Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor (1994) Poster

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The cheese drips from the screen.
roh322023 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just purchased Kickboxer 4 on DVD as a double feature with Kickboxer 5 and I must confess that my expectations were not high. Kickboxer 4 once again stars Sasha Mitchell(Kickboxer 2&3) as David Sloane and is directed by Albert Pyun(Kickboxer2&Cyborg) The first thing that struck me about Kickboxer 4, is its low budget and amateurish quality.

The movie begins by giving a rundown of the previous Kickboxer movies and quickly establishes how David Sloane was framed by his enemy Tong Po and sent to prison. It isn't long however before David is approached by the F.B.I and given a chance to seek revenge against Tong Po by entering Tong Po's one million dollar prize fight tournament.

In a silly subplot David's wife has been held prisoner by Tong Po for two years, so once David is accepted into the tournament, he sneaks around Tong Po's Mexican villa searching for his captive wife.

The dialogue in this film is pretty worthless and the film's only redeeming feature is the fight scenes which are frequent but fairly inferior. The most defective part of this film, is the character playing Tong Po. It isn't the same actor from Part 1&2 playing the part and I must say that the bad make-up job to make the actor resemble Tong Po looks ridiculous and completely laughable.

I don't recommend Kickboxer 4 to anyone, unless you're in the mood for pure cheese. I give the film 2 out of ten and even that is being generous.
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Only good for a laugh.
The Bronson Fan20 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers are here. Where can i begin with the the Kickboxer series. To start with there should not have been a series. The first kick boxer was a fun watch with Van Damme while the ones that followed were boring and for the most part stupid. They continued with yet another brother that also had no family resemblance to Van Damme or his movie role brother Eric (jerry curl) from the first film and dished out enough bad acting to that each movie became progressively more funny. So in kickboxer 4 we have David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell) in jail for killing someone while he was a DEA agent and is now getting a chance to get Tong Po who has now taken his wife and managed to change into another actor, establish a base in the Mexican desert and runs a huge drug operation there. The DEA deside rather then storming the base they send David to enters Po's lame tournameant and get Po. eventually making it into the place he meets and annoying female fighter and some other guy there to help him and get his wife back. There are many fights in between all very boring, especially the female....very dumb. After having to put up with her acting you will be begging for her to be killed. David manages to have a fight about 20 feet away from Po and he does not recognize David, probably all the fake eye make up. David is found out and ends up fighting Tong Po in a very stupid fight. David gets his wife back and Po runs off to go produce The Legionnaire...nuff said. I have seen 1-4 and this is probably ranked 3rd among them. As i did only watch this when its on tv. The fight scenes are bad and the acting is equally stupid. Among other things Tong po's make up is the best part of the movie. He was not played by an Asian guy so the eye make up they put on him is worth the watch alone. While watching this i almost positive that this tong Po was no match for david, who is much bigger then him. Only the music was good in this cheap flick. I'll give it a 4 out of 10, at least it makes you laugh.
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Worst makeup ever in a movie award for Tong Po's head
bhusebye27 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I guess there could be a spoiler here as if you could spoil this movie anymore. Pathetic and thats just the movie. I like the series but come on pay some more bread and get the last villain back in. I mean his head was REALLY bad can you say rubber shower cap with hair? Hit him in the head and the whole back of the latex wiggled wth were they thinking? Who did the makeup? I don't want to know. Guess they didn't have much CGI or CAG back in 94.

I didn't mind the fight scenes, some of the fighters being the BEST of the BEST were slower then snail snot. The women fighters were not all that believable. I cant see them taking out a few of those guys but its a movie after all. Its really hard to come up with positive stuff for 10 lines for this movie. They didn't bring back the trainer except for one or two past movie shots where they showed what went on before.
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Unbelievably funny, hard to believe it wasn't intentional.
aloep27 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I'll start with what the film actually does right. Some of the fight choreography isn't bad and the editing is better than usual for Albert Pyun, the New Mexico locations look nice and the overall production values are much better than usual for Albert Pyun as the picture is clear and colourful, there are a couple of basic stunts (not well used however) and Sasha Mitchell does the best he could possibly do given the material surrounding him.

