The Doom Generation (1995) Poster

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Its a bad movie in a really good way
marygoround223 December 2004
The Doom Generation is an art film trying to please the audience that its making fun of. It has gratuitous violence and is pretty much a soft core porn. The dialog is poor at best. But these are the things that make it a "good" film. The movie is basically taking to task generation X, I mean there is after all a character named "X" who leads the two other "innocent" characters down the road to hell. The gratuitous violence is suppose to highlight the characters apathy toward fellow human beings. In the string of murders and violence that ensues the only time the 3 of them show remorse or concern is when they hit a dog on the road. They end the dogs suffering and bury it! And Amy says something to the effect of "Life Sucks".Out of all the human death they only show concern for themselves and the effect it will have on them, i.e. getting caught, but they all suffer for the poor dogs death. The sex, voyeurism, partner swapping etc. are just examples of more apathy and general selfishness-if it feels good do it. But your not even sure if it feels good because towards the end when the climax of violence is happening nobody seems overly upset that the sex has taken such a bad turn. Maybe Perry Farrel's earlier cameo is to get you to keep in mind the Jane's addiction lyric "... sex is violence"? Any way I could ramble on maybe I'm so brimming with insight because the first time I saw it I was high and then on finally re-watching it I was truly frightened by how many friends I have fit the film's stereotypes
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Highly quotable 90's cult flick.
SlashedProductions5 May 2023
A quirky comedy (?) that takes a dark turn at the end. I can't quite tell if The Doom Generation is good or bad. Regardless, I quite enjoyed this wonky ride of a movie.

It contains very questionable acting and pacing but this movie is undoubtably entertaining and begging to be endlessly quoted. That dark ending really comes out of nowhere with very little build up. But it showcases that we live in a society, mannnn.

When all is said and done I can't quite say this is a masterpiece but I also can't say I didn't enjoy myself. A cult classic indeed, and one that kinda needs to be seen to be believed.
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Never Seen Anything Like It
cocaine_rodeo16 August 2001
This was one of the strangest movie I've ever seen, but at the same time, one of the most meaningful. This was a good movie. There was a sadistic violence, a bunch of sex scenes, vulgarity, more graphic violence, more sex, a three way, and an incredibly sad, tragic ending.

If you are able to look past all this (many people cannot, mind you), than you will see a good movie about three teenage tortured souls cruising along the urban pits of Los Angeles, who run into a crazy clerk with a shotgun, a crazy drive thru attendant with a shotgun, a nasty blonde with a sword, and some really scary Neo Nazis, who all think Amy Blue is someone else.

Rose McGowen is Amy Blue, the sexy, angry, speed taking, tough as nails lead character, James Duval is Amy's naive, stoner boyfriend Jordan White, and Johnathon Schaech was Xavier Red, the crazy, dangerous, kinky, and violent source of trouble. If you have a strong stomach, and don't mind harshly sad endings, check it out, but be aware, because you might get grossed out and leave (I almost did). 9/10
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A movie that was meant to be bad yet ended up being good.
mute8s27 June 2002
Well at first glance this movies seems to be a piece of trash and not made very well. But if you can keep enough of an open mind and pay attention to the work that actualy is put into this movie. It is obvious that's what they meant to do. So inturn its quite a well written and acted movie. This is definitly one you should see if you are into dark sick humor. Quite an interesting sequence of events. :)
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Welcome on the road to Hell!! This is Araki's world
Coventry13 May 2004
The opening credits claim this is a `heterosexual' movie by Gregg Araki… Now that statement is still open for discussion. Something that isn't open of discussion is the fact Araki created one of the meanest, most good-looking pieces of trash of the 90's! Imagine yourself a lesser-hyped version of `Natural Born Killers' and exclude that last bit of political correctness. It seems like Araki was testing how far he could go…and then cheerfully exaggerated some more. The Doom Generation is a speed-driven and absurd road movie against all forms of good taste. A young couple, accompanied by a trigger-happy madman, faces the most eccentric situations and deal with the most extravagant characters. The film contains a lot of violence but even more absurd and demoralizing humor, so the whole thing never really becomes disturbing or provocative. Lots of naughty language and nudity, though! Rose McGowan's character Amy is the closest thing to a cult/trash queen we saw in the 90's and her naked body is always a joy to behold. James Duvall (sort of like Araki's lead in his entire teenage-alienation trilogy) is terrific as the confused teenager with the `whatever' attitude! Gregg Araki's visions are downright brilliant from time to time. Many people don't seem to think so (just check the other comments around here) but his film is extremely stylish and a perfect portrayal of a pop culture generation. Heck, even his colorful slang – which includes a whole dictionary of genitalia synonyms – alone is worth the effort. The Doom Generation is one the most special films of the past decade and it really deserves the cult-followings it developed over the years. Check it out if you're open-minded, not quickly offended and not faint of heart!
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A Good Gen X Teen Natural Born Killers Type Film
Zanchin3312 September 2018
This is the first Gregg Araki film I got into. I heard the amazing soundtrack before I had even seen the film which I bought on CD.

