I don't know, idiotic? for my liking. Still, I wouldn't say he single-handedly ruined the movie.

Reading the production notes and trivia on here is interesting to me because it shows how the producers really did capture the reality of what goes on in Red China. I visited all over China and Lhasa, Tibet, right after the olympics and can vouch that the same legal situation still exists there today. In Beijing, we drove by a large, concrete and windowless court-building with the CCP emblem (seen many times in the film, and omnipresent in China in general) and when asked what the building was, my tour guide just responded plainly, "That's where you go to die."

For a foreigner, yeah, it might take a murder or espionage charge to keep you imprisoned indefinitely over there, but for Chinese citizens, many crimes are still punishable by execution without a fair trial, just as the film accurately portrays.

So, if you're into Chinese history or culture, then this is definitely worth watching, even more than once. If not, then don't watch it.
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A look at government oppression in China
hyena-128 October 2001
Like many movies with political/ideological messages, this movie veers into the preachy at times, but the character development is good. Fine acting from Ling Bai. The plot unfolds well and develops and maintains suspense. A fascinating and sometimes chilling peek into a legal system very different from America's.
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Decent courtroom story set in the People's Republic of China
poj-man3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It so happens I caught this flick today on one of the pay channels. It really is an entertaining flick. Flawed in parts...a bit hokey in parts....but still entertaining.

Richard Gere is framed in China and must beat the system to not be executed. How can he win over the government officials as well as a his lawyer and prove his innocence?

The film is well made and well acted. The story line falls down in parts...especially at the end...but the writers have boxed themselves in and have no choice but to pull some chicanery at the end to resolve the story.

The film at least works to develop the characters versus the vast majority of what is produced nowadays.
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A strong and enjoyable film, sadly overlooked.
Rod-5424 November 1999
This is a very well written and directed film with good locations and very good acting. The discourse on the Chinese approach to justice and the potential for corruption in their state-centered society is sharp and, from my experience, accurate. It is delivered as part of an entertaining story with very strong performances by the leads. I like Richard Gere in this, as I do Ling Bai's performance. Their chemistry attracts the viewer and helps us through the difficult issues the film addresses. A must see.
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Another Gere above average movie
kenandraf10 March 2002
Another of those above average movies that Gere usually does.He carries the movie on his shoulders here as he gives us a peek into the "guilty untill proven innocent style" justice system of Communist China.The movie tries it's best to be fair but the screenplay and script are so below average,it comes off as forced.The Chinese actress who played Gere's lawyer was very good and if you are a fan of political court drama or a big fan of Gere,you will be satisfied with this movie.....
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Pretttty Faaaar Fetched
rps-222 September 2006
This film was interesting for me because I had been in China last year. I must say I was surprised to learn that most of it actually was done on a California set. (Maybe that explains why there was no smog. Bejing is seldom free of it.) I also like Richard Gere. But come on guys... The plot is pretty far fetched. I know nothing about Chinese courts. But it's unlikely there is much in the way of Perry Mason law or that a Chinese judge would be intimidated by or even allow American style courtroom histrionics. The mandatory Hollywood "humping scene" is about ten minutes into the film. But it serves a purpose inasmuch it anchors the subsequent plot. Interesting? Yes. Exciting? It has its moments and you just know that in addition to the mandatory "humping scene" there would be a mandatory "high speed chase." There is... With a bike and with a sprint across the roofs. It's an okay movie. But there are too many holes in the plot, too many stereotyped Chinese characters and too little understanding of Chinese culture in which losing one's temper is an unforgivable loss of face.
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Underrated Political/Courtroom Drama
ccthemovieman-18 December 2005
For about a dozen years, it was hard to find too many films Richard Gere made which weren't interesting and well-made. This was no exception. Once again, he "delivers the goods" and is involved in an interesting story.

Gere, a follower, I believe, of the Dalai Lama whom the Communists forced out of Tibet, uses this film to get his shots in at his mentor's enemy. Anyone who thinks this is just a coincidence is pretty naive. Nonetheless, the facts support the film's stark, brutal portrayal of Communist China's leadership. At the very least, it shows a regime unwilling to hear both sides of a story. (Hollywood has often given the same treatment to the U.S. government, showing it more often in a corrupt light, which is ludicrous compared to restrictive Communist China.)

Anyway, Gere really dominates this film, being in almost every scene. This is your basic frame-up-then-prove-your-innocence-in-court story. It keeps your attention throughout although I thought the ending was a bit confusing because things happened almost too fast for the viewer to take in. At two hours, the film could have been trimmed a tad but the lulls in here were not much.