Now for the rest, it was full of so many things which simply made say "Huh?" or had me in hysterics that I don't know where to start. The villain who goes by the name of "Tong Po" in the previous Kickboxer movies wouldn't return in this. For a hack director in a schlocky B-movie, that is no problem. Attempt to use stock footage and then get a double like Ed Wood did with Bela Lugosi for Plan 9? Nope, although Pyun did do that with Snoop Dogg in Urban Menace and The Wrecking Crew, he has gone one step further. This time, he has hired a new actor to take his place and applied ridiculous makeup to make him look like the original actor. The result looks like like somewhere between The Joker from Batman and a Thunderbirds puppet and looks even more funny when he's standing outdoors and his skin is red with sweat, but his face remains a light yellow tone. If you are familiar with Pyun, he often uses close-ups of the actors faces in his movies, often so two characters who are not on set at the time can be edited together to look like they're in conversation. He continues that trend in this, and the "Tong Po" character is seen in close-ups several times, revealing how truly bad the makeup is and making me laugh harder than I have at a movie in a long time. Not since I saw Anna Nicole Smith in Skyscraper have I laughed through every single scene one character has been seen in. And when he tries to act scary and threatening, don't get me started. Let's just say he's as scary as a fluffy little bunny rabbit. I really felt sorry for the entire cast who had to act around this character and pretend to be taking him seriously. And what makes it even funnier is that exactly the same weak plot could have been executed with a new villain. There was absolutely no reason why Tong Po had to be part of this plot. Much of what little budget there was seems to have been spent on a pointless and completely ridiculous barroom brawl. Michele "The Mouse" Krasnoo is sitting there minding her own business drinking a can of Coke when a bunch of rednecks come and pick on her. By amazing coincidence, at just the right time Sasha Mitchell comes and saves her. Now my first impressions were "Huh?" when I saw this. Krasnoo was 19 when this was filmed but looks about 15. Now just why was she sitting in a redneck bar to drink a can of coke to begin with? This scene is where Pyun has used what budget he had for stunts it seems but he has no idea how to use them. For example, the biggest stunt is when one of the rednecks gets thrown through a window (which shatters like plastic) and when he stands up about 3 metres away from the bar, a van comes driving up about 20 MPH and launches him through another window back into the building. Now why would a van be moving at that speed while only a few feet away from the building unless the driver was unbelievably careless while parking? It reminded me of the exploding car in U.S Seals which drives into an area where a tank is causing having at about 50 MPH. Truly stupid. And after being saved, Krasnoo's character is extremely obnoxious and unthankful to Mitchell for saving her. And just when you thought it couldn't get any more stupid, it turns out she is also a fighter and is entering Tong Po's tournament. Which now leads me to her performance. Not content with one hilariously bad character in the movie, we now have another one. You will get better line delivery from your average computer voice generating software program. Not only that, but in fight scenes with grown men who are mostly over a foot taller than her, it looks silly and unconvincing. I have no doubt she has skills and definitely has great flexibility, but this film does a very poor job in demonstrating that. Not all the fights are bad however and there are some decent ones, but Pyun ruins any excitement they may have had with bad camera angles and turning the camera towards the spectators or "Tong Po" at awkward moments.

Overall, this is awful but I think anybody with the right kind of humour must see it as it's yet another example of film-making at the bottom of the food chain. I will give it that I found it absolutely painless to sit through unlike some of Pyun's other "movies". If you are after an exciting martial arts flick, then stay away. The climatic fight scene is especially funny, where Mitchell and the so called "Tong Po" battle it out on top of tables and after losing the battle, our plastic faced friend runs away leaving it open for another sequel. Yay! It hasn't happened and after the final product of Kickboxer 4 and the fact there's already been a 5 with completely new characters, I can safely say it won't happen. But to think that Pyun thought this was good enough to make another sequel and that his "Tong Po" was convincing enough to return doesn't say a lot for the intelligence of his target audience.
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Worst movie ever....
boglar8 December 2007
I still wonder who gave this movie more than 1 point...