The story follows the lives of drifting young adults who are in a wasteland that resembles modern day America wreaking havoc wherever they go. The group encounters a bunch of crazy characters from Nazis to hobos to crazy shotgun wielding convenience store clerks.

Some of it's cheesy and low budget. It's certainly not as good as Natural Born Killers but the movie is good in it's own way.

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Mr. Superbad10 October 1999
Bad acting, no plot, pointless, generic, with poor-excuses for unmotivated sex scenes. If you have nothing worth living for, or feel like throwing your life away, watch this movie. I have no idea what people see in this movie. If you have a choice on watching this movie, or a video of a root canal, choose the root canal.
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a cool, detached, nihilistic and artful take on human existence
TomC-59 May 2000
Gregg Araki's THE DOOM GENERATION is reminiscent of everything from MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO to THE RIVER'S EDGE to TRUE ROMANCE to the experimental films of Pasolini, of Warhol (Morrisey), as well as of Richard Kern. The film reveals its thematic message when the most innocent and selfless of its three main characters asks the other, more self-centered, two if they ever think about the meaning of existence. Dismissing the very question, they reveal to the questioner an answer of sorts, one which suggests that we each create a meaning for ourselves, and are all existentially alone as we do so.

While offering us a rather slight story of a pair of teen lovers on the road who encounter a slightly older bisexual who becomes their nemesis, companion, lover and protector, THE DOOM GENERATION offers a great deal of visual style and wit, and some genuine moments of suspense. In fact, the film's gory and discomforting climactic scene is perhaps the artistic highlight and suggests some real filmaking talent by writer/director Gregg Araki. This is probably not everyone's cup of tea, but is worth a look for those who like a film which challenges them to react to strong imagery and who don't mind transgressive depictions.
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Is this a Natural Born Killers Sequel?
Angeneer13 June 2001
It definitely seems so and as most sequels, it's worse than the original (and keep in mind that Natural Born Killers is no masterpiece). Doom Generation wants desperately to be cool, but most times it gets plain dumb. Some nice angles and cuts make the direction the most interesting part of the film. Don't look for a particular message, there's no such thing inside, even if the trailer wants this to be a 90s landmark (which raised my expectations and subsequently the tone of my criticism). The producers resort to the refuge of the uninspired, sex and violence, to make the film bearable.
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Sex. Mayhem. Boredom. Pathetic rebellion.
Dantès12 November 1998
This is one of the most monumentally pointless movies I've ever seen. Many have said that this is a dark look at youth, or that it is a daring indie film, and similar diagnoses. However, it's really just a movie for all the Beavis and Butthead fans out there, for whom plenty of sex and a bit of gunplay makes a film.

The utter trashiness of this movie is found in the whole 666 gag. Whenever the protagonists purchase something at a store, the bill totals $6.66. That basically sums up this movie's ambition to be daring and rebellious, but exposes how pathetic these attempts are.

Everyone who has branded this movie as dark and daring probably just read the tagline.

Maybe that's what makes this movie so 'daring.' I suppose that, in a way, making a pathetically bad film is daring, especially when you put your name on it.

Simply put, watching this movie is a painful experience. Hopefully it will claim it's rightful place on the bottom 100 before long. However, maybe that's too good for it.
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A rush.
scarylion26 February 2002
Wow. What a film. This highly enterntaining, slick, fast movie, requires multiple viewings. The more you put in the more you get out. The story is a simple one. A teenage couple, sick of the world, pick up a drifter after a concert at quite a metaphorical venue. They then get dragged through murder, drugs, sex (Highly un-erotic), ya know, the usual. The dreamy, surreal visuals are a delight, and the symbollic use of colours and light are mind-blowing if not hypnotic. Please dont be disgusted, during the first viewing, instead look between the lines, where you will find the truth. I highly recommend this film to anyone who like to ask 'why?'.
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Psychotic but great.
critic_king5 June 2002
The Doom Generation completely blew me away, from the first kinetic moment, to it's supercharged and ultra-violent ending. Two teenagers, Amy Blue and Jordan White lie in their car pondering the meaning of love and life when Xavier Red jumps into their car and starts the first of a string of violent happenings. The three embark on an immoral road trip through America, driving wherever the road takes them, and punctuate their journey with brutal murders, and kinky sex. Eventually, they get what they deserve when they run into a gang of crazy nazis.