Overall, an underrated film and unjustly criticized by the national critics, most of whom don't like it when communism is bashed.
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A good thriller.
Peach-225 May 1999
Red Corner is a well made thriller, a film that isn't terribly original but directed and acted well. Richard Gere is very good in this film and the direction from Jon Avnet is solid. There are special effects in this film that are near seamless and I was really surprised to find out they didn't shoot this film in China. If you are in the mood for a good thriller, Red Corner is a good one.
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This movie is horrible
terrapins20064 August 2003
This propaganda is boring, predictable, and annoying.

Richard Gere, with his loyal support of Tibetan Buddhism, hates China with a passion. However, his attack of the Chinese judiciary system ends up weak.

The movie tries to ridicule the Chinese system one American hero (Gere) and a Chinese altruistic lawyer (Bai) in a bland film.

True suspense fans will find this movie predictable and boring. People who are trying to understand the truth of the Chinese system will find this one very biased. Chinese audiences will find this movie insulting because all but one Chinese character are portrayed as barbaric, cruel, and malicious in this propaganda.

This movie should be shoveled to a back storage of a 49 cents rental store. It is not worth anyone but Gere's time to watch this pathetic one.
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Very good, exciting, exotic suspense thriller
trpdean3 July 2004
I thought this was wonderful - and can't for the life of me understand the criticisms.

Some seem to be attacking the movie on the basis that it is too hard on China - REALLY?

Ask any North Korean refugee who's been captured in China -

Ask any member of the harmless Falun Gong religious sect -

Ask anyone connected by family ties with those identified as having participated in the Tianenmen Square protests (the protests were actually in quite a number of cities - but television covered just the tens of thousands assembled in Beijing).

No, it's not an "art house" kind of movie - don't expect the slow pace and strange story of something like Farewell My Concubine.

Instead, it's a wonderful Hitchcock-type story transplanted to Communist China - and voila - a wonderful movie that should have been remembered at Oscar time!

It's far better than, say, Hitchcock's Torn Curtain or Topaz - both set in repressive Communist regimes. It's more like a combination of The Wrong Man and North by Northwest - but sexier than either.

Our Welsh friend from beautiful Aberystwyth, Philip Davies, has it about right in his review printed beneath mine.

This is beautifully shot, with wonderful acting in a riveting Hitchcock type movie. Richard Gere is excellent - the politics and scenes of a changing China are fascinating.

I strongly recommend this one.

This is very exciting, suspenseful, romantic - and its depiction of China rings true.
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Paints Itself In
Bob-4513 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
"Red Corner" is more message than entertainment. However, there is much to like here.

POSSIBLE SPOILER: An American Businessman (Richard Gere), negotiating a deal in mainland China, is framed for a murder he didn't commit. He must defend himself in a judicial system which has been designed to convict, not exonerate. His only real ally is his "public defender," who doesn't even believe he is innocent.

The ladies carry this movie. Both the murder victim and public defender have the strongest roles. Gere graciously allows his leading ladies to dominate their scenes. The nature of the story requires Gere to remain passive throughout most of the film. The murder mystery is at once both overly complex and too simple. John Avnet's direction seems sluggish; however this is probably more due to the nature of the plot, which tends to paint Gere and Avnet into a corner. The music is excellent.

A small, but worthwhile, test of patience. See it for the ladies and the music.
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mm-3918 January 2002
This is a good movie, not a great one; What would happen if you where framed for murder, in a strange land with strange laws, compared to your own. Fear is what this movie evokes, Richard Gear feels like an outsider, who is viewed of having western decident values, in a society where his lawyer states the groups importance over the individual in society. Admitance to guilt is considered aceptance of society's morality. This film gave me a sence of reality about communist society, and what its like in the comune part. Its a interesting movie. I read some of the reviews, and did not find this movie offenceive, it showed a side, but was not preachy. With movies like "The Texas Chainsaw Masacure, and Deliverence you see very few people complain that this is a bad sterotype of the south, most people find it a small picture of extremes not confused with the whole south. Thoes two movie went much farther then Red Corner.
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It was better than I'd expected
Snapesnape19 July 2000
While I work at a video rental shop in 1998, I had the chance to see this film several times, but I didn't. I'd thought it would be boring to watch, and heard some negative rumors that this one has made based on bad prejudice about China.

a few days ago, it aired on National TV, but I missed first one hour. Luckily it aired again today, watched it with full attention. I don't know what circumstances the China faces now, but this movie is acceptable.