The plot of this movie is horrible, all that memories in the begging. And that worthless efforts of movie makers to link this crap with first van Damme movie... Junk.

Tong Po? You gotta be kidding, right? When I was five, my friend had better mask at the elementary school carnival.

If you hate someone, recommend him this film.

It is really strange that Sasha Mitchell remained in the business after this crummy Kickboxer series.. Always when I saw him in Step by step a remembered him in this lousy movie.
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jim-56018 July 2000
Unquestionably one of the worst films I have ever seen. Awful does not begin to describe the acting, dialogue, plot or fight scenes.

Terminally putrid, disastrous, a flop. I loved it.
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Sasha should have passed on this one...
AndyVanScoyoc18 February 2003
Unlike a lot of people, I thoroughly enjoyed "Kickboxers 2 and 3" and think that K3 was better than all of them. However, they should have stopped at 3 and never tried to do another.

The cast was abominable, with the exception of Brad Thornton as Lando Smith.

Kamel Krifa as Tong Po was terrible and his accent even worse. The makeup job they did on him to make him look somewhat Po'ish was terrible at best. Did the make up artists not bother to look at him under the camera lighting or even face to face to see how their makeup job looked?

The fighting was the only good part about this movie with the exception of the annoying as nails down a chalkboard, Michelle "Mouse" Krasnoo.

I have read that she has won 200 grand first prizes for her martial art and I find that hard to believe unless her competitors were either terrible beyond comprehension, or she had no competition. As a martial artist myself, doing Wah Lum Kung Fu (for those of you not familiar with it, it is the true Kung Fu that they did in China before it was outlawed)and having seen terrible, watered down martial arts from the pathetic "art" they call some forms of Kung Fu that is allowed to be taught in the United States now, (Wah Lum is difficult and taxing at best when done correctly, hence it is not that popular because it actually requires hard work)to musical forms of Karate, I found her forms sloppy, slow and terribly executed. I have seen better from kids in the under 13 divisions at tournaments I have participated in. There is no way she could have beaten any one of those martial artists on even their worst day, as easily as she did, with what she did and the fact that they tried to make it so, was laughable at best.

Other than Michelle's terrible performance, not only in acting but in her martial forms as well, the rest of the fight scenes were well executed and enjoyable to watch.

I was very disappointed that Sasha Mitchell was not able to showcase more of his fighting. He is an accomplished and highly skilled martial artist and the fact that he was not allowed to show more of what he is capable of, alongside some of the great fighters that were in this movie, was regrettable.

However, I still think Sasha Mitchell is far too talented an actor and martial artist to have wasted his time on such a poorly made movie as "Kickboxer 4."
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this movie is funnily bad
salndean11 July 2001
I can't say I watched the whole thing but I caught bits and pieces on TV one day. It was really funny without trying to be. Tong Po is awesome, his face looks plastic or like he's wearing to much makeup and he definitely plucks his eyebrows. If it's on TV, check it out if only for a few minutes for laughs, otherwise stay away.
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Some good fighting; otherwise garbage
gridoon12 October 2005
At first, I was hopeful: here is an Albert Pyun movie about a fighting tournament that DOESN'T involve cyborgs or post-apocalyptic wastelands, so there will be fewer distractions from the fighting. Tough luck: Pyun finds a way to screw it up again, with ridiculous one-man-defeats-twenty brawls, gratuitous nudity, inexplicable and laughably out-of-place sex scenes, torture, etc. The movie picks up only during the tournament itself, WHEN Pyun remembers to keep his camera focused on the fighters, that is. As others have said, the guy who plays Tong Po wears so much eye makeup that he looks as if he just stepped out of a "beauty" saloon. Michelle "Mouse" Krasnoo shows potential, however; I wouldn't mind seeing her again, in a better movie. (*)
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Sloane versus Tong Po! Will this be the final battle?
Captain_Couth2 July 2004
Kickboxer 4 (1994) is a down beat tale starring Sasha Mitchell. He's the last of the Sloanes (the two brothers from the first Kickboxer). A series of events have left Sloane in disgrace. His only saving grace is his beloved wife. The nasty Tong Po is back and he took Sloane's old lady. Now, he's on a mission. To find his wife and uphold the family's honor. Will this be the final battle between Sloane and the mean and nasty Tong Po? Check this one out!