The Doom Generation features some terrific performances by three very talented young stars, Johnathon Schaech, James DuVall and Rose McGowan (who was brilliant in Strange Hearts and equally enticing here). Generation X director Gregg Araki delivers a gruesome but entertaining look at what can happen when three potentially dangerous teenagers can do when they get very, very bored. The film is directed with a glossy feel and atmosphere, adding to it's overall fun. However, some scenes take it too far, and even I couldn't sit through it without wincing, and I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of people have threwn up while watching it.

I give it 2.5/4
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Peerlessly Awful
TrishaYuki21 March 2002
Three pinheads ride around in a car, stop, kill some people, get back in the car and drive some more, stop, kill more people, get back in the car, repeat ad infinitum. With so much sex and violence, you would expect to find something enjoyable in this piece of cinematic flotsam. But the egregious Gregg Araki has succeeded in making a film about sex and death that is excruciatingly boring.

Two of the aforementioned pinheads, played by James Duval and Rose McGowan, pick up a third pinhead on the side of the road. He is a hitchhiker named Xavier and the film makes it very clear that he is supposed to be cool and sexy. However, he is really just the same brand-name subculture bad-boy that you can purchase at any Stock-Characters-R-Us Superstore.

Anyway, with their trio of stooges complete, our heroes go on a killing spree. They also stop at a hotel between murders to have sex, breaking up the monotony of the monumentally monotonous story. They are entangled in a bisexual love triangle, and the film makes it very clear to us that it is all supposed to be very risque and exciting. Er, yeah...

I will admit that I didn't finish watching this film. After the third killing, I realized I had seen all there was to see. The plot plays very much like a broken record. First, they stop in a convenience store. They kill the Asian man that works there. His severed head lands in the fresh produce, but continues to talk. How droll. This scene is supposed to be funny, or shocking, or campy, or something like that. Actually, it is silly and amateurish, and the talking head is laughable. They then move on to a variety of other locales to kill a variety of other people. There is no plot, simply the same scenario repeated. The violence fails to every really shock the audience, which is a shame, since they could probably use a good jolt to keep them from nodding off.

I can forgive a film for having no plot. The problem is that The Doom Generation fails in all other aspects, as well. The characters are unbelievable and poorly conceived. The acting is overwrought. The cinematography and special effects are of the cable access variety. The dialogue is positively atrocious. The script tries to be funny and shocking, but it will induce more groans than chuckles or gasps.

It is difficult for me to fully capture in words my contempt for this excremental train-wreck of a film. It is so transparent about what it wants to be: shocking, sexy, and funny, yet witty and satirical at the same time. How far The Doom Generation fell from its lofty goals.

Is it sharp social satire? No. Is it acerbic dark comedy? It's not funny. Is it avant garde pulp drama? I don't think so. Is it crap? Bang on!

It is very rarely that I fail to finish watching a film. But watching The Doom Generation is actually painful. It is my pick for the worst film of the 90's, and a strong contender for worst film of all time. If you last long enough to see the end credits, I commend you on your iron resolve. Either that, or you cheated and used the fast forward button.
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Select audiences will love this amphetamine-fueled trip through the badlands of mid-90's teen (angst) culture
burntime-114 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Asian-American director Gregg Araki's first "heterosexual movie" (as the opening credits declare) is a lurid, drug-fueled romp about teen angst, sex, voyeurism, murder, consumerism and homophobia. It's also a lot of fun, in an ironically kitsch, acquired-taste sort of way.

At the time of its 1995 release The Doom Generation was firmly entrenched as part of the 'new queer cinema' (a movement which sought to break down notions of 'normal' heterosexuality through transgression and subversion rather than through polemic statements). The film sets out to explore a sexual dynamic that lies well outside the traditional boy-meets-girl (or even boy-meets-boy) structure of 99% of American movies, but it does do with its tongue firmly planted in (between) cheek(s).