I must admit, I really liked this movie. I was very attracted to Ling Bai's performance, I don't know what it was, maybe it's comes from her charm of her inside. and Chemistry between Gere and bai was so warm, powerful. I'm not a Richard Gere fan, but felt he was great and attractive for the first time. Yes..I also love their airport Good-Bye scene. so touching.
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Trite Fun and Very Quotable
RED CORNER may not be a brilliant movie, but it's still a fun movie that makes you at least FEEL like you're watching an important movie on US/Chinese foreign policy. But, what I like most about it is the amusing, often hilarious quotes screamed by Richard Gere. Here are some of them for your amusement.

"If I had my passport, I wouldn't need asylum."

"You've already nailed my coffin."

-"You are in contempt!" -"I'm in contempt, what are you going to do? SHOOT ME TWICE!?!"
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Not Just Crying Wolf
Adorable21 July 2005
Not well received back in 1997, this film deserved a much kinder evaluation, and in light of present geopolitical and commercial developments even appears to have been prophetic.

But of course hindsight's always easy, and since most people who reviewed Red Corner eight years ago never lived in mainland China, it was likewise not highly probable they would see it through the same jaded, seasoned eyes. And in fact, it helps to be experienced in China living when watching Red Corner, for much of its deeper mannerisms only become apparent if you know how and when to look for them.

For example, Richard Gere (as subtle and low-key as usual) portrays Jack Moore, a US-based business person willing to forego ideals and politics in order to enter the much vaunted mainland market, hyped up to be the best thing since instant noodles, when in fact like everything in life, it too comes at a price. When time arrives to sign a large media contract, Moore wants to pause and assess particulars by the book. He also notices China's newly-found penchant for blunt nationalism (oops, "patriotism", done nicely by a scene where he gauges club-goers' vehement reactions to a coaxing DJ), and doesn't quite feel good about his local contacts (including excellent veteran James Hong).

But as a simple mortal, Moore joins a gorgeous catwalking model (Jessey Meng) at his hotel room for a night of brief pleasures. Brief, because the next morning begins with him dragged away by Beijing cops who, having found the girl's dead body in the room and her fresh blood all over him, proceed to assume the American guilty.

Now, Red Corner's not a racist film. It doesn't fall into obvious stereotypes, nor does it contain any racial slurs (or profanity at all). Asians aren't made to be villains, just as the uncaring US embassy staff do not in any way represent the Western contingent. Having said that, the movie doesn't shy away from painful issues. It clearly conveys xenophobic attitudes found among mainland people and authorities, as many who've lived there can attest to. Of course, not everyone's like that, and competent actress Bai Ling (The Crow, Anna and the King) does well as Moore's honest, crusading defense attorney, Shen Yuelin, during what quickly devolves into a kangaroo court.

Meanwhile, Red Corner shows the abusive treatment our protagonist's subjected to, often to the point of endangering his life. When asked, Shen Yuelin's assistant says that Moore's frequent beatings are simply "because he's a foreigner", a familiar sentiment to non-Chinese residents of the mainland.

Similarly, the Americans involved in this legal fiasco wish to distance themselves from aiding Moore, as doing so might work against commercial interests based on sheer greed. Thus Red Corner preceded its time by faithfully showing how global factions are willing to play along just to get that great juicy carrot dangling from a stick most don't want to acknowledge. As of 2005, companies like Microsoft and HP openly pursue a policy of appeasement when it comes to China, willingly accepting political strings attached to what are supposed to be mere commercial activities.

And if you don't consider all that a sign of the film's credibility, how about the fact that mainland authorities quickly moved to ban it and prevent its cast and crew from entering China? Just for its attempt to challenge an authoritarian mindset and stand for free expression alone should Red Corner be applauded.

Additionally, it's a mostly believable project from start to finish, accurately sampling many of China's social staples through concepts such as "guanxi" (connections) and "da ge" (basically a nickname for somebody more respected than oneself), yet doesn't make any claims of exotica, while steering clear of clichés (save for Yuelin living with her kindly old grandmother). There's one scene showing Yuelin speaking to a police official in English so as to avoid making him "lose face", which is utter nonsense of course (probably the actor doesn't speak Chinese).