A fun film. Not a great one mid you but a watchable one. I wouldn't go out of my way looking for a copy however. If you love the Kickboxer series or a Sasha Mitchell fan then this one's for you.



The pint sized kung-fu fighter is a cutie.
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Jsimpson517 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
May have Spoilers:

I got this move as a double feather that had Kickboxer 3 on the same DVD. Sasha Mitchell return again as David Sloan, but seem to be a little darker toned than before.

This time he has to save his wife from Tong Po, by entering a brutal tournament.

The fight scenes were good, but some things really hampered this movie from being something special. One the person who played Tong Po in Kickboxer and Kickboxer 2, is replaced by someone else who wears a heavy amount of makeup, that make his look like he is going to vomit all the time.

The one liners are back, and the bad camera angles also return, where a fight is going on and the camera changes to look at someone else who is not fighting.

Speaking of fighting, the fight scenes are really good this time around, although there are some fight scenes that could have been better.

This movie had lots of potential, but bad camera angles, and some bad miscasting also lead to problems with this film.

I watched it because I like Sasha Mitchell, and I was bored.
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One of my favorites
LosAngelesLegend11 October 2006
I like this movie as cheesy as people may think it is. C'mon what did you expect out of Sasha Mitchell? An Oscar performance? these are the types of movies that your dad will watch on the action channel or just find at the local Wal Mart in some bargain bin. These movies aren't expected to rake in some bank at the box office so get over it. They're supposed to be down to earth bad. You're a fool if you expect something like this to be very good.

There's a lot of action in this movie, and a lot of fighting. The plot is as simple as it gets, infiltrate the enemy base as a world fighter who's invited to a tournament avoid getting seen and rescue your wife from the nemesis. For those who trashed the movie Double Dragon, ha ha Kickboxer 4 would've made for a nice Double Dragon replacement. It's a far better movie with the same kind of story as in the video game.

Tong Po spits out one of my favorite lines of all time in this movie. It's when he says and the way he says, "One MILLION Dolla!!!" LOL Seriously every time my friend and I are gonna attempt a 3 point shot from somewhere, or a long shot in basketball, try to touch a high point and jump, we always refer to Tong Po's "One Million Dolla!" line. Priceless. Tong Po takes the beating of his life at the end of this film. Loved it.
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Victory over the aggressor...
fmarkland3211 June 2006
In Sasha Mitchell's final series appearance, Kickboxer 4 emerges as the most enjoyable sequel due to it's sheer ridiculousness which make this prime guilty pleasure material for fans of this kind of thing. I myself remember this entry quite well, I remember seeing this on the USA channel some night back in 1995. At the time USA was running an "Up all night" program which played cornball movies (Not unlike this one) and featured a nasal voiced blonde bimbo delivering her would be observations on the world. So naturally the audience knew what they were in for. Now 11 years later (After I bought the 5 pack)Kickboxer 4 is easily the most blissfully stupid of the series which I for one appreciate. The biggest problems with # 2 and # 3 were that they A)took themselves seriously B)Had little kickboxing. Kickboxer 4 comes through in spades in the fight department. There is so much karate chopping and brutal action that I couldn't help but smile. Aside from that though, Kickboxer 4 spins it's stupid plot with a a deadly serious tone which of course makes the ridiculousness even more apparent and therefore adds to the fun factor. Plus Kickboxer 4 is one of the most surreal movies i've ever seen.