The plot is extraordinarily simple. Teen couple Amy White (Rose McGowan, best known as small screen witch Paige Matthews from Charmed) and Jordan White (James Duval, more recently seen as Frank in cult film Donnie Darko) accidentally save the seductive, psychotic bisexual Xavier Red (Jonathon Schaech) from a violent gang of homophobes (played by members of industrial band Skinny Puppy) before throwing him out of their car a short time later. The trio meets again later that night at the scene of an accidental convenience store murder, forcing them into an uncomfortable intimacy as they flee the scene of the crime. Before long this intimacy develops significantly, in scenes which display a truly erotic frisson.

The film is deliberately trashy, satirizing western culture's love of consumption and surface beauty while simultaneously commenting on the homophobia underlying traditional macho braggadocio. It's also influenced by such classic genres as the road movie and the horror film, in particular taking the horror movie's obsession with bodily penetration and perverse sexuality (as typified by the likes of Alien and The Fly) to occasionally shocking extremes.

With its garish, adolescent energy and deft ear for teen culture's dialog and self-obsessed behavior, not to mention a too-cool-for-school soundtrack of mid-90's alternative bands (as well as a cameo by Janes's Addiction's Perry Farrell among others), Gregg Araki's The Doom Generation is an occasionally infuriating but wildly entertaining sex-murder romp whose ending is all the more powerful for the light tone the film has previously employed.

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Apocalypse Soon: The History of The Doom Generation
Tromafreak20 August 2010
Now, here's a fine example of hard-hitting, 90's Exploitation. Brought to you by Gregg Araki. The Doom Generation is a gritty, super-dismal, often hilarious tale of murder, betrayal, and sleaziness. We begin with a young couple, hanging out at a club, Amy Blue (meth-head), and Jordan White (pot-head). Amy is a vindictive little nightmare, who's just looking for an argument. And Jordan, well, Jordan doesn't do a whole lot of thinking, but is a good guy, who loves Amy, despite her personality issues. Amy and Jordan take it to the car, so they can lose their virginity, but are soon interrupted...

Meet Xavier Red (killer), X for short.

Xavier rudely enters Amy's car, rudely demanding she start driving so that he may live, rudely insulting her, subtly insulting Jordan, but he doesn't mind. Amy on the other hand, is about to blow her top, but at least she has someone to argue with now... no wait, he just went too far. Alright guy!! Out of the car.

Later in the evening, the teenage, odd couple are rescued by their new pal, X from a trigger-happy, convenience store clerk. after X literally blows the mans head off. They all 3, right then and there, decide to take a road trip together, leaving behind everything. The night sure is going to hell, but at least Amy has someone to argue with again, that's what's important. It doesn't take Xavier long to make his intentions clear, with Amy, and despite the fact that she despises him, she's all for it. They don't try all that hard to hide this from Jordan, but it's cool, Jordan doesn't mind, "X seems like a nice guy". Amy doesn't mind Xavier's insults, Jordan doesn't mind that the man is sleeping with his girlfriend, and no one seems to be all that bothered by the fact that X kills someone every time they stop somewhere.