Moore himself speaks just a bit Putonghua (standard Chinese), as do many of the business people and newly-arrived in mainland China. Again, familiar from real life, as was the interaction between him and the locals. Beyond that, for something made almost entirely in California, Red Corner passes for Beijing with very few glitches (vehicles sometimes don't look authentic), featuring ample attention to detail and an atmosphere faithful to the original. Certainly, some footage was covertly shot in Beijing itself, yet due to the government's disapproving attitude, production had to relocate back to the States. All in all, Red Corner also plays it fair, going to show that China does have judicial systems with a potential to work as well as any others. It makes a point of addressing the mainland's criminal code, and court hearing procedures all appear in detail. Plus, eventually the truth does come out, and while it's pretty obvious who dunnit from the get go, this isn't the main point here.

The point is a warning against oppression wherever it may be and whatever form it may take, and a cautionary note regarding the perils of blind opportunism. Just because somebody promises you a gilded prize for playing by their rules doesn't mean those rules stop applying once the prize is obtained, if at all. And if we're not careful, there won't be too many reviews of this critical nature in times to come. Relations with China, as with any other nation, should be equivocal and based on standing for your own values, not another's, and that means not compromising liberties and freedoms standing at the very core of enlightened, progressive society. Like Red Corner's tagline says, leniency for those who confess and comply, severity for those who dare resist, that will be our downfall.

Rating: * * * *
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Slightly underrated
TobseTobse9 November 2019
Richard Gere, known for a great incompetence to act, has grown out of himself in this movie. This is probably the only movie with Richard Gere worth to be watched.
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psyctc18 April 1999
Smug and dull, Gere brings no sparkle and no real fear or tragedy and no-one else does any better. Most minor parts simply one dimensional, certainly not simply xenophobic but somehow no better than that in its dull thoughtlessness and passionlessness.
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A great movie, but no one has seen it!
Tiger-711 November 1999
After I saw this movie, I had to see it again. Most likely it was because it was on HBO and I missed the first thirty minutes. I'm glad I rented it though. It is a great movie and I would have wanted to see it again anyway.

It was sad though. I spoke with many of my friends after seeing it the second time and told them about it. They just looked at me and said, "Red Corner? What's that?" I was sad that most of my friends have never seen such a great movie! Gere and Bai's performances were wonderful! It is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I hope my friends eventually see it and if you haven't, you should.

********** - 10 Stars
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Too much Hollywood, but a rather enjoyable thriller nonetheless
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews28 December 2005
I remember watching the trailer for this... I've seen it more times than I've bothered to count, since it's on several films I have on VHS from that period(and I *love* trailers, I rarely surpass any chance to watch them). So the trailer for this film was in my mind for a long time before I realized what it was about or even what the title was. To this day, I can pretty much remember the entire trailer, despite the fact that I haven't seen it in at least three to five years. I believe this was the first place I ever saw Gere, and I know it was the first place I saw Bai. I don't know when I first saw this film, or if I did, really, before tonight. I had a feeling of deja-vu through some scenes, but if I have indeed seen this film before, it certainly can't have made much of a lasting impression on me. Whether that is the fault of the film or merely a sign of me having a quite low interest in political matters in my younger days, I leave up to debate. The plot is quite well-written, and mostly realistic and plausible, if a bit aimed at the Chinese legal system and the people in general(I realize that they and their system is a Communist one, but this does seem a tad over the top, exaggerated). The film also contains a bit too much Hollywood for an otherwise quite realistic depiction of another country's court and legal system, one that is in stark contrast to that of the American system. Some forced(granted, the chemistry is most definitely there), not to mention quite unlikely, romance, a chase scene, etc. The pacing is solid. The acting is top-notch. The writing and direction are marred by obvious sinophobia - hate and fear of China - and a lack of objectivity when dealing with this subject. The writer obviously did extensive research into the culture and court system for this film, but unfortunately, these truths are mixed with preconceptions and prejudice of said system(and possibly of the culture as well), making for a skewed perspective of the reality of the Chinese courts and prisons. The cinematography and editing are quite impressive, not too flashy but intense and effective when the occasion calls for them to be. All in all, a pretty good court-room thriller with all the elements, but the anti-Communism just seems a tad too extreme. I recommend this to fans of thrillers, Richard Gere and politically themed dramas... just watch out, or you might get caught in the maelstrom of blind hatred towards China. 7/10
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Best propaganda movie since "I Led Three Lives"
smoak23 January 1999
Lord, not defending the Commies in China, but this movie had all the subtlety of a moving van. When you get Hollywood wackos pushing their own causes, as is our star, you get hackneyed bludgeoning such as this. AVOID!
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