* *1/2 out of 4-(Pretty good)
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bronsonskull7224 June 2004
Sasha Mitchell returns as David Sloan who this time is in Prison serving a manslaughter charge, when he's by the DEA to assassinate Tong Po (Kamel Krifa) , Naturally Sloan accepts since Po has kidnapped his wife, many fightscenes ensue in the best sequel of the series.

Indeed it's hard to really compliment Kickboxer 4 on really anything since it's all very by the numbers, however that being said Kickboxer 4 at least offers more bang for the buck, the story is leaner and meaner and Sasha Mitchell has thankfully dropped the whole sympathetic edge of his character.

Besides it's hard to hate a movie where Krifa's make up looks like it's constantly melting, or when Mitchell walks in on a man and two women having sex. Plus some of the actionscenes are pretty exciting.

2/5 Matt Bronson
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the plots stupid, but who cares?
Snowman_Mcknives30 March 2005
many compare hardcore action films like this to porn: you get some action, you get some poorly written dialog, you get some action, poorly written dialog, and so on. as it is with this, but the action is great. Sasha mitchell is surprisingly good, doing a decent impression of someone playing a leading man, but it's his high kicks we want to see, and we get them in spades.

Before i go any further, you should know that this is the sort of film where the plot is put on hold for a few minutes so that the hero can fight a bar full of bikers for no apparent reason, where going and picking a fight with another bunch of bikers in a very public display is the best course of action when trying to infiltrate a tournament anonymously. OK those facts are out of the way.

the plot is some sort of nonsense about a tournament (because apparently former Thai kick-boxers can very easily set themselves up as drug kingpins with nothing better to do than organize tournaments) Tong Po is back, albeit played by a different actor, and the former Goro from Mortal Kombat lookalike has discovered the joys of speech, unfortunately he speaks in an annoying whiny voice. but he is played by an impressive martial artist as compensation, who soaks up damage in the final fight until he fights the hero, one again one of those things. but who cares? the martial arts are a very good standard for a low budget, dodgy film with a no name lead (more or less), and feature some very well done, quite brutal, fights
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slowly dying
SnoopyStyle10 July 2023
David Sloan (Sasha Mitchell) is in prison after a frame job. Tong Po is still seeking revenge and regaining his honor from the Sloan family. He kidnaps David's wife. The DEA is looking to take down Tong Po who has become a top drug kingpin in Mexico. They send David. Tong Po has a fight tournament.

Tong Po looks weird. He's definitely wearing a head cap and the eyes are bad. I know they're using a different actor, but they really shouldn't do that. The best part of this movie is opening which recounts the earlier movies especially the first one. That says it all. Michele Krasnoo plays the main side character. The issue with her is that she starts by losing her fights all the time. Everybody is laughing at her. I don't mind that the five foot nothing fighting expert has a role in the movie. It may be better if she is Tong Po's prisoner forced to fight. This franchise is losing traction even as a B-movie series. It is slowly dying.
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Why bother
russelledgar11 January 2022
This is possibly the worst of the series. Fight scenes are shockingly bad and sasha Mitchell looks like he doesn't want to be part of it. Why would they even bother to make this film.
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Who plays Tong Po
jlobos6520 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I though this movie was rather cheesy by the fact that it was Jean Claude Van Dammewho played Tong Po in some rather very bad make-up effects. This movies only saving grace is it was graced with the adorable Michele "The Mouse" Krasnoo. Michele "The Mouse" Krasnoo entered her first tournament at age ten and received her black belt at the age of thirteen. Since then, she has become one of the most popular competitors in tournament history, her size (5 feet) and high pitched kiai inspiring the nickname "Mouse". She is recognized by the National Black Belt League as a world champion, Winner of well over 300 first place trophies in major competitions, Michele "Mouse" Krasnoo reigns as one of the top tournament competitors of all time, and is also a rising Martial Arts action film star.