The Doom Generation is harsh, and mean-spirited, and can be ugly, at times, just a swell movie, probably Araki's best. The religious, and apocalyptic metaphors won't go unnoticed, and neither will Rose McGowan, as a foul-mouthed teenager, with a chip on her shoulder, with James Duval's performance making her seem even worse. Some things occur, seemingly with the intention of confusing us, but that's OK, confusion only makes this seem more like exploitation from decades past. For something slightly similar, check out Nowhere... which reminds me, if you ever see both these movies, you might notice that it would be a much better fit if they switched the titles, just a thought. Although, The Doom Generation is deeper than it may seem, it's still a grim good time, with no redeeming qualities, Generation-X-ploitation. 9/10
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A bleak, surreal adventure.
great_sphinx_427 July 2001
Scaldingly angry and hateful, this is the tale of a trio of young people on a roadtrip to hell. Amy Blue and Jordan White are a teenage couple who have been dating "a really long time"- 3 months. One night Xavier Red jumps in the backseat of Amy's car and leads them on a mad, illicit journey through Greg Arraki's twisted vision of young America. Much has been made of the 'excessive' violence and sex this movie has, but that very excess is part of the point- that pointless excess has led the youth of America down a path where death barely registers, and intimacy doesn't at all. Greg Arraki *likes* these 3 characters. He grieves for the innocence they never even had and the love they try to fashion from the bloody shards of their hearts. And he rages at the widely held and ever-so-patriotic belief that regressing back into intolerance is the answer to America's problems, especially in regards to the young. Maybe he's looking for a third option, one that actually does children good, rather than oppressing them or leaving them to run wild in an irresponsible world. Rose McGowan once stated that Amy, with her sharp tongue and wounded eyes, is Rose herself at 15. Like Amy, Rose suffered a horrible childhood and because she put her fury and pain into her character, any 15-year-old girl who has suffered at the hands of those who are supposed to protect her can relate. Jordan is just adrift. He finds that Amy is having sex with Xavier, and he dismisses it- a soft, honest "whatever, Amy." Xavier plays demon-imp, tormenting and tempting Amy and Jordan headlong into their bleak, surreal adventure. Ultimately this story is Amy's, and the story is about isolation- hence Amy's whispered, matter-of-fact assertion at the beginning that "there's just no place for us in this world", her attempts to connect with both boys in the only way she knows how, and then her unseeing stare at the end.
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The Quintessential Film of the 1990s
gavin694217 April 2013
Jordan White (James Duval) and Amy Blue (Rose McGowan), two troubled teens, pick up an adolescent drifter, Xavier Red. Together, the threesome embark on a sex and violence-filled journey through an America of psychos and quickiemarts.

While this is probably not a good movie, it holds a certain nostalgia value for me. Gregg Araki really struck a nerve with those coming of age in the 1990s who had an interest in the Gothic an industrial music scene. With the inclusion of references to Nine Inch Nails, Ministry and Skinny Puppy, it was perfect for that demographic.

The 1990s had a nihilistic undertone that was not seen in the 1980s or 2000s, leading to such films as "Seven", "Dark City", and the popularity of Tim Burton and David Fincher. This fit in that trend easily and possibly propelled it. The follow-up, "Nowhere", similarly fit in, catching the tail end. (The trend essentially died with "The Matrix".)
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The worst film I've personally seen
porterismmovement5 August 2007
I don't object to the sex or violence, or even the characters' reactions to the situations they find themselves in. What bothers me is I get the sense that the story(?) is secondary to Araki's attempt to have The Doom Generation create the same iconic cultural buzz that Pulp Fiction did the year previous. It's obvious so much time and energy was spent perfecting the crazy/sexy/cool look and feel of the movie, that the story, acting and the (cringe-inducing)dialog were duly sacrificed to achieve some kind of pop culture statement. The problem is that Araki's commentary on the younger generation was so exaggerated and trite it turned me right off and muted any semblance of plot or characterization that remained. Araki comes off like someone who has very little inherit understanding of the generation he's trying to be the mouthpiece for. Xavier licks ejaculate off of his hand, but the only reason why it exists is to 'freak out the hetero squares'. The film bursts at the seams with content that exists only to shock. The trouble is, it has a hard time even doing that.

The truly sad thing is, this movie was not without potential. The premise was interesting, the look was good, but if we were given just one more good element, it might have been a watchable film. As it stands, the movie spins its wheels in the mud -- making a lot of commotion, but ultimately never going anywhere. The dialog, I'm convinced, was written solely with the purpose that at least one of the put-downs or sarcastic comebacks would somehow become a popular catchphrase amongst the hip gen-x crowd. Same with the 666 thing. That kind of gimmickry might accentuate a good film, but it also makes a bad film worse, because it comes across as pretentious and self-serving.