I give movie a thumbs up for Michele "The Mouse" Kasnoo. Thumbs down for the movie.
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Is what it is
robborockstar20 August 2021
More wooden actors in this that you see in a forest. Over the top but what do you expect? Sometimes you just like to see a guy battering everyone.
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Underrated kickboxer sequel my second favorite in the series
ivo-cobra811 September 2017
I like this film I always liked this film with Sasha Mitchell because it is an action sports tournament movie. It was far improvement over the last badly film Kickboxer 3: The Art of War it wasn't melodramatic like was the second film, it was a martial arts film I have so much to talk about this film. It is my childhood film I watch it so many times in my childhood till high school till even now. The first Kickboxer (1989) with Jean-Claude Van Damme is my favorite Van Damme film it is a classic and the best one martial arts films. This in my opinion it is a worthy follow to the first one it isn't dramatic like was the second one this film is different from the last two movies and that a good one. It is a good stylish action sport film of the 90's in my opinion.

Why in my opinion this movie is good: we see the flashbacks from the first movie in which Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dennis Alexio appeared as the real Kurt and Eric not an other actors who imitate both of the brothers in sequel Kickboxer 2: The Road Back. I love the cast in this film I love that is shot in New Mexico in which the story is set and I mostly I love it is a mixed martial arts tournament.

The movie was beautifully entirely shot in New Mexico in which the story takes place. The prions scenes was entirely shoot in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in Penitentiary of New Mexico in which the real cell inmates were in those scenes and they worked extra to help making this movie. In which Sasha Mitchell is in prison he is with real cell inmates not actors. In the street fight in which Sasha Mitchell is fighting and shows his martial arts Muay Thai skills fighting two opponents you see a lot of motorcycle gangs and you see Sasha Mitchell driving with another motor biker and in a roadside bar when Sasha stops you see another bikers those were a real bikers called Hells Angels they worked also as an extra and they helped by making this movie. There is no wire, no fake, no shaky cam all real actions and real fights. The fight scenes are unbelievable and realistic most of the film is realistic and I though it is a good movie. For the fight scenes the choreographer was excellent and all fights were for real. How all I know that? It is because I read the description in VHS cover 14 years ago.

We have a wonderful cast in here: Sasha Mitchell returns the third time as David Sloan. Actress Michele 'Mouse' Krasnoo is in this film she is a weapons expert, a 2nd-degree black belt in Tang Soo Do, and a retired competitive-karate champion I liked her in this movie. This movie also has Thom Mathews my all time favorite actor who played Tommy Jarvis in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives in here he is Bill the bad guy and the second hand of Tong Po (Kamel Krifia), he is so beautiful in this movie. Director Albert Pyun returns for the second movie to do another Kickboxer movie and the last one.

Great music score music from Anthony Riparetti that I really like and the action and fights are real and really insane.

Sasha Mitchell does all his stunts by him self you can see there is no stunt double for Sasha Mitchell that's great. David Sloan kicks the sh** out of Tong Po!

The movie isn't perfect it also has problems: so the problems and flaws: Kamel Krifia is not believable enough as Tong Po and I was also disappointed at the end by the movie the fight between Tong Po and David Sloan on the end on the table you can see that is not Kamel Krifia it is his stunt double doing his work. Michel Qissi should return in this movie and he should do his stunts like he did in the first two Kickboxer films in that I was disappointed. Why is suddenly David Sloan married? It makes no sense to me because in the last 2 Kickboxer movies he wasn't married and he didn't had a girlfriend at all it makes no sense to me. Deborah Mansy as Vicky wasn't that beautiful enough I would get a better actress and more beautiful actress to play David's wife. I also I wish David's wife wouldn't be in this movie at all she should be cut.

David Sloan must travel to Mexico to save his wife from a savage drug lord who's also an old nemesis.

Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor is my second favorite movie in the series and in the Kikcboxer franchise. I still wish I would had this movie on DVD for the collection because on Blu-ray wasn't released. The score get's C- 6/10.

Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor is a 1994 direct-to-video release martial-arts film directed by Albert Pyun. The film is the fourth entry in the Kickboxer series. This was the last film to star Sasha Mitchell, who reprises his role as David Sloan.

6/10 Grade: C- Studio:Kings Road Entertainment Starring: Sasha Mitchell Kamel Krifia, Nicholas Guest, Michele 'Mouse' Krasnoo, Brad Thornton, Jill Pierce, Thom Mathews Director: Albert Pyun Producer: Jessica G. Budin Writers: Albert Pyun, David Yorkin Rated: R Running Time: 1 Hrs. 30 Mins. Budget: $400.000
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A good entry to Kickboxer
Rautus27 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Kickboxer 4 is a pretty good film but does have a few bad points, for starters Xing Chow, David's trainer isn't in it meaning some of the humour gone but that makes this sequel a little more darker so that makes this different and that's okay. Second the character of Tong Po (Kamel Krifa) is changed from a tough fighter that only says a few words to a man that talks more and has some make up that doesn't look too real although the actor playing him is good.

The film sees David Sloan locked in prison for murder but it seems he was framed by Tong Po who has also kidnapped his wife Vicky, David is soon let out of prison if he can take Tong Po out. David enters Tong Po estate for a tournament where the best fighters challenge each other for a huge amount of money, meanwhile they are free to wounder the place and sleep with Tong Po's women who work for him. But David is only interested in defeating Tong Po and saving his wife Vicky from him.

The acting is good from everyone and the fight scenes were cool, each contestant has their own fighting style so that adds something interesting to the film. Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor is a good martial arts film.
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Kickboxer 4 is a pleasant surprise.
tarbosh220007 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At the start of this installment of the Kickboxer franchise, we learn that the dastardly Tong Po (Krifa) has framed David Sloan (Mitchell) and sent him to prison for a crime he didn't commit. As if that wasn't enough, Po kidnapped Sloan's wife. The DEA then approaches Sloan with an opportunity to get Tong Po: enter his underground Martial Arts tournament under an assumed name and take him down from the inside. Sloan agrees, mainly so he can find and rescue his wife. So he goes to Mexico where the tournament is being held, and he ends up meeting a spunky female fighter, Megan (Krasnoo), but also has to contend with Tong Po's ruthless bodyguard, Bill (Matthews). Will Sloan finally defeat Tong Po and bring his wife to safety? Find out today! Kickboxer 4 shows us a more serious, more adult David Sloan. Gone are the carefree chuckles and bright, multi-colored Zoobas. Now he wears toned-down plaid shirts and never cracks a smile. Albert Pyun, as he always does, creates a black hole of happiness where no fun can escape. But that being said, this is one of the strongest Pyun movies we've seen to date. It has a nice pace and maintains the viewers' interest with a variety of different methods.

The movie opens with some clips from the previous three Kickboxer installments. There are even a few spoilers, so watch out. But now, Tong Po has gone through a hilariously absurd evolution: in the first movie he was simply a Thai kickboxer, but now he's "the most powerful drug lord in Mexico". How you make a job transition like that, we can't figure out (nor do we want to). And let's not forget that this movie came out in 1994, at the height of Mortal Kombat-mania. The tournament set up by Tong Po bears many similarities to the classic game, and in case any of these were lost on you, Po even says at one point, "finish him". But perhaps the most stunning aspect to Tong Po's reinvention is that he's now...wait for it...a record producer! Imagine him in the control room with your band! We wish this angle was expounded upon more, and not just mentioned in a throwaway line.

As far as the DEA giving David Sloan a secret identity, the name they chose for him, "Jack Jones", isn't going to win them any prizes for originality. Unless they're trying to confuse Tong Po, making him think the British pop singer from the 60's is now a Punchfighter. Sloan spends a lot of the running time of the movie sneaking around the compound looking for his wife. He even dresses up as a ninja to do so. But if he really wanted to blend in, he'd wear a wildly-colored button-down shirt. Whoever chose the shirts for the goons in the movie is to be applauded. They're one retina-singing eyesore after the next, and they look like if Jackson Pollock designed a line of Cosby sweaters. But Tong Po's "shirt patrol" literally are one of the most colorful aspects of this movie. Like how tennis matches have ballboys, Po's death fights have colorful blobs drag the beaten, bruised and dead bodies off the court.

Interestingly, one of the fighters has a Dacascos shirt, and he was to take up the mantle from Sasha Mitchell in the next and (to date) final installment, Kickboxer 5 (1995). Could that have been foreshadowing? But as for the movie as a whole, clearly Pyun learned something about fighting movies after the horrendously awful Bloodmatch. Sure, a lot of the fight scenes could have used some music, and Pyun does seem to have some sort of allegiance to Thom Matthews, but on the whole, Kickboxer 4 is a crowd-pleaser. Seemingly against all odds, Pyun pulled off a decent movie this time. We've got to give credit where credit is due.

So if you're ready to see Cody, er...I mean David Sloan back in action one more time, you just might find that Kickboxer 4 is a pleasant surprise.
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Oh no!!! The worst of the series
AlbertV7920 September 2002
All movies series has to have a really bad entry and this is by far the worst of the Kickboxer series. First of all, how did David Sloan end up working for the DEA and when did Tong Po become a drug lord? This is absolutely ridiculous. Even worse, Michel Qissi is not back as Tong Po. Oh, granted, Kamel Krifa is a terrific martial artist (saw him on an episode of Baywatch) but he just didn't fight the role of Tong Po as well as Qissi. The only thing that's good in this film is the fight choreography, where the fighters use different arts (David and Tong Po are Muay Thai, Thomas is Jeet Kune Do, Megan is Tang Soo Do, another guy Capoeira). That's pretty much it. Other than that, really lame story!!!!
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Extremely awful Tong Po but film is just good
nims-197528 February 2022
Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor is definitely not as good as Kickboxer and Kickboxer 2 : The Road Back starring Michel Qissi as Tong Po. The Tong Po (played by Kamel Krifa) is extremely awful in this film. In this film he's got lots of make up on and his eyebrows are very thisck and jet black colour like he's wearing a lot of womens eye liner. In Kickboxer and Kickboxer 2 the Tong Po (played by Michel Qissi) was lethal, very dangerous and very scary looking but in this one the Tong Po(played by Kamel Krifa) looked extremely awful. David Sloans wife was kidnapped by Tong Po and taken to Mexico. David was accused for a crime he didn't commit but when he was out of Jail he had to travel to Mexico to find where Tong Po had kidnapped his wife and rescue her from the evil Tong Po. The fight scenes were good in this film but besides Tong Po in this film being an extremely awful one there also was something missing in this film which the film lacked compared to Kickboxer and Kickboxer 2. Sasha Mitchells acting as David Sloan was very good but unfortunately this was not a very good film or in between very good and excellent film or excellent film it just was a good film because it lacked things in so many ways.
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This movie was banned
rossrobinson1 June 2004
Kickboxer 4: The Aggressor i think is a good movie, although it's an 18 and worst of all, the movie is banned and is banned to this very day, i did enjoy some of the scenes that was put into the movie. I absolutely think that the original Kickboxer movie with Jean Claude Van Damme is totally the best because he was the one that started it all in the kickboxer series and he was totally 100% class in the movie. I think he is a fantastic actor, he has done great movies. The guy that played David Sloan, i think he's a good actor as well, after the first kickboxer movie, Sasha (His real name) starred in Kickboxer 2: The road back in 1991, then in 1992 he starred in Kickboxer 3: the art of war, the 2 years later Kickboxer 4: the aggressor was released in 1994, and then it was pronounced that the 4th kickboxer movie was banned because of the gory violence that was in the movie. I give Kickboxer 4, 7 out of 10.
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