As a film about the generation of which I'm a member (I was nineteen when this came out), I don't know if I should feel insulted or embarrassed for Araki. One thing's for sure, he should be embarrassed about making this sleazy schlock.
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Awesome movie..... if you are slightly askew
sugarbee36023 February 2005
I am a big fan of Gregg Araki's movies especially the trilogy this movie is a part of. My friends and I have even assembled our own little cult following for it. It is for sure a twisted and perverse movie but at the same time it has a message and funny all at the same time. I would only recommend this if you are into shocking, graphic commentary on our society and can stomach violence and sexual deviance. Now since the waring is out of the way I want to say i think this movie is genius and i love the WTF? feeling you get after watching this and the other two movie in this series (Nowhere and Totally F***ed Up). If you do watch this movie and don't like it the first time I suggest you watch it again, i promise after the initial shock you will see the art behind it all.
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Rose McGowan's best film
matlock-66 July 2000
This is the best film I have ever seen McGowan in. The acting is superb and the script is quite well written. The plot finds a couple teenagers doing the usual rebel without a cause thing, but the trouble they manage to get themselves into and then extricate themselves from makes for a fast paced and very watchable film. I love Rose McGowan, I think shes one of the most talented young actresses in Hollywood today, but a lot of her work is somewhat disappointing. She can obviously act, but ends up in awful cheese flicks like "Jawbreaker". Hopefully, in the future, she will be considered for a greater variety of parts, as she does have the tools.
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By far, the worst movie I've seen.. and I've seen quite a few
blakeh3 October 2001
I'd love to post a lengthy dissection of this film, but to be quite honest, it doesn't deserve the bytes. Simply horrible, this film fails on every level. The plot devices that are meant to be shocking, simply come off as silly. The characters (apparently meant to be angst-ridden and deep), instead come off as absurd, shallow, and plainly boring. Everything from the actor's line delivery to the plot itself inflicts excruciating pain on any audience that has even a shred of intelligence. Avoid this one if your IQ is in the double or triple digits.
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cofemug21 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This movie rocks. I had been wanting to see it because I had heard it was good. I couldn't find the unedited version to rent, so I hadn't seen it until this year. We watched it in my Film and Video class here, and I loved it. I seemed to be the exception to the rule, however. I'd say about 97% of the class disliked to downright hated this movie. Why did I love it, and everybody else hate it?

I loved it because I could see it for what it is. It was a movie made for high school kids, and it looked and felt like something a high school kid would make. It was chock full of swearing, sex, violence, and crude humor. There was no plot. But, it obviously had a budget, and became a satire of itself. In fact, it could be seen as being a movie that force feeds sex, language, and violence (all the things that high schoolers may think as cool) to kids and shows them that it is not cool.

The movie was downright hilarious, and the repetitiveness got hilarious. Everything was run straight to the ground. And it was all so over the top that you couldn't believe that they actually went as far as they did.

The movie, in my opinion, truly grasps the Goth mentality in all of its glory. Disaffected, removed, and yet sweet in a way, with extremes running through it all. The one thing that this movie is not is nihilistic though. Somebody referred to it as "nihilism for nihilism's sake." How is this different from the stylistic nihilism of Pulp Fiction? Not to mention, they did not fully grasp the movie.

*SPOILERS SPOILERS* In this movie, they are at first shocked by the death, and show more emotion for the dead characters. "Why do you have to kill someone everytime we stop somewhere?" They feel sad about killing the dog, and give it a burial as well. The ending is also shock in that, if you even semi-cared for the characters (which should be the nature of film), you felt sad for them, and was shocked by the scariness of the violence and oppression of them. It had emotions through it about violence, making it not nihilistic. The ending could also be seen as mourning and dealing, as Amy doesn't reply to the final question.

The sex issue was treated with unemotion because sex is seen as detached from love. Sex is sex. It is a pleasure. That's what its seen as in this movie. It could be heterosexual or homosexual, but it is just sex. The ending could be seen as the repression of homosexuality by the all-american norm. *END SPOILERS END SPOILERS*

So, I say if you can handle ultra violence, and rampant language, and disturbingly close sex, run to the store to see this movie (if they have the unrated version). Otherwise buy the unrated version. I did. This is a great movie. Hilarious and entertaining with a message, unlike some other modern movies.

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Not a complete waste of time...really
themarina19 August 2004
So this may not be the greatest movie ever made, heck, I'd be surprised if it was seen by more than a couple of thousand people, but it is an example of the excesses of the 20th century. Only a movie made after the 1990 could exhibit such violent, gruesome and disgusting scenes and still be made.

I can't quite remember what the story line was because I'm still trying to (3 years after watching it) get some of the mental pictures out of my head. From what I can remember, this is a road trip movie about 2 kids who pick up a 3rd and travel cross country getting themselves into trouble with a bunch of people along the way. Doesn't sound too bad but there are some bad, bad scenes

6/10 simply because it IS so obscene
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The absolute worst movie I have ever seen.
brybug5 June 1999
TO EVERYONE WHO READS THIS STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOVIE. The acting wasn't good, there was no plot, and it was pretty gross. I was told it was supposed to be about a bunch of teenagers' ride through hell, unfortunately this is how the viewer feels.
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